293 research outputs found

    Породы песчаники – редкие материалы высокой крепости – уникальные фрикционные материалы

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    Розглядаються питання при підготовці до відпрацювання пологих вугільних пластів на великих глибинах в умовах шахти «Довжанська Капітальна» ТОВ "ДТЕК Свердловантрацит". Проведено дослідження вміщуючих підготовчу виробку порід. Запропоновано можливості проектування комплексного видобутку супутніх корисних компонентів при підготовці Антрацитівського пластів до видобутку.The questions in preparation for mining of shallow coal seams at great depths in the mine "Dolzhanskaya Capital" LLC "DTEK Sverdlovantratsit." Investigations of host rocks of underground working. Suggested the possibility of designing an integrated co-production of useful components in preparation Antratsitovskogo of flat seam to production

    Examining the spatiotemporal disruption to gaze when using a myoelectric prosthetic hand

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    The aim of this study was to provide a detailed account of the spatial and temporal disruptions to eye-hand coordination when using a prosthetic hand during a sequential fine motor skill. Twenty-one abled-bodied participants performed 15 trials of the ‘picking up coins’ task derived from the Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure (SHAP) with their anatomic hand and with a prosthesis simulator while wearing eye-tracking equipment. Gaze behaviour results revealed that when using the prosthesis, performance detriments were accompanied by significantly greater hand-focused gaze and a significantly longer time to disengage gaze from manipulations to plan upcoming movements. Our findings highlight key metrics that distinguish disruptions to eye-hand coordination that might have implications for the training of prosthesis use

    A preliminary dictionary of Maori gainwords compiled on historical principles

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    This thesis is a preliminary dictionary of Maori gainwords compiled on historical principles. It will serve as the starting point for a fully fledged historical dictionary of Maori gainwords. The sources are a selection of all those Maori language publications printed between the dates 1815 and 1899. A large number of source items were photocopied from other institutions, and the binding and subsequent availability of these was not always in the order wished for. The research therefore has its limitations (clearly indicated by the use of the word 'preliminary' in the thesis title). Full coverage of all printed Maori publications between 1815 and 1899 has not been possible. Despite this, this preliminary dictionary offers a good indication of the extent of new gainword vocabulary introduced within the time frame. This thesis suggests that the terms loanword and borrowing should be replaced by the new term gainword or gain, and that the process by which new items of vocabulary enter a language should be known as gaining .. 'Gaining' is a positive process, and the word 'gainword' is normally devoid of any negative connotations or implications of cultural imperialism. This thesis is the first extended scholarly research into Maori gainword lexicography. Although 'preliminary', the dictionary is the first devoted solely to Maori gainwords - previous dictionaries of Maori have had gainwords as appendices, or have listed small numbers of gainwords in their general corpus. This dictionary builds on those earlier dictionaries by giving gainwords their own dictionary. This thesis will indicate that nearly all new items of vocabulary introduced into Maori language during the period researched were introduced by English-speaking Pakeha. English-speaking (and some few French-speaking) Pakeha controlled the printed word for some considerable time - up until the first Maori-controlled publication, Te Hokioi in 1861, in fact most gainwords were therefore imposed. The frequency count for Maori-driven gains done for this thesis will give only some slight indication of Maori use and acceptance of gains between 1815 and 1899

    Daily-life tele-monitoring of motor performance in stroke survivors

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    The objective of the EU project INTERACTION is to develop an unobtrusive and modular sensing system for objective monitoring of daily-life motor performance of stroke survivors. This will enable clinical professionals to advise their patients about their continued daily-life activity profile and home training, and evaluate and optimize rehabilitation programs.A modular textile-integrated sensing system was developed and performance and capacity measures were proposed and clinically tested in stroke subject.Telemonitoring facilities were developed and tested. In the last stage of the project, the system will be tested during daily-life

    The Study of Ketamine for Youth Depression (SKY-D): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of low-dose ketamine for young people with major depressive disorder

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    Background: Existing treatments for young people with severe depression have limited effectiveness. The aim of the Study of Ketamine for Youth Depression (SKY-D) trial is to determine whether a 4-week course of low-dose subcutaneous ketamine is an effective adjunct to treatment-as-usual in young people with major depressive disorder (MDD). Methods: SKY-D is a double-masked, randomised controlled trial funded by the Australian Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Participants aged between 16 and 25 years (inclusive) with moderate-to-severe MDD will be randomised to receive either low-dose ketamine (intervention) or midazolam (active control) via subcutaneous injection once per week for 4 weeks. The primary outcome is change in depressive symptoms on the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) after 4 weeks of treatment. Further follow-up assessment will occur at 8 and 26 weeks from treatment commencement to determine whether treatment effects are sustained and to investigate safety outcomes. Discussion: Results from this trial will be important in determining whether low-dose subcutaneous ketamine is an effective treatment for young people with moderate-to-severe MDD. This will be the largest randomised trial to investigate the effects of ketamine to treat depression in young people. Trial registration: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ID: ACTRN12619000683134. Registered on May 7, 2019. https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=377513

    Diversidade de resultados no estudo do transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade

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    Com este artigo pretende-se abordar a problemática da diversidade de dados na investigação do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Apresenta-se uma revisão da literatura centrada na heterogeneidade de conclusões relativas à caracterização do transtorno, à distinção dos subtipos, aos contextos de informação, às diferenças de gênero e à comorbidade. Na tentativa de compreender a disparidade de conclusões, salientam-se potenciais fatores explicativos, nomeadamente a heterogeneidade das amostras, a diversidade de metodologias e de procedimentos de investigação, entre outros.With this paper we aimed at addressing the problem of data diversity in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) research. We present a literature review based on the heterogeneity of findings about the characterization of the disorder, subtypes differentiation, sources of information, sex differences and comorbidities. In an effort to understand the variety of findings, we underline potential explanations, such as the sample’s heterogeneity or the multiplicity of methods and procedures, among others.(undefined

    Effects of Ambulant Myofeedback Training and Ergonomic Counselling in Female Computer Workers with Work-Related Neck-Shoulder Complaints: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: To investigate the effects of ambulant myofeedback training including ergonomic counselling (Mfb) and ergonomic counselling alone (EC), on work-related neck-shoulder pain and disability. Methods: Seventy-nine female computer workers reporting neck-shoulder complaints were randomly assigned to Mfb or EC and received four weeks of intervention. Pain intensity in neck, shoulders, and upper back, and pain disability, were measured at baseline, immediately after intervention, and at three and six months follow-up. Results: Pain intensity and disability had significantly decreased immediately after four weeks Mfb or EC, and the effects remained at follow up. No differences were observed between the Mfb and EC group for outcome and subjects in both intervention groups showed comparable chances for improvement in pain intensity and disability. Conclusions: Pain intensity and disability significantly reduced after both interventions and this effect remained at follow-up. No differences were observed between the two intervention groups

    Does it look safe? An eye tracking study into the visual aspects of fear of crime

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    Studies of fear of crime often focus on demographic and social factors, but these can be difficult to change. Studies of visual aspects have suggested that features reflecting incivilities, such as litter, graffiti, and vandalism increase fear of crime, but methods often rely on participants actively mentioning such aspects, and more subtle, less conscious aspects may be overlooked. To address these concerns, the present study examined people’s eye movements while they judged scenes for safety. Forty current and former university students were asked to rate images of day-time and night-time scenes of Lincoln, UK (where they studied) and Egham, UK (unfamiliar location) for safety, maintenance and familiarity, while their eye movements were recorded. Another twenty-five observers not from Lincoln or Egham rated the same images in an internet survey. Ratings showed a strong association between safety and maintenance and lower safety ratings for night-time scenes for both groups, in agreement with earlier findings. Eye movements of the Lincoln participants showed increased dwell times on buildings, houses, and vehicles during safety judgments, and increased dwell times on streets, pavements, and markers of incivilities for maintenance. Results confirm that maintenance plays an important role in perceptions of safety, but eye movements suggest that observers also look for indicators of current or recent presence of people

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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