507 research outputs found

    The taxonomic status of quill worms, genus Hyalinoecia (Polychaeta: Onuphidae), from the North American Atlantic continental slope

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    Morphological characters of quill worms from the North American continental slope have been compared with those of Hyalinoecia tubicola (O. F. Müller) from the English Channel. The results indicate consistent and exclusive differences in worms of the same size. We suggest that Hyalinoecia artifex Verrill be reinstated for North American quill worms, as originally intended

    Molecular Carbon Chains and Rings in TMC-1

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    We present mapping results in several rotational transitions of HC3N, C6H, both cyclic and linear C3H2 and C3H, towards the cyanopolyyne peak of the filamentary dense cloud TMC-1 using the IRAM 30m and MPIfR 100m telescopes. The spatial distribution of the cumulene carbon chain propadienylidene H2C3 (hereafter l-C3H2) is found to deviate significantly from the distributions of the cyclic isomer c-C3H2, HC3N, and C6H which in turn look very similar. The cyclic over linear abundance ratio of C3H2 increases by a factor of 3 across the filament, with a value of 28 at the cyanopolyyne peak. This abundance ratio is an order of magnitude larger than the range (3 to 5) we observed in the diffuse interstellar medium. The cyclic over linear abundance ratio of C3H also varies by ~2.5 in TMC-1, reaching a maximum value (13) close to the cyanopolyyne peak. These behaviors might be related to competitive processes between ion-neutral and neutral-neutral reactions for cyclic and linear species.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, part I. 24 pages, including 4 tables, 7 figures, and figure caption

    Caregiving For and By Hispanic Elders: Perceptions of Four Generations of Women

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    So as to learn about the experiences of acculturation among older Hispanic women, four generations were interviewed about their ethnic identity, perceptions of gender equity in the home, life satisfaction, and beliefs regarding family caregiving responsibilities. Findings reveal general differences between hopes for, and experiences with, gender equity and in their self-identification as a member of a minority group and their perceptions of others toward them. Differences were also found among the four age groups of Hispanic women

    A molecular shell with star formation toward the supernova remnant G349.7+0.2

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    A field of ~38'x38' around the supernova remnant (SNR) G349.7+0.2 has been surveyed in the CO J=1-0 transition with the 12 Meter Telescope of the NRAO, using the On-The-Fly technique. The resolution of the observations is 54". We have found that this remnant is interacting with a small CO cloud which, in turn, is part of a much larger molecular complex, which we call the ``Large CO Shell''. The Large CO Shell has a diameter of about 100 pc, an H_2 mass of 930,000 solar masses, and a density of 35 cm-3. We investigate the origin of this structure and suggest that an old supernova explosion ocurred about 4 million years ago, as a suitable hypothesis. Analyzing the interaction between G349.7+0.2 and the Large CO Shell, it is possible to determine that the shock front currently driven into the molecular gas is a non-dissociative shock (C-type), in agreement with the presence of OH 1720 MHz masers. The positional and kinematical coincidence among one of the CO clouds that constitute the Large CO Shell, an IRAS point-like source and an ultracompact H II region, indicate the presence of a recently formed star. We suggest that the formation of this star was triggered during the expansion of the Large CO Shell, and suggest the possibility that the same expansion also created the progenitor star of G349.7+0.2. The Large CO Shell would then be one of the few observational examples of supernova-induced star formation.Comment: accepted in Astronomical Journal, corrected typo in the abstract (in first line, 38' instead of 38"

    Chemical differentiation in regions of high mass star formation II. Molecular multiline and dust continuum studies of selected objects

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    The aim of this study is to investigate systematic chemical differentiation of molecules in regions of high mass star formation. We observed five prominent sites of high mass star formation in HCN, HNC, HCO+, their isotopes, C18O, C34S and some other molecular lines, for some sources both at 3 and 1.3 mm and in continuum at 1.3 mm. Taking into account earlier obtained data for N2H+ we derive molecular abundances and physical parameters of the sources (mass, density, ionization fraction, etc.). The kinetic temperature is estimated from CH3C2H observations. Then we analyze correlations between molecular abundances and physical parameters and discuss chemical models applicable to these species. The typical physical parameters for the sources in our sample are the following: kinetic temperature in the range ~ 30-50 K (it is systematically higher than that obtained from ammonia observations and is rather close to dust temperature), masses from tens to hundreds solar masses, gas densities ~ 10^5 cm^{-3}, ionization fraction ~ 10^{-7}. In most cases the ionization fraction slightly (a few times) increases towards the embedded YSOs. The observed clumps are close to gravitational equilibrium. There are systematic differences in distributions of various molecules. The abundances of CO, CS and HCN are more or less constant. There is no sign of CO and/or CS depletion as in cold cores. At the same time the abundances of HCO+, HNC and especially N2H+ strongly vary in these objects. They anti-correlate with the ionization fraction and as a result decrease towards the embedded YSOs. For N2H+ this can be explained by dissociative recombination to be the dominant destroying process. N2H+, HCO+, and HNC are valuable indicators of massive protostars.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Freestanding graphene heat engine analyzed using stochastic thermodynamics

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    We present an Ito-Langevin model for freestanding graphene connected to an electrical circuit. The graphene is treated as a Brownian particle in a double-well potential and is adjacent to a fixed electrode to form a variable capacitor. The capacitor is connected in series with a battery and a load resistor. The capacitor and resistor are given separate thermal reservoirs. We have solved the coupled Ito-Langevin equations for a broad range of temperature differences between the two reservoirs. Using ensemble averages, we report the rate of change in energy, heat, and work using stochastic thermodynamics. When the resistor is held at higher temperatures, the efficiency of the heat engine rises linearly with temperature. However, when the graphene is held at higher temperatures, the efficiency instantly rises and then plateaus. Also, twice as much entropy is produced when the resistor is hotter compared to when the graphene is hotter. Unexpectedly, the temperature of the capacitor is found to alter the dissipated power of the resistor.This work was supported by the Walton Family Charitable Support Foundation (Grant No. RG3178).Publicad

    H2CO and CH3OH maps of the Orion Bar photodissociation region

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    A previous analysis of methanol and formaldehyde towards the Orion Bar concluded that the two molecular species may trace different physical components, methanol the clumpy material, and formaldehyde the interclump medium. To verify this hypothesis, we performed multi-line mapping observations of the two molecules to study their spatial distributions. The observations were performed with the IRAM-30m telescope at 218 and 241 GHz, with an angular resolution of ~11''. Additional data for H2CO from the Plateau de Bure array are also discussed. The data were analysed using an LVG approach. Both molecules are detected in our single-dish data. Our data show that CH3OH peaks towards the clumps of the Bar, but its intensity decreases below the detection threshold in the interclump material. When averaging over a large region of the interclump medium, the strongest CH3OH line is detected with a peak intensity of ~0.06K. Formaldehyde also peaks on the clumps, but it is also detected in the interclump gas. We verified that the weak intensity of CH3OH in the interclump medium is not caused by the different excitation conditions of the interclump material, but reflects a decrease in the column density of methanol. The abundance of CH3OH relative to H2CO decreases by at least one order of magnitude from the dense clumps to the interclump medium.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    A study of three southern high-mass star-forming regions

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    Based on color-selected IRAS point sources, we have started to conduct a survey of 47 high-mass star-forming regions in the southern hemisphere in 870um dust continuum and molecular line emission in several frequency ranges between 290 GHz and 806 GHz. This paper describes the pilot study of the three sources IRAS12326-6245, IRAS16060-5146, and IRAS16065-5158. To characterize the physical and chemical properties of southern massive star-forming regions, the three high-luminosity southern hemisphere hot cores were observed with APEX in five frequency setups aimed at groups of lines from the following molecules: CH3OH, H2CO, and CH3CN. Using the LTE approximation, temperatures, source sizes, and column densities were determined through modeling of synthetic spectra with the XCLASS program. Dust continuum observations were done with the Large APEX BOlometer CAmera (LABOCA) at 870um and the 3mm continuum was imaged with the ATCA. Based on the detection of high-excitation CH3CN lines and lines from complex organic species, the three sources are classified as line rich, hot core type sources. For all three, the modeling indicates that the line emission emerges from a combination of an extended, cooler envelope, and a hot compact component. All three sources show an overabundance of oxygen-bearing species compared to nitrogen-bearing species. Based on the results obtained in the three sources, which served as templates for the survey, the most promising (and feasible) frequency setups for the remaining 44 sources were decided upon.Comment: 18 pages, 28 figures plus 23 pages online material; accepted for publication in A&
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