477 research outputs found

    Intellectualism in Aristotle

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    Aristotle maintains that the philosophical or theoretical life is the happiest life and that the political or practical life is the second happiest life, but his notion of the proper relation of these two lives is a matter of scholarly controversy. This paper outlines the various interpretative possibilities and attempts to mediate among them

    Arüülsüsivesinike retseptori ekspressioon inimese embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude varasel diferentseerumisel

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    Inimese embrüonaalsed tüvirakud on pluripotentsed, mis tähendab, et neist on võimalik saada kõigi kolme lootelehe rakke. Lisaks on võimalik neid tänapäeval indutseerida diferentseeruma spetsiifiliste kemikaalide ja kommertsiaalsete söötmetega. Arüülsüsivesinike retseptor (AHR) on transkriptsioonifaktor, mis on enim tuntud kui keskkonnakemikaalide kahjutustaja, kuid üha enam näib sel olevat ka regulatoorne roll erinevates füsioloogilistes protsessides. Hiire puhul on näidatud, et embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude varajasel diferentseerumisel Ahr-i ekspressioon suureneb. Seetõttu püstitati antud bakalaureusetöös eesmärgiks uurida, kas AHR-i ekspressioon muutub ka inimese embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude H9 rakuliini varasel diferentseerumisel. Saadud tulemustest leiti, et vastupidiselt hiire rakkudele langeb AHR-i ekspressioon inimese embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude varasel diferentseerumisel

    Diagnóstico do serviço de abastecimento de água na percepção do usuário no município de Barcarena-Pará

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    This study aimed to diagnose the water supply system of the district of Barcarena-Pará, through the user’s perception. Questionnaires were applied in 166 homes in the years 2013 and 2014. The data collected were treated by statistical methods. According to the results it was found that a large proportion of the sample (66%) do not have access or does not use the public service of water supply and individual wells is the solution used. The survey also revealed that factors such as disruption in the water supply system (69%) and inadequate water quality (90%) may be responsible for seeking alternative sources of supply. In the view of the users water presents undesirable characteristics such as color and flavor and this factor causes the consumption of bottled water, reaching 58% of the sample. Therefore, the methodology for evaluating the system from the user’s perception was an important tool for managing, planning and system credibilityEste trabalho teve como objetivo diagnosticar o serviço de abastecimento de água do bairro Centro, no município de Barcarena-Pará, através da percepção do usuário. A metodologia utilizada foi à aplicação de questionários, os quais foram tratados através de método estatístico, sendo aplicados em 166 residências nos anos de 2013 e 2014. De acordo com os resultados verificou-se que grande parcela dos entrevistados (66%) não tem acesso ou não utiliza o serviço público de abastecimento de água, sendo os poços individuais a solução utilizada. A pesquisa revelou ainda que fatores como interrupção no fornecimento (69%) e deficiência na qualidade da água (90%), podem ser responsáveis pela busca de outras fontes de abastecimento. Na opinião dos usuários a água apresenta características indesejáveis como cor e sabor, fator este que faz com que o consumo de água envasada seja elevado no local, chegando a 58% das residências. Portanto, a metodologia de avaliação do sistema a partir da percepção do usuário, mostrou-se ferramenta importante para a gestão, planejamento e a credibilidade do sistema

    Vascular endothelial growth factor restores delayed tumor progression in tumors depleted of macrophages

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    Genetic depletion of macrophages in Polyoma Middle T oncoprotein (PyMT)‐induced mammary tumors in mice delayed the angiogenic switch and the progression to malignancy. To determine whether vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF‐A) produced by tumor‐associated macrophages regulated the onset of the angiogenic switch, a genetic approach was used to restore expression of VEGF‐A into tumors at the benign stages. This stimulated formation of a high‐density vessel network and in macrophage‐depleted mice, was followed by accelerated tumor progression. The expression of VEGF‐A led to a massive infiltration into the tumor of leukocytes that were mostly macrophages. This study suggests that macrophage‐produced VEGF regulates malignant progression through stimulating tumor angiogenesis, leukocytic infiltration and tumor cell invasion

    Aristotle's Peculiarly Human Psychology

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    For Aristotle, human cognition has a lot in common both with non-human animal cognition and with divine cognition. With non-human animals, humans share a non-rational part of the soul and non-rational cognitive faculties (DA 427b6–14, NE 1102b29 and EE 1219b24–6). With gods, humans share a rational part of the soul and rational cognitive faculties (NE 1177b17– 1178a8). The rational part and the non-rational part of the soul, however, coexist and cooperate only in human souls (NE 1102b26–9, EE 1219b28–31). In this chapter, I show that a study of this cooperation helps to uncover some distinctive aspects of human cognition and desire

    Global impact of bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis

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    Educational aims To recognise the clinical and radiological presentation of the spectrum of diseases associated with bronchiectasis.; To understand variation in the aetiology, microbiology and burden of bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis across different global healthcare systems.; Bronchiectasis is the term used to refer to dilatation of the bronchi that is usually permanent and is associated with a clinical syndrome of cough, sputum production and recurrent respiratory infections. It can be caused by a range of inherited and acquired disorders, or may be idiopathic in nature. The most well recognised inherited disorder in Western countries is cystic fibrosis (CF), an autosomal recessive condition that leads to progressive bronchiectasis, bacterial infection and premature mortality. Both bronchiectasis due to CF and bronchiectasis due to other conditions are placing an increasing burden on healthcare systems internationally. Treatments for CF are becoming more effective leading to more adult patients with complex healthcare needs. Bronchiectasis not due to CF is becoming increasingly recognised, particularly in the elderly population. Recognition is important and can lead to identification of the underlying cause, appropriate treatment and improved quality of life. The disease is highly diverse in its presentation, requiring all respiratory physicians to have knowledge of the different “bronchiectasis syndromes”. The most common aetiologies and presenting syndromes vary depending on geography, with nontuberculous mycobacterial disease predominating in some parts of North America, post-infectious and idiopathic disease predominating in Western Europe, and post-tuberculosis bronchiectasis dominating in South Asia and Eastern Europe. Ongoing global collaborative studies will greatly advance our understanding of the international impact of bronchiectasis and CF

    Inducible Overexpression of sFlt-1 in Podocytes Ameliorates Glomerulopathy in Diabetic Mice

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    OBJECTIVE—Podocyte-specific, doxycycline (DOX)-inducible overexpression of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-1 (sFlt-1) in adult mice was used to investigate the role of the VEGF-A/VEGF receptor (VEGFR) system in diabetic glomerulopathy

    An ACE2 Decamer Viral Trap as a Durable Intervention Solution for Current and Future SARS-COV

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    The capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to evolve poses challenges to conventional prevention and treatment options such as vaccination and monoclonal antibodies, as they rely on viral receptor binding domain (RBD) sequences from previous strains. Additionally, animal CoVs, especially those of the SARS family, are now appreciated as a constant pandemic threat. We present here a new antiviral approach featuring inhalation delivery of a recombinant viral trap composed of ten copies of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) fused to the IgM Fc. This ACE2 decamer viral trap is designed to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 entry function, regardless of viral RBD sequence variations as shown by its high neutralization potency against all known SARS-CoV-2 variants, including Omicron BQ.1, BQ.1.1, XBB.1 and XBB.1.5. In addition, it demonstrates potency against SARS-CoV-1, human NL63, as well as bat and pangolin CoVs. The multivalent trap is effective in both prophylactic and therapeutic settings since a single intranasal dosing confers protection in human ACE2 transgenic mice against viral challenges. Lastly, this molecule is stable at ambient temperature for more than twelve weeks and can sustain physical stress from aerosolization. These results demonstrate the potential of a decameric ACE2 viral trap as an inhalation solution for ACE2-dependent coronaviruses of current and future pandemic concerns