85 research outputs found

    The environment of weak emission-line quasars

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    The nature of weak emission-line quasars (WLQs) is probed by comparing the Baldwin effect (BEff) in WLQs and normal quasars [quasi-stellar objects (QSOs)]. We selected 81 high-redshift (z > 2.2) and two intermediate-redshift (z= 1.66 and 1.89) WLQs. Their rest-frame equivalent widths (EWs) of the C iv emission line and their Eddington ratio were obtained from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR7) quasar catalogue or from Diamond-Stanic et al. We compare the parameters of WLQs with those of 81 normal quasars from Bright Quasar Survey and 155 radio-quiet and radio-intermediate quasars detected by SDSS and Chandra. The influence of the Eddington ratio, LBol/LEdd, and the X-ray to optical luminosity ratio, αox, on the BEff is analysed. We find that WLQs follow a different relationship on the EW(C iv)-LBol/LEdd plane than normal quasars. This relationship disagrees with the super-Eddington hypothesis. The weakness/absence of emission lines in WLQs does not seem to be caused by their extremely soft ionizing continuum but by low covering factor (Ω/4π) of their broad-line region. Comparison of emission-line intensities indicates that the ratios of high-ionization line and low-ionization line regions (i.e. ΩHIL/ΩLIL) are lower in WLQs than in normal QSOs. The covering factors of the regions producing C iv and Lyα emission lines are similar in both WLQs and QSO

    The mass of the black hole in RE J1034+396

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    The black hole mass measurement in active galaxies is a challenge, particularly in sources where the reverberation method cannot be applied. We aim to determine the black hole mass in a very special object, RE J1034+396, one of the two AGN with QPO oscillations detected in X-rays, and a single bright AGN with optical band totally dominated by starlight. We fit the stellar content using the code starlight, and the broad band disk contribution to optical/UV/X-ray emission is modeled with optxagnf. We also determine the black hole mass using several other independent methods. Various methods give contradictory results. Most measurements of the blacc hole mass are in the range 1.e6-1.e7 Msun, and the measurements based on dynamics give higher values than measurements based on Hbeta and Mg II emission lines.Comment: A&A, in pres

    The flare model for X-ray variability of NGC 4258

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    We study the variability mechanism of active galactic nuclei (AGN) within the framework of the flare model. To this end we examine the case of Seyfert/LINER galaxy NGC 4258, which is observed at high inclination angle and exhibits rapid fluctuations of the X-ray light curve. We construct a model light curve based on the assumption of magnetic flares localized in the equatorial plane and orbiting with Keplerian speed at each given radius. We calculate the level of variability as a function of the inclination of an observer, taking into account all effects of general relativity near a rotating supermassive black hole. The variability level is a monotonic function of the source inclination. It rises more rapidly for larger values of the black hole spin (Kerr parameter) and for steeper emissivity (index beta of the radial profile). We compare the expected level of variability for the viewing angle 81.6 deg, as inferred for NGC 4258, with the case of moderate viewing angles about 30 deg, typical for Seyfert type-1 galaxies. Highly inclined sources such as this one are particularly suitable to test the flare model because the effects of orbital motion, Doppler boosting and light bending are all expected to have maximum when the accretion disk is seen almost edge-on. The model is consistent with the NGC 4258 variability, where the obscuring material is thought to be localized mainly towards the equatorial plane rather than forming a geometrically thick torus. Once the intrinsic time-scales of the flare duration are determined to better precision, this kind of highly inclined objects with a precisely known mass of the black hole can be used to set independent constraints on the spin parameter.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; Astronomy & Astrophysics (this version includes minor language corrections

    RT Crucis: A look into the X-ray emission of a peculiar symbiotic star

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    © 2016 ESO.Symbiotic stars are a heterogeneous class of interacting binaries. Among them, RT Cru has been classified as prototype of a subclass that is characterised by hard X-ray spectra that extend past ∼20 keV. We analyse ∼8.6 Ms of archival INTEGRAL data collected during the period 2003-2014, ∼ 140 ks of Swift/XRT data, and a Suzaku observation of 39 ks, to study the spectral X-ray emission and investigate the nature of the compact object. Based on the 2MASS photometry, we estimate the distance to the source of 1.2-2.4 kpc. The X-ray spectrum obtained with Swift/XRT, JEM-X, IBIS/ISGRI, and Suzaku data is well fitted by a cooling flow model modified by an absorber that fully covers the source and two partially covering absorbers. Assuming that the hard X-ray emission of RT Cru originates from an optically thin boundary layer around a non-magnetic white dwarf, we estimated a mass of the white dwarf of MWD ≈ 1.2M⊙. The mass accretion rate obtained for this source might be too high for the optically thin boundary layer scenario. Therefore we investigate other plausible scenarios to model its hard X-ray emission. We show that, alternatively, the observed X-ray spectrum can be explained with the X-ray emission from the post-shock region above the polar caps of a magnetised white dwarf with mass MWD ≈ 0.9-1.1M⊙

    SDSS J094533.99+100950.1 - the remarkable weak emission line quasar

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    Weak emission line quasars are a rare and puzzling group of objects. In this paper we present one more object of this class found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1, lying at z = 1.66, has practically no C IV emission line, a red continuum very similar to the second steepest of the quasar composite spectra of Richards et al., is not strongly affected by absorption and the Mg II line, although relatively weak, is strong enough to measure the black hole mass. The Eddington ratio in this object is about 0.45, and the line properties are not consistent with the trends expected at high accretion rates. We propose that the most probable explanation of the line properties in this object, and perhaps in all weak emission line quasars, is that the quasar activity has just started. A disk wind is freshly launched so the low ionization lines which form close to the disk surface are already observed but the wind has not yet reached the regions where high ionization lines or narrow line components are formed. The relatively high occurrence of such a phenomenon may additionally indicate that the quasar active phase consists of several sub-phases, each starting with a fresh build-up of the Broad Line Region.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The final verdict by XMM-Newton: the X-ray obscured Seyfert galaxy NGC5506 has a broad Fe K-alpha line

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    We present the first unambiguous evidence of a broad (Gaussian width ~330 eV) component of the iron K-alpha fluorescent emission line in the X-ray obscured Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC5506. This is the main results of a spectroscopic monitoring campaign on this source performed with the XMM-Newton observatory between February 2001 and January 2009. The broad line lacks extreme redwards skewness. If modelled with a relativistic component, the profile of the line is consistent with a flat emissivity radial dependence (alpha~1.9). The disk inclination (~40 degrees) is nominally larger then typically observed in unobscured AGN, in agreement with most measurements of broadened iron lines in Seyfert 2 galaxies. The quality of the data allows us to decompose the full iron emission line complex, and to study its long-term (timescales of weeks to years) variability pattern. The intensity of the neutral and narrow iron K-alpha core remains constant during the monitoring campaign. This indicates that the optically thick gas responsible for the non-relativistic reprocessing of the primary AGN continuum in NGC5506 is probably located in the torus rather than in the optical Broad Line Region.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The environment of weak emission-line quasars

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    The nature of weak emission-line quasars (WLQs) is probed by comparing the Baldwin effect (BEff) in WLQs and normal quasars (QSOs). We selected 81 high-redshift (z>2.2) and 2 intermediate-redshift (z=1.66 and 1.89) WLQs. Their rest-frame equivalent widths (EWs) of the C IV emission-line and their Eddington ratio were obtained from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR7) Quasar Catalogue or from Diamond-Stanic et al. We compare the parameters of WLQs with these of 81 normal quasars from Bright Quasar Survey (BQS) and 155 radio-quiet and radio-intermediate quasars detected by SDSS and Chandra. The influence of the Eddington ratio, Lbol/Ledd, and the X-ray to optical luminosity ratio,alpha_ox, on the BEff is analysed. We find that WLQs follow a different relationship on the EW(CIV)-Lbol/Ledd plane than normal quasars. This relationship disagrees with the super-Eddington hypothesis. The weakness/absence of emission-lines in WLQs does not seem to be caused by their extremely soft ionizing continuum but by low covering factor (Omega) of their broad line region (BLR). Comparing emission-line intensities indicates that the ratios of high-ionization line and low-ionization line regions (i.e. Omega_(HIL)/Omega_(LIL)) are lower in WLQs than in normal QSOs. The covering factor of the regions producing C IV and Lyalpha emission-lines are similar in both WLQs and QSOs.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Minor changes (corrected typos) to match published versio

    Universal spectral shape of high accretion rate AGN

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    The spectra of quasars and NLS1 galaxies show surprising similarity in their spectral shape. They seem to scale only with the accretion rate. This is in contradiction with the simple expectations from the standard disk model which predicts lower disk temperature for higher black hole mass. Here we consider two mechanisms modifying the disk spectrum: the irradiation of the outer disk due to the scattering of the flux by the extended ionized medium (warm absorber and the development of the warm Comptonizing disk skin under the effect of the radiation pressure instability. Those two mechanisms seem to lead to a spectrum which indeed roughly scales, as observed, only with the accretion rate. The scenario applies only to objects with relatively high luminosity to the Eddington luminosity ratio for which disk evaporation is inefficient.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    Consistency of the black hole mass determination in AGN from the reverberation and the X-ray excess variance method

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    Values of black hole masses are frequently determined with the help of the reverberation method. This method requires a specific geometrical factor related to the distribution of the orbits of the Broad Line Region clouds. Onken et al. determined the value f^2= 1.37+/-0.45 from the black hole mass - dispersion relation. In this paper we determine this factor using an independent mass determination from the X-ray variance method for a number of Seyfert 1 galaxies and comparing them with the reverberation results by Peterson et al. We obtain mean value f^2 = 1.12 +/- 0.54, consistent with Onken et al. Both values are larger than the value 0.75 corresponding to a spherical geometry. It indicates that most probably all values of the black hole masses obtained with the use of the Kaspi et al. formulae should be multiplied by a factor of \sim 1.7. This also shows that the Broad Line Region is rather flat, and hints for a dependence of the factor f^2 on a source inclination seem to be present in the data.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constraints on the black hole spin in the quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1

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    The spin of the black hole is an important parameter which may be responsible for the properties of the inflow and outflow of the material surrounding a black hole. Broad band IR/optical/UV spectrum of the quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1 is clearly disk-dominated, with the spectrum peaking up in the observed frequency range. Therefore, disk fitting method usually used for Galactic black holes can be used in this object to determine the black hole spin. We develop the numerical code for computing disk properties, including radius-dependent hardening factor, and we apply the ray-tracing method to incorporate all general relativity effects in light propagation. We show that the simple multicolor disk model gives a good fit, without any other component required, and the disk extends down to the marginally stable orbit. The best fit accretion rate is 0.13, well below the Eddington limit, and the black hole spin is moderate, 0.3. The contour error for the fit combined with the constraints for the black hole mass and the disk inclination gives a constraint that the spin is lower than 0.8. We discuss the sources of possible systematic errors in the parameter determinations