3,658 research outputs found

    Balanced binary trees in the Tamari lattice

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    We show that the set of balanced binary trees is closed by interval in the Tamari lattice. We establish that the intervals [T0, T1] where T0 and T1 are balanced trees are isomorphic as posets to a hypercube. We introduce tree patterns and synchronous grammars to get a functional equation of the generating series enumerating balanced tree intervals

    Combinatorial operads from monoids

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    We introduce a functorial construction which, from a monoid, produces a set-operad. We obtain new (symmetric or not) operads as suboperads or quotients of the operads obtained from usual monoids such as the additive and multiplicative monoids of integers and cyclic monoids. They involve various familiar combinatorial objects: endofunctions, parking functions, packed words, permutations, planar rooted trees, trees with a fixed arity, Schr\"oder trees, Motzkin words, integer compositions, directed animals, and segmented integer compositions. We also recover some already known (symmetric or not) operads: the magmatic operad, the associative commutative operad, the diassociative operad, and the triassociative operad. We provide presentations by generators and relations of all constructed nonsymmetric operads.Comment: 42 pages. Complete version of the extended abstracts arXiv:1208.0920 and arXiv:1208.092

    Holderian weak invariance principle for stationary mixing sequences

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    We provide some sufficient mixing conditions on a strictly stationary sequence in order to guarantee the weak invariance principle in H\"older spaces. Strong mixing and ρ\rho-mixing conditions are investigated as well as τ\tau-dependent sequences. The main tools are Fuk-Nagaev type inequalities for mixing sequences and a truncation argument.Comment: 14 page

    Colored operads, series on colored operads, and combinatorial generating systems

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    We introduce bud generating systems, which are used for combinatorial generation. They specify sets of various kinds of combinatorial objects, called languages. They can emulate context-free grammars, regular tree grammars, and synchronous grammars, allowing us to work with all these generating systems in a unified way. The theory of bud generating systems uses colored operads. Indeed, an object is generated by a bud generating system if it satisfies a certain equation in a colored operad. To compute the generating series of the languages of bud generating systems, we introduce formal power series on colored operads and several operations on these. Series on colored operads are crucial to express the languages specified by bud generating systems and allow us to enumerate combinatorial objects with respect to some statistics. Some examples of bud generating systems are constructed; in particular to specify some sorts of balanced trees and to obtain recursive formulas enumerating these.Comment: 48 page

    Constructing combinatorial operads from monoids

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    We introduce a functorial construction which, from a monoid, produces a set-operad. We obtain new (symmetric or not) operads as suboperads or quotients of the operad obtained from the additive monoid. These involve various familiar combinatorial objects: parking functions, packed words, planar rooted trees, generalized Dyck paths, Schr\"oder trees, Motzkin paths, integer compositions, directed animals, etc. We also retrieve some known operads: the magmatic operad, the commutative associative operad, and the diassociative operad.Comment: 12 page

    Holderian weak invariance principle under a Hannan type condition

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    We investigate the invariance principle in H{\"o}lder spaces for strictly stationary martingale difference sequences. In particular, we show that the sufficient condition on the tail in the i.i.d. case does not extend to stationary ergodic martingale differences. We provide a sufficient condition on the conditional variance which guarantee the invariance principle in H{\"o}lder spaces. We then deduce a condition in the spirit of Hannan one.Comment: in Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Elsevier, 2016, 12

    Operads from posets and Koszul duality

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    We introduce a functor As{\sf As} from the category of posets to the category of nonsymmetric binary and quadratic operads, establishing a new connection between these two categories. Each operad obtained by the construction As{\sf As} provides a generalization of the associative operad because all of its generating operations are associative. This construction has a very singular property: the operads obtained from As{\sf As} are almost never basic. Besides, the properties of the obtained operads, such as Koszulity, basicity, associative elements, realization, and dimensions, depend on combinatorial properties of the starting posets. Among others, we show that the property of being a forest for the Hasse diagram of the starting poset implies that the obtained operad is Koszul. Moreover, we show that the construction As{\sf As} restricted to a certain family of posets with Hasse diagrams satisfying some combinatorial properties is closed under Koszul duality.Comment: 40 page

    Invariance principle via orthomartingale approximation

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    We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the orthomartingale-coboundary decomposition. We establish a sufficient condition for the approximation of the partial sums of a strictly stationary random fields by those of stationary orthomartingale differences. This condition can be checked under multidimensional analogues of the Hannan condition and the Maxwell-Woodroofe condition