24 research outputs found

    Prevalence, concordance and determinants of human papillomavirus infection among heterosexual partners in a rural region in central Mexico

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    Background: Although human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in heterosexual couples has been sparsely studied, it is relevant to understand disease burden and transmission mechanisms. The present study determined the prevalence and concordance of type-specific HPV infection as well as the determinants of infection in heterosexual couples in a rural area of Mexico. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 504 clinically healthy heterosexual couples from four municipalities in the State of Mexico, Mexico. HPV testing was performed using biotinylated L1 consensus primers and reverse line blot in cervical samples from women and in genital samples from men. Thirty-seven HPV types were detected, including high-risk oncogenic types and low-risk types. Multivariate logistic regression models were utilized to evaluate factors associated with HPV. Results: The prevalence of HPV infection was 20.5% in external male genitals and 13.7% in cervical samples. In 504 sexual couples participating in the study, concordance of HPV status was 79%; 34 partners (6.7%) were concurrently infected, and 21 out of 34 partners where both were HPV positive (61.8%) showed concordance for one or more HPV types. The principal risk factor associated with HPV DNA detection in men as well as women was the presence of HPV DNA in the respective regular sexual partner (OR = 5.15, 95% CI 3.01-8.82). In men, having a history of 10 or more sexual partners over their lifetime (OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.3 - 4.8) and having had sexual relations with prostitutes (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.01 - 2.8) increased the likelihood of detecting HPV DNA. Conclusions: In heterosexual couples in rural regions in Mexico, the prevalence of HPV infection and type-specific concordance is high. High-risk sexual behaviors are strong determinants of HPV infection in men

    Prevalence and determinants of human papillomavirus genital infection in men

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    Four-hundred-forty-five husbands of women with invasive cervical carcinoma, 165 of women with in situ cervical cancer, and 717 of control women (age range 19–82 years) were interviewed and a sample of exfoliated cells from the penis obtained in seven case–control studies conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The characteristics of human papillomavirus-positive and human papillomavirus-negative husbands were compared using odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Thirteen per cent of the husbands of control women, 18% of the husbands of women with invasive cervical carcinoma, and 21% of the husbands of in situ cervical carcinoma women were positive for penile human papillomavirus DNA. Human papillomavirus 16 was detected in 45 husbands, human papillomavirus 18, 31 or 33 in 19, and human papillomavirus 6/11 in 6, but the majority of human papillomavirus infection (158) was with other or unspecified human papillomavirus types. The same human papillomavirus type was seldom identified in both husband and wife. The strongest variation in penile human papillomavirus infection was by country, with percentages among the husbands of control women ranging between 3% in Spain and 39% in Brazil. Having had over 50 lifetime sexual partners, compared with only one, was associated with an odds ratio of 2.3

    Guiding principles for the development and application of solid-phase phosphorus adsorbents for freshwater ecosystems

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    While a diverse array of phosphorus (P)-adsorbent materials is currently available for application to freshwater aquatic systems, selection of the most appropriate P-adsorbents remains problematic. In particular, there has to be a close correspondence between attributes of the P-adsorbent, its field performance, and the management goals for treatment. These management goals may vary from a rapid reduction in dissolved P to address seasonal enrichments from internal loading, targeting external fluxes due to anthropogenic sources, or long term inactivation of internal P inventories contained within bottom sediments. It also remains a challenge to develop new methods and materials that are ecologically benign and cost-effective. We draw on evidence in the literature and the authors’ personal experiences in the field, to summarise the attributes of a range of P-adsorbent materials. We offer 'guiding principles' to support practical use of existing materials and outline key development needs for new materials

    Bisphenol A and its analogues: A comprehensive review to identify and prioritize effect biomarkers for human biomonitoring

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    Human biomonitoring (HBM) studies have demonstrated widespread and daily exposure to bisphenol A (BPA). Moreover, BPA structural analogues (e.g. BPS, BPF, BPAF), used as BPA replacements, are being increasingly detected in human biological matrices. BPA and some of its analogues are classified as endocrine disruptors suspected of contributing to adverse health outcomes such as altered reproduction and neurodevelopment, obesity, and metabolic disorders among other developmental and chronic impairments. One of the aims of the H2020 European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) is the implementation of effect biomarkers at large scales in future HBM studies in a systematic and standardized way, in order to complement exposure data with mechanistically-based biomarkers of early adverse effects. This review aimed to identify and prioritize existing biomarkers of effect for BPA, as well as to provide relevant mechanistic and adverse outcome pathway (AOP) information in order to cover knowledge gaps and better interpret effect biomarker data. A comprehensive literature search was performed in PubMed to identify all the epidemiologic studies published in the last 10 years addressing the potential relationship between bisphenols exposure and alterations in biological parameters. A total of 5716 references were screened, out of which, 119 full-text articles were analyzed and tabulated in detail. This work provides first an overview of all epigenetics, gene transcription, oxidative stress, reproductive, glucocorticoid and thyroid hormones, metabolic and allergy/immune biomarkers previously studied. Then, promising effect biomarkers related to altered neurodevelopmental and reproductive outcomes including brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), kisspeptin (KiSS), and gene expression of nuclear receptors are prioritized, providing mechanistic insights based on in vitro, animal studies and AOP information. Finally, the potential of omics technologies for biomarker discovery and its implications for risk assessment are discussed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to comprehensively identify bisphenol-related biomarkers of effect for HBM purposes.European Union Commission H2020-EJP-HBM4EU 733032HBM4EU Initiativ