29 research outputs found

    Investment Risk Profiling Utilizing Business Resource Slack

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    Financial investor classes are commonly depicted via a tripartite model that distinguishes among risk averse, risk neutral and risk seeking behaviors. This paper contributes to the literature by capturing the essence of risk tolerance in the context of a profit-maximizing firm’s investment decision vis-à-vis the business’ resource slack. The paradigm introduced in this paper contextualizes risk profiling in a rigorous manner which should augment treatments relayed in standard principles of finance textbooks. This paper illustrates that it is the existence or absence of resource slack that influences, if not dictates, a business’ risk disposition

    Marketing and Economic Aspects of Entrepreneurship: Raising Cane in the Low Desert-A Case Study

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    This article chronicles a collaborative effort between entrepreneurial farmers in Southern California\u27s Imperial Valley and University of California researchers to introduce cane sugar into the Valley

    Self-Assessment Of Households Economic Welfare As A Manifestation Of Adjustment To Transition And European Integration Processes In The Case Of Estonia

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    This paper analyzes Estonian households' perception of welfare, including the determinants and dynamics of said perception under transition. Data from the Estonian Household Income and Expenditures Survey 2000 and 2001 are used to construct samples. Ordered probit and linear regression models are employed to investigate the determinants of the self-assessed economic situations and income levels as determined to be necessary by households for conducting normal life. The income level perceived by households as necessary to conduct normal life is found to vary substantially depending on a given households actual income and other extant household characteristics. This indicates that factors other than income per capita alone are relevant for understanding households welfare and their perception of normal life, and, hence, should be among the targets of social policy and factored into the development strategies of Estonias social protection system

    Cross-Cultural Consumer Attitudes: A Case Of The Second-Hand Clothing Market In Armenia

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    Under the auspices of the Center for Business Research and Development (CBRD) at the American University of Armenia, and with contributions from assistants: Lusine Poghosyan; Armen Ginosyan; Christina Dombayan; and David Janibekyan, the authors of this article consider the issue of consumer attitudes in Armenia with respect to second-hand clothing. Results of an informal public poll in Yerevan, the country’s capital, and a rendering of an historical perspective on Armenia’s economy provide a backdrop for discourse on what appears to be a slight shift of consumer attitude away from a relatively negative bias against the purchase of second-hand clothing when compared to that evidenced broadly in the United States

    Viticulture, Wine Production, And Agriculture In Armenia: Economic Sectors In Transition

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    This paper focuses on perhaps the oldest branches of economic activity of Armenia viticulture and wine production. Accounts of vines and wines in Armenia are part of a larger story of the country’s agriculture industry. This paper pulls together the historic landscape and present state of affairs of the industries, revealing the significant roles agriculture, viticulture and winemaking have played in shaping Armenia and that they continue to play in sustaining the country’s standard of living. From ancient roots, through a transitional era of privatization and into modern times, the story of agriculture as a whole, grape-growing specifically, and wine production in Ar- menia is one of survival much like that which characterizes the lives of the Armenian people themselves across scores of centuries

    Phylogenetic and Preliminary Phenotypic Analysis of Yeast PAQR Receptors: Potential Antifungal Targets

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    Proteins belonging to the Progestin and AdipoQ Receptor (PAQR) superfamily of membrane bound receptors are ubiquitously found in fungi. Nearly, all fungi possess two evolutionarily distinct paralogs of PAQR protein, which we have called the PQRA and PQRB subtypes. In the model fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae, these subtypes are represented by the Izh2p and Izh3p proteins, respectively. S. cerevisiae also possesses two additional PQRA-type receptors called Izh1p and Izh4p that are restricted to other species within the “Saccharomyces complex”. Izh2p has been the subject of several recent investigations and is of particular interest because it regulates fungal growth in response to proteins produced by plants and, as such, represents a new paradigm for interspecies communication. We demonstrate that IZH2 and IZH3 gene dosage affects resistance to polyene antifungal drugs. Moreover, we provide additional evidence that Izh2p and Izh3p negatively regulate fungal filamentation. These data suggest that agonists of these receptors might make antifungal therapeutics, either by inhibiting fungal development or by sensitizing fungi to the toxic effects of current antifungal therapies. This is particularly relevant for pathogenic fungi such as Candida glabrata that are closely related to S. cerevisiae and contain the same complement of PAQR receptors

    Literature and Education in the Long 1930s

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    The educator's role in internationalizing the curriculum: A transitional period

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