1,899 research outputs found
Solid-state structure of copper complexes of N-(2-carboxyethyl)chitosan
The sorptivity for ions of the Irving-Williams series (Zn2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+) was estimated for the chelate sorbent N-(2-carboxyethyl)chitosan cross-linked by nanosecond electron-beam irradiation. The maximum capacity reaches 3.7 mmol/g using a mixture of the appropriate sulfates at pH 4.5. The selectivity of copper sorption is 80%. The structure of the coordination sphere of the copper complexes with N-(2-carboxyethyl)chitosan was investigated by ESR spectroscopy
Amenable actions, free products and a fixed point property
We investigate the class of groups admitting an action on a set with an
invariant mean. It turns out that many free products admit such an action. We
give a complete characterisation of such free products in terms of a strong
fixed point property.Comment: 12 page
On Alternative Supermatrix Reduction
We consider a nonstandard odd reduction of supermatrices (as compared with
the standard even one) which arises in connection with possible extension of
manifold structure group reductions. The study was initiated by consideration
of the generalized noninvertible superconformal-like transformations. The
features of even- and odd-reduced supermatrices are investigated on a par. They
can be unified into some kind of "sandwich" semigroups. Also we define a
special module over even- and odd-reduced supermatrix sets, and the generalized
Cayley-Hamilton theorem is proved for them. It is shown that the odd-reduced
supermatrices represent semigroup bands and Rees matrix semigroups over a unit
group.Comment: 22 pages, Standard LaTeX with AmS font
Noise auto-correlation spectroscopy with coherent Raman scattering
Ultrafast lasers have become one of the most powerful tools in coherent
nonlinear optical spectroscopy. Short pulses enable direct observation of fast
molecular dynamics, whereas broad spectral bandwidth offers ways of controlling
nonlinear optical processes by means of quantum interferences. Special care is
usually taken to preserve the coherence of laser pulses as it determines the
accuracy of a spectroscopic measurement. Here we present a new approach to
coherent Raman spectroscopy based on deliberately introduced noise, which
increases the spectral resolution, robustness and efficiency. We probe laser
induced molecular vibrations using a broadband laser pulse with intentionally
randomized amplitude and phase. The vibrational resonances result in and are
identified through the appearance of intensity correlations in the noisy
spectrum of coherently scattered photons. Spectral resolution is neither
limited by the pulse bandwidth, nor sensitive to the quality of the temporal
and spectral profile of the pulses. This is particularly attractive for the
applications in microscopy, biological imaging and remote sensing, where
dispersion and scattering properties of the medium often undermine the
applicability of ultrafast lasers. The proposed method combines the efficiency
and resolution of a coherent process with the robustness of incoherent light.
As we demonstrate here, it can be implemented by simply destroying the
coherence of a laser pulse, and without any elaborate temporal scanning or
spectral shaping commonly required by the frequency-resolved spectroscopic
methods with ultrashort pulses.Comment: To appear in Nature Physic
Charge separation relative to the reaction plane in Pb-Pb collisions at TeV
Measurements of charge dependent azimuthal correlations with the ALICE
detector at the LHC are reported for Pb-Pb collisions at TeV. Two- and three-particle charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in
the pseudo-rapidity range are presented as a function of the
collision centrality, particle separation in pseudo-rapidity, and transverse
momentum. A clear signal compatible with a charge-dependent separation relative
to the reaction plane is observed, which shows little or no collision energy
dependence when compared to measurements at RHIC energies. This provides a new
insight for understanding the nature of the charge dependent azimuthal
correlations observed at RHIC and LHC energies.Comment: 12 pages, 3 captioned figures, authors from page 2 to 6, published
version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/286
A note on comonotonicity and positivity of the control components of decoupled quadratic FBSDE
In this small note we are concerned with the solution of Forward-Backward
Stochastic Differential Equations (FBSDE) with drivers that grow quadratically
in the control component (quadratic growth FBSDE or qgFBSDE). The main theorem
is a comparison result that allows comparing componentwise the signs of the
control processes of two different qgFBSDE. As a byproduct one obtains
conditions that allow establishing the positivity of the control process.Comment: accepted for publicatio
Multi-particle azimuthal correlations in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
Measurements of multi-particle azimuthal correlations (cumulants) for charged
particles in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions are presented. They help address the
question of whether there is evidence for global, flow-like, azimuthal
correlations in the p-Pb system. Comparisons are made to measurements from the
larger Pb-Pb system, where such evidence is established. In particular, the
second harmonic two-particle cumulants are found to decrease with multiplicity,
characteristic of a dominance of few-particle correlations in p-Pb collisions.
However, when a gap is placed to suppress such correlations,
the two-particle cumulants begin to rise at high-multiplicity, indicating the
presence of global azimuthal correlations. The Pb-Pb values are higher than the
p-Pb values at similar multiplicities. In both systems, the second harmonic
four-particle cumulants exhibit a transition from positive to negative values
when the multiplicity increases. The negative values allow for a measurement of
to be made, which is found to be higher in Pb-Pb collisions at
similar multiplicities. The second harmonic six-particle cumulants are also
found to be higher in Pb-Pb collisions. In Pb-Pb collisions, we generally find
which is indicative of a Bessel-Gaussian
function for the distribution. For very high-multiplicity Pb-Pb
collisions, we observe that the four- and six-particle cumulants become
consistent with 0. Finally, third harmonic two-particle cumulants in p-Pb and
Pb-Pb are measured. These are found to be similar for overlapping
multiplicities, when a gap is placed.Comment: 25 pages, 11 captioned figures, 3 tables, authors from page 20,
published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/87
Multiplicity dependence of jet-like two-particle correlations in p-Pb collisions at = 5.02 TeV
Two-particle angular correlations between unidentified charged trigger and
associated particles are measured by the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at a
nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The transverse-momentum
range 0.7 5.0 GeV/ is examined,
to include correlations induced by jets originating from low
momen\-tum-transfer scatterings (minijets). The correlations expressed as
associated yield per trigger particle are obtained in the pseudorapidity range
. The near-side long-range pseudorapidity correlations observed in
high-multiplicity p-Pb collisions are subtracted from both near-side
short-range and away-side correlations in order to remove the non-jet-like
components. The yields in the jet-like peaks are found to be invariant with
event multiplicity with the exception of events with low multiplicity. This
invariance is consistent with the particles being produced via the incoherent
fragmentation of multiple parton--parton scatterings, while the yield related
to the previously observed ridge structures is not jet-related. The number of
uncorrelated sources of particle production is found to increase linearly with
multiplicity, suggesting no saturation of the number of multi-parton
interactions even in the highest multiplicity p-Pb collisions. Further, the
number scales in the intermediate multiplicity region with the number of binary
nucleon-nucleon collisions estimated with a Glauber Monte-Carlo simulation.Comment: 23 pages, 6 captioned figures, 1 table, authors from page 17,
published version, figures at
Centrality dependence of charged particle production at large transverse momentum in Pb-Pb collisions at TeV
The inclusive transverse momentum () distributions of primary
charged particles are measured in the pseudo-rapidity range as a
function of event centrality in Pb-Pb collisions at
TeV with ALICE at the LHC. The data are presented in the range
GeV/ for nine centrality intervals from 70-80% to 0-5%.
The Pb-Pb spectra are presented in terms of the nuclear modification factor
using a pp reference spectrum measured at the same collision
energy. We observe that the suppression of high- particles strongly
depends on event centrality. In central collisions (0-5%) the yield is most
suppressed with at -7 GeV/. Above
GeV/, there is a significant rise in the nuclear modification
factor, which reaches for GeV/. In
peripheral collisions (70-80%), the suppression is weaker with almost independently of . The measured nuclear
modification factors are compared to other measurements and model calculations.Comment: 17 pages, 4 captioned figures, 2 tables, authors from page 12,
published version, figures at
Anisotropic flow of charged hadrons, pions and (anti-)protons measured at high transverse momentum in Pb-Pb collisions at TeV
The elliptic, , triangular, , and quadrangular, , azimuthal
anisotropic flow coefficients are measured for unidentified charged particles,
pions and (anti-)protons in Pb-Pb collisions at TeV
with the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Results obtained with the
event plane and four-particle cumulant methods are reported for the
pseudo-rapidity range at different collision centralities and as a
function of transverse momentum, , out to GeV/.
The observed non-zero elliptic and triangular flow depends only weakly on
transverse momentum for GeV/. The small dependence
of the difference between elliptic flow results obtained from the event plane
and four-particle cumulant methods suggests a common origin of flow
fluctuations up to GeV/. The magnitude of the (anti-)proton
elliptic and triangular flow is larger than that of pions out to at least
GeV/ indicating that the particle type dependence persists out
to high .Comment: 16 pages, 5 captioned figures, authors from page 11, published
version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/186
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