555 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Gedung Hotel 4 Lantai & 1 Basement Dengan Sistem Daktail Parsial Di Wilayah Gempa 4

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    Perencanaan struktur adalah bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu struktur yang stabil, kuat, awet dan memenuhi tujuan-tujuan seperti ekonomi dan kemudahan pelaksanaan. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan perencanaan gedung hotel 4 lantai (1 basement) dengan mengacu pada Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton untuk bangunan gedung (SNI 03-2847-2002). Perencanaan ini dibatasi pada perencanaan struktur dari gedung, yaitu struktur atap (kuda-kuda) dan beton bertulang (plat lantai, tangga, balok, kolom, dan perencanaan pondasi). Perencanaan pembebanan untuk gedung menggunakan Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia Untuk Gedung (PPIUG) 1983. Analisis perhitungan struktur gedung menggunakan bantuan “SAP 2000” non linear dengan tujuan mempercepat perhitungan. Sedangkan penggambaran menggunakan program Autocad 2008. Analisis beban gempa menggunakan metode statik ekivalen dengan Pedoman Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Rumah dan Gedung SNI-1726-2002. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan struktur rangka atap baja mengacu pada PPBBUG 1987 serta SNI 03-1729-2002. Mutu bahan untuk penulangan struktur beton bertulang dengan kuat tekan (f’c) = 25 MPa, fy plat = 240 MPa, fy balok = fy kolom = fy pondasi = 400 MPa, sedangkan untuk profil kuda-kuda baja menggunakan mutu baja Bj 37 (σijin = 1600 kgcm2). Hasil yang diperoleh pada perencanaan struktur gedung adalah sebagai berikut : Stuktur rangka kuda-kuda baja menggunakan profil 45.45.5, 40.40.4 dan 35.35.6, dengan alat sambung Las dan pelat buhul 10 mm. Ketebalan plat atap 10 cm dengan tulangan pokok D10 dan tulangan bagi D8. Ketebalan plat lantai 12 cm dengan tulangan pokok D10 dan tulangan bagi D8. Ketebalan Plat tangga dan bordes 15 cm dengan tulangan pokok D14 dan tulangan bagi D8. Balok induk menggunakan dimensi 400/600, dan kolom rencana menggunakan dimensi 600/600. Dimensi pondasi tiang pancang 300/300 mm dengan tulangan pokok D22 dan tulangan geser 2 dp 6, plat poer (2,5x2,5) m2 setebal 0,71 m dengan tulangan pokok D25 dan tulangan bagi D16, sedangkan dimensi sloof 650/1300 menggunakan tulangan pokok D25 dan tulangan geser 2 dp 12

    Factors that Influenced the Effectiveness of Transfer of Technology (TOT) Programme among Rubber Small Holder in Malaysia

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    This study aimed to determine the factors that influence the effectiveness of TOT programme among rubber small holders in Terengganu, Malaysia.  200 respondents were involved in the study from seven districts of Terengganu, namely Kuala Terengganu, Maran, Besut, Setiu, Hulu Terengganu, Dungun and Kemaman. Multiple regression was employed. Six factors were employed as independent variables: Understanding about technology, involvement in TOT programmes in group category, involvement in TOT programmes in individual category, effective of TOT programmes in group category, effective of TOT programmes in individual category and frequency of contacts between extension agents with smallholders. The results of the study revealed that all these variables had a positive significant relationship with the effectiveness of technology transfer. These findings could be used by relevant authorities and organizations to plan more comprehensive and strategic programmes in technology transfer activities to rubber smallholders in Malaysia

    Itinerant Ferromagnetism in the Periodic Anderson Model

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    We introduce a novel mechanism for itinerant ferromagnetism, based on a simple two-band model. The model includes an uncorrelated and dispersive band hybridized with a second band which is narrow and correlated. The simplest Hamiltonian containing these ingredients is the Periodic Anderson Model (PAM). Using quantum Monte Carlo and analytical methods, we show that the PAM and an extension of it contain the new mechanism and exhibit a non-saturated ferromagnetic ground state in the intermediate valence regime. We propose that the mechanism, which does not assume an intra atomic Hund's coupling, is present in both the iron group and in some f electron compounds like Ce(Rh_{1-x} Ru_x)_3 B_2, La_x Ce_{1-x} Rh_3 B_2 and the uranium monochalcogenides US, USe, and UTe

    System Size and Energy Dependence of Jet-Induced Hadron Pair Correlation Shapes in Cu+Cu and Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 and 62.4 GeV

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    We present azimuthal angle correlations of intermediate transverse momentum (1-4 GeV/c) hadrons from {dijets} in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV. The away-side dijet induced azimuthal correlation is broadened, non-Gaussian, and peaked away from \Delta\phi=\pi in central and semi-central collisions in all the systems. The broadening and peak location are found to depend upon the number of participants in the collision, but not on the collision energy or beam nuclei. These results are consistent with sound or shock wave models, but pose challenges to Cherenkov gluon radiation models.Comment: 464 authors from 60 institutions, 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Physical Review Letters. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Improved Measurement of Double Helicity Asymmetry in Inclusive Midrapidity pi^0 Production for Polarized p+p Collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV

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    We present an improved measurement of the double helicity asymmetry for pi^0 production in polarized proton-proton scattering at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV employing the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The improvements to our previous measurement come from two main factors: Inclusion of a new data set from the 2004 RHIC run with higher beam polarizations than the earlier run and a recalibration of the beam polarization measurements, which resulted in reduced uncertainties and increased beam polarizations. The results are compared to a Next to Leading Order (NLO) perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD) calculation with a range of polarized gluon distributions.Comment: 389 authors, 4 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D, Rapid Communications. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX collaboration

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    Extensive experimental data from high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions were recorded using the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The comprehensive set of measurements from the first three years of RHIC operation includes charged particle multiplicities, transverse energy, yield ratios and spectra of identified hadrons in a wide range of transverse momenta (p_T), elliptic flow, two-particle correlations, non-statistical fluctuations, and suppression of particle production at high p_T. The results are examined with an emphasis on implications for the formation of a new state of dense matter. We find that the state of matter created at RHIC cannot be described in terms of ordinary color neutral hadrons.Comment: 510 authors, 127 pages text, 56 figures, 1 tables, LaTeX. Submitted to Nuclear Physics A as a regular article; v3 has minor changes in response to referee comments. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Relationships between social withdrawal and facial emotion recognition in neuropsychiatric disorders

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    Background: Emotion recognition constitutes a pivotal process of social cognition. It involves decoding social cues (e.g., facial expressions) to maximise social adjustment. Current theoretical models posit the relationship between social withdrawal factors (social disengagement, lack of social interactions and loneliness) and emotion decoding. Objective: To investigate the role of social withdrawal in patients with schizophrenia (SZ) or probable Alzheimer's disease (AD), neuropsychiatric conditions associated with social dysfunction. Methods: A sample of 156 participants was recruited: schizophrenia patients (SZ; n = 53), Alzheimer's disease patients (AD; n = 46), and two age-matched control groups (SZc, n = 29; ADc, n = 28). All participants provided self-report measures of loneliness and social functioning, and completed a facial emotion detection task. Results: Neuropsychiatric patients (both groups) showed poorer performance in detecting both positive and negative emotions compared with their healthy counterparts (p < .01). Social withdrawal was associated with higher accuracy in negative emotion detection, across all groups. Additionally, neuropsychiatric patients with higher social withdrawal showed lower positive emotion misclassification. Conclusions: Our findings help to detail the similarities and differences in social function and facial emotion recognition in two disorders rarely studied in parallel, AD and SZ. Transdiagnostic patterns in these results suggest that social withdrawal is associated with heightened sensitivity to negative emotion expressions, potentially reflecting hypervigilance to social threat. Across the neuropsychiatric groups specifically, this hypervigilance associated with social withdrawal extended to positive emotion expressions, an emotionalcognitive bias that may impact social functioning in people with severe mental illness.Education and Child Studie

    Recovery of dialysis patients with COVID-19 : health outcomes 3 months after diagnosis in ERACODA

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    Background. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-related short-term mortality is high in dialysis patients, but longer-term outcomes are largely unknown. We therefore assessed patient recovery in a large cohort of dialysis patients 3 months after their COVID-19 diagnosis. Methods. We analyzed data on dialysis patients diagnosed with COVID-19 from 1 February 2020 to 31 March 2021 from the European Renal Association COVID-19 Database (ERACODA). The outcomes studied were patient survival, residence and functional and mental health status (estimated by their treating physician) 3 months after COVID-19 diagnosis. Complete follow-up data were available for 854 surviving patients. Patient characteristics associated with recovery were analyzed using logistic regression. Results. In 2449 hemodialysis patients (mean ± SD age 67.5 ± 14.4 years, 62% male), survival probabilities at 3 months after COVID-19 diagnosis were 90% for nonhospitalized patients (n = 1087), 73% for patients admitted to the hospital but not to an intensive care unit (ICU) (n = 1165) and 40% for those admitted to an ICU (n = 197). Patient survival hardly decreased between 28 days and 3 months after COVID-19 diagnosis. At 3 months, 87% functioned at their pre-existent functional and 94% at their pre-existent mental level. Only few of the surviving patients were still admitted to the hospital (0.8-6.3%) or a nursing home (∼5%). A higher age and frailty score at presentation and ICU admission were associated with worse functional outcome. Conclusions. Mortality between 28 days and 3 months after COVID-19 diagnosis was low and the majority of patients who survived COVID-19 recovered to their pre-existent functional and mental health level at 3 months after diagnosis