27 research outputs found

    Equivalent cable harness method generalized for predicting the electromagnetic emission of twisted-wire pairs

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    Introduction. In this paper, the equivalent cable harness method is generalized for predicting the electromagnetic emissions problems of twisted-wire pairs. The novelty of the proposed work consists in modeling of a multiconductor cable, in a simplified cable harness composed of a reduced number of equivalent conductors, each one is representing the behavior of one group of conductors of the initial cable. Purpose. This work is focused on the development and implementation of simplified simulations to study electromagnetic couplings on multiconductor cable. Methods. This method requires a four step procedure which is summarized as follows. Two different cases, of one end grounded and two ends grounded configurations can be analyzed. Results. The results had shown that the model complexity and computation time are significantly reduced, without, however, reducing the accuracy of the calculations.Вступ. У цій статті метод еквівалентного кабельного джгута узагальнюється для прогнозування задач електромагнітного випромінювання кручених пар дротів. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає в моделюванні багатожильного кабелю в спрощеному джгуті проводів, що складається зі зменшеної кількості еквівалентних провідників, кожен з яких репрезентує поведінку однієї групи провідників вихідного кабелю. Мета. Робота зосереджена на розробці та реалізації спрощеного моделювання для дослідження електромагнітних зв'язків у багатожильних кабелях. Методи. Цей метод вимагає чотириступінчастої процедури, яка коротко описана у статті. Можна проаналізувати два різні випадки: конфігурації із заземленням одного кінця та заземлення двох кінців. Результати. Результати показали, що складність моделі та тривалість обчислень значно знижуються, проте без зниження точності обчислень

    Integrative neurobiology of metabolic diseases, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex, multifactorial disease with a number of leading mechanisms, including neuroinflammation, processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to amyloid β peptide, tau protein hyperphosphorylation, relocalization and deposition. These mechanisms are propagated by obesity, the metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes mellitus. Stress, sedentariness, dietary overconsumption of saturated fat and refined sugars, and circadian derangements/disturbed sleep contribute to obesity and related metabolic diseases, but also accelerate age-related damage and senescence that all feed the risk of developing AD too. The complex and interacting mechanisms are not yet completely understood and will require further analysis. Instead of investigating AD as a mono- or oligocausal disease we should address the disease by understanding the multiple underlying mechanisms and how these interact. Future research therefore might concentrate on integrating these by systems biology approaches, but also to regard them from an evolutionary medicine point of view. The current review addresses several of these interacting mechanisms in animal models and compares them with clinical data giving an overview about our current knowledge and puts them into an integrated framework

    A review of the bird impact process and validation of the SPH impact model for aircraft structure

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    The aim of this paper is to study the phenomenon of the bird strike during each phase of the impact and write the governing equations in a numerical model to predict the entire behaviour, so as to define the best practices for a structural component resistant to a birdstrike. Validating the experimental test results presented by Barber and Wilbeck in 1975 with small birds impacting a rigid flat panel, in addition, two papers Guida et al. considering first a 8lb bird model impacting on a deformable small leading-edge bay, and then with the same bird model impacting on the leading-edge full scale, the SPH bird model is developed and validated in the finite element analysis. In this work the hydrodynamic theory is applied where the shock pressure (Hugoniot), the shock equation of state, the steady flow pressure at the stagnation point, and the steady state equation are determined for water with different porosities, and the bird-structure is analysed for different geometries of the bird and target model. The final goal allowed to design a critical component of an aircraft structure like the leading edge installed on the C27J aircraft tailcone withstanding a bird impact as requested by the current aviation airworthiness requirements