78 research outputs found

    Hypercalcemia of malignancy in the dog

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    PòsterJunyHypercalcemia of malignancy (HM) is the most common cause of hypercalcemia in the dog. It has an incidence of 12,9%. Its importance in veterinary and human medicine, has encouraged scientific investigations in the field. The highest prevalence of HM is found in lymphoma, followed by apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma (AGASACA), carcinoma, bone neoplasia, sarcoma, multiple myeloma (MM), leukemia and thymoma

    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the environment and their removal from wastewater through constructed wetlands

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    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products are emerging organic contaminants that are continuously introduced into the environment due to their regular and widespread consumption by human beings. Their sources and fate in the aquatic environment are multiple and depend on the particular compound. Conventional wastewater treatment plants constitute the major source of these contaminants in the environment due to their incomplete removal by unspecific treatment methods. While advanced treatment technologies are available to treat these substances, their use is oftentimes not economically justified under the current concept of wastewater treatment. In this context, constructed wetlands represent an appropriate low-cost, energy-efficient, and easy-to-operate technology to treat wastewater, which are able to achieve a very high removal of these substances due to the vast number of biotic and abiotic processes that occur within these units, especially when different wetland types are used.Postprint (published version

    Clogging in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: mesures, design factors and prevention strategies

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    Constructed wetlands are alternative systems to conventional wastewater treatment for small communities (up to 2000 PE). This is mainly due to that operation and maintenance costs are reduced. Despite the advantages, the clogging of the bed is the most important trouble encountered by the managers of subsurface flow wetlands treatment systems. The solids accumulation in the interstitial spaces of the gravel over time causes the decrease of both, hydraulic conductivity and porosity. This leads in the development of preferential paths and short-circuiting of the water through the wetland, which converge in overland flow and contaminant removal efficiency decrease. Therefore, clogging is the main limiting factor of the life span of a subsurface flow constructed wetland. The strategies to reverse clogging imply important economic investments. Generally, the most widespread option is the replacement of gravel. Hence the need to measure realibly the degree of clogging of a system in order to identify the factors that influence this phenomenon and to search new configurations and strategies to delay its progress, thus operations needed to reverse it. Therefore, the aims of this thesis must contribute to establish new design criteria and operation of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands to minimize clogging processes without reducing the contaminant removal efficiency. Then, the objectives were to compare a method to measure hydraulic conductivity in situ, based on falling head permeameter, in order to determine the state of clogging of wetlands and its horizontal distribution; to determine the most suitable indicator to assess clogging in horizontal subsurface flow wetlands; to identifie new design and operation parameters likely to cause or encourage the clogging of the filter medium; and to analyse two new configurations in a pilot scale system in terms of contaminant removal and clogging development. Among the different clogging indicators analysed (drenable porosity, hydraulic conductivity, accumulated solids and effective volume from a tracer test), hydraulic conductivity seems to be the best one. Firstly, because hydraulic conductivity provides information about the hydraulic behaviour inside the bed, and linked appropriately with the accumulated solids (a correlation of 74.5% was found between both indicators). Secondly, because its application in full-scale wetlands is more straightforward than other techniques.Los humedales construidos son una alternativa al tratamiento convencional de agua residual para pequeños municipios (hasta 2000 hab-eq) ya que son fáciles de operar y mantener y tienen un coste de explotación bajo. El mayor inconveniente a que se enfrentan los explotadores de sistemas de tratamiento con humedales subsuperficiales es la colmatación del lecho. Con el tiempo, la acumulación de sólidos de diversa naturaleza en los espacios intersticiales del medio filtrante, provoca la disminución de la conductividad hidráulica y la porosidad iniciales de la grava. Esto conduce al desarrollo de caminos preferenciales y cortocircuitos en el curso del agua que convergen en la aparición de agua en superficie. A la larga, esto puede comprometer la capacidad depurativa del sistema. Por ello, la colmatación supone el factor limitante de la vida útil de un humedal construido. Las estrategias para solventar la colmatación, una vez se ha producido, son costosas y pasan por realizar inversiones no despreciables. Generalmente la opción más extendida es el cambio del material granular. De ahí la necesidad de medir, de manera fiable, en qué grado un sistema está colmatado, identificar los factores que influyen en el fenómeno e indagar en nuevas configuraciones y estrategias que permitan retrasar el avance de la colmatación y consigo, aplazar las intervenciones necesarias para devolver al sistema un estado óptimo de funcionamiento. Los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral han de contribuir a establecer nuevos criterios de diseño y operación de humedales construidos de flujo subsuperficial horizontal para minimizar, o cuanto menos retrasar, la colmatación de estos sistemas, sin mermar la eficiencia de eliminación de contaminantes del agua residual. Por ello, los objetivos son cuantificar la precisión y exactitud de un método de medición in situ de la conductividad hidráulica, basado en el permeámetro de carga variable, para la determinación del grado de colmatación de un lecho y la distribución horizontal de la misma; estudiar la idoneidad de diferentes indicadores de la colmatación de un humedal de flujo subsuperficial horizontal; evaluar la incidencia de diferentes factores de diseño y operación de humedales de flujo subsuperficial horizontal en el proceso de la colmatación; y caracterizar (en términos de eficiencia de eliminación de contaminantes y de evolución de la colmatación) dos nuevas configuraciones de humedales construidos a escala piloto.Els aiguamolls construïts són una alternativa al tractament convencional d’aigua residual per a petits municipis (fins 2000 hab-eq) degut, principalment, a la facilitat en llur operació i manteniment y a les reduïdes despeses d’explotació. L’inconvenient més important amb què es troben els explotadors de sistemes de tractament amb aiguamolls subsuperficials és la colmatació del llit. Al llarg del temps, l’acumulació de sòlids de diversa natura en els espais intersticials de la grava, provoca la disminució de la conductivitat hidràulica i la porositat inicials. Això condueix al desenvolupament de camins preferencials i curtcircuits en el curs de l’aigua a través de l’aiguamoll, que convergeixen en l’aparició d’aigua en superfície, i que, a llarg termini pot comprometre la capacitat depurativa del sistema. Per això, la colmatació suposa el factor limitant de la vida útil d’un aiguamoll construït. Les estratègies per a fer front a la colmatació, un cop s’ha produït, passen per realitzar inversions econòmiques gens menyspreables. Generalment, l’opció més extesa és la reposició del material granular. D’aquí neix la necessitat de mesurar, de manera fiable, el grau de colmatació d’un sistema, d’identificar aquells factors que influeixen en el fenomen y qüestionar noves configuracions y estratègies que permetin retardar l’avenç de la colmatació, i per tant ajornar les intervencions necessàries per tornar al sistema a l’estat òptim de funcionament. Per tot això els objectius d’aquesta tesi doctoral han de contribuir a establir nous criteris de disseny i operació d’aiguamolls construïts de flux subsuperficial horitzontal per tal de minimitzar la colmatació d’aquests sistemes, sense minvar l’eficiència d’eliminació de contaminants de l’aigua residual. Els objectius específics són quantificar la precisió i exactitud d’un mètode de mesura in situ de la conductivitat hidràulica, basat en el permeàmetre de càrrega variable, per a la determinació de l’estat de colmatació d’un llit així com la distribució horitzontal d’aquesta; determinar l’indicador més adecuat per avaluar la colmatació d’un aiguamoll construït de flux subsuperficial horitzontal; identificar nous paràmetres de disseny y operación susceptibles de causar o afavorir la colmatación del medi filtrant; i caracteritzar (en termes d’eliminació de contaminants i d’evolució de la colmatación) dues noves configuracions d’aiguamolls construïts a escala pilot

    Relación entre la inteligencia emocional y el rendimiento académico en segundo de primaria

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    The emotional education is one of the great forgotten in school, however it is one of the aspects that promote the integral development of people. This study aims to propose a plan of intervention to promote emotional intelligence, for the students that have difficulties and to keep it in which are developed. But before we analyze whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance, measuring both variables. This study involved 27 students of second year of primary education of concerted school of Andorra la Vella (Andorra). They were gives two questionnaires, one to diagnose the multiple intelligences (intrapersonal and interpersonal) and the TMMS-24 to assess the clarity of feelings, emotional care and repair of emotions. In addition, school grades were collected in the last quarter to see the relationship with school performance. The results showed that the level of interpersonal intelligence is mediumhigh and intrapersonal intelligence has a medium level, while scores of clarity, emotional care and repair are adequate. On the other hand we can say that there is a positive correlation between academic performance and emotional intelligence (intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, clarity of feelings, emotional care and repair of emotions). Subsequently, we developed a program of neuropsychological intervention to work the emotional education for the children that had difficulties in emotional intelligence, and also as prevention for those who did well.La educación emocional es una de las grandes olvidadas actualmente en los centros educativos, sin embargo es uno de los ámbitos que favorece el desarrollo integral de las personas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un plan de intervención para fomentar la inteligencia emocional, para aquellos alumnos/as que tengan dificultades y para mantenerla en los que la tienen desarrollada. Pero antes queremos analizar si hay una relación entre la inteligencia emocional y el rendimiento académico, midiendo las dos variables. En este estudio participaron 27 alumnos/as del segundo curso de Educación Primaria de un colegio concertado de Andorra la Vella (Principado de Andorra). Se les aplicó dos cuestionarios, uno para diagnosticar las inteligencias múltiples (intrapersonal e interpersonal) y el TMMS-24 para valorar la claridad de sentimientos, atención emocional y reparación de emociones. Además, se recogieron las calificaciones escolares del último trimestre para ver la relación con el rendimiento escolar. Los resultados han mostrado que el nivel de inteligencia interpersonal es medio-alto y la inteligencia intrapersonal tiene un nivel medio, mientras que las puntuaciones de claridad, atención y reparación emocional son adecuadas. Por otra parte podemos decir que existe una correlación positiva entre el rendimiento académico y la inteligencia emocional (las inteligencias intrapersonal e interpersonal, la claridad de sentimientos, atención emocional y reparación de emociones). Posteriormente, se elaboró un programa de intervención neuropsicológica para trabajar la educación emocional en aquellos niños/as que tuvieron dificultades en la inteligencia emocional, y a la vez como prevención para los que obtuvieron buenos resultados

    Performance of a Pool and Weir Fishway for Iberian Cyprinids Migration: A Case Study

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    One of the movement barriers that fish populations must overcome for migration success in the upper basin of Tormes river (Salamanca, Spain) is a 20 m high dam. The design of its pool and weir fishway for potamodromous fishes (mostly Iberian barbel—Luciobarbus bocagei—and Northern straight-mouth nase—Pseudochondrostoma duriense) to overcome the obstacle was improved in 2013. The aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of the fishway using FDX passive integrated transponder (PIT)-Tags inserted into the fish and PIT-Tag detection antennas at the fishway. During several sampling events, 7113 barbel and nase individuals were tagged and released at the point of capture along the basin (2538 and 4575 of which were tagged downstream and upstream, respectively). PIT-Tag Detection Antennas close to the top and bottom of the fishway monitored tagged fish continuously for 10 months (from March to December 2017), to analyze the performance of the fishway. Upstream passage efficiency was greater for barbel (60% and 25% for barbel and nase, respectively). Differences in passage efficiency between species may be due to differences in their size. Mean length for barbels attempting to pass was 336 mm (±47 mm) while for nases was 143 mm (±26 mm). Moreover, both the number of attempts to pass and ascend time for nases were higher than for barbels. Entrance efficiency was low (3.5% and 10.8% for barbel and nase, respectively), although 2017 was a very dry year, thus these results are most likely influenced by flow rates. Therefore, the fishway has proved to be functional but is actually poor for efficiency purposes, especially for small fish