170 research outputs found

    Determinants of Affinity and Activity of the Anti-Sigma Factor AsiA

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    The AsiA protein is a T4 bacteriophage early gene product that regulates transcription of host and viral genes. Monomeric AsiA binds tightly to the σ70 subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase, thereby inhibiting transcription from bacterial promoters and phage early promoters and co-activating transcription from phage middle promoters. Results of structural studies have identified amino acids at the protomer-protomer interface in dimeric AsiA and at the monomeric AsiA-σ70 interface and demonstrated substantial overlap in the sets of residues that comprise each. Here we evaluate the contributions of individual interfacial amino acid side chains to protomer-protomer affinity in AsiA homodimers, to monomeric AsiA affinity for σ70, and to AsiA function in transcription. Sedimentation equilibrium, dynamic light scattering, electrophoretic mobility shift and transcription activity measurements were used to assess affinity and function of site-specific AsiA mutants. Alanine substitutions for solvent-inaccessible residues positioned centrally in the protomer-protomer interface of the AsiA homodimer – V14, I17, and I40 – resulted in the largest changes in free energy of dimer association, whereas alanine substitutions at other interfacial positions had little effect. These residues also contribute significantly to AsiA-dependent regulation of RNA polymerase activity, as do additional residues positioned at the periphery of the interface (K20 and F21). Notably, the relative contributions of a given amino acid side chain to RNA polymerase inhibition and activation (MotA-independent) by AsiA are very similar in most cases. The mainstay for intermolecular affinity and AsiA function appears to be I17. Our results define the core interfacial residues of AsiA, establish roles for many of the interfacial amino acids, are in agreement with the tenets underlying protein-protein interactions and interfaces, and will be beneficial for a general, comprehensive understanding of the mechanistic underpinnings of bacterial RNA polymerase regulation

    Transcription regulation of the EcoRV restriction–modification system

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    When a plasmid containing restriction–modification (R–M) genes enters a naïve host, unmodified host DNA can be destroyed by restriction endonuclease. Therefore, expression of R–M genes must be regulated to ensure that enough methyltransferase is produced and that host DNA is methylated before the endonuclease synthesis begins. In several R–M systems, specialized Control (C) proteins coordinate expression of the R and the M genes. C proteins bind to DNA sequences called C-boxes and activate expression of their cognate R genes and inhibit the M gene expression, however the mechanisms remain undefined. Here, we studied the regulation of gene expression in the C protein-dependent EcoRV system. We map the divergent EcoRV M and R gene promoters and we define the site of C protein-binding that is sufficient for activation of the EcoRV R transcription

    Discovery and Functional Characterization of Diverse Class 2 CRISPR-Cas Systems

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    Microbial CRISPR-Cas systems are divided into Class 1, with multisubunit effector complexes, and Class 2, with single protein effectors. Currently, only two Class 2 effectors, Cas9 and Cpf1, are known. We describe here three distinct Class 2 CRISPR-Cas systems. The effectors of two of the identified systems, C2c1 and C2c3, contain RuvC-like endonuclease domains distantly related to Cpf1. The third system, C2c2, contains an effector with two predicted HEPN RNase domains. Whereas production of mature CRISPR RNA (crRNA) by C2c1 depends on tracrRNA, C2c2 crRNA maturation is tracrRNA independent. We found that C2c1 systems can mediate DNA interference in a 5'-PAM-dependent fashion analogous to Cpf1. However, unlike Cpf1, which is a single-RNA-guided nuclease, C2c1 depends on both crRNA and tracrRNA for DNA cleavage. Finally, comparative analysis indicates that Class 2 CRISPR-Cas systems evolved on multiple occasions through recombination of Class 1 adaptation modules with effector proteins acquired from distinct mobile elements.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant 5DP1-MH100706)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01-MH110049)National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (U.S.) (Grant 5R01DK097768-03)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM10407

    Viral genome packaging terminase cleaves DNA using the canonical RuvC-like two-metal catalysis mechanism

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    Bacteriophages and large dsDNA viruses encode sophisticated machinery to translocate their DNA into a preformed empty capsid. An essential part of this machine, the large terminase protein, processes viral DNA into constituent units utilizing its nuclease activity. Crystal structures of the large terminase nuclease from the thermophilic bacteriophage G20c show that it is most similar to the RuvC family of the RNase H-like endonucleases. Like RuvC proteins, the nuclease requires either Mn2+, Mg2+ or Co2+ ions for activity, but is inactive with Zn2+ and Ca2+. High resolution crystal structures of complexes with different metals reveal that in the absence of DNA, only one catalytic metal ion is accommodated in the active site. Binding of the second metal ion may be facilitated by conformational variability, which enables the two catalytic aspartic acids to be brought closer to each other. Structural comparison indicates that in common with the RuvC family, the location of the two catalytic metals differs from other members of the RNase H family. In contrast to a recently proposed mechanism, the available data do not support binding of the two metals at an ultra-short interatomic distance. Thus we postulate that viral terminases cleave DNA by the canonical RuvC-like mechanism

    Modular architecture of nucleotide-binding pockets

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    Recently, modularity has emerged as a general attribute of complex biological systems. This is probably because modular systems lend themselves readily to optimization via random mutation followed by natural selection. Although they are not traditionally considered to evolve by this process, biological ligands are also modular, being composed of recurring chemical fragments, and moreover they exhibit similarities reminiscent of mutations (e.g. the few atoms differentiating adenine and guanine). Many ligands are also promiscuous in the sense that they bind to many different protein folds. Here, we investigated whether ligand chemical modularity is reflected in an underlying modularity of binding sites across unrelated proteins. We chose nucleotides as paradigmatic ligands, because they can be described as composed of well-defined fragments (nucleobase, ribose and phosphates) and are quite abundant both in nature and in protein structure databases. We found that nucleotide-binding sites do indeed show a modular organization and are composed of fragment-specific protein structural motifs, which parallel the modular structure of their ligands. Through an analysis of the distribution of these motifs in different proteins and in different folds, we discuss the evolutionary implications of these findings and argue that the structural features we observed can arise both as a result of divergence from a common ancestor or convergent evolution

    Genome Characteristics of a Novel Phage from Bacillus thuringiensis Showing High Similarity with Phage from Bacillus cereus

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    Bacillus thuringiensis is an important entomopathogenic bacterium belongs to the Bacillus cereus group, which also includes B. anthracis and B. cereus. Several genomes of phages originating from this group had been sequenced, but no genome of Siphoviridae phage from B. thuringiensis has been reported. We recently sequenced and analyzed the genome of a novel phage, BtCS33, from a B. thuringiensis strain, subsp. kurstaki CS33, and compared the gneome of this phage to other phages of the B. cereus group. BtCS33 was the first Siphoviridae phage among the sequenced B. thuringiensis phages. It produced small, turbid plaques on bacterial plates and had a narrow host range. BtCS33 possessed a linear, double-stranded DNA genome of 41,992 bp with 57 putative open reading frames (ORFs). It had a typical genome structure consisting of three modules: the “late” region, the “lysogeny-lysis” region and the “early” region. BtCS33 exhibited high similarity with several phages, B. cereus phage Wβ and some variants of Wβ, in genome organization and the amino acid sequences of structural proteins. There were two ORFs, ORF22 and ORF35, in the genome of BtCS33 that were also found in the genomes of B. cereus phage Wβ and may be involved in regulating sporulation of the host cell. Based on these observations and analysis of phylogenetic trees, we deduced that B. thuringiensis phage BtCS33 and B. cereus phage Wβ may have a common distant ancestor

    Molecular Interactions and Protein-Induced DNA Hairpin in the Transcriptional Control of Bacteriophage Ø29 DNA

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    Studies on the regulation of phage Ø29 gene expression revealed a new mechanism to accomplish simultaneous activation and repression of transcription leading to orderly gene expression. Two phage-encoded early proteins, p4 and p6, bind synergistically to DNA, modifying the topology of the sequences encompassing early promoters A2c and A2b and late promoter A3 in a hairpin that allows the switch from early to late transcription. Protein p6 is a nucleoid-like protein that binds DNA in a non-sequence specific manner. Protein p4 is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein with multifaceted sequence-readout properties. The protein recognizes the chemical signature of only one DNA base on the inverted repeat of its target sequence through a direct-readout mechanism. In addition, p4 specific binding depends on the recognition of three A-tracts by indirect-readout mechanisms. The biological importance of those three A-tracts resides in their individual properties rather than in the global curvature that they may induce

    Structural Coupling between RNA Polymerase Composition and DNA Supercoiling in Coordinating Transcription: a Global Role for the Omega Subunit?

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    In growing bacterial cells, the global reorganization of transcription is associated with alterations of RNA polymerase composition and the superhelical density of the DNA. However, the existence of any regulatory device coordinating these changes remains elusive. Here we show that in an exponentially growing Escherichia coli rpoZ mutant lacking the polymerase ω subunit, the impact of the Eσ38 holoenzyme on transcription is enhanced in parallel with overall DNA relaxation. Conversely, overproduction of σ70 in an rpoZ mutant increases both overall DNA supercoiling and the transcription of genes utilizing high negative superhelicity. We further show that transcription driven by the Eσ38 and Eσ70 holoenzymes from cognate promoters induces distinct superhelical densities of plasmid DNA in vivo. We thus demonstrate a tight coupling between polymerase holoenzyme composition and the supercoiling regimen of genomic transcription. Accordingly, we identify functional clusters of genes with distinct σ factor and supercoiling preferences arranging alternative transcription programs sustaining bacterial exponential growth. We propose that structural coupling between DNA topology and holoenzyme composition provides a basic regulatory device for coordinating genome-wide transcription during bacterial growth and adaptation