1,372 research outputs found

    Prognostic value of replication errors on chromosomes 2p and 3p in non-small-cell lung cancer

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    As chromosomes 2p and 3p are frequent targets for genomic instability in lung cancer, we have addressed whether alterations of simple (CA)n DNA repeats occur in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at early stages. We have analysed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay replication errors (RER) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at microsatellites mapped on chromosomes 2p and 3p in 64 paired tumour-normal DNA samples from consecutively resected stage I, II or IIIA NSCLC. DNA samples were also examined for K-ras and p53 gene mutations by PCR-single-stranded conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis and cyclic sequencing, as well as their relationship with clinical outcome. Forty-two of the 64 (66%) NSCLC patients showed RER at single or multiple loci. LOH was detected in 23 tumours (36%). Among patients with stage I disease, the 5-year survival rate was 80% in those whose tumours had no evidence of RER and 26% in those with RER (P = 0.005). No correlation was established between RER phenotype and LOH, K-ras or p53 mutations. RER remained a strong predictive factor (hazard ratio for death, 2.89; 95% confidence interval, 2.23-3.79; P = 0.002) after adjustment for all other evaluated factors, including p53, K-ras, LOH, histological type, tumour differentiation and TNM stage, suggesting that microsatellite instability on chromosomes 2p and 3p may play a role in NSCLC progression through a different pathway from the traditional tumour mechanisms of oncogene activation and/or tumour-suppressor gene inactivation

    КИХ-фильтры с независимым управлением фазочастотной характеристикой

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    Рассматривается структурная реализация цифровых КИХ фильтров методом частотной выборки с возможностью управления фазочастотной характеристикой в реальном времени. Приводятся характеристики элементарных цифровых фильтров, алгоритм сложения их выходных сигналов и способ смещения фазочастотной характеристики.Розглядається проектування та структурна реалізація цифрових КІХ-фільтрів методом частотної вибірки з можливістю управління фазочастотною характеристикою в реальному часі. Наводяться характеристики елементарних цифрових фільтрів, алгоритм складання їх вихідних сигналів і спосіб зміщення фазочастотної характеристики.The structural realization of digital FIR-filters using frequency sampling with real time control of phase-frequency characteristic is considered. The characteristics of elementary digital filters, the algorithm of their output signals summation and the way of phase-frequency characteristic shift are given

    Mechanism of cell polarisation and first lineage segregation in the human embryo

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    The formation of differential cell lineages in the mammalian blastocyst from the totipotent zygote is crucial for implantation and the success of the whole pregnancy. The first lineage segregation generates the polarised trophectoderm (TE) tissue, which forms the placenta, and the apolar inner cell mass (ICM), which mainly gives rise to all foetal tissues and also the yolk sac. The mechanism underlying this cell fate segregation has been extensively studied in the mouse embryo. However, when and how it takes place in the human embryo remains unclear. Here, using time-lapse imaging and 325 surplus human embryos, we provide a detailed characterisation of morphological events and transcription factor expression and localisation to understand how they lead to the first lineage segregation in human embryogenesis. We show that the first lineage segregation of the human embryo is triggered by cell polarisation that occurs at the 8-cell stage in two sequential steps. In the first step, F-actin becomes apically polarised concomitantly with embryo compaction. In the second step, the Par complex becomes polarised to form the apical cellular domain. Mechanistically, we show that activation of Phospholipase C (PLC) triggers actin polarisation and is therefore essential for apical domain formation, as is the case in mouse embryos. Finally, we show that, in contrast to the mouse embryo, the key extra-embryonic determinant GATA3 is expressed not only in extra-embryonic lineage precursors upon blastocyst formation. However, the cell polarity machinery enhances the expression and nuclear accumulation of GATA3. In summary, our results demonstrate for the first time that cell polarisation reinforces the first lineage segregation in the human embryo

    MYC activation impairs cell-intrinsic IFNγ signaling and confers resistance to anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapy in lung cancer

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    Elucidating the adaptive mechanisms that prevent host immune response in cancer will help predict efficacy of anti-programmed death-1 (PD1)/L1 therapies. Here, we study the cell-intrinsic response of lung cancer (LC) to interferon-y (IFNy), a cytokine that promotes immunoresponse and modulates programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) levels. We report complete refractoriness to IFNy in a subset of LCs as a result of JAK2 or IFNGR1 inactivation. A submaximal response affects another subset that shows constitutive low levels of IFNy-stimulated genes (IySGs) coupled with decreased H3K27ac (histone 3 acetylation at lysine 27) depo-sition and promoter hypermethylation and reduced IFN regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) recruitment to the DNA on IFNy stimulation. Most of these are neuroendocrine small cell LCs (SCLCs) with oncogenic MYC/MYCL1/ MYCN. The oncogenic activation of MYC in SCLC cells downregulates JAK2 and impairs IySGs stimulation by IFNy. MYC amplification tends to associate with a worse response to anti-PD1/L1 therapies. Hence alterations affecting the JAK/STAT pathway and MYC activation prevent stimulation by IFNy and may predict anti-PD1/L1 efficacy in LC

    Statistical epistasis between candidate gene alleles for complex tuber traits in an association mapping population of tetraploid potato

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    Association mapping using DNA-based markers is a novel tool in plant genetics for the analysis of complex traits. Potato tuber yield, starch content, starch yield and chip color are complex traits of agronomic relevance, for which carbohydrate metabolism plays an important role. At the functional level, the genes and biochemical pathways involved in carbohydrate metabolism are among the best studied in plants. Quantitative traits such as tuber starch and sugar content are therefore models for association genetics in potato based on candidate genes. In an association mapping experiment conducted with a population of 243 tetraploid potato varieties and breeding clones, we previously identified associations between individual candidate gene alleles and tuber starch content, starch yield and chip quality. In the present paper, we tested 190 DNA markers at 36 loci scored in the same association mapping population for pairwise statistical epistatic interactions. Fifty marker pairs were associated mainly with tuber starch content and/or starch yield, at a cut-off value of q ≤ 0.20 for the experiment-wide false discovery rate (FDR). Thirteen marker pairs had an FDR of q ≤ 0.10. Alleles at loci encoding ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase (Rca), sucrose phosphate synthase (Sps) and vacuolar invertase (Pain1) were most frequently involved in statistical epistatic interactions. The largest effect on tuber starch content and starch yield was observed for the paired alleles Pain1-8c and Rca-1a, explaining 9 and 10% of the total variance, respectively. The combination of these two alleles increased the means of tuber starch content and starch yield. Biological models to explain the observed statistical epistatic interactions are discussed

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Prognostic impact of reduced connexin43 expression and gap junction coupling of neoplastic stromal cells in giant cell tumor of bone

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    Missense mutations of the GJA1 gene encoding the gap junction channel protein connexin43 (Cx43) cause bone malformations resulting in oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD), while GJA1 null and ODDD mutant mice develop osteopenia. In this study we investigated Cx43 expression and channel functions in giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB), a locally aggressive osteolytic lesion with uncertain progression. Cx43 protein levels assessed by immunohistochemistry were correlated with GCTB cell types, clinico-radiological stages and progression free survival in tissue microarrays of 89 primary and 34 recurrent GCTB cases. Cx43 expression, phosphorylation, subcellular distribution and gap junction coupling was also investigated and compared between cultured neoplastic GCTB stromal cells and bone marow stromal cells or HDFa fibroblasts as a control. In GCTB tissues, most Cx43 was produced by CD163 negative neoplastic stromal cells and less by CD163 positive reactive monocytes/macrophages or by giant cells. Significantly less Cx43 was detected in alpha-smooth muscle actin positive than alpha-smooth muscle actin negative stromal cells and in osteoclast-rich tumor nests than in the adjacent reactive stroma. Progressively reduced Cx43 production in GCTB was significantly linked to advanced clinico-radiological stages and worse progression free survival. In neoplastic GCTB stromal cell cultures most Cx43 protein was localized in the paranuclear-Golgi region, while it was concentrated in the cell membranes both in bone marrow stromal cells and HDFa fibroblasts. In Western blots, alkaline phosphatase sensitive bands, linked to serine residues (Ser369, Ser372 or Ser373) detected in control cells, were missing in GCTB stromal cells. Defective cell membrane localization of Cx43 channels was in line with the significantly reduced transfer of the 622 Da fluorescing calcein dye between GCTB stromal cells. Our results show that significant downregulation of Cx43 expression and gap junction coupling in neoplastic stromal cells are associated with the clinical progression and worse prognosis in GCTB

    Biological Function and Molecular Mapping of M Antigen in Yeast Phase of Histoplasma capsulatum

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    Histoplasmosis, due to the intracellular fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, can be diagnosed by demonstrating the presence of antibodies specific to the immunodominant M antigen. However, the role of this protein in the pathogenesis of histoplasmosis has not been elucidated. We sought to structurally and immunologically characterize the protein, determine yeast cell surface expression, and confirm catalase activity. A 3D-rendering of the M antigen by homology modeling revealed that the structures and domains closely resemble characterized fungal catalases. We generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to the protein and determined that the M antigen is present on the yeast cell surface and in cell wall/cell membrane preparations. Similarly, we found that the majority of catalase activity was in extracts containing fungal surface antigens and that the M antigen is not significantly secreted by live yeast cells. The mAbs also identified unique epitopes on the M antigen. The localization of the M antigen to the cell surface of H. capsulatum yeast and the characterization of the protein's major epitopes have important implications since it demonstrates that although the protein may participate in protecting the fungus against oxidative stress it is also accessible to host immune cells and antibody

    Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation

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