10,641 research outputs found

    Preferred antiretroviral drugs for the next decade of scale up

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    Global commitments aim to provide antiretroviral therapy (ART) to 15 million people living with HIV by 2015, and recent studies have demonstrated the potential for widespread ART to prevent HIV transmission. Increasingly, countries are adapting their national guidelines to start ART earlier, for both clinical and preventive benefits. To maximize the benefits of ART in resource-limited settings, six key principles need to guide ART choice: simplicity, tolerability and safety, durability, universal applicability, affordability and heat stability. Currently available drugs, combined with those in late-stage clinical development, hold great promise to simplify treatment in the short term. Over the longer-term, newer technologies, such as long-acting formulations and nanotechnology, could radically alter the treatment paradigm. This commentary reviews recommendations made in an expert consultation on treatment scale up in resource-limited settings

    Structure and giant magnetoresistance of granular Co-Cu nanolayers prepared by cross-beam PLD

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    A series of Co_xCu_{100-x} (x = 0, 40...75, 100) layers with thicknesses in-between 13 nm and 55 nm were prepared on silicon substrates using cross-beam pulsed laser deposition. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electrical transport measurements revealed a structure consisting of decomposed cobalt and copper grains with grain sizes of about 10 nm. The influence of cobalt content and layer thickness on the grain size is discussed. Electron diffraction (ED) indicates the presence of an intermetallic Co-Cu phase of Cu3Au structure-type. Thermal treatment at temperatures between 525 K and 750 K results in the progressive decomposition of Co and Cu, with an increase of the grain sizes up to about 100 nm. This is tunable by controlling the temperature and duration of the anneal, and is directly observable in WAXRD patterns and TEM images. A careful analysis of grain size and the coherence length of the radiation used allows for an accurate interpretation of the X-ray diffraction patterns, by taking into account coherent and non-coherent scattering. The alloy films show a giant magnetoresistance of 1...2.3 % with the maximum obtained after annealing at around 725 K.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    First proper motions of thin dust filaments at the Galactic Center

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    Context: L'-band (3.8 micron) images of the Galactic Center show a large number of thin filaments in the mini-spiral, located west of the mini-cavity and along the inner edge of the Northern Arm. One possible mechanism that could produce such structures is the interaction of a central wind with the mini-spiral. Additionally, we identify similar features that appear to be associated with stars. Aims: We present the first proper motion measurements of the thin dust filaments observed in the central parsec around SgrA* and investigate possible mechanisms that could be responsible for the observed motions. Methods: The observations have been carried out using the NACO adaptive optics system at the ESO VLT. The images have been transformed to a common coordinate system and features of interest were extracted. Then a cross-correlation technique could be performed in order to determine the offsets between the features with respect to their position in the reference epoch. Results: We derive the proper motions of a number of filaments and 2 cometary shaped dusty sources close (in projection) to SgrA*. We show that the shape and the motion of the filaments does not agree with a purely Keplerian motion of the gas in the potential of the supermassive black hole at the position of SgrA*. Therefore, additional mechanisms must be responsible for their formation and motion. We argue that the properties of the filaments are probably related to an outflow from the disk of young mass-losing stars around SgrA*. In part, the outflow may originate from the black hole itself. We also present some evidence and theoretical considerations that the outflow may be collimated.Comment: accepted for publication by A&

    The hidden opportunity cost of time effect on intertemporal choice

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    An interesting phenomenon called &quot;hidden opportunity cost of time effect&quot; was detected in intertemporal choices. The majority of our participants preferred the smaller but sooner (SS) option to the larger but later (LL) option if opportunity cost was explicit. However, a higher proportion of participants preferred the LL to SS option if opportunity cost was hidden. This shift violates the invariance principle and opens a new way to encourage future-oriented behavior. By simply mentioning the &quot;obvious&quot; opportunity cost of alternatives, decision makers can be more informed in prioritizing their long-term goals rather than short-term goals.</p

    Renormalon Model Predictions for Power-Corrections to Flavour Singlet Deep Inelastic Structure Functions

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    We analyze power corrections to flavour singlet deep inelastic scattering structure functions in the framework of the infrared renormalon model. Our calculations, together with previous results for the non-singlet contribution, allow to model the x-dependence of higher twist corrections to F_2, F_L and g_1 in the whole x domain.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 8 eps figures included, one figure was added. Final version for publication in Nucl.Phys.

    Variable accretion and emission from the stellar winds in the Galactic centre

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    We present numerical simulations of stellar wind dynamics in the central parsec of the Galactic centre, studying in particular the accretion of gas on to Sgr A*, the super-massive black hole. Unlike our previous work, here we use state-of-the-art observational data on orbits and wind properties of individual wind-producing stars. Since wind velocities were revised upwards and non-zero eccentricities were considered, our new simulations show fewer clumps of cold gas and no conspicuous disc-like structure. The accretion rate is dominated by a few close `slow wind stars' v_w < 750 km/s, and is consistent with the Bondi estimate, but variable on time-scales of tens to hundreds of years. This variability is due to the stochastic in-fall of cold clumps of gas, as in earlier simulations, and to the eccentric orbits of stars. The present models fail to explain the high luminosity of Sgr A* a few hundred years ago implied by Integral observations, but we argue that the accretion of a cold clump with a small impact parameter could have caused it. Finally, we show the possibility of constraining the total mass-loss rate of the `slow wind stars' using near infra-red observations of gas in the central few arcseconds.Comment: MNRAS, accepted. 10 pages, 11 figures. PS version is better (Fig 11 gets blurred in PDF

    The structure of the nuclear stellar cluster of the Milky Way

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    We present high-resolution seeing limited and AO NIR imaging observations of the stellar cluster within about one parsec of Sgr A*, the massive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way. Stellar number counts and the diffuse background light density were extracted from these observations in order to examine the structure of the nuclear stellar cluster.Our findings are as follows: (a) A broken-power law provides an excellent fit to the overall structure of the GC nuclear cluster. The power-law slope of the cusp is Γ=0.19±0.05\Gamma=0.19\pm0.05, the break radius is Rbreak=6.0â€Čâ€Č±1.0â€Čâ€ČR_{\rm break} = 6.0'' \pm 1.0'' or 0.22±0.040.22\pm0.04 pc, and the cluster density decreases with a power-law index of Γ=0.75±0.1\Gamma=0.75\pm0.1 outside of RbreakR_{\rm break}. (b) Using the best velocity dispersion measurements from the literature, we derive higher mass estimates for the central parsec than assumed until now. The inferred density of the cluster at the break radius is 2.8±1.3×106M⊙pc−32.8\pm1.3\times 10^{6} {\rm M_{\odot} pc^{-3}}. This high density agrees well with the small extent and flat slope of the cusp. Possibly, the mass of the stars makes up only about 50% of the total cluster mass. (c) Possible indications of mass segregation in the cusp are found (d) The cluster appears not entirely homogeneous. Several density clumps are detected that are concentrated at projected distances of R=3â€Čâ€ČR=3'' and R=7â€Čâ€ČR=7'' from Sgr A*.(e) There appears to exist an under-density of horizontal branch/red clump stars near R=5â€Čâ€ČR=5'', or an over-density of stars of similar brightness at R=3â€Čâ€ČR=3'' and R=7â€Čâ€ČR=7''. (f) The extinction map in combination with cometary-like features in an L'-band image may provide support for the assumption of an outflow from Sgr A*.Comment: accepted for publication by A&A; please contact first author for higher quality figure
