617 research outputs found

    Describing the longitudinal course of major depression using Markov models: Data integration across three national surveys

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    BACKGROUND: Most epidemiological studies of major depression report period prevalence estimates. These are of limited utility in characterizing the longitudinal epidemiology of this condition. Markov models provide a methodological framework for increasing the utility of epidemiological data. Markov models relating incidence and recovery to major depression prevalence have been described in a series of prior papers. In this paper, the models are extended to describe the longitudinal course of the disorder. METHODS: Data from three national surveys conducted by the Canadian national statistical agency (Statistics Canada) were used in this analysis. These data were integrated using a Markov model. Incidence, recurrence and recovery were represented as weekly transition probabilities. Model parameters were calibrated to the survey estimates. RESULTS: The population was divided into three categories: low, moderate and high recurrence groups. The size of each category was approximated using lifetime data from a study using the WHO Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WMH-CIDI). Consistent with previous work, transition probabilities reflecting recovery were high in the initial weeks of the episodes, and declined by a fixed proportion with each passing week. CONCLUSION: Markov models provide a framework for integrating psychiatric epidemiological data. Previous studies have illustrated the utility of Markov models for decomposing prevalence into its various determinants: incidence, recovery and mortality. This study extends the Markov approach by distinguishing several recurrence categories

    Sulphide mineral evolution and metal mobility during alteration of the oceanic crust: Insights from ODP Hole 1256D

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    Fluxes of metals during the hydrothermal alteration of the oceanic crust have far reaching effects including buffering of the compositions of the ocean and lithosphere, supporting microbial life and the formation of sulphide ore deposits. The mechanisms responsible for metal mobilisation during the evolution of the oceanic crust are complex and are neither fully constrained nor quantified. Investigations into the mineral reactions that release metals, such as sulphide leaching, would generate better understanding of the controls on metal mobility in the oceanic crust. We investigate the sulphide and oxide mineral paragenesis and the extent to which these minerals control the metal budget in samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 1256D. The ODP Hole 1256D drill core provides a unique sample suite representative of a complete section of a fast-spreading oceanic crust from the volcanic section down to the plutonic complex. The sulphide population at Hole 1256D is divided into five groups based on mineralogical assemblage, lithological location and texture: the magmatic, metasomatised, high temperature hydrothermal, low temperature and patchy sulphides. The initiation of hydrothermal alteration by downward flow of moderate temperature (250–350 °C) hydrothermal fluids under oxidising conditions leads to metasomatism of the magmatic sulphides in the sheeted dyke and plutonic complexes. Subsequent increase in the degree of hydrothermal alteration at temperatures >350 °C under reducing conditions then leads to the leaching of the metasomatised sulphides by rising hydrothermal fluids. Mass balance calculations show that the mobility of Cu, Se and Au occurs through sulphide leaching during high temperature hydrothermal alteration and that the mobility of Zn, As, Sb and Pb is controlled by silicate rather than sulphide alteration. Sulphide leaching is not complete at Hole 1256D and more advanced alteration would mobilise greater masses of metals. Alteration of oxide minerals does not release significant quantities of metal into the hydrothermal fluid at Hole 1256D. Mixing of rising high temperature fluids with low temperature fluids, either in the upper sheeted dyke section or in the transitional zone, triggers local high temperature hydrothermal sulphide precipitation and trapping of Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Ag, Sb, Se, Te, Au, Hg and Pb. In the volcanic section, low temperature fluid circulation (<150 °C) leads to low temperature sulphide precipitation in the form of pyrite fronts that have high As concentrations due to uptake from the circulating fluids. Deep late low temperature circulation in the sheeted dyke and the plutonic complexes results in local precipitation of patchy sulphides and local metal remobilisation. Control of sulphides over Au, Se and Cu throughout fast-spreading mid-oceanic crust history implies that the generation of hydrothermal fluids enriched in these metals, which can eventually form VMS deposits, is strongly controlled by sulphide leaching

    Changes in Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Body Composition in Pregnant Mares

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    Background: Mares are very different from other species during pregnancy, and studies on the physiological changes of this period are important. During late pregnancy, the distribution of weight and body fat are often used as indicators of adequate nutrition. This is a physiological period that results in an increase in metabolic demand. There is a tendency for the Criollo breed to have a higher body condition score that becomes more evident during pregnancy, a period when mares tend to gain more weight. The current study monitored serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in pregnant mares during late gestation to determine a possible correlation with the distribution of fat or body weight.Materials, Methods & Results: Four body parameters of thirty-four Criollo-type mares in late gestation were evaluated: body weight measured with a weight scale, body weight using a commercial weight tape, total body fat and fat thickness and the serum levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides. The fat thickness was measured in an ultrasound device and the prediction of total body fat was calculated using an equation. According to the days prior foaling, biometric monitoring and blood collection were carried out in five periods: F-90 (Âą 90 days prior to foaling) n = 33; F-60 (Âą 60 days prior to foaling) n = 33; F-30 (Âą 30 days prior to foaling) n = 31; F-15 (Âą 15 days prior to foaling) n = 29 and Foaling (at day of foaling) n = 14. Mares were monitored daily and accompanied foaling was also performed, ensuring collection at the right time. Comparisons of means were performed between variables in addition to the Pearson correlation test. Statistical significance was established at P 0.05). A strong positive correlation was observed between the average weights (P 0.068). There was a strong positive correlation between weights (P 0.191). There was also no correlation with the body composition (P > 0.068).Discussion: The absence of difference between the periods in relation to the weight measures and the correlations existing in these measures is related to the period in which they were collected, since the maximum relative weight of the foal is reached in ten months, causing the mare's weight stability. Interestingly, an unexplained increase in total cholesterol levels was found on the day of foaling. As the same change in triglycerides was not observed and there was no change in the diet or feeding behavior of the mares, the effects of the diet can be excluded in this case, which requires further studies to explain this result. Our hypothesis is that this increase is linked to hormones that tend to change in this pre-delivery period and that have their metabolism strongly linked to cholesterol levels. Levels of body fat and mare weight can therefore be correlated in the late gestation, allowing for their use as indicators of adequate nutritional and energy reserves

    Creation of dense polymer brush layers by the controlled deposition of an amphiphilic responsive comb polymer

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    We introduce a copolymer with a comb topology that has been engineered to assemble in a brush configuration at an air-water interface. The molecule comprises a 6.1 kDa poly(methyl methacrylate) backbone with a statistical amount of poly[2-(dimethyl amino)ethyl methacrylate] polybase side chains averaging 2.43 per backbone.. Brush layers deposited with the hydrophobic PMMA backbone adsorbed to hydrophobized silicon are stable in water even when stored at pH values less than 2.0 for over 24 h. The use of a Langmuir trough allows a simple controlled deposition of the layers at a variety of grafting densities. Depth profiling of brush layers was performed using neutron reflectometry and reveals a significant shifting of the responsiveness of the layer upon changing the grafting density. The degree of swelling of the layers at a pH value of 4 (below the pK(b)) decreases as grafting density increases. Lowering the pH of the subphase during deposition causes the side chains to become charged and more hydrophilic extending to a brush-like configuration while at neutral pH the side chains lie in a "pancake" conformation at the interface. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Major depression, fibromyalgia and labour force participation: A population-based cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have documented an elevated frequency of depressive symptoms and disorders in fibromyalgia, but have not examined the association between this comorbidity and occupational status. The purpose of this study was to describe these epidemiological associations using a national probability sample. METHODS: Data from iteration 1.1 of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) were used. The CCHS 1.1 was a large-scale national general health survey. The prevalence of major depression in subjects reporting that they had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia by a health professional was estimated, and then stratified by demographic variables. Logistic regression models predicting labour force participation were also examined. RESULTS: The annual prevalence of major depression was three times higher in subjects with fibromyalgia: 22.2% (95% CI 19.4 – 24.9), than in those without this condition: 7.2% (95% CI 7.0 – 7.4). The association persisted despite stratification for demographic variables. Logistic regression models predicting labour force participation indicated that both conditions had an independent (negative) effect on labour force participation. CONCLUSION: Fibromyalgia and major depression commonly co-occur and may be related to each other at a pathophysiological level. However, each syndrome is independently and negatively associated with labour force participation. A strength of this study is that it was conducted in a large probability sample from the general population. The main limitations are its cross-sectional nature, and its reliance on self-reported diagnoses of fibromyalgia

    RACE-OC Project: Rotation and variability in the epsilon Chamaeleontis, Octans, and Argus stellar associations

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    We aim at determining the rotational and magnetic-related activity properties of stars at different stages of evolution. We focus our attention primarily on members of young stellar associations of known ages. Specifically, we extend our previous analysis in Paper I (Messina et al. 2010, A&A 520, A15) to 3 additional young stellar associations beyond 100 pc and with ages in the range 6-40 Myr: epsilon Chamaeleontis (~6 Myr), Octans (~20 Myr), and Argus (~40 Myr). Additional rotational data of eta Chamaeleontis and IC2391 clusters are also considered. Rotational periods were determined from photometric time-series data obtained by the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) and the Wide Angle Search for Planets (SuperWASP) archives. With the present study we have completed the analysis of the rotational properties of the late-type members of all known young loose associations in the solar neighborhood. Considering also the results of Paper I, we have derived the rotation periods of 241 targets: 171 confirmed, 44 likely, 26 uncertain. The period of the remaining 50 stars known to be part of loose associations still remains unknown. This rotation period catalogue, and specifically the new information presented in this paper at ~6, 20, and 40 Myr, contributes significantly to a better observational description of the angular momentum evolution of young stars.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics. Onlines figures will be available at CD

    Mixing at young ages: Beryllium abundances in cool main-sequence stars of the open clusters IC 2391 and IC 2602

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    The determination of lithium abundances in stars of young clusters have shown that they deplete Li by different degrees during their pre-main sequence phase. Beryllium abundances are complementary to the lithium ones, and can help tracing the mixing processes in the stellar interiors. Our aim is to derive beryllium abundances in a sample of G- and K-type stars of two young pre-main sequence open clusters, IC 2391 and IC 2602. The Be abundances are used to investigate the mixing of internal material in these stars. The reliability of the Be lines as abundance indicators in low-temperatures is also investigated in detail. We derived Be abundances from high-resolution, high signal-to-noise UVES/VLT spectra using spectrum synthesis and model atmospheres. Atmospheric parameters and other elemental abundances are adopted from a previous work. The sample stars have masses in the range between 0.80 < M/Msun < 1.20. They have been shown to differ in lithium abundance by about 0.60 dex, with lower A(Li) in cooler and lower mass stars. Here, we find that all the stars have the same Be abundance within the uncertainties. These observations show that the Be abundance is not affected by the mixing events in the pre-main sequence, in this mass range, in agreement with the expectation of evolutionary models. A comparison with Be abundances in older clusters shows that, contrary to the models, cool stars deplete Be during their main-sequence lifetime, confirming what has been previously suggested in the literature.Comment: To appear in A&A, 12 pages, 12 figure

    The debris disk host star HD 61005: a member of the Argus Association?

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    HD 61005 is a nearby young solar type star that shows a large infrared excess due to a debris disk. The disk has been recently imaged from ground and space, with indications of several components. Some characteristics of the disk suggest the presence of planetary companions around the star, that remain undetected in deep adaptive optics imaging. For a better understanding of the system we aim to refine the determination of the stellar parameters, with emphasis on the stellar age and system orientation. We used ASAS and Hipparcos photometry and FEROS spectra to determine the rotation period, radial and rotational velocity, chromospheric emission, effective temperature, and chemical composition. We find no indication of any misalignment between the star rotation axis and the disk. The standard age calibrations applied to several indicators yield an age close to that of the Pleiades (120 Myr); however the kinematic properties strongly support its membership in the younger (40 Myr) Argus association, which also includes the IC 2391 open cluster. Detailed comparison of the properties of HD 61005 and IC 2391 members shows that the characteristics of HD 61005 are compatible with membership to the Argus association, once its rather slow rotation is taken into account, because lithium and other age indicators are somewhat correlated with stellar rotation at a fixed age. We also identify systematic differences between the field and cluster population of the Argus association, which are probably selection effects, so we suggest that additional members with slower rotation and lower activity level are waiting to be identified.Comment: A&A, in press, 13 pages, 11 figure

    Dual task interference during gait in patients with unilateral vestibular disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vestibular patients show slower and unsteady gait; they have also been shown to need greater cognitive resources when carrying out balance and cognitive dual tasks (DT). This study investigated DT interference during gait in a middle-aged group of subjects with dizziness and unsteadiness after unilateral vestibular neuronitis and in a healthy control group.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fourteen individuals with subacute unilateral vestibular impairment after neuronitis and seventeen healthy subjects performed gait and cognitive tasks in single and DT conditions. A statistical gait analysis system was used and spatio-temporal parameters were considered. The cognitive task, consisting of backward counting by three, was tape recorded and the number of right figures was then calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both patients and controls showed a more conservative gait during DT and between groups significant differences were not found. A significant decrease in cognitive performance during DT was found only in the vestibular group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results suggest that less attentional resources are available during gait in vestibular patients compared to controls, and that a priority is given in keeping up the motor task to the detriment of a decrease of the cognitive performance during DT.</p
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