133 research outputs found

    Completing the triad: Synthesis and full characterization of homoleptic and heteroleptic carbonyl and nitrosyl complexes of the group VI metals

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    Oxidation of M(CO)6_{6} (M = Cr, Mo, W) with the synergistic oxidative system Ag[WCA]/0.5 I2_{2} yields the fully characterized metalloradical salts [M(CO)6_{6}]+˙[WCA]− (weakly coordinating anion WCA = [F-{Al(ORF^{F})3_{3}}2_{2}]^{-}, RF^{F} = C(CF3_{3})3_{3}). The new metalloradical cations with M = Mo and W showcase a similar structural fluxionality as the previously reported [Cr(CO)6_{6}]+^{+}˙. Their reactivity increases from M = Cr < Mo < W and their syntheses allow for in-depth insights into the properties of the group 6 carbonyl triad. Furthermore, the reaction of NO+^{+}[WCA]^{-} with neutral carbonyl complexes M(CO)6_{6} gives access to the heteroleptic carbonyl/nitrosyl cations [M(CO)5_{5}(NO)]+^{+} as salts of the WCA [Al(ORF)4_{4}]^{-}, the first complete transition metal triad of their kind

    Noncompliance in people living with HIV: accuracy of defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the accuracy of the defining characteristics of the NANDA International nursing diagnosis, noncompliance, in people with HIV. Method: study of diagnostic accuracy, performed in two stages. In the first stage, 113 people with HIV from a hospital of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil were assessed for identification of clinical indicators of noncompliance. In the second, the defining characteristics were evaluated by six specialist nurses, analyzing the presence or absence of the diagnosis. For accuracy of the clinical indicators, the specificity, sensitivity, predictive values and likelihood ratios were measured. Results: the presence of the noncompliance diagnosis was shown in 69% (n=78) of people with HIV. The most sensitive indicator was, missing of appointments (OR: 28.93, 95% CI: 1.112-2.126, p = 0.002). On the other hand, nonadherence behavior (OR: 15.00, 95% CI: 1.829-3.981, p = 0.001) and failure to meet outcomes (OR: 13.41; 95% CI: 1.272-2.508; P = 0.003) achieved higher specificity. Conclusion: the most accurate defining characteristics were nonadherence behavior, missing of appointments, and failure to meet outcomes. Thus, in the presence of these, the nurse can identify, with greater security, the diagnosis studied

    Exploitation of Herpesviral Transactivation Allows Quantitative Reporter Gene-Based Assessment of Virus Entry and Neutralization

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    Herpesviral entry is a highly elaborated process requiring many proteins to act in precise conjunction. Neutralizing antibodies interfere with this process to abrogate viral infection. Based on promoter transactivation of a reporter gene we established a novel method to quantify herpesvirus entry and neutralization by antibodies. Following infection with mouse and human cytomegalovirus and Herpes simplex virus 1 we observed promoter transactivation resulting in substantial luciferase expression (>1000-fold). No induction was elicited by UV-inactivated viruses. The response was MOI-dependent and immunoblots confirmed a correlation between luciferase induction and pp72-IE1 expression. Monoclonal antibodies, immune sera and purified immunoglobulin preparations decreased virus-dependent luciferase induction dose-dependently, qualifying this approach as surrogate virus neutralization test. Besides the reduced hands-on time, this assay allows analysis of herpesvirus entry in semi-permissive and non-adherent cells, which were previously non-assessable but play significant roles in herpesvirus pathology

    Monitoring microbicide gel use with real-time notification of the container’s opening events : results of the CAPRISA Wisebag study.

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    CAPRISA, 2014.Accurate estimation of the effectiveness of a microbicide for HIV prevention requires valid measurement of adherence to product use. A microbicide gel applicator container (Wisebag), fitted with cell phone technology to transmit opening events and text message reminders, was developed to monitor each opening event of the container as a proxy for gel use and adherence. Ten women were enrolled in a pilot study and followed for up to 4 months. Wisebag opening (WBO) dates and times were recorded and correlated with self-reported sex acts and gel applicator returns. During the 33 monthly follow-up visits, 47.8% (77/161) of the recorded number of WBO events were concordant with the number of empty (used) applicators returned. The discrepancies were likely due to removal of more than one applicator during a single opening event. When the date and time of the WBO event data was assessed in relation to three different self-report adherence measures, agreement was fairly modest. The Wisebag was found to be acceptable as a storage container and the cell phone reminders generated were useful in supporting the dosing strategy. We recommend that the Wisebag be considered for larger scale and lengthier testing in microbicide trials

    Readout technologies for directional WIMP Dark Matter detection

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    The measurement of the direction of WIMP-induced nuclear recoils is a compelling but technologically challenging strategy to provide an unambiguous signature of the detection of Galactic dark matter. Most directional detectors aim to reconstruct the dark-matter-induced nuclear recoil tracks, either in gas or solid targets. The main challenge with directional detection is the need for high spatial resolution over large volumes, which puts strong requirements on the readout technologies. In this paper we review the various detector readout technologies used by directional detectors. In particular, we summarize the challenges, advantages and drawbacks of each approach, and discuss future prospects for these technologies

    Neural Correlates of Motor Vigour and Motor Urgency During Exercise

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    Umgang mit der anhaltenden somatoformen Schmerzstörung in der zahnärztlichen Praxis

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    Eine anhaltende somatoforme Schmerzstörung wird vermutet, wenn körperliche Beschwerden vorliegen, für die kein somatisches Korrelat gefunden werden kann. Dabei handelt es sich um eine psychische Störung, die sich in einem körperlichen Symptom äußern kann. In dem hier dargestellten Fall eines 63-jährigen Patienten, der ca. 8 Monaten lang an starken Schmerzen im Unterkiefer rechts gelitten hatte und bei verschiedenen Zahnärzten vorstellig geworden war, konnte nach sorgfältiger multidisziplinärer Differenzialdiagnostik eine anhaltende somatoforme Schmerzstörung nach ICD-10 (F45.4) festgestellt werden. Die vom Patienten geschilderten Symptome und das Beklagen von Schmerzen im orofazialen Bereich verleiten den Behandler zum einen in der Regel dazu, schnell zahnärztlich tätig zu werden, um den Patienten erst einmal von seinen Schmerzen zu befreien. Der Fall zeigt zum anderen, dass es auch eine Herausforderung sein kann, der Schmerzsymptomatik nicht gleich mit zahnärztlichen Hilfsmitteln wie Bohrer oder Zange zu Leibe zu rücken, sondern bei einer anhaltenden somatoformen Schmerzstörung zunächst die Grenzen der Behandlung für den Zahnarzt auszuloten. Weiterführende psychotherapeutische Maßnahmen werden einerseits verhaltenstherapeutisch und andererseits klärungsorientiert in den Behandlungsverlauf eingeflochten. Mit dem vertieften Einblick in die psychotherapeutische Behandlung der anhaltenden somatoformen Schmerzstörung ist der praktizierende Zahnarzt für die Dynamik dieses Krankheitsbildes sensibilisiert. Dabei kann er erkennen, dass die vom Patienten ständig erneut eingeforderten zahnärztlichen Interventionen das Krankheitsbild aufrechterhalten und die sekundär verursachten iatrogenen Schäden zu einer Chronifizierung und einer somatischen Fixierung der Beschwerden führen können

    The 9‐Borataphenanthrene Anion

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    The 9‐Borataphenanthrene Anion

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    Characteristics of HIV patients referred to a medication adherence program in Switzerland.

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    Background Since August 2004, HIV patients who encounter -or are at risk of -problems with their antiretroviral treatment (ART) are referred by their physician to a medication adherence program at the community pharmacy of the Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine in Lausanne (Switzerland). The program combines motivational interviewing and electronic drug monitoring. Objective To compare the demographic and clinical characteristics as well as ART of HIV patients referred to the adherence program versus those of the entire HIV population followed in the same infection disease department in the same time frame. Method Retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study. Study time frame was defined according to the period with the highest number of HIV patients visiting the adherence program. Results Subjects included in the adherence program had more often a protease inhibitor-based regimen (64 %; 95 % CI [52-75 %] vs. 37 %) and lower CD4 cell counts (419 (252.0, 521.0); 95 % CI [305-472] vs. 500 (351.0, 720.0)) than the entire HIV population. A majority of women were included in the adherence program (66 %; 95 % CI [54-76 %] vs. 39% in the entire HIV population). Conclusion Subjects referred to the adherence program were different from the entire HIV population and showed worse clinical outcomes and were more often under salvage therapy. More women than men were included. Reasons for such a difference need to be further explored