140 research outputs found
Determinanten innerfamilialer Arbeitsteilung: eine Betrachtung im LĂ€ngsschnitt
'Dieser Artikel versucht auf der Basis einer SekundĂ€ranalyse der beiden Erhebungswellen des Familiensurveys von 1988 und 1994 sowie unter RĂŒckgriff auf drei handlungstheoretische ErklĂ€rungsmodelle Faktoren herauszuarbeiten, die die Aufteilung der in Haushalt und Familie anfallenden Arbeiten zwischen den Partnern determinieren. Auf der Grundlage einer theoretischen Herleitung wird angenommen, dass neben der ErwerbstĂ€tigkeit und dem beruflichen Status, auch die Anzahl der im Haushalt lebenden Kinder, das Alter des jĂŒngsten im Haushalt lebenden Kindes sowie der Familienstand Einfluss auf die innerfamiliale Arbeitsteilung nehmen. Mittels einer dynamisch modellierten logistischen Regressionsanalyse, welche dem durch die Nutzung von LĂ€ngsschnittdaten gegebenen Entwicklungsaspekt explizit Rechnung trĂ€gt, gilt es diese Faktoren empirisch zu testen. Das Ergebnis schlieĂt sich im Allgemeinen dem Haupttenor bereits vorliegender Untersuchungen an, der besagt, dass sich das traditionelle Muster der innerfamilialen Arbeitsteilung als recht resistent gegenĂŒber VerĂ€nderungen erweist. Zwar kann diese Studie die Erwerbssituation in der Familie als eigenstĂ€ndig relevanten Faktor identifizieren, dennoch ist dessen Reichweite sehr begrenzt: Die Beteiligung der Frau am Erwerbsleben trĂ€gt nur sehr moderat zur einer stĂ€rker partnerschaftlich orientierten Arbeitsteilung bei.' (Autorenreferat)'The following article contains a secondary analysis of data from the German longitudinal study Family Survey, collected in 1988 and 1994. The data is examined in light of three theoretical approaches, to identify determinants for the division of labour within private households. The hypotheses are that the following factors will influence the division of labour within the household: employment, occupational position, the number of children living in the household, the age of the youngest child, and the partners' marital Status. A dynamic logistic regression model, appropriate to the 'developing' nature of longitudinal data, is used to empirically test for evidence of three determinants. The findings concur with existing empirical knowledge concerning this topic: The traditional division of household work is quite resistant to change. Although the study does identify the employment situation within the family as a significant determinant, its influence is very limited: women's employment had only a small effect toward equitable division of household labour.' (author's abstract
Auf dem Wege zu einer integrierten Versorgung: Neue sozialrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Erfahrungen aus den USA und am Beispiel Berlins
Die vollzogene Gesundheitsreform eröffnet im Rahmen des Sozialgesetzbuches neue Möglichkeiten fĂŒr Managed Care Lösungen. Bislang basierte das System auf KollektivvertrĂ€gen wĂ€hrend Managed Care selektives Kontrahieren von Versicherungen mit Leistungsanbietern vorsieht. Im Ergebnis soll der Wettbewerb zwischen den Krankenversicherungen verstĂ€rkt werden. Die EinfĂŒhrung von zusĂ€tzlichen Wettbewerbselementen soll eine kostengĂŒnstigere und dennoch qualitativ hochwertige Versorgung sicherstellen. In den USA ist ein Grossteil der Bevölkerung in unterschiedlichen Formen von Managed Care Organisationen versichert, deshalb soll eine kritische Analyse der amerikanischen Erfahrungen beispielhaft in die Arbeit einflieĂen. Kosteneinsparungen konnten dort nur mit Hilfe eines durchgĂ€ngigen Managed Care Systems erreicht werden. Im Rahmen der Arbeit soll untersucht werden, inwiefern eine Managed Care Organisation in Berlin implementiert werden könnte. Als Region soll dabei der innere S-Bahnring der Stadt Berlin dienen. Dort gibt es genĂŒgend Leistungserbringer, die zu einem Netzwerk verbunden werden könnten. Als Rechtsrahmen wird eine GmbH-Lösung empfohlen.The latest health care reform in German provides a new codification of the social law and framework that creates the base for a managed care. Up to now social security was characterised by collective agreements whereas managed care consists of a number of selective agreements between insurance companies and providers of medical services. As a result competition between the providers should be increased. The introduction of additional market elements should improve the co-ordination of the single providers. This is for the purpose to offer a high-grade health service at lower costs. In the United States a greater part of the population is enrolled in a Managed Care Organisation (MCO) and that is why it served as an example to be critically reviewed. A reduction of costs can only be realised when the Managed Care idea dominates all sectors of public health service and a consistent system can be founded. The present work examines the possibilities to implement a MCO in Berlin. The inner circle of the Berlin urban railway (S-Bahn) is an ideal location for the MCO. Favourable are a relatively low age of local population and a high level of education. Both criteria are correlated with a low demand of health services. Moreover in the mentioned area already exists a certain number of hospitals and medical service points that could be united to a network. The legal form of a "GmbH" (Ltd.) fits best for this purpose
Auf dem Wege zu einer integrierten Versorgung: Neue sozialrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Erfahrungen aus den USA und am Beispiel Berlins
Die vollzogene Gesundheitsreform eröffnet im Rahmen des Sozialgesetzbuches neue Möglichkeiten fĂŒr Managed Care Lösungen. Bislang basierte das System auf KollektivvertrĂ€gen wĂ€hrend Managed Care selektives Kontrahieren von Versicherungen mit Leistungsanbietern vorsieht. Im Ergebnis soll der Wettbewerb zwischen den Krankenversicherungen verstĂ€rkt werden. Die EinfĂŒhrung von zusĂ€tzlichen Wettbewerbselementen soll eine kostengĂŒnstigere und dennoch qualitativ hochwertige Versorgung sicherstellen. In den USA ist ein Grossteil der Bevölkerung in unterschiedlichen Formen von Managed Care Organisationen versichert, deshalb soll eine kritische Analyse der amerikanischen Erfahrungen beispielhaft in die Arbeit einflieĂen. Kosteneinsparungen konnten dort nur mit Hilfe eines durchgĂ€ngigen Managed Care Systems erreicht werden. Im Rahmen der Arbeit soll untersucht werden, inwiefern eine Managed Care Organisation in Berlin implementiert werden könnte. Als Region soll dabei der innere S-Bahnring der Stadt Berlin dienen. Dort gibt es genĂŒgend Leistungserbringer, die zu einem Netzwerk verbunden werden könnten. Als Rechtsrahmen wird eine GmbH-Lösung empfohlen. -- The latest health care reform in German provides a new codification of the social law and framework that creates the base for a managed care. Up to now social security was characterised by collective agreements whereas managed care consists of a number of selective agreements between insurance companies and providers of medical services. As a result competition between the providers should be increased. The introduction of additional market elements should improve the co-ordination of the single providers. This is for the purpose to offer a high-grade health service at lower costs. In the United States a greater part of the population is enrolled in a Managed Care Organisation (MCO) and that is why it served as an example to be critically reviewed. A reduction of costs can only be realised when the Managed Care idea dominates all sectors of public health service and a consistent system can be founded. The present work examines the possibilities to implement a MCO in Berlin. The inner circle of the Berlin urban railway (S-Bahn) is an ideal location for the MCO. Favourable are a relatively low age of local population and a high level of education. Both criteria are correlated with a low demand of health services. Moreover in the mentioned area already exists a certain number of hospitals and medical service points that could be united to a network. The legal form of a GmbH (Ltd.) fits best for this purpose.
Die Instrumente zur Erfassung der 'Value of Children' und der 'intergenerationalen Beziehungen' der 1. und 2. Welle des PAIRFAM Minipanels
Im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms zur Entwicklung von Partnerschaften und Familien spielen die theoretischen Ăberlegungen zum Wert von Kindern und den intergenerationalen Beziehungen eine besonders wichtige Rolle. Aus diesem Grunde wird am Institut fĂŒr Soziologie der TU Chemnitz seit 2004 ein durch die DFG gefördertes Projekt durchgefĂŒhrt, in dem Instrumente zusammengetragen und entwickelt werden, die diese Aspekte familialen Lebens auch in einem Paneldesign hinreichend gut erfassen. Im Rahmen der ersten und der zweiten Welle des Pairfam-Minipanels (Herbst 2005 und FrĂŒhjahr 2006) wurden sowohl die Instrumente zu den "Value of Children" (VOC) als auch zu intergenerationalen Beziehungen (IGB) getestet, die auch im Pairfam-Hauptpanel (Start 2008) zum Einsatz kommen sollen. Dieses Arbeitspapier gibt einen ersten Ăberblick ĂŒber die Ausformulierung der Fragestellungen, Items und Antwortskalen, sowie die ValiditĂ€t der auf dieser Basis gebildeten Skalen. Auch in der dritten Welle des Pairfam-Minipanels (Herbst 2006) sind VOC- und IGB-Instrumente in gekĂŒrzter und modifizierter Form zum Einsatz gekommen. Im Mittelpunkt steht vor allem die genaue Schilderung des eigenen Vorgehens, die Bildung entsprechender Skalen fĂŒr die einzelnen Bereiche sowie die Dokumentation der eingesetzten Befragungsinstrumente. (ICH
Experiences from treating seven adult 5q spinal muscular atrophy patients with Nusinersen
Background: The antisense oligonucleotide Nusinersen recently became the first approved drug against spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). It was approved for all ages, albeit the clinical trials were conducted exclusively on children. Hence, clinical data on adults being treated with Nusinersen is scarce. In this case series, we report on drug application, organizational demands, and preliminary effects during the first 10 months of treatment with Nusinersen in
seven adult patients.
Methods: All patients received intrathecal injections with Nusinersen. In cases with severe spinal deformities, we performed computed tomography (CT)-guided applications. We conducted a total of 40 administrations of Nusinersen. We evaluated the patients with motor, pulmonary, and laboratory assessments, and tracked patient-reported outcome.
Results: Intrathecal administration of Nusinersen was successful in most patients, even though access to the lumbar intrathecal space in adults with SMA is often challenging. No severe adverse events occurred. Six of the seven patients reported stabilization of motor function or reduction in symptom severity. The changes in the assessed scores did not reach a
significant level within this short time period.
Conclusions: Treating adult SMA patients with Nusinersen is feasible and most patients consider it beneficial. It demands a complex organizational and interdisciplinary effort. Due to the slowly decreasing motor functions in adult SMA patients, long observation phases for this recently approved treatment are needed to allow conclusions about effectiveness of Nusinersen in adults
Excitons in a Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting System: A Combined Molecular Dynamics/Quantum Chemistry and Polaron Model Study
The dynamics of pigment-pigment and pigment-protein interactions in
light-harvesting complexes is studied with a novel approach which combines
molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with quantum chemistry (QC) calculations.
The MD simulations of an LH-II complex, solvated and embedded in a lipid
bilayer at physiological conditions (with total system size of 87,055 atoms)
revealed a pathway of a water molecule into the B800 binding site, as well as
increased dimerization within the B850 BChl ring, as compared to the
dimerization found for the crystal structure. The fluctuations of pigment (B850
BChl) excitation energies, as a function of time, were determined via ab initio
QC calculations based on the geometries that emerged from the MD simulations.
From the results of these calculations we constructed a time-dependent
Hamiltonian of the B850 exciton system from which we determined the linear
absorption spectrum. Finally, a polaron model is introduced to describe quantum
mechanically both the excitonic and vibrational (phonon) degrees of freedom.
The exciton-phonon coupling that enters into the polaron model, and the
corresponding phonon spectral function are derived from the MD/QC simulations.
It is demonstrated that, in the framework of the polaron model, the absorption
spectrum of the B850 excitons can be calculated from the autocorrelation
function of the excitation energies of individual BChls, which is readily
available from the combined MD/QC simulations. The obtained result is in good
agreement with the experimentally measured absorption spectrum.Comment: REVTeX3.1, 23 pages, 13 (EPS) figures included. A high quality PDF
file of the paper is available at
Fachinformation und EDV-Arbeitstechniken fĂŒr Historiker: EinfĂŒhrung und Arbeitsbuch
'Der Sammelband versucht, die Erfahrungen einzufangen, die von den Herausgebern in den vergangenen Jahren an der Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin in der studentischen EDV-Ausbildung und beim Aufbau vernetzter Informationsdienste fĂŒr Historiker gemacht wurden. Es handelt sich weder um einen der ĂŒblichen SammelbĂ€nde noch um eine einfache SoftwareeinfĂŒhrung, sondern um ein praktisches Arbeitsbuch fĂŒr Studierende und Nachwuchswissenschaftler zu Fragen des EDV-Einsatzes in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Dabei stehen das 'Internet' bzw. der Einsatz der sogenannten 'Neuen Medien' im Mittelpunkt. Im ersten Kapitel wird zunĂ€chst das VerhĂ€ltnis der EDV zu den Geisteswissenschaften geklĂ€rt. Dies schlieĂt eine EinfĂŒhrung in die Geschichte der EDV und die Betrachtung der EDV-Einsatzfelder in den Geschichtswissenschaften zu den Themen Bibliotheken im Internet, Wissenschaftlicher Alltag und Lehre sowie spezielle historische Fachinformationsangebote ein. Im zweiten Kapitel wird nĂ€her auf die Grundlagen der Datenverarbeitung eingegangen. Dabei liegt neben dem PC- und Netzbasiswissen das Hauptaugenmerk auf dem Internet und seinen Diensten. Darauf aufbauend werden im dritten Kapitel ausgewĂ€hlte Applikationen aus den Bereichen Textverarbeitung, Beschreibungs- und Skriptsprachen, Tabellenkalkulation, Datenanalyse & Datenbanksysteme sowie Grafik, PrĂ€sentation und Multimedia an historischen Beispielen in ihrem Funktionsumfang vorgestellt. Im abschlieĂenden vierten Kapitel wird der EDV-Einsatz in den Geschichtswissenschaften an ausgewĂ€hlten Projekten in Forschung und Lehre exemplarisch beschrieben.' (Autorenreferat
Irinotecan and temozolomide in combination with dasatinib and rapamycin versus irinotecan and temozolomide for patients with relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma (RIST-rNB-2011): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial
Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumour in children. Relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma is associated with a poor outcome. We assessed the combination of irinotecanâtemozolomide and dasatinibârapamycin (RIST) in patients with relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma.
The multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 2, RIST-rNB-2011 trial recruited from 40 paediatric oncology centres in Germany and Austria. Patients aged 1â25 years with high-risk relapsed (defined as recurrence of all stage IV and MYCN amplification stages, after response to treatment) or refractory (progressive disease during primary treatment) neuroblastoma, with Lansky and Karnofsky performance status at least 50%, were assigned (1:1) to RIST (RIST group) or irinotecanâtemozolomide (control group) by block randomisation, stratified by MYCN status. We compared RIST (oral rapamycin [loading 3 mg/m2 on day 1, maintenance 1 mg/m2 on days 2â4] and oral dasatinib [2 mg/kg per day] for 4 days with 3 days off, followed by intravenous irinotecan [50 mg/m2 per day] and oral temozolomide [150 mg/m2 per day] for 5 days with 2 days off; one course each of rapamycinâdasatinib and irinotecanâtemozolomide for four cycles over 8 weeks, then two courses of rapamycinâdasatinib followed by one course of irinotecanâtemozolomide for 12 weeks) with irinotecanâtemozolomide alone (with identical dosing as experimental group). The primary endpoint of progression-free survival was analysed in all eligible patients who received at least one course of therapy. The safety population consisted of all patients who received at least one course of therapy and had at least one post-baseline safety assessment. This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01467986, and is closed to accrual.
Between Aug 26, 2013, and Sept 21, 2020, 129 patients were randomly assigned to the RIST group (n=63) or control group (n=66). Median age was 5·4 years (IQR 3·7â8·1). 124 patients (78 [63%] male and 46 [37%] female) were included in the efficacy analysis. At a median follow-up of 72 months (IQR 31â88), the median progression-free survival was 11 months (95% CI 7â17) in the RIST group and 5 months (2â8) in the control group (hazard ratio 0·62, one-sided 90% CI 0·81; p=0·019). Median progression-free survival in patients with amplified MYCN (n=48) was 6 months (95% CI 4â24) in the RIST group versus 2 months (2â5) in the control group (HR 0·45 [95% CI 0·24-0·84], p=0·012); median progression-free survival in patients without amplified MYCN (n=76) was 14 months (95% CI 9â7) in the RIST group versus 8 months (4â15) in the control group (HR 0·84 [95% CI 0·51â1·38], p=0·49). The most common grade 3 or worse adverse events were neutropenia (54 [81%] of 67 patients given RIST vs 49 [82%] of 60 patients given control), thrombocytopenia (45 [67%] vs 41 [68%]), and anaemia (39 [58%] vs 38 [63%]). Nine serious treatment-related adverse events were reported (five patients given control and four patients given RIST). There were no treatment-related deaths in the control group and one in the RIST group (multiorgan failure).
RIST-rNB-2011 demonstrated that targeting of MYCN-amplified relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma with a pathway-directed metronomic combination of a multkinase inhibitor and an mTOR inhibitor can improve progression-free survival and overall survival. This exclusive efficacy in MYCN-amplified, relapsed neuroblastoma warrants further investigation in the first-line setting.
Deutsche Krebshilfe
Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in âs=7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
A search for the direct production of charginos and neutralinos in final states with three electrons or muons and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is based on 4.7 fb(-1) of root s = 7 TeV proton-proton collision data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the ATLAS detector. Observations are consistent with Standard Model expectations in three signal regions that are either depleted or enriched in Z-boson decays. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set in R-parity conserving phenomenological minimal supersymmetric models and in simplified models, significantly extending previous results. (C) 2012 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in âs=7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
A search for the direct production of charginos and neutralinos in final
states with three electrons or muons and missing transverse momentum is
presented. The analysis is based on 4.7 fb-1 of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV proton-proton
collision data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the
ATLAS detector. Observations are consistent with Standard Model expectations in
three signal regions that are either depleted or enriched in Z-boson decays.
Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set in R-parity conserving
phenomenological minimal supersymmetric models and in simplified models,
significantly extending previous results
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