973 research outputs found


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    Ada sejumlah keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh Madrasah Tsanawiyah Maā€™arif Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang, yaitu dalam pengadaan dan pendayagunaan sarana dan prasarana diantaranya dana dan lahan. Sumber dana yang diperoleh hanya berasal dari dana pemerintah yaitu berupa Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS). Lahan yang dimiliki pun sempit karena MTs Maā€™arif Jatinangor terletak di perkotaan. Dampaknya proses penggunaan peralatan infokus atau komputer pun bergiliran. Objek penelitian di MTs Maā€™arif Jatinangor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pengkodean. Setelah itu, data dinarasikan kemudian ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa. 1) Perencanaan sarana dan prasarana di MTs Maā€™arif Jatinangor dibuat dalam dua kalsifikasi yaitu program jangka pendek dan panjang atas kesepakatan bersama sesuai dengan analisis kebutuhan madrasah; 2) Pengadaan sarana dan prasarana hanya bersumber dari pemerintah yaitu dari BOS. Peserta didik tidak dipungut biaya sedikit pun serta untuk pengadaan fasilitas semuanya dilakukan dengan cara pembelian; 3) PengaturanĀ  sarana dan prasarana dilakukan dalam 3 kegiatan yaitu, inventaris, penyimpanan dan pemeliharaan; 4) Penggunaan sarana dan prasarana dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang tersedia di madrasah; 5) Penghapusan sarana dan prasarana jika keadaan rusak ringan maka diperbaiki, jika keadaan barang rusak berat dan tidak bisa diperbaiki maka barang tersebut dibuang dan dihapus dari daftar inventaris

    ReSS: A tool for discovering relevant sets in complex systems

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    Abstract A complex system can be composed of inherent dynamical structures, i.e., relevant subsets of variables interacting tightly with one another and loosely with other subsets. In the literature, some effective methods to identify such relevant sets rely on the so-called Relevance Indexes (RIs), measuring subset relevance based on information theory principles. In this paper, we present ReSS, a collection of CUDA-based programs computing two of such RIs, either through an exhaustive search or a niching metaheuristic when the system dimension is too large. ReSS also includes a script that iteratively activates the search and identifies hierarchical relationships among the relevant subsets. The main purpose of ReSS is to establish a common and easy-to-use general RI-based platform for the analysis of complex systems and other possible applications

    A relevance index method to infer global properties of biological networks

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    Many complex systems, both natural and artificial, may be represented by networks of interacting nodes. Nevertheless, it is often difficult to find meaningful correspondences between the dynamics expressed by these systems and the topological description of their networks. In contrast, many of these systems may be well described in terms of coordinated behavior of their dynamically relevant parts. In this paper we use the recently proposed Relevance Index approach, based on information-theoretic measures. Starting from the observation of the dynamical states of any system, the Relevance Index is able to provide information about its organization. Moreover, we show how the application of the proposed approach leads to novel and effective interpretations in the T helper network case study

    Development of Fluorinated Analogues of Perhexiline with Improved Pharmacokinetic Properties and Retained Efficacy

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    We designed and synthesized perhexiline analogues that have the same therapeutic profile as the parent cardiovascular drug but lacking its metabolic liability associated with CYP2D6 metabolism. Cycloalkyl perhexiline analogues 6aā€“j were found to be unsuitable for further development, as they retained a pharmacokinetic profile very similar to that shown by the parent compound. Multistep synthesis of perhexiline analogues incorporating fluorine atoms onto the cyclohexyl ring(s) provided a range of different fluoroperhexiline analogues. Of these, analogues 50 (4,4-gem-difluoro) and 62 (4,4,4ā€²,4ā€²-tetrafluoro) were highly stable and showed greatly reduced susceptibility to CYP2D6-mediated metabolism. In vitro efficacy studies demonstrated that a number of derivatives retained acceptable potency against CPT-1. Having the best balance of properties, 50 was selected for further evaluation. Like perhexiline, it was shown to be selectively concentrated in the myocardium and, using the Langendorff model, to be effective in improving both cardiac contractility and relaxation when challenged with high fat buffer

    A Novel Functional Domain of Tab2 Involved in the Interaction with Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Breast Cancer Cells

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    Tab2, originally described as a component of the inflammatory pathway, has been implicated in phenomena of gene de-repression in several contexts, due to its ability to interact with the NCoR corepressor. Tab2 interacts also with steroid receptors and dismisses NCoR from antagonist-bound Estrogen and Androgen Receptors on gene regulatory regions, thus modifying their transcriptional activity and leading to pharmacological resistance in breast and prostate cancer cells. We demonstrated previously that either Tab2 knock-down, or a peptide mimicking the Estrogen Receptor alpha domain interacting with Tab2, restore the antiproliferative response to Tamoxifen in Tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells. In this work, we map the domain of Tab2 responsible of Estrogen Receptor alpha interaction. First, using both co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down with recombinant proteins, we found that the central part of Tab2 is primarily responsible for this interaction, and that this region also interacts with Androgen Receptor. Then, we narrowed down the essential interaction region by means of competition assays using recombinant protein pull-down. The interaction motif was finally identified as a small region adjacent to, but not overlapping, the Tab2 MEKK1 phosphorylation sites. A synthetic peptide mimicking this motif efficiently displaced Tab2 from interacting with recombinant Estrogen Receptor alpha in vitro, prompting us to test its efficacy using derivatives of the MCF7 breast carcinoma cell lines that are spontaneously resistant to Tamoxifen. Indeed, we observed that this mimic peptide, made cell-permeable by addition of the TAT minimal carrier domain, reduced the growth of Tamoxifen-resistant MCF7 cells in the presence of Tamoxifen. These data indicate a novel functional domain of the Tab2 protein with potential application in drug design

    Characterization of cervico-vaginal microbiota in women developing persistent high-risk Human Papillomavirus infection

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    Abstract Changes in cervico-vaginal microbiota with Lactobacillus depletion and increased microbial diversity facilitate human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and might be involved in viral persistence and cancer development. To define the microbial Community State Types (CSTs) associated with high-risk HPVāˆ’persistence, we analysed 55 cervico-vaginal samples from HPV positive (HPV+) women out of 1029 screened women and performed pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA. A total of 17 samples from age-matched HPV negative (HPVāˆ’) women were used as control. Clearance or Persistence groups were defined by recalling women after one year for HPV screening and genotyping. A CST IV subgroup, with bacterial genera such as Gardnerella, Prevotella, Megasphoera, Atopobium, frequently associated with anaerobic consortium in bacterial vaginosis (BV), was present at baseline sampling in 43% of women in Persistence group, and only in 7.4% of women in Clearance group. Atopobium genus was significantly enriched in Persistence group compared to the other groups. Sialidase-encoding gene from Gardnerella vaginalis, involved in biofilm formation, was significantly more represented in Persistence group compared to the other groups. Based on these data, we consider the CST IV-BV as a risk factor for HPV persistence and we propose Atopobium spp and sialidase gene from G. vaginalis as microbial markers of HPVāˆ’persistence

    The effect of bars on the M*- e relation: offset, scatter and residuals correlations

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    We analyse a set of collisionless disc galaxy simulations to study the consequences of bar formation and evolution on the Mā€¢-Ļƒe relation of supermassive black holes (SMBHs). The redistribution of angular momentum driven by bars leads to a mass increase within the central region, raising the velocity dispersion of the bulge, Ļƒe, on average by Ėœ12 per cent and as much as Ėœ20 per cent. If a disc galaxy with an SMBH satisfying the Mā€¢-Ļƒe relation forms a bar, and the SMBH does not grow in the process, then the increase in Ļƒe moves the galaxy off the Mā€¢-Ļƒe relation. We explore various effects that can affect this result including contamination from the disc and anisotropy. The displacement from the Mā€¢-Ļƒe relation for individual model barred galaxies correlates with both the bulge-to-total stellar mass ratio, M(B)/M(B + D), and the 2D anisotropy, Ī²Ļ†(B + D), both measured within the effective radius of the bulge. Overall, this process leads to an Mā€¢-Ļƒe for barred galaxies offset from that of unbarred galaxies, as well as an increase in its scatter. We assemble samples of observed unbarred and barred galaxies with classical bulges and find tentative hints of an offset between the two consistent with the predicted. Including all barred galaxies, rather than just those with a classical bulge, leads to a significantly larger offset, which is mostly driven by the significantly larger offset of pseudo bulge

    Synthesis and Superpotent Anticancer Activity of Tubulysins Carrying Non-hydrolysable N-Substituents on Tubuvaline

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    We thank Regione Autonoma della Sardegna RAS (Italy) for economic support by covering in part the costs of this research. I.U. acknowledges RAS for his fellowship (for grant numbers see the Supporting Information)Peer reviewedPostprin
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