11,373 research outputs found

    A Fast and Accurate Nonlinear Spectral Method for Image Recognition and Registration

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    This article addresses the problem of two- and higher dimensional pattern matching, i.e. the identification of instances of a template within a larger signal space, which is a form of registration. Unlike traditional correlation, we aim at obtaining more selective matchings by considering more strict comparisons of gray-level intensity. In order to achieve fast matching, a nonlinear thresholded version of the fast Fourier transform is applied to a gray-level decomposition of the original 2D image. The potential of the method is substantiated with respect to real data involving the selective identification of neuronal cell bodies in gray-level images.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Perfectionism and the Big Five: Conscientiousness predicts longitudinal increases in self-oriented perfectionism

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    Findings from cross-sectional studies on the relationship between perfectionism and the Big Five personality traits demonstrate that conscientiousness shows significant positive correlations with self-oriented perfectionism, and neuroticism with socially prescribed perfectionism. The question is whether conscientiousness and neuroticism also predict longitudinal changes in self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism. A sample of 214 adolescents aged 14-19 years completed measures of the Big Five and perfectionism twice over a period of 5 to 8 months. As was expected, conscientiousness predicted longitudinal increases in self-oriented perfectionism. Neuroticism, however, did not predict any longitudinal increases in perfectionism—neither in self-oriented nor in socially prescribed perfectionism. Providing support for McCrae and Costa’s dynamic personality theory (McCrae & Costa, 1999) which holds that broad personality traits play a part in the development of lower-level personality characteristics, the findings suggest that conscientiousness is a trait that plays a role in the development of self-oriented perfectionism

    Proactivity directed toward the team and organization : the role of leadership, commitment and role-breadth self-efficacy

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    Employees' proactive behaviour is increasingly important for organizations seeking to adapt in uncertain economic environments. This study examined the link between leadership and proactive behaviour. We differentiated between organizational leadership and team leadership and proposed that transformational leadership by team leaders would enhance commitment to the team, which would predict team member proactivity. In contrast, transformational leadership by leaders of the organization would enhance commitment to the organization, which we expected to predict organization member proactivity. Transformational leadership on both levels was expected to increase employees' role-breadth self-efficacy, the confidence necessary to engage in proactive behaviour. Our results demonstrate the importance of leadership as an antecedent of proactive work behaviour and suggest that leadership at different levels influences proactivity via different mediators. Transformational team leaders seem to facilitate proactivity by increasing employees' confidence to initiate change. Transformational organizational leaders on the other hand increase proactivity by enhancing employees' commitment to the organization

    Plant and Microbial Interactions Under Simulated Lunar Conditions

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    With the increase of research on establishing a lunar base, there are many challenges faced regarding sustainable living conditions. Some limitations include the cost of long-term spaceflight due to the frequent transport of food supply to the moon. The use of in-situ resources and the recycling of biomass waste can be used for sustainable crop production to decrease the costs of long-term spaceflight and make efficient use of payloads. Lunar regolith, the moon’s soil, contains all the nutrients needed for plant growth except for nitrogen. However, biomass waste, such as organic waste, can be used as a nitrogen source and a supplement providing the lunar regolith with microbial communities to sustain plant growth. In this experiment we are investigating the effects of added microbial communities in horse manure on lunar regolith simulant for optimal plant growth. The experimental design requires the testing of protocols including a watering schedule, determining an optimal ratio of manure to lunar regolith simulant, and other appropriate growth conditions. The objective of this experiment is to analyze the microbial communities in the rhizosphere for plants in different substrates in an effort to simulate the Earth’s soil that can sustain crop production for a lunar base

    Towards a free-free template for CMB foregrounds

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    A full-sky template map of the Galactic free-free foreground emission component is increasingly important for high sensitivity CMB experiments. We use the recently published \ha data of both the northern and southern skies as the basis for such a template. The first step is to correct the \ha maps for dust absorption using the 100 μ\mum dust maps of Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998). We show that for a range of longitudes, the Galactic latitude distribution of absorption suggests that it is 33 per cent of the full extragalactic absorption. A reliable absorption-corrected \ha map can be produced for 95\sim 95 per cent of the sky; the area for which a template cannot be recovered is the Galactic plane area b<5|b| < 5^{\circ}, l=2600160l=260^{\circ}-0^{\circ}-160^{\circ} and some isolated dense dust clouds at intermediate latitudes. The second step is to convert the dust-corrected \ha data into a predicted radio surface brightness. The free-free emission formula is revised to give an accurate expression (1 per cent) for the radio emission covering the frequency range 100 MHz to 100 GHz and the electron temperature range 3000 to 20000 K. The main uncertainty when applying this expression is the variation of electron temperature across the sky. The emission formula is verified in several extended H{\sc ii} regions using data in the range 408 to 2326 MHz. A full-sky free-free template map is presented at 30 GHz; the scaling to other frequencies is given. The Haslam et al. all-sky 408 MHz map of the sky can be corrected for this free-free component, which amounts to a 6\approx 6 per cent correction at intermediate and high latitudes....Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in M.N.R.A.S. High-resolution versions of figs 2,7 (in colour), 9 and 11 can be obtained from ftp://ftp.jb.man.ac.uk/pub/cdickins/ff_paper/FINAL_FIGURES

    Team perceived virtuality: an emergent state perspective

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    The rapid changes of work, the ease of mobility, and ubiquitous use of virtual tools have fundamentally changed the way that teamwork in modern organizations is accomplished. Although these developments have elicited a broad range of studies focusing on the phenomenon of team virtuality, the construct itself is still tied to conceptual ambiguities, opposing theoretical underpinnings, and inconsistent findings. The present paper synthesizes the structural and social-constructivist elements of team virtuality in order to introduce the novel concept of team perceived virtuality (TPV), embedded within a theoretical model of its team-level emergence. We define TPV as a cognitive-affective team emergent state which is grounded in collectively experienced feelings of distance and perceptions of information deficits. We further describe how TPV emerges as a function of team members’ collectively developed co-constructions and identify antecedents that contribute towards this emergence. By disentangling perceptions from structural properties, the present paper conceptually advances our understanding of team virtuality beyond its structural characteristics. Ultimately, this conceptual work serves as a starting point for future research on team virtuality as a collectively constructed, team-level emergent construct.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A pilot study of the radio-continuum emission from MASH planetary nebulae

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    We report an Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) radio-continuum observations of 26 planetary nebulae (PNe) at wavelengths of 3 and 6 cm. This sample of 26 PNe were taken from the Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg Halpha PNe (MASH) catalogue and previous lists. We investigate radio detection quality including measured and derived parameters for all detected or marginally detected PNe from this combined sample. Some 11 objects from the observed sample have been successfully detected and parametrized. Except for one, all detected PNe have very low radio surface brightnesses. We use a statistical distance scale method to calculate distances and ionised masses of the detected objects. Nebulae from this sample are found to be large (>0.2 pc in diameter) and highly diluted which indicates old age. For 21 PNe from this sample we list integrated Halpha fluxes and interstellar extinction coefficients, either taken from the literature or derived here from the Balmer decrement and radio to Halpha ratio methods. Finally, our detected fraction of the MASH pilot sample is relatively low compared to the non-MASH sub-sample. We conclude that future radio surveys of the MASH sample must involve deeper observations with better uv coverage in order to increase the fraction of detected objects and improve the quality of the derived parameters.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Astron. Nach

    Economic outcomes associated with deep surgical site infection in patients with an open fracture of the lower limb

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    Aims The aim of this study was to estimate economic outcomes associated with deep surgical site infection (SSI) in patients with an open fracture of the lower limb. Patients and Methods A total of 460 patients were recruited from 24 specialist trauma hospitals in the United Kingdom Major Trauma Network. Preference-based health-related quality-of-life outcomes, assessed using the EuroQol EQ-5D-3L and the 6-Item Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire (SF-6D), and economic costs (£, 2014/2015 prices) were measured using participant-completed questionnaires over the 12 months following injury. Descriptive statistics and multivariate regression analysis were used to explore the relationship between deep SSI and health utility scores, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), and health and personal social service (PSS) costs. Results Deep SSI was associated with lower EQ-5D-3L derived QALYs (adjusted mean difference -0.102, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.202 to 0.001, p = 0.047) and increased health and social care costs (adjusted mean difference £1950; 95% CI £1383 to £5285, p = 0.250) versus patients without deep SSI over the 12 months following injury. Conclusion Deep SSI may lead to significantly impaired health-related quality of life and increased economic costs. Our economic estimates can be used to inform clinical and budgetary service planning and can act as reference data for future economic evaluations of preventive or treatment interventions

    Low-field magnetic resonance imaging and multislice computed tomography for the detection of cervical syringomyelia in dogs

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    Background: Syringomyelia (SM) is defined as the presence of fluid- containing cavities within the parenchyma of the spinal cord. Sagittal magnetic resonance (MR) images have been described as the preferred technique for visualizing SMin dogs and humans. Objective: To investigate whether computed tomography (CT) can be used to diagnose SM. Animals: Thirty- two client- owned dogs referred for investigation of the cervical spine on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT. Methods: Two reviewers retrospectively analyzed sagittal and transverse T1- weighted spin echo (T1WSE) MR images and CT images from each dog for the presence of SM and, if SM was present, the width (mm, syrinx width [ SW]) was measured. The results were analyzed statistically. Results: For the presence of SM there was a moderate interobserver agreement for MR (81%, j = 0.54) and almost perfect agreement for CT (94%, j = 0.87). There was a moderate intramodality agreement for both observers (observer 1 81%, j = 0.59; observer 2 81%, j = 0.57). For measurement of SW the repeatability was the best on the midsagittal T1WSE images (95% repeatability coefficient < 0.52 mm) and the reproducibility was the best on midsagittal images in both modalities (95% limits of agreement 0.55- 0.45; P = 0.002). Conclusion and Clinical Importance: Both techniques can be used to detect SM. Midsagittal MR and CT images are best used for measuring SW. Computed tomography can be used as a diagnostic tool for SM when MRI is not available, but CT cannot replace MRI as the standard screening technique for the detection of SM in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for breeding purposes

    Tradução e adaptação cultural para o português brasileiro do Temperament and Personality Questionnaire

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    Introduction: The Temperament & Personality Questionnaire (T&P) is a self-report instrument designed to evaluate personality styles overrepresented in patients with depression. This report briefly describes the translation and adaptation of the T&P into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: The procedures, which included 10 steps, followed guidelines for the adaptation of self-report instruments defined by the International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Task Force for Translation and Cultural Adaptation. Results: The author of the original T&P questionnaire authorized and participated in the translation conducted by the authors and independent native speakers. Evaluation of the translated questionnaire indicated that only minor adjustments were required in the Portuguese version. Conclusions: The Brazilian version of T&P, translated and adapted following a rigid standardized process, is available for use free of charge and may be especially useful in pursuing links between personality styles and depressive conditions.Introdução: O Temperament & Personality Questionnaire (T&P) é um instrumento de autorrelato criado para avaliar quais estilos de personalidade têm maior representação em pacientes com depressão. Este trabalho descreve brevemente o processo de tradução e adaptação do T&P para o português brasileiro. Métodos: A tradução e a adaptação cultural se desenvolveram em 10 passos e seguiram as diretrizes para adaptação de instrumentos de autorrelato definidas por força-tarefa do ISPOR (International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research). Resultados: O autor do questionário T&P original autorizou e participou da tradução feita pelos autores e por falantes nativos independentes. A avaliação do questionário traduzido mostrou que apenas pequenos ajustes foram necessários na versão em português. Conclusões: A versão brasileira do questionário T&P, traduzido e adaptado seguindo um rígido processo padronizado, está disponível gratuitamente e pode ser de grande utilidade na pesquisa sobre as relações entre estilos de personalidade e quadros depressivos