120 research outputs found

    Nível de informação sobre fatores de risco de Infarto agudo de miocárdio em pacientes ambulatórios, Corrientes ano 2021.

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    for acute myocardial infarction in outpatients attending a health institution in the province of Corrientes in 2021. Methodology: Quantitative descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study. Sample obtained by simple random probabilistic sampling made up of 108 patients who attended the Diabetes, Blood Pressure and Day Hospital clinics. A validated questionnaire was applied bymeans of a pilot test. Variables: age, sex, level of education, level of information on food, harmful habits, physical activity and  general questions. The results were dumped into a matrix designed in Excel program. Results: The population under study  presented a median age of 43, mode 39 and a predominance of males 56%, over females 44%, on the level of education the  complete secondary prevailed 19% followed by incomplete primary 15%. Addressing the levels of information on risk factors for acute myocardial infarction, high levels predominated in all the variables worked on, obtaining a high general level of information of 82%, disaggregating 65%, harmful habits 70%, aspects general 86% and physical activity 48%. Conclusion: This research highlights the importance of permanent education and in early stages about the risk factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction. The study population presented a high level of information. However, education should be encouraged to reach the remaining 37% who obtained lower levels.Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de información sobre factores de riesgo de Infarto agudo de miocardio en los pacientes ambulatorios  que asisten a una institución de salud de la provincia de Corrientes año 2021. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo descriptivo,  transversal y observacional. Muestra obtenida mediante muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple compuesta por 108 pacientes que  asistieron a los consultorios de Diabetes, Presurometría y Hospital de Día. Se aplicó un cuestionario validado mediante una prueba  piloto. Variables: edad, sexo, nivel de instrucción, Nivel de información sobre alimentación, hábitos nocivos, actividad física y  preguntas generales. Los resultados fueron volcados a una matriz diseñada en programa Excel. Resultados: La población en estudio presento una mediana de edad de 43, moda 39 y predomino del sexo masculino 56%, sobre el femenino 44%, en el nivel de  instrucción prevaleció el secundario completo 19% seguido de primario incompleto 15%. Abordando los niveles de información  sobre factores de riesgo de Infarto agudo de miocardio predominaron los niveles altos en todas las variables trabajadas, obteniendo un nivel general de información alto del 82%, se apreció en la alimentación 65%, hábitos nocivos 70%, aspectos generales un 86% y  actividad física 48%. Conclusión: Esta investigación remarca la importancia de la educación permanente y en etapas tempranas sobre los factores de riesgo de Infarto Agudo de Miocardio. La población en estudio presento un nivel alto de información. No obstante, la educación debe fomentarse para llegar al 37% restante que obtuvo niveles inferiores.Objetivo: Determinar o nível de informação sobre fatores de risco para infarto agudo do miocárdio em pacientes ambulatoriais atendidos em uma instituição de saúde na província de Corrientes em 2021. Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo descritivo, transversale observacional. Amostra obtida por amostragem probabilística aleatória simples composta por 108 pacientes atendidos nasclínicas de Diabetes, Pressão Arterial e Hospital Dia. Foi aplicado um questionário validado por meio de teste piloto. Variáveis:idade, sexo, escolaridade, nível de informação sobre alimentação, hábitos nocivos, atividade física e questões gerais. Os resultadosforam despejados em uma matriz projetada no programa Excel. Resultados: A população em estudo apresentou mediana deidade de 43 anos, moda 39 e predominância do sexo masculino 56%, sobre o feminino 44%, no nível de escolaridade o ensinomédio completo prevaleceu 19% seguido do ensino fundamental incompleto 15%. Abordando os níveis de informação sobre fatoresde risco para infarto agudo do miocárdio, predominaram níveis elevados em todas as variáveis trabalhadas, obtendo um nível geralde informação elevado de 82%, desagregando 65%, hábitos nocivos 70%, aspectos gerais 86% e atividade física 48%. Conclusão:Esta pesquisa destaca a importância da educação permanente e precoce sobre os fatores de risco do Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio.A população do estudo apresentou um alto nível de informação. No entanto, a educação deve ser incentivada para atingir os 37%restantes que obtiveram níveis mais baixos

    Las actitudes del alumnado universitario frente a las personas con trastorno mental

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    Mental illness is a global health problem that affects one in four people around the world. Despite its high incidence, there is strong social discrimination towards this population (WHO, 2004). Different professionals encounter, in their daily performance, situations of interaction with these patients and may act as stigma perpetuators if they display negative attitudes of fear and hostility (Roos and Goldner, 2009). Likewise, contact with these mental ill patients will condition their attitudes toward the disease. The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of future professionals of Health Sciences toward mental ill patients, compared with students of other knowledge fields, and to explore if maintaining contact with these patients can modify these attitudes. The questionnaire “Opinions concerning mental illness” (Ozamiz, 1980) was administered to 820 students (70.37% women and 29.63% men) from different degrees of Health Sciences, and Social and Legal Sciences. This scale assessed global Attitude and five subscales (Negativism, Social Etiology, Authoritarianism, Restrictivism, and Prejudice), obtaining a reliability higher than .7 in Negativism and Social Etiology. Results indicated that Health Sciences students show lower levels of Negativism towards mental ill patients than students in Social and Legal Sciences degrees, regardless of the contact maintained. In addition, students who report contact with these patients have lower levels of Negativism, not differing in a statistically significant way neither in the general Attitude, nor in social Etiology, and regardless of the university degree. These results seem to indicate that negative attitudes toward mental ill patients is lower among Health Sciences students and among students who have contact with this population compared with Social and Legal Science ones.La enfermedad mental es un problema de salud a nivel mundial que afecta a una de cada cuatro personas. A pesar de su elevada incidencia, existe una fuerte discriminación social sobre estos enfermos (OMS, 2004). Diversos profesionales se encuentran en su desempeño diario situaciones de interacción con estos pacientes pudiendo actuar como perpetuadores del estigma si muestran actitudes negativas de miedo y hostilidad (Roos y Goldner, 2009). Asimismo, el contacto con estos enfermos mentales condicionará las actitudes hacia la propia enfermedad. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las actitudes hacia los enfermos mentales de los futuros profesionales de Ciencias de la Salud, en comparación con el alumnado de otras ramas de conocimiento, y explorar si mantener contacto con estos enfermos puede modificar dicha actitud. Se administró el cuestionario “Opiniones sobre la enfermedad mental” (Ozamiz, 1980) a 820 estudiantes (70,37% mujeres y 29,63% hombres) de diferentes titulaciones de Ciencias de la Salud y Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. Esta escala informa sobre la Actitud general y 5 subdimensiones (Negativismo, Etiología social, Autoritarismo, Restrictividad y Prejuicio), obteniendo una fiabilidad superior a .7 en Negativismo y Etiología Social. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud muestran menores niveles de Negativismo hacia el enfermo mental que el alumnado de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, independientemente del contacto mantenido. Además, los estudiantes que manifiestan haber tenido contacto con estos enfermos presentan menores niveles de Negativismo, no diferenciándose de forma  estadísticamente significativa ni en la Actitud general, ni en Etiología social, con independencia de la titulación cursada. Estos resultados parecen indicar que una actitud negativa hacia el enfermo mental es menor entre el alumnado de Ciencias de la Salud en comparación con las Ciencia Sociales y Jurídicas, y entre los que han mantenido contactos con enfermos mentales

    Association of physical behaviours with sarcopenia in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies

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    Background: Physical behaviours (ie, physical activity and sedentary behaviour) might have a role in the development of sarcopenia, although the evidence is unclear. We aimed to explore the association of total and intensity-specific levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour with sarcopenia and its components (ie, muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance) in older adults. Methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis and searched MEDLINE (via PubMed), Scopus, and Web of Science from inception to July 26, 2022, for peer-reviewed, observational studies or baseline data from randomised clinical trials conducted in older adults (ie, individual age ≥60 years or mean age ≥65 years) and published in English that reported on the association of physical activity or sedentary behaviour or both with sarcopenia (or its determinants: muscle mass or strength, and physical performance). Physical activity and sedentary behaviour were measured by any method. The main outcome was sarcopenia, which could be diagnosed by any means. Estimates were extracted and pooled using Bayesian meta-analytic models and publication bias was assessed using the Egger's test. This study is registered with PROSPERO, CRD42022315865. Findings: We identified 15 766 records, of which 124 studies (230 174 older adults; 121 301 [52·7%] were female and 108 873 [47·3%] were male) were included in the systematic review. 86 studies were subsequently included in the meta-analysis. Higher levels of total physical activity were inversely associated with sarcopenia both cross-sectionally (21 studies, n=59 572; odds ratio 0·49, 95% credible interval 0·37–0·62) and longitudinally (four studies, n=7545; 0·51, 0·27–0·94). A protective association was also identified for moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in cross-sectional research (five studies, n=6787; 0·85, 0·71–0·99), whereas no association was identified for the remaining physical behaviours (ie, steps, light physical activity, or sedentary behaviour). Interpretation: Total and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity are inversely associated with sarcopenia. These findings might support the importance of moderate-to-vigorous, rather than light, intensity physical activity-based interventions to prevent sarcopenia. Funding: None. Translation: For the Spanish translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section

    Propuesta de indicadores claves para medir la efectividad del programa de capacitación formal en la fuerza de ventas de RAMO S.A

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    La compañía RAMO con más de 70 años en el mercado, en la elaboración de productos de trigo como panes, galletas, tortas y pasabocas, cuenta con un equipo humano de 2.557 colaboradores aproximadamente; que han trabajado conjuntamente en busca de un crecimiento sostenido y rentabilidad, donde la gestión de la fuerza de ventas juega un papel importante dentro de la compañía, pues son quienes conducen a la empresa a la obtención de los resultados deseados. Es necesario aclarar que dicha fuerza en recursos humanos, no solo se limita a vender un producto que alguien necesite, se deben considerar factores como el cumplimiento de un programa de capacitaciones como estrategia de venta ya que este se basa en un proceso de formación que brinda herramientas nuevas a los vendedores para ayudar a ser más eficaces en las ventas. No obstante, se evidencia una oportunidad de mejora, ya que analizado el programa de capacitaciones se evidencia la ausencia de KPI´s claves de negocio que permitan analizar la eficacia de las capacitaciones. De acuerdo con lo anterior, este proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar indicadores para medir la efectividad del programa de capacitación formal que se suministra a los empleados, y de esta manera se podrán aplicar oportunidades de mejora en el proceso a fin de lograr impactos de desempeño positivos en el recurso humano de la compañía.The RAMO company, with more than 70 years in the market, in the elaboration of wheat products such as breads, cookies, cakes and snacks, has a human team of approximately 2,557 collaborators; who have worked together in search of sustained growth and profitability, where sales force management plays an important role within the company, since they are the ones who lead the company to obtain the desired results. It is necessary to clarify that said force in human resources, are not only limited to selling a product that someone needs, factors such as compliance with a training program should be considered as a sales strategy since this is based on a training process that provides new tools to sellers to help them be more effective in sales. However, an opportunity for improvement is evident, since after analyzing the training program, the absence of key business KPIs that allow analyzing the effectiveness of the training is evident. In accordance with the above, this research project aims to design indicators to measure the effectiveness of the formal training program provided to employees, and in this way improvement opportunities can be applied in the process in order to achieve impacts of positive performance in the company's human resources

    La escritura, lenguaje vivo en el aula: una experiencia de autoformación docente en didáctica

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    The project Teaching Writing, Language Alive in the Classroom: An Experience of Teacher Self-Training in Didactic, developed by the semillando group, comes from a critical look of our practices and concepts about writing and its teaching and learning processes in the first cycle of education. This reflection led us to initiate an investigation in our schools which would allow us to articulate the theoretical conceptions and achievements in the classroom. One of the first results of this process is the transformation of the reflection on the practices in investigative actions, among which these stand out: reading reality, formulating the research project as a guide of the pedagogical practices, the approach to research in the classroom and the formulation of a didactic proposal for the development of writing in the first season.El proyecto surge de una mirada crítica de las prácticas y concepciones sobre los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la escritura en el aula de primer ciclo. Esta reflexión condujo a iniciar un proceso de investigación que permitiera articular las concepciones teóricas y las realizaciones del aula. Uno de los primeros resultados de este proceso es la transformación de la reflexión sobre las prácticas en acciones investigativas entre las cuales se destacan las siguientes: la lectura de la realidad, la formulación del proyecto de investigación como orientador de la práctica pedagógica, el abordaje de la investigación en el aula y la formulación de una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de la escritura significativa en el primer ciclo

    Research trends in the use of secondary batteries for energy storage

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    Introduction: This study addresses the use of secondary batteries for energy storage, which is essential for a sustainable energy matrix. However, despite its importance, there are still important gaps in the scientific literature. Therefore, the objective is to examine the research trends on the use of secondary batteries for energy storage and to assess their development and direction.Methods: A bibliometric analysis is used, following the PRISMA-2020 guidelines for the analysis of secondary sources. 98 studies were identified and analyzed in the bibliometric evaluation category. Although this is a review of different research documents and different types of batteries are addressed, the study focuses mainly on the identification of the different existing trends in the use of second-use batteries for energy storage.Results: The study’s findings show a significant increase in interest, particularly in 2023, 2022, and 2021. Key researchers such as Zakeri and Kulcinski, as well as journals like Energy Conversion and Management, have made significant contributions. The significance of the topic is highlighted by the annual production of articles. The leading research in this field comes from the United States and China, with a shift in focus towards specific areas such as thermal assessment and storage. Thematic clusters include life cycle analysis, thermal storage, and lithium-ion batteries. Emerging terms such as ‘smart grid’ and ‘exergy’ indicate a growing interest.Discussion: Understanding trends in battery research is crucial for developing sustainable energy solutions and addressing global energy challenges

    Inteligencia y estilos de aprendizaje en alumnos universitarios ingresantes

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    The present investigation is a study that the relation among Intelligence's level is focused in determining and styles learning utilizing as instruments Dominos' (Intelligence) and Inventory's Test of learning styles respectively. Worked to him with 1,620's total sign pupils incomers to the University Cesar Vallejo 2005 - 1, with to determine whereon measure purpose has relation the Intelligence with the Styles learning and likewise will serve for knowing learning style prevailing in the population. Finally following conclusions were reached: There are significant relation among Intelligence and the Styles for reflexive Observation, abstract Conceptualization and active Experimentation learning; however, there was not significant relation among Intelligence and the learning style for concrete experience.La presente investigación es un estudio que se centra en determinar la relación entre el nivel de Inteligencia y Estilos de Aprendizaje. Se trabajó con una muestra total de 1,620 alumnos ingresantes a la Universidad “César Vallejo 2005 - I” y se utilizó como instrumentos el Test de Dominos (Inteligencia) e Inventario de Estilos de Aprendizaje respectivamente. Al término de la Investigación se llegó a las siguientes conclusiones: Existe relación significativa entre Inteligencia y los Estilos de Aprendizaje por observación reflexiva, conceptualización abstracta y experimentación activa; sin embargo, no se halló relación significativa entre Inteligencia y el Estilo de Aprendizaje por experiencia concreta

    UNAB Generations Year 2. No.3

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    "60 años de la UNAB Instituto Caldas constituye el tema central del tercer número de la revista Generaciones UNAB, que se complementa con varios perfiles del doctor Alfonso Gómez Gómez hechos por personas pertenecientes a la comunidad UNAB. Igualmente tenemos graduados destacados con experiencias en medio oriente, un análisis académico a las energías renovables y no renovables, así como un balance de los 4 años de operación del programa de graduados y emprendimiento.PRESENTACIÓN 2 INSTITUTO CALDAS, 60 AÑOS 5 El PERFIL DE UN FUNDADOR 10 TEMAS DE INTERÉS DESDE LA ACADEMIA 16 El turismo y la hotelería en la UNAB ENTREVISTA 20 La ruta del empleo en la UNAB 32 BALANCE GRADUADOS 38 EDUCACIÓN TAREA DE TODOS “INSTITUTO CALDAS: PERSISTENCIA Y EMPUJE DE MUCHAS GENERACIONES” HOMENAJE COMO ESTÍMULO PARA LAS NUEVAS GENERACIONES DE PROFESIONALES TEMAS DE INTERÉS DESDE LA ACADEMIA EL SÍNDROME ISRAELÍ GIMNASIO MENTAL: JUEGO, LITERATURA Y APRENDIZAJE “MÁS QUE UNA META UN PROPÓSITO ENLA VIDA"60 years of the UNAB Instituto Caldas is the central theme of the third issue of the magazine Generaciones UNAB, which is complemented with several profiles of Dr. Alfonso Gómez Gómez made by people belonging to the UNAB community. We also have outstanding graduates with experiences in the Middle East, an academic analysis of the energies renewable and non-renewable, as well as a balance of the 4 years of operation of the graduate and entrepreneurship program

    Matemáticas en contexto

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    El libro compila estrategias didácticas derivadas del programa de formación complementario escritas por instructores técnicos de diferentes regionales del país, describe la forma en que se incorpora el conocimiento matemático en campos específicos de diferentes áreas de formación laboral basado en las teorías didácticas y reflexiones pedagógicas de instructores.The book compiles the didactic strategies derived from the complementary training program by the technical instructors of the regional media of the country, describes the way in which mathematical knowledge is incorporated in the fields of different areas of work training based on theories didactic and pedagogical reflections of instructors.Consideraciones frente al aprendizaje de las matemáticas -- Perspectiva constructivista -- Teoría de las situaciones didácticas -- Modelación matemática -- Mediación tecnológica -- Pensamiento numérico variacional -- Pensamiento numérico -- Pensamiento variacional -- Diseño de modelo matemático con aplicación de costos de producción -- Modelo matemático del consumo de gas en un artefacto afectado por su presión de trabajo -- Planeación de la producción agrícola: Caso plan óptimo de siembra que permita alcanzar la máxima rentabilidad del cultivo -- Estudio del Álgebra de Boole -- Diseño de un modelo de inventarios para una pequeña empresa de calzado de dotación -- Estudio de la Ley de Ohm mediante herramienta interactiva -- Pensamiento métrico-geométrico -- Pensamiento geométrico -- Pensamiento métrico -- Caso de optimización de recursos en el sector industrial de la confección -- Optimización de espacios para huertas urbanas -- Optimización de los costos del espacio de almacenamiento en microempresas y pequeñas empresas de acuerdo con las normas de seguridad vigentes -- Unidad de medida métrica para confección de ropa exterior femenina -- Optimización de recursos aplicando el proceso administrativo -- Pensamiento aleatorio -- Estadística Básica para Articulación con la Media -- Evaluación del impacto de la accidentalidad en la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (sg-sst) por medio de indicadores -- Identificar los aspectos de la declaración de renta para una persona natural no obligada a llevar contabilidad -- Fortalecimiento de la estadística: caso de las unidades productivas del Centro de Biotecnología Agropecuaria -- Estadística dinámica -- Resultados preliminaresna[270 páginas

    Dissecting the morphological and spectroscopic properties of galaxies in the local Universe: I. Elliptical galaxies

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    We revisit the scaling relations and star-forming histories of local elliptical galaxies using a novel selection method applied to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7. We combine two probability-based automated spectroscopic and morphological classifications of about 600000 galaxies with z<0.25 to isolate true elliptical galaxies. Our sample selection method does not introduce artificial cuts in the parameters describing the galaxy but instead it associates to every object a weight measuring the probability of being in a given spectro-morphological class. Thus the sample minimizes the selection biases. We show that morphologically defined ellipticals are basically distributed in 3 spectral classes, which dominate at different stellar masses. The bulk of the population (about 50%) is formed by a well defined class of galaxies with old stellar populations that formed their stars at very early epochs in a short episode of star formation. They dominate the scaling relations of elliptical galaxies known from previous works and represent the canonical elliptical class. At the low mass end, we find a population of slightly larger ellipticals, with smaller velocity dispersions at fixed stellar mass, which seem to have experienced a more recent episode of star formation probably triggered by gas-rich minor mergers. The high mass end tends to be dominated by a third spectral class, slightly more metal rich and with more efficient stellar formation than the reference class. This third class contributes to the curvature of the mass-size relation at high masses reported in previous works. Our method is therefore able to isolate typical spectra of elliptical galaxies following different evolutive pathways.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in A&