91 research outputs found

    A complete 12CO 2-1 map of M51 with HERA: I. Radial averages of CO, HI, and radio continuum

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    The mechanisms governing the star formation rate in spiral galaxies are not yet clear. The nearby, almost face-on, and interacting galaxy M51 offers an excellent opportunity to study at high spatial resolutions the local star formation laws. In this first paper, we investigate the correlation of H2, HI, and total gas surface densities with the star forming activity, derived from the radio continuum (RC), along radial averages out to radii of 12kpc. We have created a complete map of M51 in 12CO 2-1 at a resolution of 450kpc using HERA at the IRAM-30m telescope. These data are combined with maps of HI and the radio-continuum at 20cm wavelength. The latter is used to estimate the star formation rate (SFR), thus allowing to study the star formation efficiency and the local Schmidt law. The velocity dispersion from CO is used to study the critical surface density and the gravitational stability of the disk. The critical gas velocity dispersions needed to stabilize the gas against gravitational collapse in the differentially rotating disk of M51 using the Toomre criterion, vary with radius between 1.7 and 6.8 km/s. Observed radially averaged dispersions derived from the CO data vary between 28 km/s in the center and 8 km/s at radii of 7 to 9 kpc. They exceed the critical dispersions by factors Q_gas of 1 to 5. We speculate that the gravitational potential of stars leads to a critically stable disk

    Photon Dominated Regions in NGC 3603

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    Aims: We aim at deriving the excitation conditions of the interstellar gas as well as the local FUV intensities in the molecular cloud surrounding NGC 3603 to get a coherent picture of how the gas is energized by the central stars. Methods: The NANTEN2-4m submillimeter antenna is used to map the [CI] 1-0, 2-1 and CO 4-3, 7-6 lines in a 2' x 2' region around the young OB cluster NGC 3603 YC. These data are combined with C18O 2-1 data, HIRES-processed IRAS 60 and 100 micron maps of the FIR continuum, and Spitzer/IRAC maps. Results: The NANTEN2 observations show the presence of two molecular clumps located south-east and south-west of the cluster and confirm the overall structure already found by previous CS and C18O observations. We find a slight position offset of the peak intensity of CO and [CI], and the atomic carbon appears to be further extended compared to the molecular material. We used the HIRES far-infrared dust data to derive a map of the FUV field heating the dust. We constrain the FUV field to values of \chi = 3 - 6 \times 10^3 in units of the Draine field across the clouds. Approximately 0.2 to 0.3 % of the total FUV energy is re-emitted in the [CII] 158 {\mu}m cooling line observed by ISO. Applying LTE and escape probability calculations, we derive temperatures (TMM1 = 43 K, TMM2 = 47 K), column densities (N(MM1) = 0.9 \times 10^22 cm^-2, N(MM2) = 2.5 \times 10^22 cm^-2) and densities (n(MM1) = 3 \times 10^3 cm^-3, n(MM2) = 10^3 -10^4 cm^-3) for the two observed molecular clumps MM1 and MM2. Conclusions: The cluster is strongly interacting with the ambient molecular cloud, governing its structure and physical conditions. A stability analysis shows the existence of gravitationally collapsing gas clumps which should lead to star formation. Embedded IR sources have already been observed in the outskirts of the molecular cloud and seem to support our conclusions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Properties of the molecular gas in a starbursting QSO at z=1.83 in the COSMOS field

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    Using the IRAM 30m telescope, we have detected the CO J=2-1, 4-3, 5-4, and 6-5 emission lines in the millimeter-bright, blank-field selected AGN COSMOS J100038+020822 at redshift z=1.8275. The sub-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) excitation of the J=4 level implies that the gas is less excited than that in typical nearby starburst galaxies such as NGC253, and in the high-redshift quasars studied to date, such as J1148+5251 or BR1202-0725. Large velocity gradient (LVG) modeling of the CO line spectral energy distribution (CO SED; flux density vs. rotational quantum number) yields H2 densities in the range 10^{3.5}--10^{4.0} cm-3, and kinetic temperatures between 50 K and 200 K. The H2 mass of (3.6 - 5.4) x 10^{10} M_sun implied by the line intensities compares well with our estimate of the dynamical mass within the inner 1.5 kpc of the object. Fitting a two-component gray body spectrum, we find a dust mass of 1.2 x 10^{9} M_sun, and cold and hot dust temperatures of 42+/-5 K and 160+/-25 K, respectively. The broad MgII line allows us to estimate the mass of the central black hole as 1.7 x 10^{9} M_sun. Although the optical spectrum and multi-wavelength SED matches those of an average QSO, the molecular gas content and dust properties resemble those of known submillimeter galaxies (SMGs). The optical morphology of this source shows tidal tails that suggest a recent interaction or merger. Since it shares properties of both starburst and AGN, this object appears to be in a transition from a strongly starforming submillimeter galaxy to a QSO.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A

    Simulations of the grand design galaxy M51: a case study for analysing tidally induced spiral structure

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    We present hydrodynamical models of the grand design spiral M51 (NGC 5194), and its interaction with its companion NGC 5195. Despite the simplicity of our models, our simulations capture the present day spiral structure of M51 remarkably well, and even reproduce details such as a kink along one spiral arm, and spiral arm bifurcations. We investigate the offset between the stellar and gaseous spiral arms, and find at most times (including the present day) there is no offset between the stars and gas to within our error bars. We also compare our simulations with recent observational analysis of M51. We compute the pattern speed versus radius, and like the observations, find no single global pattern speed. We also show that the spiral arms cannot be fitted well by logarithmic spirals. We interpret these findings as evidence that M51 does not exhibit a quasi-steady density wave, as would be predicted by density wave theory. The internal structure of M51 derives from the complicated and dynamical interaction with its companion, resulting in spiral arms showing considerable structure in the form of short-lived kinks and bifurcations. Rather than trying to model such galaxies in terms of global spiral modes with fixed pattern speeds, it is more realistic to start from a picture in which the spiral arms, while not being simple material arms, are the result of tidally induced kinematic density `waves' or density patterns, which wind up slowly over time.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A lifetime’s adventure in extracellular K+ regulation: the Scottish connection

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    In a career that has spanned 45 years and shows no signs of slowing down, Dr Bruce Ransom has devoted considerable time and energy to studying regulation of interstitial K+. When Bruce commenced his studies in 1969 virtually nothing was known of the functions of glial cells, but Bruce’s research contributed to the physiological assignation of function to mammalian astrocytes, namely interstitial K+ buffering. The experiments that I describe in this review concern the response of the membrane potential (Em) of in vivo cat cortical astrocytes to changes in [K+]o, an experimental manoeuvre that was achieved in two different ways. The first involved recording the Em of an astrocyte while the initial aCSF was switched to one with different K+, whereas in the second series of experiments the cortex was stimulated and the response of the astrocyte Em to the K+ released from neighbouring neurons was recorded. The astrocytes responded in a qualitatively predictable manner, but quantitatively the changes were not as predicted by the Nernst equation. Elevations in interstitial K+ are not sustained and K+ returns to baseline rapidly due to the buffering capacity of astrocytes, a phenomenon studied by Bruce, and his son Chris, published 27 years after Bruce’s initial publications. Thus, a lifetime spent investigating K+ buffering has seen enormous advances in glial research, from the time cells were identified as ‘presumed’ glial cells or ‘silent cells’, to the present day, where glial cells are recognised as contributing to every important physiological brain function

    The effect of general anaesthetics on brain lactate release

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    The effects of anaesthetic agents on brain energy metabolism may explain their shared neurophysiological actions but remain poorly understood. The brain lactate shuttle hypothesis proposes that lactate, provided by astrocytes, is an important neuronal energy substrate. Here we tested the hypothesis that anaesthetic agents impair the brain lactate shuttle by interfering with astrocytic glycolysis. Lactate biosensors were used to record changes in lactate release by adult rat brainstem and cortical slices in response to thiopental, propofol and etomidate. Changes in cytosolic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced (NADH) and oxidized (NAD+) ratio as a measure of glycolytic rate were recorded in cultured astrocytes. It was found that in brainstem slices thiopental, propofol and etomidate reduced lactate release by 7.4 ± 3.6% (P < 0.001), 9.7 ± 6.6% (P < 0.001) and 8.0 ± 7.8% (P = 0.04), respectively. In cortical slices, thiopental reduced lactate release by 8.2 ± 5.6% (P = 0.002) and propofol by 6.0 ± 4.5% (P = 0.009). Lactate release in cortical slices measured during the light phase (period of sleep/low activity) was ~25% lower than that measured during the dark phase (period of wakefulness) (326 ± 83 μM vs 430 ± 118 μM, n = 10; P = 0.04). Thiopental and etomidate induced proportionally similar decreases in cytosolic [NADH]:[NAD+] ratio in astrocytes, indicative of a reduction in glycolytic rate. These data suggest that anaesthetic agents inhibit astrocytic glycolysis and reduce the level of extracellular lactate in the brain. Similar reductions in brain lactate release occur during natural state of sleep, suggesting that general anaesthesia may recapitulate some of the effects of sleep on brain energy metabolism

    Clumpy photon-dominated regions in Carina. I. [CI] and mid-J CO lines in two 4'x4' fields

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    The Carina region is an excellent astrophysical laboratory for studying the feedback mechanisms of newly born, very massive stars within their natal giant molecular clouds (GMCs) at only 2.35 kpc distance. We use a clumpy PDR model to analyse the observed intensities of atomic carbon and CO and to derive the excitation conditions of the gas. The NANTEN2-4m submillimeter telescope was used to map the [CI] 3P1-3P0, 3P2-3P1 and CO 4-3, 7-6 lines in two 4'x4' regions of Carina where molecular material interfaces with radiation from the massive star clusters. One region is the northern molecular cloud near the compact OB cluster Tr14, and the second region is in the molecular cloud south of etaCar and Tr16. These data were combined with 13CO SEST spectra, HIRES/IRAS 60um and 100um maps of the FIR continuum, and maps of 8um IRAC/Spitzer and MSX emission. We used the HIRES far-infrared dust data to create a map of the FUV field heating the gas. The northern region shows an FUV field of a few 1000 in Draine units while the field of the southern region is about a factor 10 weaker. We constructed models consisting of an ensemble of small spherically symmetric PDR clumps within the 38" beam (0.43pc), which follow canonical power-law mass and mass-size distributions. We find that an average local clump density of 2x10**5 cm-3 is needed to reproduce the observed line emission at two selected interface positions. Stationary, clumpy PDR models reproduce the observed cooling lines of atomic carbon and CO at two positions in the Carina Nebula.Comment: accepted by A&

    The present and future of QCD

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    This White Paper presents an overview of the current status and future perspective of QCD research, based on the community inputs and scientific conclusions from the 2022 Hot and Cold QCD Town Meeting. We present the progress made in the last decade toward a deep understanding of both the fundamental structure of the sub-atomic matter of nucleon and nucleus in cold QCD, and the hot QCD matter in heavy ion collisions. We identify key questions of QCD research and plausible paths to obtaining answers to those questions in the near future, hence defining priorities of our research over the coming decades

    A 3D Voronoi+Gapper Galaxy Cluster Finder in Redshift Space to z

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    This paper is the first in a series, presenting a new galaxy cluster finder based on a three-dimensional Voronoi Tesselation plus a maximum likelihood estimator, followed by gapping-filtering in radial velocity(VoML+G). The scientific aim of the series is a reassessment of the diversity of optical clusters in the local universe. A mock galaxy database mimicking the southern strip of the magnitude(blue)-limited 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), for the redshift range 0.009 N g ≥ 5, and 14% with N g < 5. The ensemble of VoML+G clusters has a ~59% completeness and a ~66% purity, whereas the subsample with N g ≥ 10, to z ~ 0.14, has greatly improved mean rates of ~75% and ~90%, respectively. The VoML+G cluster velocity dispersions are found to be compatible with those corresponding to "Millennium clusters" over the 300–1000 km s−1 interval, i.e., for cluster halo masses in excess of ~3.0 × 1013 M ⊙ h −1