99 research outputs found

    Polyamine ligand-mediated self-assembly of gold and silver nanoparticles into chainlike structures in aqueous solution: Towards new nanostructured chemosensors

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    We are grateful to the Scientific Association ProteoMass (Portugal) for financial support. C.N. thanks Xunta de Galicia (Spain) for her postdoctoral contract (I2C program).1D Nanochain formation: The binding ability of a polyamine molecular linker (L)2- bearing different functional groups, which favors the self-assembling of silver (AgNPs) and gold nano-particles (AuNPs) into 1D nanochains in aqueous solution was explored. UV/Vis spectrophotometry and TEM were used to determine time-dependent structural changes associated with these 1D structure formations. Sensing of Hg2+ using AgNPs@ (L) 2- and AuNPs@ (L)2- assemblies was also carried out in aqueous solution. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA, Weinheim.publishersversionpublishe

    Glyconanoparticles for colorimetric bioassays

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    Carbohydrate molecules are involved in many of the cellular processes that are important for life. By combining the specific analyte targeting of carbohydrates with the multivalent structure and change of solution colour as a consequence of plasmonic interactions with the aggregation of metal nanoparticles, glyconanoparticles have been used extensively for the development of bioanalytical assays. The noble metals used to create the nanocore, the methodologies used to assemble the carbohydrates on the nanoparticle surface, the carbohydrate chosen for each specific target, the length of the tether that separates the carbohydrate from the nanocore and the density of carbohydrates on the surface all impact on the structural formation of metal based glyconanoparticles. This tutorial review highlights these key components, which directly impact on the selectivity and sensitivity of the developed bioassay, for the colorimetric detection of lectins, toxins and viruses

    Fabrication and verification of conjugated AuNP-antibody nanoprobe for sensitivity improvement in electrochemical biosensors

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    Abstract This study was designed to obtain covalently coupled conjugates as means for achieving higher stability and better coverage of the AuNPs by antibodies on the particle surface suitable for sensor performance enhancement. Starting by using a modified protocol, colloid gold solution, with mean AuNP core size of ~6 nm was synthesized. The protocol used for conjugation of AuNPs to osteocalcin antibody in this study relies on covalent and electrostatic attractions between constituents. Varieties of conjugates with varying combinations of crosslinkers and different concentrations were successfully synthesized. The obtained products were characterized and their properties were studied to determine the best candidate in sense of antibody - antigen reactivity. Using AuNP-GSH-NHS-Ab combination (1:1:1), the tertiary structure of the protein was maintained and thus the antibody remained functional in the future steps. This one-pot method provided a simple method for covalently coupling antibodies on the particle surface while keeping their functionality intact. The AuNP content of the solution also accelerated electron transfer rate and thus amplifies the detection signal. With the developed and discussed technique herein, a simple solution is modeled to be used for measuring serum levels of biomarkers in single and/or multiplexed sensor systems

    Enzyme-Controlled Nanodevice for Acetylcholine-Triggered Cargo Delivery Based on Janus Au-Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Llopis-Lorente, Antoni, Paula Díez, Cristina de la Torre, Alfredo Sánchez, Félix Sancenón, Elena Aznar, María D. Marcos, Paloma Martínez-Ruíz, Ramón Martínez-Máñez, and Reynaldo Villalonga. 2017. Enzyme-Controlled Nanodevice for Acetylcholine-Triggered Cargo Delivery Based on Janus Au-Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Chemistry - A European Journal 23 (18). Wiley: 4276 81. doi:10.1002/chem.201700603, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201700603. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] This work reports a new gated nanodevice for acetylcholine-triggered cargo delivery. We prepared and characterized Janus Au-mesoporous silica nanoparticles functionalized with acetylcholinesterase on the Au face and with supramolecular b-cyclodextrin: benzimidazole inclusion complexes as caps on the mesoporous silica face. The nanodevice is able to selectively deliver the cargo in the presence of acetylcholine via enzyme-mediated acetylcholine hydrolysis, locally lowering the pH and opening the supramolecular gate. Given the key role played by ACh and its relation with Parkinson's disease and other nervous system diseases, we believe that these findings could help design new therapeutic strategies.A.L.L. is grateful to "La Caixa" Banking Foundation for his PhD fellowship. The authors are gratitude to the Spanish Government (MINECO Projects MAT2012-38429-C04-01, MAT2015-64139-C4-1, CTQ2014-58989-P and CTQ2015-71936-REDT) and the Generalitat Valencia (Project PROMETEOII/2014/047) for support. The Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MIT-3029, Programme NANOAVANSENS) is also gratefully acknowledged.Llopis-Lorente, A.; Díez, P.; De La Torre-Paredes, C.; Sanchez, A.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Aznar, E.; Marcos Martínez, MD.... (2017). Enzyme-Controlled Nanodevice for Acetylcholine-Triggered Cargo Delivery Based on Janus Au-Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Chemistry - A European Journal. 23(18):4276-4281. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201700603S427642812318Gotti, C., & Clementi, F. (2004). Neuronal nicotinic receptors: from structure to pathology. Progress in Neurobiology, 74(6), 363-396. doi:10.1016/j.pneurobio.2004.09.006Lindstrom, J. (1997). Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in health and disease. Molecular Neurobiology, 15(2), 193-222. doi:10.1007/bf02740634Descarries, L., Gisiger, V., & Steriade, M. (1997). Diffuse transmission by acetylcholine in the CNS. Progress in Neurobiology, 53(5), 603-625. doi:10.1016/s0301-0082(97)00050-6Leblond, L., Beaufort, C., Delerue, F., & Durkin, T. P. (2002). Differential roles for nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in sustained visuo-spatial attention? A study using a 5-arm maze protocol in mice. 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    Noble Metal Nanoparticles for Biosensing Applications

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    In the last decade the use of nanomaterials has been having a great impact in biosensing. In particular, the unique properties of noble metal nanoparticles have allowed for the development of new biosensing platforms with enhanced capabilities in the specific detection of bioanalytes. Noble metal nanoparticles show unique physicochemical properties (such as ease of functionalization via simple chemistry and high surface-to-volume ratios) that allied with their unique spectral and optical properties have prompted the development of a plethora of biosensing platforms. Additionally, they also provide an additional or enhanced layer of application for commonly used techniques, such as fluorescence, infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Herein we review the use of noble metal nanoparticles for biosensing strategies—from synthesis and functionalization to integration in molecular diagnostics platforms, with special focus on those that have made their way into the diagnostics laboratory