6,922 research outputs found

    A Note about proving non-Γ\Gamma under a finite non-microstates free Fisher information Assumption

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    We prove that if X1,...,Xn(n>1)X_{1},...,X_{n} (n >1) are selfadjoints in a WW^{*}-probability space with finite non-microstates free Fisher information, then the von Neumann algebra W(X1,...,Xn)W^{*}(X_{1},...,X_{n}) they generate doesn't have property Γ\Gamma (especially is not amenable). This is an analog of a well-known result of Voiculescu for microstates free entropy. We also prove factoriality under finite non-microstates entropy.Comment: 12 pages; New results with similar techniques; cf. abstracts for detail

    Association of in Utero Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure and Fetal Growth and Length of Gestation in an Agricultural Population

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    Although pesticide use is widespread, little is known about potential adverse health effects of in utero exposure. We investigated the effects of organophosphate pesticide exposure during pregnancy on fetal growth and gestational duration in a cohort of low-income, Latina women living in an agricultural community in the Salinas Valley, California. We measured nonspecific metabolites of organophosphate pesticides (dimethyl and diethyl phosphates) and metabolites specific to malathion (malathion dicarboxylic acid), chlorpyrifos [O,O-diethyl O-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinyl) phosphoro-thioate], and parathion (4-nitrophenol) in maternal urine collected twice during pregnancy. We also measured levels of cholinesterase in whole blood and butyryl cholinesterase in plasma in maternal and umbilical cord blood. We failed to demonstrate an adverse relationship between fetal growth and any measure of in utero organophosphate pesticide exposure. In fact, we found increases in body length and head circumference associated with some exposure measures. However, we did find decreases in gestational duration associated with two measures of in utero pesticide exposure: urinary dimethyl phosphate metabolites [β(adjusted) = −0.41 weeks per log(10) unit increase; 95% confidence interval (CI), (−)0.75–(−)0.02; p = 0.02], which reflect exposure to dimethyl organophosphate compounds such as malathion, and umbilical cord cholinesterase (β(adjusted) = 0.34 weeks per unit increase; 95% CI, 0.13–0.55; p = 0.001). Shortened gestational duration was most clearly related to increasing exposure levels in the latter part of pregnancy. These associations with gestational age may be biologically plausible given that organophosphate pesticides depress cholinesterase and acetylcholine stimulates contraction of the uterus. However, despite these observed associations, the rate of preterm delivery in this population (6.4%) was lower than in a U.S. reference population

    Observational constraints on the braneworld model with brane-bulk energy exchange

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    We investigate the viability of the braneworld model with energy exchange between the brane and bulk, by using the most recent observational data related to the background evolution. We show that this energy exchange behaves like a source of dark energy and can alter the profile of the cosmic expansion. The new Supernova Type Ia (SNIa) Gold sample, Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) data, the position of the acoustic peak at the last scattering surface from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observations and the baryon acoustic oscillation peak found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) are used to constrain the free parameters of this model. To infer its consistency with the age of the Universe, we compare the age of old cosmological objects with what computed using the best fit values for the model parameters. At 68% level of confidence, the combination of Gold sample SNIa, Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) shift parameter and SDSS databases provide Ωm=0.290.02+0.03\Omega_m=0.29_{-0.02}^{+0.03}, ΩA=0.710.03+0.03\Omega_{A}=-0.71_{-0.03}^{+0.03} and μ=0.400.26+0.28\mu=-0.40_{-0.26}^{+0.28}, hence a spatially flat Universe with ΩK=0.000.04+0.04\Omega_K=0.00_{-0.04}^{+0.04}. The same combination with SNLS supernova observation give Ωm=0.270.02+0.02\Omega_m=0.27_{-0.02}^{+0.02}, ΩA=0.740.02+0.04\Omega_{A}=-0.74_{-0.02}^{+0.04} and μ=0.000.30+0.30\mu=0.00_{-0.30}^{+0.30} consequently provides a spatially flat Universe ΩK=0.010.03+0.04\Omega_K=-0.01_{-0.03}^{+0.04}. These results obviously seem to be compatible with the most recent WMAP results indicating a flat Universe.Comment: 17 pages and 18 figures, V2: Added comments, references, explained some topics related to the matter power spectrum as a robust constraint, accepted for publication in Mon. Not. R. Astron. So

    Mapping spaces and automorphism groups of toric noncommutative spaces

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    We develop a sheaf theory approach to toric noncommutative geometry which allows us to formalize the concept of mapping spaces between two toric noncommutative spaces. As an application we study the 'internalized' automorphism group of a toric noncommutative space and show that its Lie algebra has an elementary description in terms of braided derivations

    Statefinder Diagnosis for Ricci Dark Energy

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    Statefinder diagnostic is a useful method which can differ one dark energy model from each others. In this letter, we apply this method to a holographic dark energy model from Ricci scalar curvature, called the Ricci dark energy model(RDE). We plot the evolutionary trajectories of this model in the statefinder parameter-planes, and it is found that the parameter of this model plays a significant role from the statefinder viewpoint. In a very special case, the statefinder diagnostic fails to discriminate LCDM and RDE models, thus we apply a new diagnostic called the Om diagnostic proposed recently to this model in this case in Appendix A and it works well.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, v2:minor error corrected in Section II, v3: refs adde

    The iron KαK_\alpha lines as a tool for magnetic field estimations in non-flat accretion flows

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    Observations of AGNs and microquasars by ASCA, RXTE, Chandra and XMM-Newton indicate the existence of broad X-ray emission lines of ionized heavy elements in their spectra. Such spectral lines were discovered also in X-ray spectra of neutron stars and X-ray afterglows of GRBs. Recently, Zakharov et al. (MNRAS, 2003, 342, 1325) described a procedure to estimate an upper limit of the magnetic fields in regions from which X-ray photons are emitted. The authors simulated typical profiles of the iron KαK_\alpha line in the presence of magnetic field and compared them with observational data in the framework of the widely accepted accretion disk model. Here we further consider typical Zeeman splitting in the framework of a model of non-flat accretion flows, which is a generalization of previous consideration into non-equatorial plane motion of particles emitting X-ray photons. Using perspective facilities of space borne instruments (e.g. Constellation-X mission) a better resolution of the blue peak structure of iron KαK_\alpha line will allow to evaluate the magnetic fields with higher accuracy.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Phantom Inflation in Little Rip

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    We study the phantom inflation in little rip cosmology, in which the current acceleration is driven by the field with the parameter of state w < -1, but since w tends to -1 asymptotically, the rip singularity occurs only at infinite time. In this scenario, before the rip singularity is arrived, the universe is in an inflationary regime. We numerically calculate the spectrum of primordial perturbation generated during this period and find that the results may be consistent with observations. This implies that if the reheating happens again, the current acceleration might be just a start of phantom inflation responsible for the upcoming observational universe.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, discussion added, Appendix and refs. added, to be published in PL

    A survey of spectral models of gravity coupled to matter

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    This is a survey of the historical development of the Spectral Standard Model and beyond, starting with the ground breaking paper of Alain Connes in 1988 where he observed that there is a link between Higgs fields and finite noncommutative spaces. We present the important contributions that helped in the search and identification of the noncommutative space that characterizes the fine structure of space-time. The nature and properties of the noncommutative space are arrived at by independent routes and show the uniqueness of the Spectral Standard Model at low energies and the Pati-Salam unification model at high energies.Comment: An appendix is added to include scalar potential analysis for a Pati-Salam model. 58 Page