84 research outputs found

    The Use of Fabrics to Improve the Acoustic Absorption: Influence of the Woven Fabric Thread Density Over a Nonwoven

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    [EN] Noise is frequently unnoticed, but it is one of the causes of unhealth for human beings reducing people's quality of life. There are many materials that can be considered as acoustic absorbents. Textiles can be used to both improve the acoustic quality of and to decorate the room where they have been placed. In this study, we used some fabrics with 15, 20 and 30 ends/cm and 15, 20 and 30 picks/cm. The acoustic absorption coefficient was measured when the fabric was added as a resistive layer on top of a nonwoven made of polyester fiber. Results evidence that these fabrics can be efficiently used to modify the acoustic absorption of the nonwoven. Sound absorption coefficients measured via the impedance tube method show that these modifications occur. The results show how it is possible to improve the acoustic characteristics of a simple nonwoven to obtain sound absorption coefficients close to values of 1 at different frequencies by choosing a fabric with the appropriate combination of warp and weft count.Segura-Alcaraz, MDP.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Montava-Seguí, I.; Bonet-Aracil, M. (2018). THE USE OF FABRICS TO IMPROVE THE ACOUSTIC ABSORPTION: INFLUENCE OF THE WOVEN FABRIC THREAD DENSITY OVER A NONWOVEN. AUTEX Research Journal. 18(3):269-280. doi:10.1515/aut-2018-0006S269280183Küçük, M., & Korkmaz, Y. (2012). The effect of physical parameters on sound absorption properties of natural fiber mixed nonwoven composites. Textile Research Journal, 82(20), 2043-2053. doi:10.1177/0040517512441987Pfretzschner, J., Cobo, P., Simón, F., Cuesta, M., & Fernández, A. (2006). Microperforated insertion units: An alternative strategy to design microperforated panels. Applied Acoustics, 67(1), 62-73. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2005.05.005Lundgren, L., Moberg, C., & Lidén, C. (2014). Do insulation products of man-made vitreous fibres still cause skin discomfort? Contact Dermatitis, 70(6), 351-360. doi:10.1111/cod.12178Garai, M., & Pompoli, F. (2005). A simple empirical model of polyester fibre materials for acoustical applications. Applied Acoustics, 66(12), 1383-1398. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2005.04.008Chevillotte, F. (2012). Controlling sound absorption by an upstream resistive layer. Applied Acoustics, 73(1), 56-60. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2011.07.005Dias, T., & Monaragala, R. (2006). Sound absorbtion in knitted structures for interior noise reduction in automobiles. Measurement Science and Technology, 17(9), 2499-2505. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/17/9/018Shoshani, Y. Z., & Wilding, M. A. (1991). Effect of Pile Parameters on the Noise Absorption Capacity of Tufted Carpets. Textile Research Journal, 61(12), 736-742. doi:10.1177/004051759106101207Delany, M. E., & Bazley, E. N. (1970). Acoustical properties of fibrous absorbent materials. Applied Acoustics, 3(2), 105-116. doi:10.1016/0003-682x(70)90031-9Shoshani, Y., & Rosenhouse, G. (1990). Noise absorption by woven fabrics. Applied Acoustics, 30(4), 321-333. doi:10.1016/0003-682x(90)90081-5Hanna, Y. I., & Kandil, M. M. (1991). Sound absorbing double curtains from local textile materials. Applied Acoustics, 34(4), 281-291. doi:10.1016/0003-682x(91)90011-

    Wnt Pathway in Bone Repair and Regeneration – What Do We Know So Far

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    Wnt signaling plays a central regulatory role across a remarkably diverse range of functions during embryonic development, including those involved in the formation of bone and cartilage. Wnt signaling continues to play a critical role in adult osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Disruptions in this highly-conserved and complex system leads to various pathological conditions, including impaired bone healing, autoimmune diseases and malignant degeneration. For reconstructive surgeons, critically sized skeletal defects represent a major challenge. These are frequently associated with significant morbidity in both the recipient and donor sites. The Wnt pathway is an attractive therapeutic target with the potential to directly modulate stem cells responsible for skeletal tissue regeneration and promote bone growth, suggesting that Wnt factors could be used to promote bone healing after trauma. This review summarizes our current understanding of the essential role of the Wnt pathway in bone regeneration and repair

    NADPH oxidases: key modulators in aging and age-related cardiovascular diseases?

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress have long been linked to aging and diseases prominent in the elderly such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes and atrial fibrillation (AF). NADPH oxidases (Nox) are a major source of ROS in the vasculature and are key players in mediating redox signalling under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. In this review, we focus on the Nox-mediated ROS signalling pathways involved in the regulation of 'longevity genes' and recapitulate their role in age-associated vascular changes and in the development of age-related cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). This review is predicated on burgeoning knowledge that Nox-derived ROS propagate tightly regulated yet varied signalling pathways, which, at the cellular level, may lead to diminished repair, the aging process and predisposition to CVDs. In addition, we briefly describe emerging Nox therapies and their potential in improving the health of the elderly population

    Interlocution et style tragique à l'âge classique : Théophile de Viau, Rotrou, Corneille et Racine

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    Using a detailed exploration of the language used by Théophile de Viau, Rotrou, Corneille and Racine in their tragedies, this study of dramatic dialogue confronts the results of a linguistic approach (syntactical, pragmatic, semantic…) with those of rhetorical analysis. The thesis strives to show how the brutal transition to tutoiement (or, in the opposite case, to vouvoiement) can sustain the sublime effect (used in the sense of Longin, rediscovered by Boileau) and how such use of the nominal apposition (especially in the frontal position) can sustain the pathos of a reply or of an extract (for that point we cover all the ranges of the pathè described by Aristotle) or consolidate the self-image (ethos) ones wishes to enforce with the speech. It aims to demonstrate how interlocutive structures carry both the action of tragedy as well as the oratorical aspects of dialogue. This broad investigation, based on the most precise linguistic knowledge as well as on the philological approach to rhetoric developed by the RARE team, enables a sort of epistemological thinking: there is a way to interrogate the relations between stylistics and rhetoric, subjects sometimes considered as antagonistic (for instance in Spitzer’s work), sometimes as complementary. Some specific terms (emphasis, apostrophe…) overlay rhetorical notions as well as syntactical realities: therefore, it seems important to spot some prospective transitions, which are not always linear or unidirectional, to describe the effects of unconformity or, alternatively, of layerings between these disciplines.Grâce à l’exploration détaillée de la langue employée par Théophile de Viau, Rotrou, Corneille et Racine dans leurs tragédies, cette réflexion sur le dialogue confronte les résultats de l’approche proprement linguistique (syntaxe, pragmatique, sémantique…) et ceux de l’analyse rhétorique. La thèse s’attache à montrer comment le passage brutal au tutoiement (ou à l’inverse au vouvoiement) peut soutenir l’effet de sublime (au sens de Longin, redécouvert par Boileau), comment tel usage de l’apposition nominale (notamment en position frontale) peut soutenir l’effet pathétique d’une réplique ou d’un extrait (on parcourt à ce sujet toute la gamme des pathè décrite par Aristote) ou consolider l’image de soi (ethos) que l’on souhaite imposer par le discours. Elle vise à démontrer à quel point les constructions interlocutives portent l’action tragique aussi bien que les enjeux oratoires du dialogue. Cette vaste enquête, fondée sur le savoir linguistique le plus précis comme sur l’approche philologique de la rhétorique développée par l’équipe RARE, permet une réflexion d’ordre épistémologique : il y a là matière à questionner les rapports entre stylistique et rhétorique, disciplines tantôt conçues comme antagonistes (par exemple chez Spitzer), tantôt comme complémentaires. Certains termes (l’emphase, l’apostrophe…) recouvrent aussi bien des notions rhétoriques que des réalités syntaxiques : il semble donc important de repérer d’éventuels transferts, pas toujours linéaires ou unidirectionnels, de décrire les effets de discordance ou au contraire de superposition entre ces disciplines

    Interlocution and tragic style at classical age : Théophile de Vieu, Rotrou, Corneille et Racine.

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    Grâce à l’exploration détaillée de la langue employée par Théophile de Viau, Rotrou, Corneille et Racine dans leurs tragédies, cette réflexion sur le dialogue confronte les résultats de l’approche proprement linguistique (syntaxe, pragmatique, sémantique…) et ceux de l’analyse rhétorique. La thèse s’attache à montrer comment le passage brutal au tutoiement (ou à l’inverse au vouvoiement) peut soutenir l’effet de sublime (au sens de Longin, redécouvert par Boileau), comment tel usage de l’apposition nominale (notamment en position frontale) peut soutenir l’effet pathétique d’une réplique ou d’un extrait (on parcourt à ce sujet toute la gamme des pathè décrite par Aristote) ou consolider l’image de soi (ethos) que l’on souhaite imposer par le discours. Elle vise à démontrer à quel point les constructions interlocutives portent l’action tragique aussi bien que les enjeux oratoires du dialogue. Cette vaste enquête, fondée sur le savoir linguistique le plus précis comme sur l’approche philologique de la rhétorique développée par l’équipe RARE, permet une réflexion d’ordre épistémologique : il y a là matière à questionner les rapports entre stylistique et rhétorique, disciplines tantôt conçues comme antagonistes (par exemple chez Spitzer), tantôt comme complémentaires. Certains termes (l’emphase, l’apostrophe…) recouvrent aussi bien des notions rhétoriques que des réalités syntaxiques : il semble donc important de repérer d’éventuels transferts, pas toujours linéaires ou unidirectionnels, de décrire les effets de discordance ou au contraire de superposition entre ces disciplines.Using a detailed exploration of the language used by Théophile de Viau, Rotrou, Corneille and Racine in their tragedies, this study of dramatic dialogue confronts the results of a linguistic approach (syntactical, pragmatic, semantic…) with those of rhetorical analysis. The thesis strives to show how the brutal transition to tutoiement (or, in the opposite case, to vouvoiement) can sustain the sublime effect (used in the sense of Longin, rediscovered by Boileau) and how such use of the nominal apposition (especially in the frontal position) can sustain the pathos of a reply or of an extract (for that point we cover all the ranges of the pathè described by Aristotle) or consolidate the self-image (ethos) ones wishes to enforce with the speech. It aims to demonstrate how interlocutive structures carry both the action of tragedy as well as the oratorical aspects of dialogue. This broad investigation, based on the most precise linguistic knowledge as well as on the philological approach to rhetoric developed by the RARE team, enables a sort of epistemological thinking: there is a way to interrogate the relations between stylistics and rhetoric, subjects sometimes considered as antagonistic (for instance in Spitzer’s work), sometimes as complementary. Some specific terms (emphasis, apostrophe…) overlay rhetorical notions as well as syntactical realities: therefore, it seems important to spot some prospective transitions, which are not always linear or unidirectional, to describe the effects of unconformity or, alternatively, of layerings between these disciplines

    Cellular senescence and new therapeutic approaches for pulmonary hypertension

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    L'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP) idiopathique ou associée à une maladie sous-jacente est un trouble inexpliqué dont les formes graves, chez l'adulte comme le nouveau-né, restent mortels et pour lequel à ce jour, aucun traitement satisfaisant n'est disponible. Elle est caractérisée par une augmentation anormale de la pression artérielle pulmonaire (PAP) moyenne supérieur à 25 mmHg au repos et 30 mmHg à l'effort alors que chez un sujet sain elle est comprise entre 10 et 15 mmHg. L'hyperplasie des cellules musculaires lisses artérielle pulmonaire (CML-AP) est le principal déterminant du processus de remodelage vasculaire pulmonaire qui sous-tend l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire.Il existe cependant des similitudes entre le cancer et l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire. En effet, certains dysfonctionnements cellulaires et métaboliques sont communs aux deux maladies. En effet, des anomalies sont souvent retrouvées à la fois dans le cancer et dans les pathologies prolifératives, comme une mutation du gène codant pour le facteur de transcription p53, l'inactivation post-transcriptionnelle de p53 via l'inhibition de son interaction avec son régulateur négatif MDM2 (murine à double minute 2), l'augmentation de l'activité de la télomérase ainsi que la translocation de la sous-unité TERT vers la mitochondrie.Un moyen thérapeutique de choix dans le cancer ou autre pathologie proliférative est l'induction d'une sénescence cellulaire.Dans notre première étude, nous avons induit la sénescence des CML-AP en inhibant l'interaction p53-MDM2 en utilisant la Nutlin-3a, antagoniste spécifique et puissant de la liaison p53-MDM2, afin de limiter sa dégradation par le protéasome et ainsi augmenter son activité. Dans notre deuxième étude nous avons induit une sénescence des CML-AP en inhibant génétiquement ou pharmacologiquement la télomérase. Ces deux études ont montré que l'induction d'une sénescence cellulaire prévient et réverse partiellement l'HTAP dans différents modèles expérimentaux, en diminuant le nombre de CML-AP prolifératives et en augmentant le nombre de cellules sénescentes (p21-positives) sans induire davantage d'apoptose. Nous avons également confirmé l'implication de l'activité de la télomérase dans le développement de l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire expérimentale ainsi que la translocation de la sous unité TERT dans la mitochondrie au cour de l'HTAP.La sénescence cellulaire semble donc être une cible thérapeutique de choix dans le traitement de l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire.Pulmonary artery hypertension (PH) occurring as an idiopathic condition or associated with an underlying disease is an unexplained disorder whose sever forms in adults and neonates are fatal and for which no satisfactory treatment is available. PH is characterized by an abnormal increase in pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) greater than 25 mmHg at rest and 30 mmHg during exercise while in a healthy person is between 10 and 15 mmHg. Hyperplasia of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PA-SMCs) is the primary determinant of the pulmonary vessel remodeling process that underlies PH.However, similarities exist between cancer and PH. Indeed, some cellular and metabolic dysfunctions are common to both diseases. Abnormalities are often found in both cancer and proliferative disorders, such as an inactivating mutation in the gene encoding the transcription factor p53, a post-transcriptional p53 inactivation via interaction of the p53 protein with its negative regulator MDM2 (mouse double minute 2), increasing the telomerase activity and translocation of the TERT subunit to mitochondria.A selecting means in therapeutic cancer or other proliferative diseases is the induction of cellular senescence.In our first study, we induced CML-AP senescence by inhibiting the p53-MDM2 interaction using Nutlin-3a, a specific and potent antagonist of the p53-MDM2 binding, to limit its degradation by the proteasome and thus increase its activity. In our second study we induced CML-AP senescence by genetical or pharmacological inhibition of telomerase. Both studies showed that the induction of cellular senescence in PA-SMCs prevents and partially reverses PH in different experimental models, by reducing the number of proliferative CML-AP and increasing the number of (p21-positive) senescent cells without inducing more apoptosis. We also confirmed the involvement of telomerase activity and the translocation of the TERT subunit in the mitochondria during PH development
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