6,967 research outputs found

    Interessi cittadini, finanze regie e istituzioni parlamentari nella Sardegna del tardo Medioevo

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    Il saggio si propone di ricostruire, partendo dalla storiografia sul tema e attraverso l’esame degli atti dei Parlamenti del Regno di Sardegna convocati da Alfonso V nel 1421 e da Ferdinando II fra il 1481 e il 1504, il ruolo delle città all’interno dell’assemblea parlamentare, il rapporto tra le diverse realtà urbane ed il potere regio – rappresentato nell’isola dal viceré e dagli alti funzionari dell’amministrazione regia – , l’onere economico che stesse città si assumevano con l’approvazione del donativo. La documentazione parlamentare offre uno spaccato della Sardegna reale, con i sui conflitti e con i suoi molteplici problemi, soprattutto di natura economica, ai quali danno voce le città e più in generale le componenti stamentarie che siedono in Parlamento

    Grammatica del verbo: ricordo di una esperienza di ricerca condivisa

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    Mondadori, how to survive in the e-book era

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    Mondadori is the Italian market leader in the publishing industry, with a history of more than 100 years of experience in the field. The company headquartered in Milan, is the biggest book and magazine publisher in Italy and the third largest in the consumer magazine category in France. The book category currently accounts for almost 25% of the annual revenues and since the year 2010, the company started focusing also on the digital contents for books. The case study offers an overview of the market from both a global and a local perspective, with the focus on the Italian situation, where the main topics addressed are the competitive landscape, the digital growth and the digital piracy. This industry analysis is needed to show the environment where the company is working and to make understand possible threats and opportunities, like for example the new regulations on e-books arising through the new Italian government. The following chapters deal with an overview of the company, with a specific analysis on the strategic choices in the e-book market in the past, present and future. The purpose of the case is to provide the reader sufficient information to evaluate the three strategic alternatives offered and therefore he or she should be able to formulate a complete reasoning behind each of the three options. The first one is focused on reducing the price on e-book as a way to engage further the readers and the reader should be able to understand if such an option could be profitable for Mondadori or not; after that the suggestion is to think about an innovative way to exploit social media to reach out to new readers and to forecast future trends, especially in terms of authors. The last option presented, deals with the new trend of subscription models and the question is whether such a model, which worked successfully for the music ad film industries, can be valuable for publishing companies.A Mondadori é líder do mercado italiano na indústria editorial, com uma história de mais de 100 anos de experiência no ramo. A empresa, com sede em Milão, é a maior editora de livros e revistas em Itália e a terceira maior no segmento de revistas para o grande público em França. A categoria de livros é atualmente responsável por quase 25% das receitas anuais da empresa e desde o ano 2010, a Mondadori começou a concentrar-se também em conteúdos digitais para livros. O estudo de caso permite uma visão geral do mercado tanto do ponto de vista global como local, com um foco na situação italiana, onde os principais temas abordados são o cenário competitivo, o crescimento digital e a pirataria digital. Esta análise da indústria é necessária para mostrar o ambiente em que a empresa está envolvida e para entender possíveis ameaças e oportunidades, como por exemplo a nova regulamentação sobre e-books que surge através do novo governo italiano. Os capítulos seguintes contêm uma visão geral da empresa, com uma análise específica das escolhas estratégicas no mercado de e-books no passado, presente e futuro. O objectivo do caso é fornecer ao leitor informações suficientes para avaliar as três alternativas estratégicas apresentadas e, portanto, ele ou ela devem ser capazes de formular um raciocínio completo aquando a justificação de cada uma das três opções. A primeira é focada em reduzir o preço dos e-books como forma de envolver ainda mais os leitores e o leitor deve ser capaz de entender se tal opção poderá ser rentável para a Mondadori ou não; posteriormente, a sugestão é que o leitor pense numa forma inovadora de explorar as redes sociais de forma a chegar a novos leitores e prever tendências futuras, especialmente em termos de autores. A última opção apresentada trata da nova tendência de modelos de subscrição e a questão é se tal modelo, que foi bem sucedido nas indústrias de cinema e música, pode representar uma mais valia para editoras

    Wachpress Conjecture Restricted To Arrangements Of Three Conics

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    This thesis discusses Wachpress conjecture restricted to arrangements of three conics. Wachpress conjectured the existence of a set of barycentric coordinates, namely Wachpress coordinates, on all polycons. Barycentric coordinates are very useful in many different fields as they can be used to define a finite element approximation scheme with linear precision. This thesis focuses on the conjecture on the real projective plane. The polycons of lowest degree for which the conjecture has not been proven completely yet are those which arise from arrangements of three conics. We state the current knowledge on the veracity of the conjecture on the polycons of this family. Throughout the thesis we view real rational polycons as positive geometries which encode both differential and algebraic properties in their unique canonical form

    Definizione, studio e progetto preliminare di una tecnica di geo-localizzazione di sorgenti interferenti per satelliti commerciali di telecomunicazioni

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    L’argomento del dottorato riguarda le telecomunicazioni satellitari commerciali. In particolare tratta della possibilità di poter definire, progettare e valutare mediante analisi e simulazioni, un sistema in grado di geo-localizzare sorgenti interferenti nell’area di copertura dell’antenna a bordo satellite per telecomunicazioni (area di servizio). Tale soluzione tecnologica rappresenta un valido supporto per intervenire a seguito di uno o più eventi interferenti. Tale intervento può essere o di tipo passivo, quanto il satellite non è provvisto di sotto-sistema di contromisura, oppure attivo quando il satellite è provvisto a bordo di sistema di contromisura

    A lightweight, high strength dexterous manipulator for commercial applications

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    The concept, design, and features are described of a lightweight, high strength, modular robot manipulator being developed for space and commercial applications. The manipulator has seven fully active degrees of freedom and is fully operational in 1 G. Each of the seven joints incorporates a unique drivetrain design which provides zero backlash operation, is insensitive to wear, and is single fault tolerant to motor or servo amplifier failure. Feedback sensors provide position, velocity, torque, and motor winding temperature information at each joint. This sensing system is also designed to be single fault tolerant. The manipulator consists of five modules (not including gripper). These modules join via simple quick-disconnect couplings and self-mating connectors which allow rapid assembly and/or disassembly for reconfiguration, transport, or servicing. The manipulator is a completely enclosed assembly, with no exposed components or wires. Although the initial prototype will not be space qualified, the design is well suited to meeting space requirements. The control system provides dexterous motion by controlling the endpoint location and arm pose simultaneously. Potential applications are discussed

    The ideology of free trade and the Cuba exception

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    This paper examines ideology and congressional roll call voting in the post-Cold War period (1991-2005) on free trade and trade policy with Cuba. While members with a more conservative ideology are found, as expected, to be supporters of free trade generally, there remains a curious disconnect between this general support for free trade and the opposition to liberalization of trade with Cuba. Yet despite this perceived inconsistency, ideology remains consistent on both, thus we seek to test this exception to conservative support for liberalization. A combination of factors is at play to which make Cuba a special case in the post cold war era. For one thing the Castro regime, one of the last “true communists”, remains in power. This alone could explain some of the deviation from support of liberalized trade and the ideological opposition. With China ideology is not an issue, but with Cuba it is. Further complicating relations, the Cuban American National Foundation and its powerful PAC branch that exert political clout through donations and lobbying tactics. The study of ideology is crucial to understanding the persistence of the elite commitment to open markets since the 1970s in the face of a powerful resurgence of protectionism. The continuing power of free trade politics stems from the consolidation of a widespread aversion to the protectionist policies

    Formazione e documentazione sull'infanzia e l'adolescenza

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    The National Centre for documentation and analysis for childhood and adolescence has the task to select, collect, catalogue and elaborate the documents related to children and adolescents’ lives in Italy. This centre has three databases: statistic, bibliographic and legislative; it has the task to create documentation through a deep publishing activity. The service is made to users with the library opening. The Centre managed the course on “Conditions and needs of childhood and adolescence: observations and monitoring”

    Optical-Fiber Measurement Systems for Medical Applications

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