eJournal of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University (UIN)
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    Tafsir Dilihat Dari Sisi Corak Tafsir: Hadaf Tafsir dan Tsaqofah Al-Mufassirin

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan bahwa hadaf tafsir dan tsaqofah al-mufassirin merupakan dua aspek penting dalam penentuan corak sebuah kitab tafsir. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis-deskriptif melalui studi pustaka. Artikel ini akan menguraikan urgensi mengetahui hadaf dan tsaqofah mufassir, serta menguraikan hubungan hadaf tafsir dengan latarbelakang penulisan tafsir dan hubungan tsaqofah mufassir dengan kecenderungan corak tafsir. Di antara pembahasannya, hadaf (tujuan) penafsiran dan tsaqofah seorang mufassir sangat berpengaruh terhadap produk tafsir yang ia buat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap orang yang menafsirkan Alquran pasti dilatarbelakangi oleh suatu tujuan dan penafsirannya tidak terlepas dari lingkungan sosio-kultural yang membentuk watak (kepribadian) serta latar belakang keilmuannya


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses pemberian kredit simpan pinjam kepada anggota Koperasi BMT Mandiri Sejahtera cabang Balongpanggang. Dengan menerapkan prosedur pemberian kredit yang maksimal maka akan dapat meminimalkan adanya resiko kredit bermasalah yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kesehatan pada koperasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Hubermen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa KSPPS BMT Mandiri Sejahtera cabang Balongpanggang dalam menerapkan prosedur pemberian kredit sudah berjalan dengan cukup baik dan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapakan. Analisis yang diterapkan dalam pemberian pinjaman kredit meliputi 5C (karakter, kemampuan, modal, jaminan, kondisi). Namun, dalam melakukan analisis 5C pihak koperasi masih terdapat kendala saat melakukan analisis character dan condition of economy dari calon nasabah. Upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak koperasi untuk meminimalkan adanya kredit bermasalah yaitu dengan melakukan penagihan secara rutin baik melalui telepon maupun kunjungan ke rumah nasabah dan juga melakukan rescheduling, restructuling dan PPAP (Penghapusan Bukuan)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendalami pemikiran ekonomi M. Umer Chapra dan menganalisis tujuan ekonomi Islam menurut perspektifnya. Melalui metodologi tinjauan pustaka, analisis dokumen, dan identifikasi konsep utama, penelitian ini memaparkan prinsip-prinsip dasar ekonomi Islam yang diusulkan Chapra, seperti tauhid, kekhalifahan, dan 'adalah. Tinjauan literatur mencakup pemahaman mendalam terhadap maqashid al-syariah dan kritik Chapra terhadap sistem ekonomi Barat. Analisis konsep ekonomi Islam Chapra dilakukan dengan memetakan pemikirannya terhadap tujuan syariah dan melibatkan korelasi dengan konsep-konsep ekonomi Barat. Wawancara opsional dengan ahli ekonomi atau cendikiawan Islam dapat memberikan perspektif tambahan. Penelitian ini juga mencakup analisis kritis terhadap kapitalisme dan sosialisme, serta memberikan kesimpulan dan rekomendasi untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dalam konteks ekonomi Islam. Dengan pendekatan ini, penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi pada pemahaman mendalam tentang kontribusi M. Umer Chapra terhadap pemikiran ekonomi Islam dan relevansinya dengan tujuan kesejahteraan umat

    Ecological Justice for Timbulsloko: A Disaster Jurisprudence Approach

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    Ecological justice is a concept that emerged in the field of disaster fiqh which emphasizes the importance of fair and equitable treatment of the environment. This article will explain how to apply disaster fiqh to understand and overcome ecological justice issues. The sinking of Timbulsloko is a real consequence of global climate change, often affecting the most vulnerable communities with literature and field observation methods. This article will also discuss the importance of the role of local communities in driving actions that support ecological justice. This includes raising awareness about climate change, mobilizing community support, and working with government and non-government to find sustainable solutions. In Timbulsloko Village, the main causes of land subsidence are geographical factors and continuous coastal erosion. Damage to infrastructure, infiltration of seawater into inland areas, and decreased agricultural productivity are impacts that have been felt today. In addition, this phenomenon has a significant impact on local economies, social welfare, and environmental sustainability. To understand the impact of land subsidence on residents' daily lives, the study included field surveys, analysis of geological data, and conducting interviews with local communities. Land subsidence in Timbulsloko Village is a complex challenge that requires special attention. With this research, readers can increase their understanding of the source of the problem and effective solutions

    The Value of Tolerance in Tanbih Implemented through the Covert Curriculum at the Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School, Tasikmalaya

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    This study explains the values of tolerance through a hidden curriculum based on the teachings of tanbih as a pesantren guideline for teaching the noble values of living in harmony. Tanbih is a testament from the founder of the Pesantren regarding life guidance that all components of the extended family of the Pesantren Suryalaya must carry out. Previous studies have explained that the interaction between teachers and students is an essential element in the success of the hidden curriculum and that certain religious values can affect religious tolerance. Based on this study, researchers argue that cultural/religious values are an important foundation in internalizing tolerance education in schools. In this study, the researchers focused on the value of tanbih as an element of Islamic culture that underlies tolerance education in Pesantren through a hidden curriculum. This study uses a qualitative approach with observation techniques, literature studies, and in-depth interviews. In theoretical analysis, the value of tanbih is an Islamic cultural element that underlies various hidden curriculum components to foster tolerance in students. Cultural/religious values that form the basis of religious education must receive special attention to reduce the potential for intolerant education


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    This research is an analysis of the allegorical plot of Animal Farm and its clever usage of anthropomorphism in the change from a peaceful farm to a tyrannical one. This paper indicates the major features of the change from a utopian farm to a dystopian one, such as the perpetually increasing amount of labour that each animal has to undertake, the obvious decrease of ration which the pigs use for trading otherwise, the disturbing intervention into animals' personal freedom and thought by the totalitarian pigs and many more accounts that further establish such change. The aim of this was to shed light on those distinct paths that may lead any society towards dystopia, lest any community may have already begun going down such paths, to alert them and reverberate the sounding alarm. At the beginning, this research dealt with an introduction to the background of the time and literary movement that was present during the process of writing Animal Farm, namely the rise of the Stalinisit regime, and the surge of Utopian/Dystopian novels. The second chapter studies previous research written on the same topic as this one, the early events in Animal Farm and their effect on shaping the farm, and the significance of freedom within the farm. The third chapter consists of demonstrating the fundamental changes that contributed to the decline of the farm into its eventual dystopian nature, and a conclusion on the matter. The paper uses a textual and historical approaches in analyzing the texts of the novella.  Keywords: utopia, dystopia, orwell, labour, liberty, tyranny, commandment, censorshi

    Resolution to Ethnic Conflict: Anti-Chinese Riots in Garut, Indonesia, in the middle of the Twentieth Century

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    The Anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia are a dark side of history that must be uncovered. The riots caused by ethnicity and racism worldwide, such as the recent Anti-Chinese issue in the United States, also occurred even in Indonesia after World War II. The racial riots in Garut destroyed Chinese-owned houses, factories, and shops on two consecutive days. The research uses historical methods, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography, that reveal the memories of victims, perpetrators, witnesses, and rare primary personal archives. Through a social history approach, the research indicates that not only ethnicity causes violence but also social, political, and religious sentiments initiated by youth organizations, local religious leaders, and former followers of the revolutionary movement. This study provides benefits so that the public and stakeholders can manage ethnic, religious, racial, and inter-group issues to avoid ethnic conflicts that end in violence

    Development of Regional Human Rights Regime in Asia: Defining the Challenges

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    This study analyses the progress made toward establishing a cohesive regional human rights framework in Asia while identifying key obstacles that hinder its evolution. It also explores the intricate nature of constructing a unified structure for human rights in the region through a comprehensive examination of historical, cultural, political, and economic elements. The examination of current mechanisms such as the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Asian Human Rights Declaration highlights both the constraints and potential avenues for advancement. The study posits that a collaborative approach, involving regional organizations, civil society, and international collaboration, is crucial despite historical legacies, cultural differences, and economic paradoxes. The significance of addressing these challenges is highlighted by the potential advantages of establishing a unified human rights regime, which encompasses regional stability and the safeguarding of individual rights. The imperative of promoting a transformative human rights framework in Asia necessitates the maintenance of an inclusive dialogue among stakeholders moving forward

    Nonviolent Theology in the Syrian Protests: A Critical Analysis of Jawdat Sa‘īd's Qur'anic Exegesis

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    The non-violent protests in Syria against the government, before eventually being co-opted by armed forces, marked a unique resistance against the regime during that period. Jawdat Sa‘īd, a theorist, writer, and activist, inspired activists during this time by advocating for a theology of non-violence as the authentic foundation for Islamic life. The theological basis was drawn from a specific interpretation of the Quran. Sa‘īd's understanding of the Quranic revelation was analysed using the approach formulated by Shahab Ahmed, demonstrating its validity in comprehending Islamic thought deeply. The research problem addressed the non-violent characteristics of the Syrian protests, while the research goal aimed to unveil the critical role of Sa‘īd's interpretation of the Quran in shaping this movement. Through methods involving text analysis and Sa‘īd's understanding of specific verses, the research findings highlighted the impact of Sa‘īd's non-violent theology on activists and the foundation for peaceful resistance. The research conclusion emphasised the importance of contextual understanding of the Quran and a non-violent perspective in shaping social movements. This study contributes to a better understanding of contemporary Islamic thought and strategies for resistance that can be adopted in similar contexts

    Selayang Pandang Tafsir Bi Al-Ra’yi

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    Seiring berkembangnya zaman, tafsir al-Qur’an mengalami banyak problematika dalam perkembangannya, terutama pada sumber penafsiran sekunder atau tafsir bi al-ra’yi. Hal ini disebabkan karena pada dasarnya Rasulullah Saw tidak memberikan penjelasan ayat al-Qur’an secara menyeluruh, sehingga mendorong para sahabat untuk senantiasa menafsirkan dan mencari tahu makna yang terkandung pada ayat-ayat al-Qur’an. Apalagi pasca wafatnya Rasulullah Saw banyak muncul permasalahan yang belum pernah ada di zamannya, yang menjadikan penafsiran dengan menggunakan ra’yu amat dibutuhkan. Dengan demikian, diperlukan adanya pengkajian kembali tentang tafsir bi al-ra’yi untuk mengetahui lebih jauh terkait sejarah, problematika, maupun batasan-batasan yang ada pada tafsir bi al-ra’yi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tafsir bi al-ra'yi melalui riset kepustakaan (library research). Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tafsir bi al-ra’yi merupakan penafsiran al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan nalar dan logika. Pada dasarnya tafsir bi al-ra’yi telah muncul di zaman Rasulullah, tetapi sebagian ulama mengganggapnya sebagai tafsir bi al-ma’tsur karena bersumber dari Nabi dan segala yang bersumber dari Nabi dianggap sebagai wahyu. Pada awalnya penafsiran dengan menggunakan ra’yu mengalami banyak penolakan karena dianggap dapat membawa pada kesesatan. Tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu, sebagian ulama memperbolehkan penggunaan akal dalam menafsirkan al-Qur’an, namun dengan syarat harus mengikuti sejumlah kaidah bahasa dan ketentuan lainnya


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