93 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of the Safety Processes in Particular Industrial Company

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na zhodnocení plnění požadavků platné legislativy pro bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví při práci v konkrétním podniku. Vytváří registr legislativních požadavků podle aktivit v podniku. Analýzou zjišťuje současný stav v podniku a vyhodnocuje míru splnění zákonných požadavků. Obsahuje návrhy na zlepšení.Bachelor thesis aims to evaluate the performance requirements of the applicable legislation for safety and health protection at work in a particular company. It creates registry of legal requirements by activities in the company. Parses the current state of the organization and evaluates the degree of compliance with legal requirements. It contains suggestions for improvements.

    Lexical access speed and the development of phonological recoding during immediate serial recall

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    A recent Registered Replication Report (RRR) of the development of verbal rehearsal during serial recall revealed that children verbalized at younger ages than previously thought, but did not identify sources of individual differences. Here, we use mediation analysis to reanalyze data from the 934 children ranging from 5 to 10 years old from the RRR for that purpose. From ages 5 to 7, the time taken for a child to label pictures (i.e. isolated naming speed) predicted the child’s spontaneous use of labels during a visually presented serial reconstruction task, despite no need for spoken responses. For 6- and 7-year-olds, isolated naming speed also predicted recall. The degree to which verbalization mediated the relation between isolated naming speed and recall changed across development. All relations dissipated by age 10. The same general pattern was observed in an exploratory analysis of delayed recall for which greater demands are placed on rehearsal for item maintenance. Overall, our findings suggest that spontaneous phonological recoding during a standard short-term memory task emerges around age 5, increases in efficiency during the early elementary school years, and is sufficiently automatic by age 10 to support immediate serial recall in most children. Moreover, the findings highlight the need to distinguish between phonological recoding and rehearsal in developmental studies of short-term memory

    The effect of sleep on children’s word retention and generalization

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    In the first few years of life children spend a good proportion of time sleeping as well as acquiring the meanings of hundreds of words. There is now ample evidence of the effects of sleep on memory in adults and the number of studies demonstrating the effects of napping and nocturnal sleep in children is also mounting. In particular, sleep appears to benefit children's memory for recently-encountered novel words. The effect of sleep on children's generalization of novel words across multiple items, however, is less clear. Given that sleep is polyphasic in the early years, made up of multiple episodes, and children's word learning is gradual and strengthened slowly over time, it is highly plausible that sleep is a strong candidate in supporting children's memory for novel words. Importantly, it appears that when children sleep shortly after exposure to novel word-object pairs retention is better than if sleep is delayed, suggesting that napping plays a vital role in long-term word retention for young children. Word learning is a complex, challenging, and important part of development, thus the role that sleep plays in children's retention of novel words is worthy of attention. As such, ensuring children get sufficient good quality sleep and regular opportunities to nap may be critical for language acquisition

    Upregulation of p27 and its inhibition of CDK2/cyclin E activity following DNA damage by a novel platinum agent are dependent on the expression of p21

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    The cisplatin analogue 1R,2R-diaminocyclohexane(trans-diacetato)(dichloro)platinumIV (DAP) is a DNA-damaging agent that will be entering clinical trials for its potent cytotoxic effects against cisplatin-resistant tumour cells. This cytotoxicity may reside in its ability to selectively activate G1-phase checkpoint response by inhibiting CDKs via the p53/p21 pathway. We have now evaluated the role of another CDK inhibitor p27 as a contributor to DAP-mediated inhibition of G1-phase CDK2 activity. Our studies in ovarian A2780 tumour cells demonstrate that p27 levels induced by DAP are comparable to or greater than those seen for p21. The induction of p27 is not through a transcriptional mechanism, but rather is due to a four-fold increase in protein stabilisation through a mechanism dependent on p21. Moreover, DAP-induced p21 promoted the selective increase of p27 in the CDK2 complex, but not in CDK4 complex, and this selective increase contributed to inhibition of the CDK2 kinase activity. The inhibited complex contained either p27 or p21, but not both, with the relative levels of cyclin E associated with p27 and p21 indicating that about 25% of the inhibition of CDK2 activity was due to p27 and 75% due to p21. This study provides the first evidence that p27 upregulation is directly attributable to activation of the p53/p21 pathway by a DNA-damaging agent, and promulgates p53/p21/p27 axis as a significant component of checkpoint response

    Myc Stimulates Cell Cycle Progression Through the Activation of Cdk1 and Phosphorylation of p27

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    Cell cycle stimulation is a major transforming mechanism of Myc oncoprotein. This is achieved through at least three concomitant mechanisms: upregulation of cyclins and Cdks, downregulation of the Cdk inhibitors p15 and p21 and the degradation of p27. The Myc-p27 antagonism has been shown to be relevant in human cancer. To be degraded, p27 must be phosphorylated at Thr-187 to be recognized by Skp2, a component of the ubiquitination complex. We previously described that Myc induces Skp2 expression. Here we show that not only Cdk2 but Cdk1 phosphorylates p27 at the Thr-187. Moreover, Myc induced p27 degradation in murine fibroblasts through Cdk1 activation, which was achieved by Myc-dependent cyclin A and B induction. In the absence of Cdk2, p27 phosphorylation at Thr-187 was mainly carried out by cyclin A2-Cdk1 and cyclin B1-Cdk1. We also show that Cdk1 inhibition was enough for the synthetic lethal interaction with Myc. This result is relevant because Cdk1 is the only Cdk strictly required for cell cycle and the reported synthetic lethal interaction between Cdk1 and Myc.The work was supported by grant SAF2017-88026-R from MINECO, Spanish Government, to JL and MDD (partially funded by FEDER program from European Union). L.G.G. was recipient of FPI fellowship from Spanish Government. We are grateful Sandra Zunzunegui for technical assistance and John Sedivy and M. Dolores Delgado for helpful discussion