5,592 research outputs found

    CD23 expression in mantle cell lymphoma is associated with CD200 expression, leukemic non-nodal form, and a better prognosis

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    Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is usually CD23 negative, a feature helpful in distinguishing MCL from chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma. However, a subset of MCL cases can be CD23+. Limited data are available regarding the clinicopathological features and prognosis of patients with CD23+ MCL. In this study, we reviewed 798 cases of MCL and identified 103 (13%) that were CD23+ by flow cytometry, all of which were positive for cyclin D1 and/or associated with CCND1/IGH. In all cases of CD23+ MCL, CD23 expression was dim partial or dim, unlike moderate to bright CD23 expression observed in chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma. The clinicopathological features and outcome of patients with CD23+ MCL were compared with 240 patients with typical MCL negative for CD23. Patients with CD23+ MCL more often had an elevated leukocyte count (33% versus 18%, P = .009), bone marrow involvement (89% versus 78%, P = .02), stage 4 disease (87% versus 77%, P = .03), and a leukemic presentation (42% versus 11%, P = .0001). CD23+ MCL was also more often positive for CD200 (17% versus. 4.6%, P = .0005) and less commonly positive for SOX11 (55% versus. 74%, P = .027). All other clinicopathological features were similar. With similar treatment regimens and observation times, patients with CD23+ MCL had a significant better overall survival (P = .02) and progression-free survival (P = .029). In conclusion, CD23 expression was observed in 13% of MCL cases and is associated with a better prognosis in patients with MCL. CD23 is associated with leukocytosis, a leukemic presentation, bone marrow involvement, CD200 expression, and a lower frequency of SOX11 positivity

    Molecular spectroscopy for ground-state transfer of ultracold RbCs molecules

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    We perform one- and two-photon high resolution spectroscopy on ultracold samples of RbCs Feshbach molecules with the aim to identify a suitable route for efficient ground-state transfer in the quantum-gas regime to produce quantum gases of dipolar RbCs ground-state molecules. One-photon loss spectroscopy allows us to probe deeply bound rovibrational levels of the mixed excited (A1{\Sigma}+ - b3{\Pi}0) 0+ molecular states. Two-photon dark state spectroscopy connects the initial Feshbach state to the rovibronic ground state. We determine the binding energy of the lowest rovibrational level |v"=0,J"=0> of the X1{\Sigma}+ ground state to be DX 0 = 3811.5755(16) 1/cm, a 300-fold improvement in accuracy with respect to previous data. We are now in the position to perform stimulated two-photon Raman transfer to the rovibronic ground state.Comment: Submitted to PCCP themed issue: Physics and Chemistry of Cold Molecule

    Cellular requirements for PIN polar cargo clustering in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Cell and tissue polarization is fundamental for plant growth and morphogenesis. The polar, cellular localization of Arabidopsis PIN‐FORMED (PIN) proteins is crucial for their function in directional auxin transport. The clustering of PIN polar cargoes within the plasma membrane has been proposed to be important for the maintenance of their polar distribution. However, the more detailed features of PIN clusters and the cellular requirements of cargo clustering remain unclear. Here, we characterized PIN clusters in detail by means of multiple advanced microscopy and quantification methods, such as 3D quantitative imaging or freeze‐fracture replica labeling. The size and aggregation types of PIN clusters were determined by electron microscopy at the nanometer level at different polar domains and at different developmental stages, revealing a strong preference for clustering at the polar domains. Pharmacological and genetic studies revealed that PIN clusters depend on phosphoinositol pathways, cytoskeletal structures and specific cell‐wall components as well as connections between the cell wall and the plasma membrane. This study identifies the role of different cellular processes and structures in polar cargo clustering and provides initial mechanistic insight into the maintenance of polarity in plants and other systems

    Carbon dioxide exchange above a Mediterranean C3/C4 grassland during two climatologically contrasting years

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    Eddy-covariance measurements of net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE) were carried out above a grazed Mediterranean C3/C4 grassland in southern Portugal, during two hydrological years, 2004–2005 and 2005–2006, of contrasting rainfall. Here, we examine the seasonal and interannual variation in NEE and its major components, gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco), in terms of the relevant biophysical controls. The first hydrological year was dry, with total precipitation 45% below the longterm mean (669mm) and the second was normal, with total precipitation only 12% above the long-term mean. The drought conditions during the winter and early spring of the dry year limited grass production and the leaf area index (LAI) was very low. Hence, during the peak of the growth period, the maximum daily rate of NEE and the light-use and water-use efficiencies were approximately half of those observed in the normal year. In the summer of 2006, the warm-season C4 grass, Cynodon dactylon L., exerted an evident positive effect on NEE by converting the ecosystem into a carbon sink after strong rain events and extending the carbon sequestration for several days, after the end of senescence of the C3 grasses. On an annual basis, the GPP and NEE were 524 and 49 gCm 2, respectively, for the dry year, and 1261 and 190 gCm 2 for the normal year. Therefore, the grassland was a moderate net source of carbon to the atmosphere, in the dry year, and a considerable net carbon sink, in the normal year. In these 2 years of experiment the total amount of precipitation was the main factor determining the interannual variation in NEE. In terms of relevant controls, GPP and NEE were strongly related to incident photosynthetic photon flux density on short-term time scales. Changes in LAI explained 84% and 77% of the variation found in GPP and NEE, respectively. Variations in Reco were mainly controlled by canopy photosynthesis. After each grazing event, the reduction in LAI affected negatively the NEE

    Adipose Tissue Dysfunction Signals Progression of Hepatic Steatosis Towards Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in C57Bl/6 Mice

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    OBJECTIVE - Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is linked to obesity and diabetes, suggesting an important role of adipose tissue in the pathogenesis of NAFLD. Here, we aimed to investigate the interaction between adipose tissue and liver in NAFLD and identify potential early plasma markers that predict nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - C57Bl/6 mice were chronically fed a high-fat diet to induce NAFLD and compared with mice fed a low-fat diet. Extensive histological and phenotypical analyses coupled with a time course study of plasma proteins using multiplex assay were performed. RESULTS - Mice exhibited pronounced heterogeneity in liver histological scoring, leading to classification into four subgroups: low-fat low (LFL) responders displaying normal liver morphology, low-fat high (LFH) responders showing benign hepatic steatosis, high-fat low (HFL) responders displaying pre-NASH with macrovesicular lipid droplets, and high fat high (HFH) responders exhibiting overt NASH characterized by ballooning of hepatocytes, presence of Mallory bodies, and activated inflammatory cells. Compared with HFL responders, HFH mice gained weight more rapidly and exhibited adipose tissue dysfunction characterized by decreased final fat mass, enhanced macrophage infiltration and inflammation, and adipose tissue remodeling. Plasma haptoglobin, IL-1β, TIMP-1, adiponectin, and leptin were significantly changed in HFH mice. Multivariate analysis indicated that in addition to leptin, plasma CRP, haptoglobin, eotaxin, and MIP-1α early in the intervention were positively associated with liver triglycerides. Intermediate prognostic markers of liver triglycerides included IL-18, IL-1β, MIP-1γ, and MIP-2, whereas insulin, TIMP-1, granulocyte chemotactic protein 2, and myeloperoxidase emerged as late markers. CONCLUSIONS - Our data support the existence of a tight relationship between adipose tissue dysfunction and NASH pathogenesis and point to several novel potential predictive biomarkers for NASH

    Functionalized Mesoporous SBA-15 with CeF3: Eu3+ Nanoparticle by Three Different Methods: Synthesis, Characterization, and Photoluminescence

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    Luminescence functionalization of the ordered mesoporous SBA-15 silica is realized by depositing a CeF3: Eu3+ phosphor layer on its surface (denoted as CeF3: Eu3+/SBA-15/IS, CeF3: Eu3+/SBA-15/SI and CeF3: Eu3+/SBA-15/SS) using three different methods, which are reaction in situ (I-S), solution impregnation (S-I) and solid phase grinding synthesis (S-S), respectively. The structure, morphology, porosity, and optical properties of the materials are well characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, N2 adsorption, and photoluminescence spectra. These materials all have high surface area, uniformity in the mesostructure and crystallinity. As expected, the pore volume, surface area, and pore size of SBA-15 decrease in sequence after deposition of the CeF3: Eu3+ nanophosphors. Furthermore, the efficient energy transfer in mesoporous material mainly occurs between the Ce3+ and the central Eu3+ ion. They show the characteristic emission of Ce3+ 5d → 4f (200–320 nm) and Eu3+5D0 → 7FJ(J = 1–4, with 5D0 → 7F1 orange emission at 588 nm as the strongest one) transitions, respectively. In addition, for comparison, the mesoporous material CeF3: Eu3+/SBA-15/SS exhibits the characteristic emission of Eu3+ ion under UV irradiation with higher luminescence intensity than the other materials

    Polymeric hydrogel coating for modulating the shape of keratin fiber

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    Hydrogel coating was explored to modulate the shape of keratin hair fiber. The motivation was the development of an eco-friendly methodology with non-toxic chemicals to modulate keratin fiber. Polymeric hydrogel of acrylic acid and N-N-dimethylacrylamide was prepared by free-radical polymerization in aqueous solution, using nano-alumina particles as crosslinker and potassium persulfate as an initiator. Physico-chemical properties of the hydrogel was investigated by Fourier transformer infrared spectrum (FTIR), thermal analysis and swelling ratio behavior. After hydrogel coating, morphological modification was observed from straight to curly hair effect. The influence of hydrogel coating on hair fiber was evaluated by perming efficiency supported by X-ray diffraction and morphological characterization (SEM and AFM). The durability of hydrogel coating was tested until four wash processes maintaining around 65% the new configuration of the hair fiber.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundationfor Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of thestrategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2019 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by theEuropean Regional Development Fund under the scope ofNorte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Thisstudy was also supported by the Natural Science Foundation ofJiangsu Province (Grant No. BK20180631).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Immunophenotypic characterization of reactive and neoplastic plasmacytoid dendritic cells permits establishment of a 10-color flow cytometric panel for initial workup and residual disease evaluation of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm

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    Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) is a rare hematopoietic neoplasm whose immunophenotype remains incompletely characterized, particularly in terms of distinction from reactive plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs). This limitation complicates detection of low-level involvement by BPDCN as well as minimal residual disease (MRD) assessment following therapy. We conducted the current study to characterize the immunophenotype of BPDCN in a cohort of 39 patients, and compared it to reactive PDCs. We found that, in addition to CD56 expression (97%), BPDCN showed a number of aberrancies, including decreased/negative CD38 (82%), positive CD7 (64%), negative CD2 (81%), negative CD303 (56%), increased HLA-DR (69%) and decreased CD123 (78%). Although BPDCN cells were characterized by CD56 expression, reactive PDCs consistently included a CD56-positive subset, ranging 1.3%-20% (median 4.5%) of total PDCs, challenging MRD detection. These CD56+ reactive PDCs, however, were consistently positive for CD2 and CD303, brightly positive for CD38, and negative for CD7, distinctively different from BPDCN. Based on these findings, we set up a 10-color flow cytometry assay for BPDCN and validated it to a sensitivity of 0.01%. This panel was prospectively tested in 19 bone marrow samples from 7 BPDCN patients, and it effectively distinguished BPDCN cells from background reactive PDCs in all cases. In summary, by understanding the immunophenotype of reactive and neoplastic PDCs, BPDCN can be effectively detected by flow cytometry to a very low level using a panel of markers in addition to CD56, and such assay can be used for initial bone marrow workup as well as MRD detection after therapy

    Critical length of encased stone columns

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    ABSTRACT: Encased stone columns are vertical inclusions in soft soils formed by gravel wrapped usually with a geotextile. Their critical length is the one where further lengthening of the column provides a negligible improvement and it is therefore not effective to build columns longer than it. This paper aims to obtain common values of the critical length using simplified two-dimensional axisymmetric and full three-dimensional finite element analyses. A uniform soft soil layer with a linear elastic perfectly plastic behaviour is considered for the sake of simplicity. For the studied cases, the critical column length is around 1.3?2.5 times the footing diameter for encased stone columns, and slightly lower for ordinary stone columns, namely around 1.1?1.9. The critical length of the encasement is found to be slightly lower than the critical column length. The value of the critical column length is related to the extent of plastic deformation and that may be used to decide the column length in the design phase without the need of parametric analyses. As a first approximation, a general value of the critical column length of 2 and 2.5 times the footing diameter may be considered for ordinary and encased stone columns, respectively