163 research outputs found

    Humanoid odometric localization integrating kinematic, inertial and visual information

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    We present a method for odometric localization of humanoid robots using standard sensing equipment, i.e., a monocular camera, an inertial measurement unit (IMU), joint encoders and foot pressure sensors. Data from all these sources are integrated using the prediction-correction paradigm of the Extended Kalman Filter. Position and orientation of the torso, defined as the representative body of the robot, are predicted through kinematic computations based on joint encoder readings; an asynchronous mechanism triggered by the pressure sensors is used to update the placement of the support foot. The correction step of the filter uses as measurements the torso orientation, provided by the IMU, and the head pose, reconstructed by a VSLAM algorithm. The proposed method is validated on the humanoid NAO through two sets of experiments: open-loop motions aimed at assessing the accuracy of localization with respect to a ground truth, and closed-loop motions where the humanoid pose estimates are used in real-time as feedback signals for trajectory control

    Acute heart failure after Caesaerean section: peri-partum or tako-tsubo cardiomiopathy?

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    A young woman undergoes Caesarean section at the 39th week of pregnancy: shortly after she develops acute cardiorespiratory failure. The electrocardiography shows sinus tachycardia and right bundle branch block. The ventriculography confirms the decrease of the pump function and the mid-ventricular ballooning of the left ventricle; the differential diagnosis is between peri-partum cardiomyopathy and stress induced tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy: the sudden onset, the results of the ventriculography and the complete recovery after 11 days of treatment for acute heart failure led the diagnosis towards tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy

    miR-146a controls CXCR4 expression in a pathway that involves PLZF and can be used to inhibit HIV-1 infection of CD4+ T lymphocytes

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    Abstract MicroRNA miR-146a and PLZF are reported as major players in the control of hematopoiesis, immune function and cancer. PLZF is described as a miR-146a repressor, whereas CXCR4 and TRAF6 were identified as miR-146a direct targets in different cell types. CXCR4 is a co-receptor of CD4 molecule that facilitates HIV-1 entry into T lymphocytes and myeloid cells, whereas TRAF6 is involved in immune response. Thus, the role of miR-146a in HIV-1 infection is currently being thoroughly investigated. In this study, we found that PLZF mediates suppression of miR-146a to control increases of CXCR4 and TRAF6 protein levels in human primary CD4 + T lymphocytes. We show that miR-146a upregulation by AMD3100 treatment or PLZF silencing, decreases CXCR4 protein expression and prevents HIV-1 infection of leukemic monocytic cell line and CD4 + T lymphocytes. Our findings improve the prospects of developing new therapeutic strategies to prevent HIV-1 entry via CXCR4 by using the PLZF/miR-146a axis

    Peripartum cardiomyopathy

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    Peripartum cardiomyopathy is an uncommon form of congestive heart failure associated with systolic dysfunction of left ventricle. The onset is characterised by symptoms of heart failure occurring between the last month of pregnancy and 5-6 months postpartum. The early diagnosis and the institution of medical treatment for this disease are essential because the inadequate management may affect the patient’s long-term prognosis and can lead to severe complications, including death.Currently its aetiology is not completely understood. Many aetiopathogenetic hypotheses have been formulated: inflammation, viral agents, autoimmune processes. In the last years, evidences aroused for a role of prolactin and its 16 kDa metabolite in reducing cardiomyocite metabolic activity and contraction. In this article we have reviewed the current literature with special emphasis on the role of prolactin and the related current treatment strategies. In particular, bromocriptine appears promising, even if women need to be informed that the drug stops the production of breastmilk. Further researchers, such as large multicenter trials, are needed to decide the best treatment for the women suffering of this disease

    SARS-CoV-2 serological profile in healthcare professionals of a Southern Italy hospital

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the first coronavirus that has caused a pandemic. Assessing the prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare worker groups offers a unique opportunity to study the correlation between seroconversion and immunization because of their occupational exposure and a higher risk of contagion. The study enrolled 3242 asymptomatic employees of “Policlinico Riuniti”, Foggia. After the first screening, we collected sequential serum samples for up to 23 weeks from the same subjects. In order to perform a longitudinal follow-up study and get information about the titration of IgG levels, we analyzed data from subjects (33) with at least two consecutive serological IgG—positive tests; 62 (1.9%; 95% CI: 1.4–2.3) tested positive for at least one anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody. The seroprevalence was lower in the high-risk group 1.4% (6/428; 95% CI: 0.5–2.6) vs. the intermediate-risk group 2.0% (55/2736; 95% CI: 1.5–2.5). Overall, within eight weeks, we detected a mean reduction of –17% in IgG levels. Our data suggest a reduction of about 9.27 AU/mL every week (R2 = 0.35, p = 0.0003). This study revealed the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among Foggia’s hospital healthcare staff (1.9%). Moreover, the IgG level reduction suggests that the serological response fades fast in asymptomatic infections

    Accretion, ejection and reprocessing in supermassive black holes

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    This is a White Paper in support of the mission concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT), proposed as a medium-sized ESA mission. We discuss the potential of LOFT for the study of active galactic nuclei. For a summary, we refer to the paper.Comment: White Paper in Support of the Mission Concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timin

    Akap1 deficiency promotes mitochondrial aberrations and exacerbates cardiac injury following permanent coronary ligation via enhanced mitophagy and apoptosis

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    A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) transmit signals cues from seven-transmembrane receptors to specific sub-cellular locations. Mitochondrial AKAPs encoded by the Akap1 gene have been shown to modulate mitochondrial function and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the heart. Under conditions of hypoxia, mitochondrial AKAP121 undergoes proteolytic degradation mediated, at least in part, by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Seven In-Absentia Homolog 2 (Siah2). In the present study we hypothesized that Akap1 might be crucial to preserve mitochondrial function and structure, and cardiac responses to myocardial ischemia. To test this, eight-week-old Akap1 knockout mice (Akap1(-/-)), Siah2 knockout mice (Siah2(-/-)) or their wild-type (wt) littermates underwent myocardial infarction (MI) by permanent left coronary artery ligation. Age and gender matched mice of either genotype underwent a left thoracotomy without coronary ligation and were used as controls (sham). Twenty-four hours after coronary ligation, Akap1(-/-) mice displayed larger infarct size compared to Siah2(-/-) or wt mice. One week after MI, cardiac function and survival were also significantly reduced in Akap1(-/-) mice, while cardiac fibrosis was significantly increased. Akap1 deletion was associated with remarkable mitochondrial structural abnormalities at electron microscopy, increased ROS production and reduced mitochondrial function after MI. These alterations were associated with enhanced cardiac mitophagy and apoptosis. Autophagy inhibition by 3-methyladenine significantly reduced apoptosis and ameliorated cardiac dysfunction following MI in Akap1(-/-) mice. These results demonstrate that Akap1 deficiency promotes cardiac mitochondrial aberrations and mitophagy, enhancing infarct size, pathological cardiac remodeling and mortality under ischemic conditions. Thus, mitochondrial AKAPs might represent important players in the development of post-ischemic cardiac remodeling and novel therapeutic targets

    How do cardiologists select patients for dual antiplatelet therapy continuation beyond 1 year after a myocardial infarction? Insights from the EYESHOT Post-MI Study

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    Background: Current guidelines suggest to consider dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) continuation for longer than 12 months in selected patients with myocardial infarction (MI). Hypothesis: We sought to assess the criteria used by cardiologists in daily practice to select patients with a history of MI eligible for DAPT continuation beyond 1 year. Methods: We analyzed data from the EYESHOT Post-MI, a prospective, observational, nationwide study aimed to evaluate the management of patients presenting to cardiologists 1 to 3 years from the last MI event. Results: Out of the 1633 post-MI patients enrolled in the study between March and December 2017, 557 (34.1%) were on DAPT at the time of enrolment, and 450 (27.6%) were prescribed DAPT after cardiologist assessment. At multivariate analyses, a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with multiple stents and the presence of peripheral artery disease (PAD) resulted as independent predictors of DAPT continuation, while atrial fibrillation was the only independent predictor of DAPT interruption for patients both at the second and the third year from MI at enrolment and the time of discharge/end of the visit. Conclusions: Risk scores recommended by current guidelines for guiding decisions on DAPT duration are underused and misused in clinical practice. A PCI with multiple stents and a history of PAD resulted as the clinical variables more frequently associated with DAPT continuation beyond 1 year from the index MI

    The Large Observatory for x-ray timing

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    The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) was studied within ESA M3 Cosmic Vision framework and participated in the final down-selection for a launch slot in 2022-2024. Thanks to the unprecedented combination of effective area and spectral resolution of its main instrument, LOFT will study the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions, such as the strong gravitational field in the innermost regions of accretion flows close to black holes and neutron stars, and the supra-nuclear densities in the interior of neutron stars. The science payload is based on a Large Area Detector (LAD, 10 m2 effective area, 2-30 keV, 240 eV spectral resolution, 1° collimated field of view) and a WideField Monitor (WFM, 2-50 keV, 4 steradian field of view, 1 arcmin source location accuracy, 300 eV spectral resolution). The WFM is equipped with an on-board system for bright events (e.g. GRB) localization. The trigger time and position of these events are broadcast to the ground within 30 s from discovery. In this paper we present the status of the mission at the end of its Phase A study