63 research outputs found

    Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care units: an international online survey

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    Background: On average 7% of patients admitted to intensive-care units (ICUs) suffer from a potentially preventable ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Our objective was to survey attitudes and practices of ICUs doctors in the field of VAP prevention. Methods: A questionnaire was made available online in 6 languages from April, 1st to September 1st, 2012 and disseminated through international and national ICU societies. We investigated reported practices as regards (1) established clinical guidelines for VAP prevention, and (2) measurement of process and outcomes, under the assumption "if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it"; as well as attitudes towards the implementation of a measurement system. Weighted estimations for Europe were computed based on countries for which at least 10 completed replies were available, using total country population as a weight. Data from other countries were pooled together. Detailed country-specific results are presented in an online additional file. Results: A total of 1730 replies were received from 77 countries; 1281 from 16 countries were used to compute weighted European estimates, as follows: care for intubated patients, combined with a measure of compliance to this guideline at least once a year, was reported by 57% of the respondents (95% CI: 54-60) for hand hygiene, 28% (95% CI: 24-33) for systematic daily interruption of sedation and weaning protocol, and 27% (95%: 23-30) for oral care with chlorhexidine. Only 20% (95% CI: 17-22) were able to provide an estimation of outcome data (VAP rate) in their ICU, still 93% (95% CI: 91-94) agreed that "Monitoring of VAP-related measures stimulates quality improvement". Results for 449 respondents from 61 countries not included in the European estimates are broadly comparable. Conclusions: This study shows a low compliance with VAP prevention practices, as reported by ICU doctors in Europe and elsewhere, and identifies priorities for improvement

    La comunicación de la responsabilidad social corporativa en el sector de la moda: el compromiso del sector de la moda con la inclusión social y la diversidad corporal

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    La industria de la moda tiene una responsabilidad social respecto a la percepción del cuerpo. En este sentido, es esencial que las marcas aborden la inclusión social y la diversidad corporal desde múltiples perspectivas. En este trabajo nos enfocamos en analizar la presencia de la diversidad de tallas en diez marcas de fast fashion, para ello examinaremos las prácticas que se utilizan y recopilaremos las opiniones de grupos de interés. Los datos revelan la existencia de algunos compromisos por parte de las compañías, pero no muestran una inclusión auténtica y completa.The fashion industry has a social responsibility regarding the perception of the body. In this respect, it is essential that brands address social inclusion and body diversity from multiple perspectives. In this study, we will focus on analysing the presence of size diversity in ten fast fashion brands by examining the practices used and collecting stakeholder opinions. The data reveals the existence of some commitments on the part of the companies, but does not show full and genuine inclusion

    Study of risk factors for healthcare-associated infections in acute cardiac patients using categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA)

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    Epidemiology; Preventive medicineEpidemiologia, Medicina preventivaEpidemiología; Medicina preventivaUsing categorical principal component analysis, we aimed to determine the relationship between health care-associated infections (HAIs) and diagnostic categories (DCs) in patients with acute heart disease using data collected in the Spanish prospective ENVIN-HELICS intensive care registry over a 10-year period (2005–2015). A total of 69,876 admissions were included, of which 5597 developed HAIs. Two 2-component CATPCA models were developed. In the first model, all cases were included; the first component was determined by the duration of the invasive devices, the ICU stay, the APACHE II score and the HAIs; the second component was determined by the type of admission (medical or surgical) and by the DCs. No clear association between DCs and HAIs was found. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.899, and the variance accounted for (VAF) was 52.5%. The second model included only admissions that developed HAIs; the first component was determined by the duration of the invasive devices and the ICU stay; the second component was determined by the inflammatory response, the mortality in the ICU and the HAIs. Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.855, and VAF was 46.9%. These findings highlight the role of exposure to invasive devices in the development of HAIS in patients with acute heart disease

    Pronóstico de los pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Difusa que ingresan por Insuficiencia Respiratoria en el Servicio Medicina Intensiva del Hospital Vall d'Hebron

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    Introducció: el pronòstic global dels malalts amb Malaltia Pulmonar Difusa (MPD) que ingressen a Unitats de Cures Intensives és dolent. El trasplantament urgent pot ser una opció terapèutica. Material i mètode: de Gener 1998 a Juny de 2009, 34 pacients con MPD, edat de 55 (21-76) anys. Resultats: 23 eren Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopàtica (FPI). Del total de malalts, un 79,4% van requerir ventilació mecànica. La mortalitat global va ser del 76%. 16 pacients es van incloure a llista de trasplantament urgent i es van trasplantar 12 amb una supervivencia a UCI del 58,3%. Conclusions: es confirma el mal pronòstic dels malalts amb MPD que ingressen a UCI. EL TP urgent possiblement és una opció vàlida en pacients joves seleccionats.Introducción: el pronóstico global de los enfermos con enfermedad pulmonar difusa (EPD) que ingresan en unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) es muy malo. El trasplante urgente puede ser una opción terapéutica. Material y método: de 1998 a Junio de 2009, 34 pacientes con EPD, edad de 55 (21-76) años. Resultados: 23 eran Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI). Del total de enfermos, un 79,4% requirieron ventilación mecánica. La mortalidad global fue del 76%. 16 pacientes se incluyeron el lista de trasplante urgente y se trasplantaron 12 con una supervivencia en UCI del 58,3%. Conclusión: se confirma el mal pronóstico de los enfermos con EPD que ingresan en UCI. El TP urgente posiblemente es una opción válida en pacientes jóvenes seleccionados

    Decreased salivary lactoferrin levels are specific to Alzheimer's disease

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    Background: Evidences of infectious pathogens in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains may suggest a deteriorated innate immune system in AD pathophysiology. We previously demonstrated reduced salivary lactoferrin (Lf) levels, one of the major antimicrobial proteins, in AD patients. Methods: To assess the clinical utility of salivary Lf for AD diagnosis, we examine the relationship between salivary Lf and cerebral amyloid-beta (A beta) load using amyloid-Positron-Emission Tomography (PET) neuroimaging, in two different cross-sectional cohorts including patients with different neurodegenerative disorders. Findings: The diagnostic performance of salivary Lf in the cohort 1 had an area under the curve [AUC] of 0.95 (0.911-0.992) for the differentiation of the prodromal AD/AD group positive for amyloid-PET (PET+) versus healthy group, and 0.97 (0.924-1) versus the frontotemporal dementia (FTD) group. In the cohort 2, salivary Lf had also an excellent diagnostic performance in the health control group versus prodromal AD comparison: AUC 0.93 (0.876-0.989). Salivary Lf detected prodromal AD and AD dementia distinguishing them from FTD with over 87% sensitivity and 91% specificity. Interpretation: Salivary Lf seems to have a very good diagnostic performance to detect AD. Our findings support the possible utility of salivary Lf as a new non-invasive and cost-effective AD biomarker.This study was supported by Dr. Carro grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS15/00780, FIS18/00118), FEDER, Comunidad de Madrid (S2017/BMD-3700; NEUROMETAB-CM), and CIBERNED (PI2016/01). This study was also supported by research grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF201785310-R to Dr. Cantero, PSI2017-85311-P to Dr. Atienza); International Centre on ageing CENIE-POCTEP (0348_CIE_6_E to Dr. Atienza); and CIBERNED (CB06/05/1111 to Dr. Cantero). Dr. Bueno receives research funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (PIE16/00021, PI17/01799). The H2H-Spain Study was supported in Spain by grant PIE16/00021 from Instituto Carlos III, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and additional funds from the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC). The CNIC is supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). The funders had no role in the conceptualisation, study design, data collection analysis and preparation of this manuscript

    Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia: the multimodal approach of the spanish ICU pneumonia zero program.

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    Objectives: The “Pneumonia Zero” project is a nationwide multimodal intervention based on the simultaneous implementation of a comprehensive evidence-based bundle measures to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients admitted to the ICU. Design: Prospective, interventional, and multicenter study. Setting: A total of 181 ICUs throughout Spain. Patients: All patients admitted for more than 24 hours to the participating ICUs between April 1, 2011, and December 31, 2012. Intervention: Ten ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention measures were implemented (seven were mandatory and three highly recommended). The database of the National ICU-Acquired Infections Surveillance Study (Estudio Nacional de Vigilancia de Infecciones Nosocomiales [ENVIN]) was used for data collection. Ventilator-associated pneumonia rate was expressed as incidence density per 1,000 ventilator days. Ventilator-associated pneumonia rates from the incorporation of the ICUs to the project, every 3 months, were compared with data of the ENVIN registry (April–June 2010) as the baseline period. Ventilator-associated pneumonia rates were adjusted by characteristics of the hospital, including size, type (public or private), and teaching (postgraduate) or university-affiliated (undergraduate) status. Measurements and Main Results: The 181 participating ICUs accounted for 75% of all ICUs in Spain. In a total of 171,237 ICU admissions, an artificial airway was present on 505,802 days (50.0% of days of stay in the ICU). A total of 3,474 ventilator-associated pneumonia episodes were diagnosed in 3,186 patients. The adjusted ventilator-associated pneumonia incidence density rate decreased from 9.83 (95% CI, 8.42–11.48) per 1,000 ventilator days in the baseline period to 4.34 (95% CI, 3.22–5.84) after 19–21 months of participation. Conclusions: Implementation of the bundle measures included in the “Pneumonia Zero” project resulted in a significant reduction of more than 50% of the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in Spanish ICUs. This reduction was sustained 21 months after implementation

    Understanding the evolution of immune genes in jawed vertebrates

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    Driven by co-evolution with pathogens, host immunity continuously adapts to optimize defence against pathogens within a given environment. Recent advances in genetics, genomics and transcriptomics have enabled a more detailed investigation into how immunogenetic variation shapes the diversity of immune responses seen across domestic and wild animal species. However, a deeper understanding of the diverse molecular mechanisms that shape immunity within and among species is still needed to gain insight into-and generate evolutionary hypotheses on-the ultimate drivers of immunological differences. Here, we discuss current advances in our understanding of molecular evolution underpinning jawed vertebrate immunity. First, we introduce the immunome concept, a framework for characterizing genes involved in immune defence from a comparative perspective, then we outline how immune genes of interest can be identified. Second, we focus on how different selection modes are observed acting across groups of immune genes and propose hypotheses to explain these differences. We then provide an overview of the approaches used so far to study the evolutionary heterogeneity of immune genes on macro and microevolutionary scales. Finally, we discuss some of the current evidence as to how specific pathogens affect the evolution of different groups of immune genes. This review results from the collective discussion on the current key challenges in evolutionary immunology conducted at the ESEB 2021 Online Satellite Symposium: Molecular evolution of the vertebrate immune system, from the lab to natural populations

    Programa de vigilància de les infeccions nosocomials als hospitals de Catalunya (Programa VINCat)

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    Infeccions nosocomials; Hospitals; Vigilància epidemiològicaNosocomial infections; Hospitals; Epidemiological surveillanceInfecciones nosocomiales; Hospitales; Vigilancia epidemiológicaVINCat és un programa del Servei Català de la Salut que estableix un sistema de vigilància unificat de les infeccions nosocomials als hospitals de Catalunya. La seva missió és contribuir a reduir les taxes d’aquestes infeccions mitjançant la vigilància epidemiològica activa i continuada. El programa es fonamenta en la tasca que porten a terme els professionals dels equips multidisciplinaris de control d’infecció dels hospitals catalans.VINCat is a program of the Catalan Health Service that establishes a unified surveillance system for nosocomial infections in hospitals in Catalonia. Its mission is to help reduce the rates of these infections through active and ongoing epidemiological surveillance. The program is based on the work carried out by the multidisciplinary teams of infection control of Catalan hospitals.VINCat es un programa del Servicio Catalán de la Salud que establece un sistema de vigilancia unificado de las infecciones nosocomiales en los hospitales de Cataluña. Su misión es contribuir a reducir las tasas de estas infecciones mediante la vigilancia epidemiológica activa y continuada. El programa se fundamenta en la tarea que llevan a cabo los profesionales de los equipos multidisciplinares de control de infección de los hospitales catalanes

    Management of acute diverticulitis with pericolic free gas (ADIFAS). an international multicenter observational study

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    Background: There are no specific recommendations regarding the optimal management of this group of patients. The World Society of Emergency Surgery suggested a nonoperative strategy with antibiotic therapy, but this was a weak recommendation. This study aims to identify the optimal management of patients with acute diverticulitis (AD) presenting with pericolic free air with or without pericolic fluid. Methods: A multicenter, prospective, international study of patients diagnosed with AD and pericolic-free air with or without pericolic free fluid at a computed tomography (CT) scan between May 2020 and June 2021 was included. Patients were excluded if they had intra-abdominal distant free air, an abscess, generalized peritonitis, or less than a 1-year follow-up. The primary outcome was the rate of failure of nonoperative management within the index admission. Secondary outcomes included the rate of failure of nonoperative management within the first year and risk factors for failure. Results: A total of 810 patients were recruited across 69 European and South American centers; 744 patients (92%) were treated nonoperatively, and 66 (8%) underwent immediate surgery. Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. Hinchey II-IV on diagnostic imaging was the only independent risk factor for surgical intervention during index admission (odds ratios: 12.5, 95% CI: 2.4-64, P =0.003). Among patients treated nonoperatively, at index admission, 697 (94%) patients were discharged without any complications, 35 (4.7%) required emergency surgery, and 12 (1.6%) percutaneous drainage. Free pericolic fluid on CT scan was associated with a higher risk of failure of nonoperative management (odds ratios: 4.9, 95% CI: 1.2-19.9, P =0.023), with 88% of success compared to 96% without free fluid ( P <0.001). The rate of treatment failure with nonoperative management during the first year of follow-up was 16.5%. Conclusion: Patients with AD presenting with pericolic free gas can be successfully managed nonoperatively in the vast majority of cases. Patients with both free pericolic gas and free pericolic fluid on a CT scan are at a higher risk of failing nonoperative management and require closer observation