8 research outputs found

    Pro-life vs. pro-choice in a resurgent nation: The case of post-Soviet Armenia

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    A backlash against liberal gender and sexuality attitudes has been an issue in many societies, especially post-Communist. However, it takes a different shape in each socio-cultural context. This article contributes to academic debates about neo-traditionalism in the post-Soviet space and focuses specifically on Armenia. It points at some possible mechanisms that make these societies look more neo-traditionalist than they actually are. From the previous research of gender aspects of nationalism, we argue that the neo-traditionalist public discourses in Armenia might be a by-product of the national identity construction. We conclude that the individual-choice attitudes in the post-Soviet space may reflect the respondents' acceptance of a national ideology promoted by the post-Soviet elites rather than their private practices. Our aim is to reveal the complexities of neo-traditionalism in the post-Soviet space where everyday practices are at odds with neo-traditionalist narratives, which we argue might be a result of the Soviet legacy of unwritten rules and open secrets

    The Value of Public Opinion Polls

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    This issue focuses on the methodological challenges of wartime polling. Denis Volkov engages with criticisms of Levada surveys. Bryn Rosenfeld answers four questions about wartime surveys. Jeremy Morris challenges the very existence of public opinion. Heiko Pleines introduces Discuss Data’s collection of open-access raw opinion data. Anna Biriukova discusses wartime polling by Aleksei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation. Elena Koneva and Alexander Chilingaryan highlight how the sociology of war is crucial for policymakers. Aleksei Minialo reflects on activist polling. Finally, Emil Kamalov, Ivetta Sergeeva, Margarita Zavadskaya, and Veronica Kostenko discuss their original panel survey data of the most recent wave of emigration.Diese Ausgabe befasst sich mit den methodischen Herausforderungen von Meinungsumfragen in Kriegszeiten. Denis Volkov setzt sich mit der Kritik an Levada-Umfragen auseinander. Bryn Rosenfeld beantwortet vier Fragen zu Umfragen in Kriegszeiten. Jeremy Morris stellt die Existenz der öffentlichen Meinung an sich in Frage. Heiko Pleines stellt Discuss Datas Sammlung von frei zugänglichen Rohdaten zur Meinungsforschung vor. Anna Biriukova erörtert Umfragen in Kriegszeiten von Aleksei Navalnys Antikorruptionsstiftung. Elena Koneva und Alexander Chilingaryan betonen, wie wichtig die Soziologie des Krieges für politische Entscheidungsträger ist. Aleksei Minialo reflektiert über von Aktivisten durchgeführten Umfragen. Emil Kamalov, Ivetta Sergeeva, Margarita Zavadskaya und Veronica Kostenko erörtern ihre Panel-Umfragedaten zur jüngsten Auswanderungswelle.ISSN:1863-042

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes

    Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation and History of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Insights from GARFIELD-AF

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    BACKGROUND: Many patients with atrial fibrillation have concomitant coronary artery disease with or without acute coronary syndromes and are in need of additional antithrombotic therapy. There are few data on the long-term clinical outcome of atrial fibrillation patients with a history of acute coronary syndrome. This is a 2-year study of atrial fibrillation patients with or without a history of acute coronary syndromes

    The Global Phosphorylation Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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