80 research outputs found

    Obesidad, nutrición y actividad física

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    La cantidad y calidad de actividad física se ha reducido considerablemente en la sociedad actual. El desequilibrio que se produce cuando el consumo de alimentos supera el gasto energético conlleva un aumento de peso corporal y consecuentemente de la obesidad. Varios son los factores determinantes de la obesidad, así como sus consecuencias. Para tratar una persona obesa es necesario conocer, en primer lugar, el agente desencadenante de la enfermedad. Los profesores de Educación Física, junto con las aportaciones de los profesionales de otras áreas de las ciencias del deporte, pueden ser de vital importancia para ayudar a los niños, niñas y adolescentes con problemas causados por el exceso de peso corporal

    Resistant personality and levels of physical activity in professional and amateur climbers

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    Texto en español e inglés.[ES] La escalada es una modalidad deportiva de montaña que requiere de una preparación física completa. De forma específica, la escalada se caracteriza por ser una modalidad de corta duración, explosiva y que requiere de una gran fuerza máxima y fuerza-resistencia. El entrenamiento físico es importante, pero no debemos olvidar el entrenamiento psicológico. El deportista se enfrentará a numerosos estímulos estresantes a los que debe hacer frente, en la consecución de su objetivo, debido en la mayor parte, al riesgo que conlleva su práctica. Esta investigación analiza la posible influencia de la cantidad de actividad física realizada por los escaladores, así como también la intensidad de la misma, en los niveles de personalidad resistente.[EN] Climbing is a mountain sport that requires a complete physical preparation. Specifically, climbing is characterized as a short-duration and explosive sport. Also requires great strength and strength-endurance. Physical training is important, but we must not forget psychological training. The athlete will face numerous stressful stimuli to which he must face, in the achievement of his objective, due in most part, to the risk that his practice entails. This research analyses the possible influence of the amount of physical activity performed by climbers, as well as the intensity of it, on the levels of resistant personality.S

    Psychological characteristics related to sports performance in three mountain sports modalities (climbing, ski mountain and canyoning)

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    Texto en español e inglés.[ES] El deporte de montaña engloba a un gran número de modalidades deportivas. Cada de una de ella con sus características propias. Todas ellas tienen en común el medio donde se lleva cabo su práctica, el medio natural. Las propiedades cambiantes de este medio, y el riesgo inherente a la práctica de estas modalidades deportivas, derivado del medio y de sus propias características, requieren de unas capacidades físicas y psíquicas de relevancia para obtener el mejor rendimiento deportivo posible. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las características psicológicas relacionadas con el estrés y otros factores que determinan su gestión por parte de los deportistas y el rendimiento deportivo en tres modalidades deportivas de montaña.[EN] Mountain sport encompasses a large number of sports. Each one of them with its own characteristics. All of them have in common the environment where their practice is carried out, the natural environment. The changing properties of this medium, and the risk inherent in the practice of these sports modalities, derived from the environment and its own characteristics, require physical and psychic abilities of relevance to obtain the best possible sports performance. The objective of this research was to analyze the psychological characteristics related to stress and other factors that determine its management by athletes and sports performance in three mountain sports.S

    Lesiones premalignas y malignas en cirugía menor de un centro de salud. Las apariencias engañan

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    ObjetivoDescribir las características de las lesiones malignas y premalignas detectadas en las intervenciones de cirugía menor realizadas en un centro de saludDiseñoEstudio descriptivo retrospectivoParticipantesSe analizaron 682 lesiones correspondientes a todas las lesiones extirpadas remitidas a anatomía patológica, exceptuando los quistes epidérmicos y triquilemales, lipomas, molluscum, verrugas vulgares y uñasEmplazamientoCentro de Salud Rochapea (Pamplona)Mediciones principalesAnalizamos los diagnósticos anatomopatológicos y la distribución por sexos, grupos de edad, localización, técnica y afección de bordes en 27 lesiones displásicas y 11 lesiones malignasResultadosEncontramos una mayor frecuencia de lesiones malignas y premalignas en mujeres, entre 15 y 44 años de edad para las displasias y entre 45 y 64 años para las malignas. La localización más frecuente fue la espalda, y la técnica más empleada la escisión fusiforme. Con esta técnica encontramos el mayor porcentaje de bordes sin lesión en las displasias. Las lesiones que tenían afectados los bordes corresponden a muestras de punch y escisión circular. Ninguna de las lesiones malignas presentaba afección de bordesConclusionesLa mayor parte de las lesions malignas no se sospechan, aparecen en muestras que se remiten con un diagnóstico de benignidad. El empleo de ciertas técnicas como la escisión fusiforme en las lesiones en que existe una potencial malignidad, aunque en principio parezcan benignas, nos permite una extirpación con bordes libresObjectiveTo describe the characteristics of the malignant and pre-malignant lesions found in the minor surgical interventions performed at a health centreDesignRetrospective, descriptive studyParticipants682 lesions: all the lesions extirpated and referred to pathology except for epidermal and trichilemmal cysts, lipomas, molluscum, common warts, and nailsSettingRochapea Health Centre, PamplonaMain measurementsWe analysed the anatomical-pathological results and the distribution by sex, age-group, location, technique and edges affected in 27 dysplasias and 11 malignant lesionsResultsWe found that malignant and premalignant lesions were more common in women, aged 15 to 44 for dysplasias and 45- 64 for malignant lesions. The most common location was on the back; the most frequent technique, fusiform excision. This technique had the highest percentage of edges without lesion in dysplasias. The lesions whose edges were affected corresponded to punch and circular excision samples. None of the malignant lesions had their edges affectedConclusionsMost malignant lesions are not suspected. They appear in samples referred with a diagnosis of benign. Employment of techniques such as fusiform excision in lesions which are potentially malign, even though in principle they seem benign, enables them to be extirpated with free edge

    Signs of Overload After an Intensified Training

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    [EN] This study investigated eff ects of a 9-week intensified aerobic training and 3-weeks of recovery on signs of overload in 9 healthy active young males. Blood and saliva samples were collected and psychological questionnaires were administered during baseline (T1), intermediate load (T2), maximal load (T3), and recovery (T4) periods. Maximal oxygen uptake increased and blood lactate concentration decreased in T3, while running time in a 3 000 m track fi eld test was significantly shorter. No signifi cant changes were found in hematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count, lactate dehydrogenase, transaminases, interleukin-6, tumour necrosis factor- α , myeloperoxidase and markers of oxidative stress in plasma, or salivary cortisol and testosterone. Increases in diff erent negative aff ectscales and in the total mood disturbance score of the Profi le of Mood States were observed during T3. Scores in the stress scales of the Recovery- Stress Questionnaire for Athletes and in the State Anxiety Scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory also showed signifi cant increases during T3. The lack of eff ects in biomarkers together with the changes observed in psychological assessment indicates that an intensifi ed training can produce psychological disturbances prone to early overreaching development. Additionally, it seems that psychological parameters are sensitive markers to detect stress produced by load increases.SIThis work was supported by the Acción Estratégica Sobre el Deporte, Spain (grants n ° 2006-56141-C03-01 to J. G., n ° 2006- 56141-C03-02 to S.M., and n ° 2006-56141-C03-03 to F.S.

    Diet: Cause or consequence of the microbial profile of cholelithiasis disease?

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    Recent dietary habits and lifestyle could explain the shaping of the gut microbiota composition and, in consequence, the increasing prevalence of certain pathologies. However, little attention has been paid to the influence of diet on microbiotas, other than the gut microbiota. This is important in cholelithiasis, given that changes in the production of bile acids may affect gallbladder microbial communities. Our aim was to assess the association between regular dietary intake and gallbladder microbial composition. Fourteen adults with cholelithiasis and 14 controls, sex-age-matched and without gastrointestinal pathology, were included. Diet was assessed through a food frequency questionnaire and quantification of gallbladder microbiota sequences by Illumina 16S rRNA gene-based analysis. The cholelithiasic patients showed greater intake of potatoes and lower consumption of vegetables, non-alcoholic drinks, and sauces, which resulted in a lower intake of energy, lipids, digestible polysaccharides, folate, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, and some phenolic compounds. Regarding the altered bile microorganisms in cholelithiasic patients, dairy product intake was negatively associated with the proportions of Bacteroidaceae and Bacteroides, and several types of fiber, phenolics, and fatty acids were linked to the abundance of Bacteroidaceae, Chitinophagaceae, Propionibacteraceae, Bacteroides, and Escherichia-Shigella. These results support a link between diet, biliary microbiota, and cholelithiasis.This research was funded by the Spanish “Plan Estatal de I+D+i” Grant number (AGL2013-44761-P) I. Gutiérrez-Díaz was supported by “Plan Regional de Investigación del Principado de Asturias” Grant number (GRUPIN14-043).Peer reviewe

    Drug Repurposing for Cancers With Limited Survival: Protocol for a Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Only 5% of the molecules tested in oncology phase 1 trials reach the market after an average of 7.5 years of waiting and at a cost of tens of millions of dollars. To reduce the cost and shorten the time of discovery of new treatments, drug repurposing (research with molecules already approved for another indication) and the use of secondary data (not collected for the purpose of research) have been proposed. Due to advances in informatics in clinical care, secondary data can, in some cases, be of equal quality to primary data generated through prospective studies.Objective: The objective of this study is to identify drugs currently marketed for other indications that may have an effect on the prognosis of patients with cancer.Methods: We plan to monitor a cohort of patients with high-lethality cancers treated in the public health system of Catalonia between 2006 and 2012, retrospectively, for survival for 5 years after diagnosis or until death. A control cohort, comprising people without cancer, will also be retrospectively monitored for 5 years. The following study variables will be extracted from different population databases: type of cancer (patients with cancer cohort), date and cause of death, pharmacological treatment, sex, age, and place of residence. During the first stage of statistical analysis of the patients with cancer cohort, the drugs consumed by the long-term survivors (alive at 5 years) will be compared with those consumed by nonsurvivors. In the second stage, the survival associated with the consumption of each relevant drug will be analyzed. For the analyses, groups will be matched for potentially confounding variables, and multivariate analyses will be performed to adjust for residual confounding variables if necessary. The control cohort will be used to verify whether the associations found are exclusive to patients with cancer or whether they also occur in patients without cancer.Results: We anticipate discovering multiple significant associations between commonly used drugs and the survival outcomes of patients with cancer. We expect to publish the initial results in the first half of 2024.Conclusions: This retrospective study may identify several commonly used drugs as candidates for repurposing in the treatment of various cancers. All analyses are considered exploratory; therefore, the results will have to be confirmed in subsequent clinical trials. However, the results of this study may accelerate drug discovery in oncology

    Computer Vision and Metrics Learning for Hypothesis Testing: An Application of Q-Q Plot for Normality Test

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    This paper proposes a new procedure to construct test statistics for hypothesis testing by computer vision and metrics learning. The application highlighted in this paper is applying computer vision on Q-Q plot to construct a new test statistic for normality test. Traditionally, there are two families of approaches for verifying the probability distribution of a random variable. Researchers either subjectively assess the Q-Q plot or objectively use a mathematical formula, such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, to formally conduct a normality test. Graphical assessment by human beings is not rigorous whereas normality test statistics may not be accurate enough when the uniformly most powerful test does not exist. It may take tens of years for statistician to develop a new and more powerful test statistic. The first step of the proposed method is to apply computer vision techniques, such as pre-trained ResNet, to convert a Q-Q plot into a numerical vector. Next step is to apply metric learning to find an appropriate distance function between a Q-Q plot and the centroid of all Q-Q plots under the null hypothesis, which assumes the target variable is normally distributed. This distance metric is the new test statistic for normality test. Our experimentation results show that the machine-learning-based test statistics can outperform traditional normality tests in all cases, particularly when the sample size is small. This study provides convincing evidence that the proposed method could objectively create a powerful test statistic based on Q-Q plots and this method could be modified to construct many more powerful test statistics for other applications in the future

    Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea

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    An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was moored at the deep-sea site of the ANTARES neutrino telescope near Toulon, France, thus providing a unique opportunity to compare high-resolution acoustic and optical observations between 70 and 170 m above the sea bed at 2475 m. The ADCP measured downward vertical currents of magnitudes up to 0.03 m s-1 in late winter and early spring 2006. In the same period, observations were made of enhanced levels of acoustic reflection, interpreted as suspended particles including zooplankton, by a factor of about 10 and of horizontal currents reaching 0.35 m s-1. These observations coincided with high light levels detected by the telescope, interpreted as increased bioluminescence. During winter 2006 deep dense-water formation occurred in the Ligurian subbasin, thus providing a possible explanation for these observations. However, the 10-20 days quasi-periodic episodes of high levels of acoustic reflection, light and large vertical currents continuing into the summer are not direct evidence of this process. It is hypothesized that the main process allowing for suspended material to be moved vertically later in the year is local advection, linked with topographic boundary current instabilities along the rim of the 'Northern Current'.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure