389 research outputs found

    Personality\u27s Influence on Burnout: An Unfinished Puzzle

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    This study examines the relationship between emotional exhaustion-the main component of burnout-and several facets of the Big Five Factors of personality. Previous research has found small relationships between the Big Five Factors and emotional exhaustion. I hypothesized that the facets of trust, cooperation, orderliness, and self-discipline will have curvilinear relationships with emotional exhaustion. The facets of vulnerability and depression were also hypothesized to moderate the curvilinear relationships between orderliness and self-discipline and emotional exhaustion. Regression analyses only found a curvilinear relationship between order and personal burnout when vulnerability was controlled for. A significant quadratic-by-linear interaction was found between order and vulnerability with personal burnout. Alternative explanations for results are given, implications are discussed, and future research is suggested

    Cardiovascular adaptations supporting human exercise-heat acclimation

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    AbstractThis review examines the cardiovascular adaptations along with total body water and plasma volume adjustments that occur in parallel with improved heat loss responses during exercise-heat acclimation. The cardiovascular system is well recognized as an important contributor to exercise-heat acclimation that acts to minimize physiological strain, reduce the risk of serious heat illness and better sustain exercise capacity. The upright posture adopted by humans during most physical activities and the large skin surface area contribute to the circulatory and blood pressure regulation challenge of simultaneously supporting skeletal muscle blood flow and dissipating heat via increased skin blood flow and sweat secretion during exercise-heat stress. Although it was traditionally held that cardiac output increased during exercise-heat stress to primarily support elevated skin blood flow requirements, recent evidence suggests that temperature-sensitive mechanisms may also mediate an elevation in skeletal muscle blood flow. The cardiovascular adaptations supporting this challenge include an increase in total body water, plasma volume expansion, better sustainment and/or elevation of stroke volume, reduction in heart rate, improvement in ventricular filling and myocardial efficiency, and enhanced skin blood flow and sweating responses. The magnitude of these adaptations is variable and dependent on several factors such as exercise intensity, duration of exposure, frequency and total number of exposures, as well as the environmental conditions (i.e. dry or humid heat) in which acclimation occurs

    Formação econômica de Santa Catarina: uma abordagem institucionalista

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia.Este trabalho visa compreender a formação econômica de Santa Catarina sob uma abordagem institucionalista, destacando também as dotações de fatores do estado. Desta forma buscou-se fazer uma interpretação complementar às apresentadas pela maioria das correntes que explicam o caso de desenvolvimento econômico catarinense. Para atingir este objetivo fez-se uma revisão dos principais avanços da teoria institucionalista desde o conceito de custos de transação de Coase, passando pela interpretação histórica de Douglass North e terminando com os incrementos da teoria das dotações de fatores que ajudam a entender como fatores locais como a geografia e a mão-de-obra determinam o caminho seguido pelas decisões econômicas. Além da exposição dos principais conceitos teóricos da abordagem institucionalista o trabalho apresenta e discute as principais correntes teóricas que se propõem a explicar a formação econômica de Santa Catarina. Estas correntes foram divididas no trabalho em três grupos: os schumpeterianos, que atribuem grande importância ao papel do imigrante no sucesso das primeiras manufaturas; os cepalinos, que enfatizam a dependência do estado no comércio desvantajoso com os estados do sudeste brasileiro; e a hipótese de crescimento articulado, que busca entender a formação econômica catarinense como um processo inserido no contexto nacional e, portanto, condicionado e interligado a este. Além da apresentação destas correntes o trabalho busca qualificar as interpretações com argumentos apresentados pela teoria institucionalista e das dotações de fatores. Com isto o trabalho propõe uma nova abordagem para o entendimento das dinâmicas que acabaram por favorecer o aparecimento de núcleos industriais no nordeste do estado, enquanto no planalto se pode observar uma elevada especialização na produção de produtos agrícolas. Dentre os pontos que se tentou explorar pode se destacar a importância das dotações geográficas para a constituição de atividades econômicas mais ou menos concentradas ao longo das regiões do estado. Ainda se pode acrescentar a importância das instituições políticas estarem interessadas em resguardar um bom ambiente de negócios, como foi o caso da política republicana no estado na época de sua formação. A partir desta ótica também se pode observar como o sistema de transporte e as instituições de créditos de adaptaram às condições institucionais do estado que favoreciam determinado tipo de orientação conforme as possibilidades econômicas de cada região do estado. Portanto, espera-se acrescentar à discussão sobre formação econômica de Santa Catarina elementos para que trabalhos seguintes aprofundem as questões referentes a cada um destes pontos que a teoria institucionalista propõe para o entendimento deste processo histórico. The purpose of this work is to understand the economic formation of the Santa Catarina state in Brazil from the institutionalist viewpoint, at the same time emphasizing the state#s endowment factors. Thus it tries to build an additional interpretation to most of the current literature on this question. In order to attain this objective, a review of the developments of the institutionalist theory is initially made, starting with the Coasean transaction cost concepts, going through Douglass North#s interpretation of history, and ending with the idea of factor endowments, which helps to understand how local factors such as geography and labor force constrain the economic decisions. Besides, this work presents and discusses the main current hypotheses on the economic formation of Santa Catarina. They were divided into three groups: Schumpeterians, who give a greater role for the immigrant, for the success of the first manufacturing enterprises; the Cepalians, who emphasize the state dependence on a disadvantageous trade with the southeastern states; and the hypothesis of the joint growth, which sees the economic formation of the state in the national context, thus conditioned and connected to it. Departing from the institutionalist theory, qualified by factor endowments, this work proposes a new hypothesis to explain the emergence of a manufacturing nucleous in the northeastern region of the state, in contrast to the plateau region where a high specialization in agricultural production occurred. Among the issues that were explored thereupon, there is the importance of the geographical endowments for the more or less concentrated localization of economic activities in the regions of the state. Another issue is the importance of the political institutions that were favorable to a good social context for business activities, as it did in the early years of republican policies in the Santa Catarina state. From the same viewpoint, it can be seen that the transportation infrastructure and the credit institutions adjusted to the institutional conditions of the state, which were favorable to specific lines according to the economic possibilities of each region of the state. Therefore, it is hoped that this work may significantly add to the literature on the economic formation of the Santa Catarina state, specially by raising new questions for research

    Rupture and Migration of an Endovascular Stent in the Brachiocephalic Trunk Causing a Vertebral Steal Syndrome

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    Delayed stent fracture has been observed in many different arteries and may represent a risk factor for restenosis. We describe the case of a delayed rupture of an endovascular brachiocephalic trunk stent. The complete fracture allowed a fragment to migrate distally and tilt, resulting in a hemodynamic pattern similar to that of a prevertebral stenosis with complete inversion of the homolateral vertebral blood flow. The induced vertebral steal syndrome as well as the risk of cerebral embolism was corrected by an aortobrachiocephalic bypass and resection of the ruptured sten

    Heat acclimation has a protective effect on the central but not peripheral nervous system

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    This study aimed to clarify the pathway mediating hyperthermia-induced alterations in neural drive transmission, and determine if heat acclimation protects voluntary muscle activation and cognitive function in hyperthermic humans. Electrically evoked potentials (H-reflex and M-wave), executive function (special planning and working memory) and maximal voluntary isometric contractions (120 s) were assessed in fourteen participants in control condition (CON, 24ºC, 40% RH) and hyperthermic states (HYP, 44-50ºC, 50% RH), on consecutive days in a counterbalanced order. Thereafter, Participants were passively heat acclimated for 11 days (1 h per day, 48-50ºC, 50% RH) before repeating the initial assessments. Heat acclimation decreased rectal temperature in CON (-0.2ºC, p0.05), heat acclimation restored executive function, whilst protecting the ability to sustain voluntary activation and torque production during a prolonged contraction in hyperthermia (p<0.05). Ultimately, heat acclimation induces beneficial central but not peripheral neural adaptations

    Post-exercise Hot Water Immersion Elicits Heat Acclimation Adaptations in Endurance Trained and Recreationally Active Individuals

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    Hot water immersion (HWI) after exercise on 6 consecutive days in temperate conditions has been shown to provide heat acclimation adaptations in a recreationally active population. Endurance athletes experience frequent, sustained elevations in body temperature during training and competition; as a consequence, endurance athletes are considered to be partially heat acclimatized. It is therefore important to understand the extent to which endurance trained individuals may benefit from heat acclimation by post-exercise HWI. To this end, we compared the responses of eight endurance trained and eight recreationally active males (habitual weekly endurance exercise: 9 h vs. 3 h) to a 6-day intervention involving a daily treadmill run for 40 min (65% O2max) in temperate conditions followed immediately by HWI ( 0.05) for: the reduction in end-exercise rectal core temperature (T re, mean, endurance trained -0.36 degrees C; recreationally active -0.47 degrees C); the reduction in resting T re (endurance trained -0.17 degrees C; recreationally active -0.23 degrees C); the reduction in T re at sweating onset (endurance trained -0.22 degrees C; recreationally active -0.23 degrees C); and, the reduction in mean skin temperature (endurance trained -0.67 degrees C; recreationally active -0.75 degrees C: PRE to POST P < 0.01). Furthermore, training status did not significantly influence the observed reductions in mean O2, mean metabolic energy expenditure, end-exercise physiological strain index, perceived exertion or thermal sensation (PRE to POST P < 0.05). Only end-exercise heart rate was influenced by training status (P < 0.01, interaction); whereby, recreationally active but not endurance trained individuals experienced a significant reduction in end-exercise heart rate from PRE to POST (P < 0.01). In summary, these findings demonstrate that post-exercise HWI presents a practical strategy to reduce thermal strain during exercise-heat-stress in endurance trained and recreationally active individuals

    Low-frequency electrical stimulation combined with a cooling vest improves recovery of elite kayakers following a simulated 1000-m race in a hot environment

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    This study compared the effects of a low-frequency electrical stimulation (LFES; Veinoplus® Sport, Ad Rem Technology, Paris, France), a low-frequency electrical stimulation combined with a cooling vest (LFESCR) and an active recovery combined with a cooling vest (ACTCR) as recovery strategies on performance (racing time and pacing strategies), physiologic and perceptual responses between two sprint kayak simulated races, in a hot environment (∼32 wet-bulb-globe temperature). Eight elite male kayakers performed two successive 1000-m kayak time trials (TT1 and TT2), separated by a short-term recovery period, including a 30-min of the respective recovery intervention protocol, in a randomized crossover design. Racing time, power output, and stroke rate were recorded for each time trial. Blood lactate concentration, pH, core, skin and body temperatures were measured before and after both TT1 and TT2 and at mid- and post-recovery intervention. Perceptual ratings of thermal sensation were also collected. LFESCR was associated with a very likely effect in performance restoration compared with ACTCR (99/0/1%) and LFES conditions (98/0/2%). LFESCR induced a significant decrease in body temperature and thermal sensation at post-recovery intervention, which is not observed in ACTCR condition. In conclusion, the combination of LFES and wearing a cooling vest (LFESCR) improves performance restoration between two 1000-m kayak time trials achieved by elite athletes, in the heat

    Fisioterapia na Atenção Primária: Experiência de estágio curricular em Barbacena/Minas Gerais / Physiotherapy in Primary Care: Curricular internship experience in Barbacena / Minas Gerais

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    Conforme estabelecido pelas diretrizes curriculares no Brasil, os estágios para a graduação em Fisioterapia devem contemplar não só práticas curativas, como também preventivas em todos os cenários de assistência do sistema de saúde, inclusive na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Como a Fisioterapia tem forte característica reabilitacional, a experiência em APS se torna desafiadora para a docência e para os graduandos. Portanto, em 2015, o Centro Universitário Presidente Antônio Carlos, situado em Barbacena, desenvolveu o estágio na Unidade de Atenção Primária em Saúde “Guido Roman” para oferecer uma vivência aos alunos nesse contexto. O presente texto traz o relato de tais atividades com o objetivo de difundir e potencializar o diálogo sobre práticas de ensino nessas unidades. Dentre as ações desenvolvidas no projeto, estão atividades para a Saúde do Idoso, do Adulto e da Criança, as quais envolvem abordagens individuais, em grupo, socioeducativas, preventivas e de promoção à saúde. Diversas limitações foram descritas após a implementação do cenário de ensino, no que diz respeito à conformidade com o proposto pelo Ministério da Saúde. Cabe mencionar as limitações de cobertura territorial, de continuidade das ações, de conhecimento dos próprios graduandos quanto ao seu papel de promotor e educador em saúde, além da dificuldade em aplicar a busca ativa de pacientes. Apesar da crescente produção acadêmica sobre o assunto, ainda existe um extenso caminho a ser percorrido na prestação de serviços em Unidades de Atenção Primária a Saúde pelos futuros fisioterapeutas