233 research outputs found

    Links between production systems and transport : the example of German and French industries

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    Changes in transportation are closely linked to the economic and logistical characteristics of the production system. The aim of this paper is, on the basis of data on the economic context and surveys conducted in France (the 1988 Shipper survey and the 2004 ECHO survey) and in Germany (the 2005 DLR survey), to show the major changes that have occurred in the two countries at both micro- and macro-economic levels and how these have affected transport demand. The first level of analysis relates to changes in the economic fabric. In particular, we have demonstrated the growing proportion of small and medium-sized firms at a time when large production units, which are those that are best able to concentrate their freight and use modes other than the road, are becoming fewer and fewer. At the same time, economic links are becoming more complex and, in the case of France, we have shown the increasing role played by wholesale traders in the distribution of goods. The constant reduction in transport costs and the opening up of markets is another structural factor whose impacts in both France and Germany we have also analysed. In addition to these economic changes, the internal modes of production of firms have also changed. Production is becoming more diversified and Just-in-time practices are spreading. The fragmentation of freight flows is thus occurring both in space and in time, which also has a major effect on the characteristics of the flows generated by firms and changes in transport. In the case of all these changes we have attempted to show the differences and similarities between the ways transport has changed in the two countries.TRANSPORT DE MARCHANDISES ; ALLEMAGNE ; FRANCE

    Photoinitiated polymerization of a dental formulation: 1. Influence of photoinitiating system, temperature and luminous intensity

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    The photoinitiated polymerization of a dental formulation is composed of Mixture of monomers 75%Bis-GMA/25%TEGDMA and CQ/DMAEMA as radical photoinitiator was studied by using isothermal photocalorimetry. The effect of temperature, light intensity and photoinitiating system concentration on reaction was investigated. A maximum conversion was obtained for a photoinitiator system concentration of 1% (w/w) and for the highest light intensity studied. It should be noted that a correlation between the glass transition temperature of the final polymer and the conversion has been studied.Keywords: dental composite; photopolymerization; dimethacrylate resin; photoinitiator syste

    Analyse multi-échelles des déformations/contraintes sur des assemblages électroniques complexes : application à la technologie flip-chip

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    Afin de faire face Ă  la concurrence internationale et de se positionner avantageusement sur le marchĂ©, les fabricants de composants Ă©lectroniques dĂ©veloppent continuellement de nouveaux dispositifs plus performants et plus compacts. L'intĂ©gration 3D a notamment Ă©mergĂ© afin de contourner les limitations de la technologie planaire. Dans cette configuration, diffĂ©rentes puces sont interconnectĂ©es les unes avec les autres et empilĂ©es verticalement. Ces architectures peuvent ĂȘtre problĂ©matiques en raison de la densification des interconnexions et de la prĂ©sence de matĂ©riaux hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. En effet, les variations de tempĂ©rature induites par le procĂ©dĂ© de fabrication et le cycle de vie gĂ©nĂšrent des diffĂ©rences de dilatation thermique introduisant des contraintes internes dĂ©gradant les performances et la fiabilitĂ© de l'assemblage. C'est pourquoi il est essentiel aujourd'hui pour l'industrie Ă©lectronique de pouvoir quantifier les champs de contraintes dans les composants Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de l'assemblage, et ce pour diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles d'observation. Dans ce but, la modĂ©lisation Ă©lĂ©ments finis a largement Ă©tĂ© employĂ©e afin de pouvoir prĂ©dire l'apparition de dĂ©formations/ contraintes sous diffĂ©rents types de chargement. Cependant, la complexitĂ© de la gĂ©omĂ©trie des assemblages Ă©lectroniques est devenue telle que de nombreuses hypothĂšses sont nĂ©cessaires afin d'obtenir des temps de calcul acceptables. De mĂȘme, des connaissances insuffisantes dans le domaine du comportement des matĂ©riaux qui constituent la structure limitent la prĂ©cision des rĂ©sultats obtenus. Dans cette Ă©tude, une analyse multi-Ă©chelles complĂšte d'un assemblage flip-chip Ă  l'aide de diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes expĂ©rimentales d'analyse de contrainte a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur un assemblage de type flip-chip. Parmi ces techniques, la diffraction des rayons X de laboratoire, la diffraction Kossel et la microdiffraction Laue (essais rĂ©alisĂ©s sur la ligne BM32 Ă  l'ESRF de Grenoble) ont Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ©es. La prĂ©sentation dĂ©crira les moyens mis en ?uvre pour rĂ©aliser ces diffĂ©rentes analyses sur une architecture multi-couches et les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s seront mis en lien avec les valeurs numĂ©riques obtenus avec diffĂ©rentes modĂ©lisations Ă©lĂ©ments finis

    X-ray Diffraction Residual Stress Measurement at Room Temperature and 77 K in a Microelectronic Multi-layered Single-Crystal Structure Used for Infrared Detection

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    The electronic assembly considered in this study is an infrared (IR) detector consisting of different layers, including (111) CdHgTe and (100) silicon single crystals. The processing steps and the low working temperature (77 K) induce thermomechanical stresses that can affect the reliability of the thin and brittle CdHgTe detection circuit and lead to failure. These residual stresses have been quantified in both CdHgTe and silicon circuits at room temperature (293 K) and cryogenic temperature using x-ray diffraction. A specific experimental device has been developed for 77 K measurements and a method developed for single-crystal analysis has been adapted to such structures using a laboratory four-circle diffractometer. This paper describes the methodology to obtain the deformed lattice parameter and compute the strain/ stress tensors. Whereas the stresses in the CdHgTe layer appear to be negative at room temperature (compressive values), cryogenic measurements show a tensile biaxial stress state of about 30 MPa and highlight the great impact of low temperature on the mechanical properties

    Clustering of the K<sup>+</sup> channel GORK of Arabidopsis parallels its gating by extracellular K<sup>+</sup>

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    GORK is the only outward-rectifying Kv-like K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; channel expressed in guard cells. Its activity is tightly regulated to facilitate K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; efflux for stomatal closure and is elevated in ABA in parallel with suppression of the activity of the inward-rectifying K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; channel KAT1. Whereas the population of KAT1 is subject to regulated traffic to and from the plasma membrane, nothing is known about GORK, its distribution and traffic in vivo. We have used transformations with fluorescently-tagged GORK to explore its characteristics in tobacco epidermis and Arabidopsis guard cells. These studies showed that GORK assembles in puncta that reversibly dissociated as a function of the external K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; concentration. Puncta dissociation parallelled the gating dependence of GORK, the speed of response consistent with the rapidity of channel gating response to changes in the external ionic conditions. Dissociation was also suppressed by the K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; channel blocker Ba&lt;sup&gt;2+&lt;/sup&gt;. By contrast, confocal and protein biochemical analysis failed to uncover substantial exo- and endocytotic traffic of the channel. Gating of GORK is displaced to more positive voltages with external K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;, a characteristic that ensures the channel facilitates only K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; efflux regardless of the external cation concentration. GORK conductance is also enhanced by external K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; above 1 mM. We suggest that GORK clustering in puncta is related to its gating and conductance, and reflects associated conformational changes and (de)stabilisation of the channel protein, possibly as a platform for transmission and coordination of channel gating in response to external K&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;

    Aluminium-induced ion transport in Arabidopsis: the relationship between Al tolerance and root ion flux

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    Aluminium (Al) rhizotoxicity coincides with low pH; however, it is unclear whether plant tolerance to these two factors is controlled by the same mechanism. To address this question, the Al-resistant alr104 mutant, two Al-sensitive mutants (als3 and als5), and wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana were compared in long-term exposure (solution culture) and in short-term exposure experiments (H+ and K+ fluxes, rhizosphere pH, and plasma membrane potential, Em). Based on biomass accumulation, als5 and alr104 showed tolerance to low pH, whereas alr104 was tolerant to the combined low-pH/Al treatment. The sensitivity of the als5 and als3 mutants to the Al stress was similar. The Al-induced decrease in H+ influx at the distal elongation zone (DEZ) and Al-induced H+ efflux at the mature zone (MZ) were higher in the Al-sensitive mutants (als3 and als5) than in the wild type and the alr104 mutant. Under combined low-pH/Al treatment, alr104 and the wild type had depolarized plasma membranes for the entire 30 min measurement period, whereas in the Al-sensitive mutants (als3 and als5), initial depolarization to around –60 mV became hyperpolarization at –110 mV after 20 min. At the DEZ, the Em changes corresponded to the changes in K+ flux: K+ efflux was higher in alr104 and the wild type than in the als3 and als5 mutants. In conclusion, Al tolerance in the alr104 mutant correlated with Em depolarization, higher K+ efflux, and higher H+ influx, which led to a more alkaline rhizosphere under the combined low-pH/Al stress. Low-pH tolerance (als5) was linked to higher H+ uptake under low-pH stress, which was abolished by Al exposure

    Phloem sap intricacy and interplay with aphid feeding

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    Aphididae feed upon the plant sieve elements (SE), where they ingest sugars, nitrogen compounds and other nutrients. For ingestion, aphid stylets penetrate SE, and because of the high hydrostatic pressure in SE, phloem sap exudes out into the stylets. Severing stylets to sample phloem exudates (i.e. stylectomy) has been used extensively for the study of phloem contents. Alternative sampling techniques are spontaneous exudation upon wounding that only works in a few plant species, and the popular EDTA-facilitated exudation technique. These approaches have allowed fundamental advances on the understanding of phloem sap composition and sieve tube physiology, which are surveyed in this review. A more complete picture of metabolites, ions, proteins and RNAs present in phloem sap is now available, which has provided large evidence for the phloem role as a signalling network in addition to its primary role in partitioning of photo-assimilates. Thus, phloem sap sampling methods can have remarkable applications to analyse plant nutrition, physiology and defence responses. Since aphid behaviour is suspected to be affected by phloem sap quality, attempts to manipulate phloem sap content were recently undertaken based on deregulation in mutant plants of genes controlling amino acid or sugar content of phloem sap. This opens up new strategies to control aphid settlement on a plant host

    La mĂ©moire longue d&#039;un mĂ©tissage : la « mĂ©tisse » ou la race ovine mĂ©rinos d’Arles

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    La brebis mĂ©rinos d’Arles fĂȘtait en 2002 ses deux cents ans. C’est en effet en 1802, en Crau (Bouches-du-RhĂŽne), qu’il fut procĂ©dĂ© aux premiers croisements entre brebis de race locale et bĂ©liers mĂ©rinos d’origine espagnole. Nous examinons dans cet article l’inscription sociale et culturelle du processus de crĂ©ation et de façonnement de cette race — et ses dĂ©veloppements contemporains — dans le contexte de l’élevage bas-provençal. BĂȘte Ă  laine de grande rĂ©putation, la mĂ©rinos d’Arles aurait dĂ» logiquement disparaĂźtre dans la seconde moitiĂ© du XIXe siĂšcle, en raison des croisements imposĂ©s par l’effondrement du marchĂ© lainier et la nouvelle orientation de l’élevage ovin vers la production de viande. Mais les Ă©leveurs provençaux, dans leur volontĂ© de conserver un animal apte Ă  la pratique de la transhumance, ont prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© — par sĂ©lection — l’adapter au nouveau contexte Ă©conomique. Aujourd’hui l’évolution de la race suit les critĂšres techniques de sĂ©lection prĂ©cis dictĂ©s par l’UPRA (Union de promotion de la race) MĂ©rinos d’Arles, mais elle doit aussi beaucoup aux choix individuels (notamment selon des critĂšres esthĂ©tiques) de certains Ă©leveurs. Alors que de bĂȘte Ă  laine, la mĂ©rinos d’Arles est devenu une bĂȘte Ă  viande, tous les Ă©leveurs et les bergers font de leurs animaux, de leurs troupeaux, un motif de fiertĂ© dans lequel ils peuvent se reconnaĂźtre : un emblĂšme reconnu particuliĂšrement pour sa rusticitĂ© et, bien qu’elle soit aujourd’hui un sousproduit, sa laine. Aujourd’hui, trois postures professionnelles se cĂŽtoient oĂč chaque type d’éleveurs tente d’imposer sa dĂ©finition de la race mĂ©rinos d’Arles, du « vrai mĂ©rinos d’Arles » — la « mĂ©tisse » — jusqu’au mĂ©rinos Ă  haut rendement boucher. Un dĂ©bat dans lequel s’affirme de plus en plus la reconnaissance de la race mĂ©rinos d’Arles en tant que productrice d’espaces : une vocation pour demain ?The Merino sheep of Arles celebrated 200 years of existence in 2002. In 1802 in the Crau region (Bouches-du-RhĂŽne) the first crossbreeding occurred between local ewes and Merino rams from Spain. In this article we examine the social and cultural situation of the creation and development of this breed, including contemporary developments, in the context of sheep breeding in lower Provence. A sheep which produces high-quality wool, the Merino of Arles should have died out in the second half of the 19th century on account of the crossbreeding imposed by the collapse of the wool market and the new tendency of sheep breeding towards meat production. But the Provençal breeders wished to preserve an animal adapted to the practice of transhumance and so have preferred, through selection, to adapt the breed to the new economic context. Today the development of the breed follows the exact technical criteria of selection prescribed by the UPRA Merinos of Arles (Union for the promotion of the breed), but it also owes much to the individual choices (especially aesthetic criteria) of certain breeders. Although the originally wool-producing Merinos of Arles became meat-producing animals, their breeders and shepherds retain great pride in their sheep, known especially for their rusticity and for their wool, although this is today only a byproduct. Today there are three professional positions in which each type of breeder attempts to impose his own definition of the Merino of Arles from the "true Merino of Arles" - the crossbreed - to those for high meat production. It has become a debate in which this breed is recognized more and more as a producer of spaces; could this become its role in the future?</p
