107 research outputs found

    Internship in revenue management at Pestana

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Economia do Turismo e Desenvolvimento Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016Este relatório é composto por duas partes: revisão da literatura e descrição das atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio no Grupo Pestana. A revisão da literatura focalizou-se na aplicação de Revenue Management na indústria hoteleira. Foi analisado o enquadramento conceptual do Revenue Management e discutido o processo de recolha de informações úteis para a implementação prática do conceito, tanto em termos de aspetos técnicos como no que diz respeito à forma como as práticas inerentes são percebidas pelos potenciais clientes. A revisão da literatura identifica as condições do mercado que não são favoráveis aos hotéis como uma limitação para o uso de estratégias de gestão de receitas e realça as oportunidades que devem resultar de um melhor tratamento da informação baseado na experiência e na tecnologia. O estágio decorreu no departamento de Gestão das Receitas do Grupo Pestana e teve a duração de três meses. O Grupo Pestana é a maior cadeia de hotéis em Portugal e está estruturada em torno de três segmentos distintos: Hotéis Pestana, Pousadas de Portugal e “Luxury”. O estágio diz respeito apenas os dois primeiros segmentos. O objetivo do estágio foi desenvolver conhecimentos sobre a utilização das ferramentas necessárias para a gestão de receitas, perceber a necessidade de um gestor de canais, e entender as diferenças entre os dois segmentos estudados, Hotéis Pestana e Pousadas de Portugal. Tanto na revisão da literatura como no estágio foram identificadas várias dificuldades relativamente à realização de previsões seguras e à obtenção de informação de feedback. As soluções preconizadas realçam a importância cada vez maior da tecnologia neste processo de facilitação do desempenho do gestor de receitas nos hotéis.The present work is composed of two parts: a literature review and the internship report. The literature review is focused on the application of Revenue Management to the hospitality industry. The priority is given to the collection of information useful to the professional practice of Revenue Management, which concerns both the technical aspect of performing Revenue Management and the comprehension of how Revenue Management practices are received by the potential customers. The review identifies the conditions of the market, who are not favorable to the hotels, to be a limitation to the use of Revenue Management strategies and stresses opportunities come from a better treatment of the information made possible by experience and technology. The internship takes place in the Revenue Management department of Pestana Group for a duration of three months. Pestana Group is the largest hotel chain in Portugal. Its hotel activities included three segments: Hotel, Pousadas of Portugal and Luxury. The first two are presented in this report. The goal of the internship was to learn to use to tools necessary to Revenue Management, perceive the need for a channel manager, and understand the differences between the two branches Pestana Hotel and Pousadas of Portugal. The review of the literature and the internship both point out the difficulties in obtaining accurate forecast and feedback information. The solutions found in the review of the literature and experienced during the internship was to rely more on technology to facilitate the role of the revenue manager

    Elf-1 and Stat5 bind to a critical element in a new enhancer of the human interleukin-2 receptor alpha gene

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    The interleukin 2 receptor alpha-chain (IL-2R alpha) gene is a key regulator of lymphocyte proliferation. IL-2R alpha is rapidly and potently induced in T cells in response to mitogenic stimuli. Interleukin 2 (IL-2) stimulates IL-2R alpha. transcription, thereby amplifying expression of its own high-affinity receptor. IL-2R alpha transcription is at least in part controlled by two positive regulatory regions, PRRI and PRRII. PRRI is an inducible proximal enhancer, located between nucleotides -276 and -244, which contains NF-kappaB and SRE/CArG motifs. PRRII is a T-cell-specific enhancer, located between nucleotides -137 and -64, which binds the T-cell-specific Ets protein Elf-1 and HMG-I(Y) proteins. However, none of these proximal regions account for the induction of IL-2R alpha transcription by IL-2. To find new regulatory regions of the IL-2R alpha gene, 8.5 kb of the 5' end noncoding sequence of the IL-2R alpha gene have been sequenced. We identified an 86-nucleotide fragment that is 90% identical to the recently characterized murine IL-2-responsive element (mIL-2rE). This putative human IL-2rE, designated PRRIII, confers IL-2 responsiveness on a heterologous promoter. PRRIII contains a Stat protein binding site that overlaps with an EBS motif (GASd/EBSd). These are essential for IL-2 inducibility of PRRIII/CAT reporter constructs. IL-2 induced the binding of Stat5a and b proteins to the human GASd element. To confirm the physiological relevance of these findings, we carried out in vivo footprinting experiments which showed that stimulation of IL-2R alpha expression correlated with occupancy of the GASd element. Our data demonstrate a major role of the GASd/EBSd element in IL-2R alpha regulation and suggest that the T-cell-specific Elf-1 factor can serve as a transcriptional repressor


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    The preserved Zechstein succession on the Utsira High in the NE part of the Norwegian North Sea is 25-100 m thick and is dominated by shelf carbonates. Internal subdivision of the succession is based on the recognition of key surfaces in petrophysical logs and cores, and suggests that the carbonates mainly consist of ZS2 and ZS3 deposits and that younger ZS4 and ZS5 deposits are only locally preserved. The carbonates have undergone early, syn-depositional dolomitization followed by later dolomite recrystallization and calcitization. Calcitization, interpreted as dedolomitization, is restricted to the upper part of the ZS3 carbonate unit and based on U/Pb dating took place during the Triassic, with a later phase of recrystallization linked to mid-Jurassic uplift. Both dedolomitization and dolomite recrystallization relate to fresh-water infiltration with the resetting of δO18 values prior to the Late Jurassic drowning of the Utsira High. The reservoir quality of the carbonates is directly linked to post-depositional meteoric diagenesis, and the best reservoir properties are recorded in intervals dominated by recrystallized dolomites in ZS2 and lower ZS3 carbonates. Dedolomitization significantly reduced porosity in the upper ZS3 carbonates

    The Ets-1 transcription factor controls the development and function of natural regulatory T cells

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    Regulatory T cells (T reg cells) constitute a population of CD4+ T cells that limits immune responses. The transcription factor Foxp3 is important for determining the development and function of T reg cells; however, the molecular mechanisms that trigger and maintain its expression remain incompletely understood. In this study, we show that mice deficient for the Ets-1 transcription factor (Ets-1−/−) developed T cell–mediated splenomegaly and systemic autoimmunity that can be blocked by functional wild-type T reg cells. Spleens of Ets-1−/− mice contained mostly activated T cells, including Th2-polarized CD4+ cells and had reduced percentages of T reg cells. Splenic and thymic Ets-1−/− T reg cells expressed low levels of Foxp3 and displayed the CD103 marker that characterizes antigen-experienced T reg cells. Thymic development of Ets-1−/− T reg cells appeared intrinsically altered as Foxp3-expressing cells differentiate poorly in mixed fetal liver reconstituted chimera and fetal thymic organ culture. Ets-1−/− T reg cells showed decreased in vitro suppression activity and did not protect Rag2−/− hosts from naive T cell–induced inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, in T reg cells, Ets-1 interacted with the Foxp3 intronic enhancer and was required for demethylation of this regulatory sequence. These data demonstrate that Ets-1 is required for the development of natural T reg cells and suggest a role for this transcription factor in the regulation of Foxp3 expression

    COVID19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of virus-host interaction mechanisms.

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    Funder: Bundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungFunder: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)We need to effectively combine the knowledge from surging literature with complex datasets to propose mechanistic models of SARS-CoV-2 infection, improving data interpretation and predicting key targets of intervention. Here, we describe a large-scale community effort to build an open access, interoperable and computable repository of COVID-19 molecular mechanisms. The COVID-19 Disease Map (C19DMap) is a graphical, interactive representation of disease-relevant molecular mechanisms linking many knowledge sources. Notably, it is a computational resource for graph-based analyses and disease modelling. To this end, we established a framework of tools, platforms and guidelines necessary for a multifaceted community of biocurators, domain experts, bioinformaticians and computational biologists. The diagrams of the C19DMap, curated from the literature, are integrated with relevant interaction and text mining databases. We demonstrate the application of network analysis and modelling approaches by concrete examples to highlight new testable hypotheses. This framework helps to find signatures of SARS-CoV-2 predisposition, treatment response or prioritisation of drug candidates. Such an approach may help deal with new waves of COVID-19 or similar pandemics in the long-term perspective

    Carbon cycle history through the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary: A new global δ13C stack

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Carbon cycle history through the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary: A new global δ13C stack journaltitle: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.03.016 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V

    Tethyan-to-boreal correlation in the Kimmeridgian using high-resolution sequence stratigraphy (Vocontian Basin, Swiss Jura, Boulonnais, Dorset)

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    Ammonite biostratigraphy plays a central role in the definition of Jurassic stratigraphy. Nevertheless, the strong provincialism of European ammonite species during the Kimmeridgian is a long-standing problem in correlation attempts between the boreal and Tethyan faunal realms. Moreover, the sequence-stratigraphic interpretations for northern and southern Europe given in the Jurassic chronostratigraphic chart of Hardenbol et al. in SEPM Publ. 60 (chart) (1998) are different. The present study aims to resolve this correlation problem in order to better understand the connections between the boreal and the Tethyan realms during the Kimmeridgian. A sedimentological and high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic interpretation is presented for two unpublished sections (Cras d’Hermont and Roche de Mars) in the northern Swiss Jura, where recently discovered ammonites display both boreal and Tethyan influences. Then, these sections are correlated with the same time interval in the central Swiss Jura and Vocontian Basin, which belong to the Tethyan realm. Lastly, a long-distance transect is constructed between the Vocontian Basin, Swiss Jura, northern France, and southern England, the last two areas being part of the sub-boreal realm. The main results of this work are that: (1) third-order depositional sequences, and also higher-frequency sequences, can be correlated from the Tethyan to the boreal realm; (2) the sequence-stratigraphic interpretation given by Hardenbol et al. in SEPM Publ 60 (chart) (1998) for northern Europe seems to be accurate and agrees with the sequence-stratigraphic framework established in the Swiss Jura; (3) the Late Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura displays boreal influences; (4) integrated high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic studies are a valuable approach for bridging the correlation gap between northern and southern Europe

    Influence of home parenteral nutrition on survival of cancer patients

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    Das Hauptklientel einer Heimparenteralen Ernährungstherapie wird von Tumorpatienten gestellt, insbesondere von Patienten, die an einem Malignom des Gastrointestinaltraktes erkranken. Die Prävalenz für eine Mangelernährung bis hin zur Tumorkachexie liegt hier bei 75 – 80 % und ist damit, im Vergleich mit allen anderen malignen Erkrankungen, am höchsten. Das Ziel dieser Studie bestand in der Bewertung der klinischen Wirksamkeit der Therapie der Heimparenteralen Ernährung bei Patienten mit einer Tumorerkrankung des Magens und des Oesophagus bezüglich einer Verlängerung der Überlebenszeit. Hierfür wurden insgesamt 413 an einem bösartigen Tumor erkrankte Patienten in der Zeit vom 19.09.1996 bis 03.08.2007 erfaßt und retrospektiv betrachtet. Die zunächst erfaßte Patientengruppe wies auch Patienten auf, die an einem anderen malignen Tumorleiden als Oesophagus- und Magenkarzinom erkrankt waren (Ovarial-, Pancreas und Colon-Carcinom). Da Oesophagus- und Magenkarzinom bezüglich des Auftretens einer Mangelernährung bis hin zur Tumorkachexie die höchste Prävalenz aufweisen und sich zwei annähernd gleich große Gruppen bilden ließen, standen für die endgültige statistische Auswertung 85 Patienten mit einem Oesophagus-Ca und 87 Patienten, die an einem Magen-Ca erkrankt waren, zur Verfügung. Die Patienten wurden im Rahmen einer Sprechstunde nach klinischen Bedürfnissen und ansonsten in regelmäßigen Abständen (alle 6 Wochen) einbestellt. Gewicht und allgemeiner Zustand wurden erfragt, Laborkontrollen auf Albumin, CRP, LDH und Transferrin erfolgten. Für die Dauer der Behandlung erhielten die Patienten eine Heimparenterale Ernährung gleicher Zusammensetzung. Für das Oesophagus-Ca erweisen sich LDH und CRP nach dieser Untersuchung als signifikant, das positive Vorzeichen zeigt, daß eine Erhöhung mit einer Verkürzung der Überlebenszeit assoziiert ist. Oesophagus-Patienten mit einem CRP=2mg/dl haben denen gegenüber mit einem CRP=8mg/dl eine 8,9-fach bessere Chance, ein Jahr zu überleben. Beim BMI zeigt sich ein Hinweis für eine längere Überlebenszeit mit einem höheren BMI. In der Gruppe der Patienten, die an einem Magen-Ca erkrankt waren, erweisen sich gleichfalls CRP und LDH als signifikant. Patienten mit einem CRP=2mg/dl haben denen gegenüber mit einem CRP=8mg/dl eine 3,8-fach bessere Chance, ein Jahr zu überleben. Patienten mit LDH=150U/l gegenüber solchen mit LDH=350U/l eine 3,9-fach bessere Chance, ein Jahr zu überleben. Es haben 8 Patienten mit LDH-Werten zwischen 100 – 200u/l zu Beginn der HPE mehr als 3 Jahre überlebt, was einer 18,6-fach besseren Chance für ein Überleben über 5 Jahre entspricht. Beim BMI und den Leukozyten zeigen sich gleichfalls Hinweise auf einen Einfluß. Anhand der Studie läßt sich die Aussage treffen, daß CRP und LDH einen hohen prädiktiven Faktor bezüglich der Überlebenszeit von Patienten sowohl mit Oesophagus- als auch Magen-Ca darstellen. Desweiteren läßt sich die Schlußfolgerung ableiten, daß eine heimparenterale Ernährung bei einer Vielzahl der Patienten diese Parameter positiv beeinflußt und somit ein längeres Überleben und eine bessere Lebensqualität bedingen kann.The main clientele of a HPN therapy is of Tumor patients asked, especially by patients who develop a malignancy of the gastrointestinal tract. The prevalence of malnutrition to the cachexia is here at 75 - 80% and is thus, in comparison with all other malignancies, the highest. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of the therapy HPN in patients with a tumor of the stomach and esophagus with respect to an extension of survival time. For this purpose, a total of 413 malignant tumor in a patient fell ill during the period covered by the 19.09.1996 to 03.08.2007 and viewed retrospectively. The first patient group had also captured patients who were suffering from a malignant tumor diseases other than esophageal and gastric cancer (ovarian, pancreatic and colon cancer). Because esophageal and gastric carcinoma with respect to exhibit the occurrence of malnutrition to the cachexia, the highest prevalence and the two could form approximately equal groups, were available for final statistical analysis of 85 patients with esophageal carcinoma and 87 patients suffering from a stomach Ca were ill, are available. The patients were summoned for consultation as part of a clinical need and otherwise at regular intervals (every 6 weeks). Weight and condition were asked, laboratory tests for albumin, CRP, LDH and Transferrin were carried out. For the duration of treatment, patients received a HPN of same composition. For the esophageal carcinoma prove LDH and CRP significantly as shown by this study, the positive sign that an increase is associated with a shorter survival time. Esophagus in patients with a CRP = 2mg/dl have faced with a CRP = 8mg/dl a 8.9-fold better chance of surviving one year. The BMI is a reference shows a longer survival time with a higher BMI. In the group of patients who were suffering from a stomach-Ca, CRP and LDH also prove to be significant. Patients with a CRP = 2mg/dl have faced with a CRP = 8mg/dl a 3.8-fold better chance of surviving one year. Patients with LDH = 150U / l compared to those with LDH = 350U / l, a 3.9-fold better chance of surviving one year. There are eight patients with LDH levels between 100 - 200u / l at the beginning of the HPE survived more than 3 years, which corresponds to a 18.6-fold better chance for survival over 5 years. When BMI and leukocytes show is also evidence of an influence. Based on the study itself can make the statement that CRP and LDH represent a high predictive factor concerning the survival time of patients with both esophageal and gastric carcinoma. Furthermore, it can be deduced the conclusion that one can HPN in a variety of patients, these parameters positively influenced and thus longer survival and better quality of life condition