39 research outputs found

    Příčiny selhání utěsnění vyhrazených tlakových zařízení

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    Registered Replication Report on Fischer, Castel, Dodd, and Pratt (2003)

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    The attentional spatial-numerical association of response codes (Att-SNARC) effect (Fischer, Castel, Dodd, & Pratt, 2003)—the finding that participants are quicker to detect left-side targets when the targets are preceded by small numbers and quicker to detect right-side targets when they are preceded by large numbers—has been used as evidence for embodied number representations and to support strong claims about the link between number and space (e.g., a mental number line). We attempted to replicate Experiment 2 of Fischer et al. by collecting data from 1,105 participants at 17 labs. Across all 1,105 participants and four interstimulus-interval conditions, the proportion of times the effect we observed was positive (i.e., directionally consistent with the original effect) was 50. Further, the effects we observed both within and across labs were minuscule and incompatible with those observed by Fischer et al. Given this, we conclude that we failed to replicate the effect reported by Fischer et al. In addition, our analysis of several participant-level moderators (finger-counting habits, reading and writing direction, handedness, and mathematics fluency and mathematics anxiety) revealed no substantial moderating effects. Our results indicate that the Att-SNARC effect cannot be used as evidence to support strong claims about the link between number and space

    Registered Replication Report on Fischer, Castel, Dodd, and Pratt (2003)

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    The attentional spatial-numerical association of response codes (Att-SNARC) effect (Fischer, Castel, Dodd, & Pratt, 2003)—the finding that participants are quicker to detect left-side targets when the targets are preceded by small numbers and quicker to detect right-side targets when they are preceded by large numbers—has been used as evidence for embodied number representations and to support strong claims about the link between number and space (e.g., a mental number line). We attempted to replicate Experiment 2 of Fischer et al. by collecting data from 1,105 participants at 17 labs. Across all 1,105 participants and four interstimulus-interval conditions, the proportion of times the effect we observed was positive (i.e., directionally consistent with the original effect) was .50. Further, the effects we observed both within and across labs were minuscule and incompatible with those observed by Fischer et al. Given this, we conclude that we failed to replicate the effect reported by Fischer et al. In addition, our analysis of several participant-level moderators (finger-counting habits, reading and writing direction, handedness, and mathematics fluency and mathematics anxiety) revealed no substantial moderating effects. Our results indicate that the Att-SNARC effect cannot be used as evidence to support strong claims about the link between number and space

    Registered replication report on Fischer, Castel, Dodd, and Pratt (2003)

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    The attentional spatial-numerical association of response codes (Att-SNARC) effect (Fischer, Castel, Dodd, & Pratt, 2003)—the finding that participants are quicker to detect left-side targets when the targets are preceded by small numbers and quicker to detect right-side targets when they are preceded by large numbers—has been used as evidence for embodied number representations and to support strong claims about the link between number and space (e.g., a mental number line). We attempted to replicate Experiment 2 of Fischer et al. by collecting data from 1,105 participants at 17 labs. Across all 1,105 participants and four interstimulus-interval conditions, the proportion of times the effect we observed was positive (i.e., directionally consistent with the original effect) was .50. Further, the effects we observed both within and across labs were minuscule and incompatible with those observed by Fischer et al. Given this, we conclude that we failed to replicate the effect reported by Fischer et al. In addition, our analysis of several participant-level moderators (finger-counting habits, reading and writing direction, handedness, and mathematics fluency and mathematics anxiety) revealed no substantial moderating effects. Our results indicate that the Att-SNARC effect cannot be used as evidence to support strong claims about the link between number and space

    Justify your alpha

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    Benjamin et al. proposed changing the conventional “statistical significance” threshold (i.e.,the alpha level) from p ≤ .05 to p ≤ .005 for all novel claims with relatively low prior odds. They provided two arguments for why lowering the significance threshold would “immediately improve the reproducibility of scientific research.” First, a p-value near .05provides weak evidence for the alternative hypothesis. Second, under certain assumptions, an alpha of .05 leads to high false positive report probabilities (FPRP2 ; the probability that a significant finding is a false positive

    Cognitive function training in ageing population

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    The aim of the project is to contribute to the reduction of negative demographic trend in Czech Republic. In the first stage we assess the efficiency of memory training in ageing population (subjective meaning, objective change in performance; immediately after training and 6 months later). We compare the results with a control group using the same tests

    Fyziologické koreláty a sémantické vzdálenosti ve slovním asociačním experimentu

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    : Projekt se zab¶yv¶a studiem fyziologick¶ych reakc¶ v proub·ehu Slovn¶ho asocia·cn¶ho experimentu (AE). Autor ov·e·ruje hypot¶ezu navr·zenou Slechtou · (2002b) o odd·elen¶ych projevech kognitivn¶ a emo·cn¶ z¶at·e·ze v AE, kde se kog- nitivn¶ z¶at·e·z projevuje v reak·cn¶ch ·casech a emo·cn¶ z¶at·e·z ve fyziologick¶ych reakc¶ch, nap·r. elektroderm¶aln¶ aktivit·e (EDA). Hypot¶ezy byly ov·e·rov¶any na vzorku N=80 mlad¶ych lid¶, s protokoly obsahuj¶c¶mi 40 ·cesk¶ych podstatn¶ych jmen. Podn·etov¶a slova se li·sila v ¶urovni konkr¶etnosti a emo·cn¶ valenci. V proub·ehu AE byly zaznamen¶av¶any reak·cn¶ ·casy, EDA a pupil¶arn¶ aktivita. Z¶skan¶e ¶udaje podporuj¶ pouvodn¶ tvrzen¶, ·ze reak·cn¶ ·casy a EDA odpov¶daj¶ odli·sn¶ym situa·cn¶m n¶arokoum v AE: kognitivn¶ a emo·cn¶ z¶at·e·zi. Efekt kog- nitivn¶ z¶at·e·ze je v·et·s¶ a projevuje se i v EDA reakc¶ch. EDA prok¶azala nejv·et·s¶ citlivost k emo·cn¶ valenci ze v·sech testovan¶ych metod, tento efekt je ale pom·ern·e mal¶y a neumo·z·nuje splehliv·e klasikovat individu¶aln¶ odpov·edi. Byl zkoum¶an vliv dal·s¶ch faktorou (subjektivn¶ valence, frekvence odpov·ed¶ v jazykov¶em korpusu, s¶emantick¶a bl¶zkost m·e·ren¶a Testem s¶emantick¶eho v¶yb·eru). P·resto·ze byly prok¶az¶any stastisticky v¶yznamn¶e korelace, znalost t·echto fak- torou neumo·z·nuje efektivn·e...The project is focused on the physiological reactions during Word Association Test (WAT). The author tests the hypothesis originally proposed by Slechta (2002b) about separable cognitive and emotional workload, where · the cognitive workloads manifests in reaction times (RT) and emotional work- load in physiological reactions (e.g. electrodermal activity). The hypotheses were tested on the sample of young healthy adults (N=80), with protocol consisting of 40 Czech nouns. The stimuli varied in their level of concrete- ness and their emotional valence. During the experiment RTs, electrodermal activity (EDA) and pupillary responses (PR) were measured. Data support the original ndings that RTs and EDA reactions reřect in WAT di®erent situation requirements: cognitive workload and emotional workload, respectively. The e®ect of cognitive workload is larger and mani- fests also in EDA reactions, while EDA demonstrated the best sensitivity to emotional valence condition from all employed methods (RTs, EDA, pupil- lary reactions). The e®ects are unfortunatelly too small to allow a reliable classication of responses. The e®ects of other factors (subjective valence, corpus frequency of re- sponses, semantic proximity measured with Semantic Selection Test) were investigated, but even when signicant correlations were...Department of PsychologyKatedra psychologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Neuropsychologické aspekty paměti na tváře a slova

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    Katedra psychologieFilozofická fakult

    Thinking manifested in body

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    In this report we review several methods for indirect monitoring of cognitive activity. Human thinking, concentration and emotional excitement are observable in pupilar changes, electrodermal activity, eye movements or reaction times. The methods are first introduced on general level, then experimental results comparing outputs of each method during Word Association Test are reported

    Word association test – physiological reactions and semantic similarities

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    His report is focused on physiological reaction measurements during the word association test. The results of preliminary experiment (N=14) are described. In this experiment association responses, physiological reactions (electrodermal activity) and semantic rating of stimuli were recorded. The obtained results may be visualized on individual level as semantic maps combined with electrodermal activity peaks