133 research outputs found

    The disappearance of the "revolving door" patient in Scottish general practice: successful policies

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    <b>Background</b> We describe the health of "revolving door" patients in general practice in Scotland, estimate changes in their number over the timescale of the study, and explore reasons for changes, particularly related to NHS and government policy.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> A mixed methods predominantly qualitative study, using a grounded theory approach, set in Scottish general practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professional key informants, 6 Practitioner Services staff who administer the GP registration system and 6 GPs with managerial or clinical experience of working with "revolving door" patients. Descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative analysis of patient removal episodes linked with routine hospital admissions, outpatient appointments, drug misuse treatment episodes and deaths were carried out with cohorts of "revolving door" patients identified from 1999 to 2005 in Scotland.<p></p> <b>Results</b> A "revolving door" patient is removed 4 or more times from GP lists in 7 years. Patients had complex health issues including substance misuse, psychiatric and physical health problems and were at high risk of dying. There was a dramatic reduction in the number of "revolving door" patients during the course of the study.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> "Revolving door" patients in general practice had significant health problems. Their numbers have reduced dramatically since 2004 and this probably resulted from improved drug treatment services, pressure from professional bodies to reduce patient removals and the positive ethical regulatory and financial climate of the 2004 GMS GP contract. This is a positive development for the NHS

    Pathway profiling of a novel SRC inhibitor, AZD0424, in combination with MEK inhibitors

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    A more comprehensive understanding of how cells respond to drug intervention, the likely immediate signalling responses and how resistance may develop within different microenvironments will help inform treatment regimes. The nonreceptor tyrosine kinase SRC regulates many cellular signalling processes, and pharmacological inhibition has long been a target of cancer drug discovery projects. Here, we describe the in vitro and in vivo characterisation of the small‐molecule SRC inhibitor AZD0424. We show that AZD0424 potently inhibits the phosphorylation of tyrosine‐419 of SRC (IC50 ~ 100 nm) in many cancer cell lines; however, inhibition of cell viability, via a G1 cell cycle arrest, was observed only in a subset of cancer cell lines in the low (on target) micromolar range. We profiled the changes in intracellular pathway signalling in cancer cells following exposure to AZD0424 and other targeted therapies using reverse‐phase protein array (RPPA) analysis. We demonstrate that SRC is activated in response to treatment of KRAS‐mutant colorectal cell lines with MEK inhibitors (trametinib or AZD6244) and that AZD0424 abrogates this. Cell lines treated with trametinib or AZD6244 in combination with AZD0424 had reduced EGFR, FAK and SRC compensatory activation, and cell viability was synergistically inhibited. In vivo, trametinib treatment of mice‐bearing HCT116 tumours increased phosphorylation of SRC on Tyr419, and, when combined with AZD0424, inhibition of tumour growth was greater than with trametinib alone. We also demonstrate that drug‐induced resistance to trametinib is not re‐sensitised by AZD0424 treatment in vitro, likely as a result of multiple compensatory signalling mechanisms; however, inhibition of SRC remains an effective way to block invasion of trametinib‐resistant tumour cells. These data imply that SRC inhibition may offer a useful addition to MEK inhibitor combination strategies

    Neonatal iron deficiency causes abnormal phosphate metabolism by elevating FGF23 in normal and ADHR mice.

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    Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) gain of function mutations can lead to autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) disease onset at birth, or delayed onset following puberty or pregnancy. We previously demonstrated that the combination of iron deficiency and a knock-in R176Q FGF23 mutation in mature mice induced FGF23 expression and hypophosphatemia that paralleled the late-onset ADHR phenotype. Because anemia in pregnancy and in premature infants is common, the goal of this study was to test whether iron deficiency alters phosphate handling in neonatal life. Wild-type (WT) and ADHR female breeder mice were provided control or iron-deficient diets during pregnancy and nursing. Iron-deficient breeders were also made iron replete. Iron-deficient WT and ADHR pups were hypophosphatemic, with ADHR pups having significantly lower serum phosphate (p 50 fold; p < 0.01). WT and ADHR pups receiving low iron had elevated intact serum FGF23; ADHR mice were affected to a greater degree (p < 0.01). Iron-deficient mice also showed increased Cyp24a1 and reduced Cyp27b1, and low serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25D). Iron repletion normalized most abnormalities. Because iron deficiency can induce tissue hypoxia, oxygen deprivation was tested as a regulator of FGF23, and was shown to stimulate FGF23 mRNA in vitro and serum C-terminal FGF23 in normal rats in vivo. These studies demonstrate that FGF23 is modulated by iron status in young WT and ADHR mice and that hypoxia independently controls FGF23 expression in situations of normal iron. Therefore, disturbed iron and oxygen metabolism in neonatal life may have important effects on skeletal function and structure through FGF23 activity on phosphate regulation

    A Conformation Selective Mode of Inhibiting SRC Improves Drug Efficacy and Tolerability

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    43 p.-5 fig.Despite the approval of several multikinase inhibitors that target SRC and the overwhelming evidence of the role of SRC in the progression and resistance mechanisms of many solid malignancies, inhibition of its kinase activity has thus far failed to improve patient outcomes. Here we report the small molecule eCF506 locks SRC in its native inactive conformation, thereby inhibiting both enzymatic and scaffolding functions that prevent phosphorylation and complex formation with its partner FAK. This unprecedented mechanism of action resulted in highly potent and selective pathway inhibition, in culture and in vivo. Treatment with eCF506 resulted in increased antitumor efficacy and tolerability in syngeneic murine cancer models, demonstrating significant therapeutic advantages over existing SRC/ABL inhibitors. Therefore, this novel mode of inhibiting SRC could lead to improved treatment of SRC-associated disorders.C.T. thanks the CMVM of the University of Edinburgh (Principal's scholarship). D.L. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the Spanish State Research Agency Retos Grant RTI2018-099318-B-I00, cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). E.R.W., J.C.D. and K.G.M. are funded by CRUK. J.R.L.O. acknowledges support from the Molecular Interactions Facility funds at the CIB-CSIC. T.V. is funded by H2020-MSCA-IF-2016-749299. RCM thanks the support from the Vice Rectorate for Research of the University of Granada. X.-F.L. and B.-Z.Q. are funded by a CRUK Career Development Fellowship (C49791/A17367). B.-Z.Q. also acknowledges support from an ERC Starting Grant (716379). C.S, M.C.F. and V.G.B are funded by CRUK Programme Grant C157/A15703. N.O.C. and A.U.B are grateful to the CMVM of the University of Edinburgh and Wellcome Trust for financial support (ISSF3).Peer reviewe

    The relationship between hypoxia exposure and circulating cortisol levels in social and solitary African mole-rats: An initial report

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    Hypoxemia from exposure to intermittent and/or acute environmental hypoxia (lower oxygen concentration) is a severe stressor for many animal species. The response to hypoxia of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-axis), which culminates in the release of glucocorticoids, has been well-studied in hypoxia-intolerant surface-dwelling mammals. Several group-living (social) subterranean species, including most African mole -rats, are hypoxia-tolerant, likely due to regular exposure to intermittent hypoxia in their underground bur-rows. Conversely, solitary mole-rat species, lack many adaptive mechanisms, making them less hypoxia-tolerant than the social genera. To date, the release of glucocorticoids in response to hypoxia has not been measured in hypoxia-tolerant mammalian species. Consequently, this study exposed three social African mole-rat species and two solitary mole-rat species to normoxia, or acute hypoxia and then measured their respective plasma gluco-corticoid (cortisol) concentrations. Social mole-rats had lower plasma cortisol concentrations under normoxia than the solitary genera. Furthermore, individuals of all three of the social mole-rat species exhibited signifi-cantly increased plasma cortisol concentrations after hypoxia, similar to those of hypoxia-intolerant surface -dwelling species. By contrast, individuals of the two solitary species had a reduced plasma cortisol response to acute hypoxia, possibly due to increased plasma cortisol under normoxia. If placed in perspective with other closely related surface-dwelling species, the regular exposure of the social African mole-rats to hypoxia may have reduced the basal levels of the components for the adaptive mechanisms associated with hypoxia exposure, including circulating cortisol levels. Similarly, the influence of body mass on plasma cortisol levels cannot be ignored. This study demonstrates that both hypoxia-tolerant rodents and hypoxia-intolerant terrestrial laboratory-bred rodents may possess similar HPA-axis responses from exposure to hypoxia. Further research is required to confirm the results from this pilot study and to further confirm how the cortisol concentrations may influence responses to hypoxia in African mole-rats

    The relationship between hypoxia exposure and circulating cortisol levels in social and solitary African mole-rats : an initial report

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    Hypoxemia from exposure to intermittent and/or acute environmental hypoxia (lower oxygen concentration) is a severe stressor for many animal species. The response to hypoxia of the hypothalamic–pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-axis), which culminates in the release of glucocorticoids, has been well-studied in hypoxia-intolerant surface-dwelling mammals. Several group-living (social) subterranean species, including most African mole-rats, are hypoxia-tolerant, likely due to regular exposure to intermittent hypoxia in their underground burrows. Conversely, solitary mole-rat species, lack many adaptive mechanisms, making them less hypoxia-tolerant than the social genera. To date, the release of glucocorticoids in response to hypoxia has not been measured in hypoxia-tolerant mammalian species. Consequently, this study exposed three social African mole-rat species and two solitary mole-rat species to normoxia, or acute hypoxia and then measured their respective plasma glucocorticoid (cortisol) concentrations. Social mole-rats had lower plasma cortisol concentrations under normoxia than the solitary genera. Furthermore, individuals of all three of the social mole-rat species exhibited significantly increased plasma cortisol concentrations after hypoxia, similar to those of hypoxia-intolerant surface-dwelling species. By contrast, individuals of the two solitary species had a reduced plasma cortisol response to acute hypoxia, possibly due to increased plasma cortisol under normoxia. If placed in perspective with other closely related surface-dwelling species, the regular exposure of the social African mole-rats to hypoxia may have reduced the basal levels of the components for the adaptive mechanisms associated with hypoxia exposure, including circulating cortisol levels. Similarly, the influence of body mass on plasma cortisol levels cannot be ignored. This study demonstrates that both hypoxia-tolerant rodents and hypoxia-intolerant terrestrial laboratory-bred rodents may possess similar HPA-axis responses from exposure to hypoxia. Further research is required to confirm the results from this pilot study and to further confirm how the cortisol concentrations may influence responses to hypoxia in African mole-rats.SARCHI Chair of Mammal Behavioural Ecology and Physiology, a National Geographic Society Explorers Grant, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants and Canada Research Chairs.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ygcenam2024Zoology and EntomologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-beingSDG-15:Life on lan

    Not All Are Lost: Interrupted Laboratory Monitoring, Early Death, and Loss to Follow-Up (LTFU) in a Large South African Treatment Program

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    Background: Many HIV treatment programs in resource-limited settings are plagued by high rates of loss to follow-up (LTFU). Most studies have not distinguished between those who briefly interrupt, but return to care, and those more chronically lost to follow-up. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 11,397 adults initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) in 71 Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference/Catholic Relief Services HIV treatment clinics between January 2004 and December 2008. We distinguished among patients with early death, within the first 7 months on ART; patients with interruptions in laboratory monitoring (ILM), defined as missing visits in the first 7 months on ART, but returning to care by 12 months; and those LTFU, defined as missing all follow-up visits in the first 12 months on ART. We used multilevel logistic regression models to determine patient and clinic-level characteristics associated with these outcomes. Results: In the first year on ART, 60% of patients remained in care, 30% missed laboratory visits, and 10% suffered early death. Of the 3,194 patients who missed laboratory visits, 40% had ILM, resuming care by 12 months. After 12 months on ART, patients with ILM had a 30% increase in detectable viremia compared to those who remained in care. Risk of LTFU decreased with increasing enrollment year, and was lowest for patients who enrolled in 2008 compared to 2004 [OR 0.49, 95%CI 0.39–0.62]. Conclusions: In a large community-based cohort in South Africa, nearly 30% of patients miss follow-up visits for CD4 monitoring in the first year after starting ART. Of those, 40% have ILM but return to clinic with worse virologic outcomes than those who remain in care. The risk of chronic LTFU decreased with enrollment year. As ART availability increases, interruptions in care may become more common, and should be accounted for in addressing program LTFU

    Comparison of UK paediatric SARS-CoV-2 admissions across the first and second pandemic waves

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    Background: We hypothesised that theclinical characteristics of hospitalised children and young people(CYP) with SARS-CoV-2 in the UK second wave (W2) would differ from the firstwave (W1) due to the alpha variant (B.1.1.7), school reopening and relaxation of shielding. Methods: Prospective multicentre observational cohort study of patients <19 years hospitalised in the UK with SARS-CoV-2 between 17/01/20 and 31/01/21. Clinical characteristics were compared between W1 and W2 (W1 = 17/01/20-31/07/20,W2 =01/08/20-31/01/21). Results: 2044 CYP < 19 years from 187 hospitals. 427/2044 (20.6%) with asymptomatic/incidental SARS-CoV-2 were excluded from main analysis. 16.0% (248/1548) of symptomatic CYP were admitted to critical care and 0.8% (12/1504) died. 5.6% (91/1617) of symptomatic CYP had Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). After excluding CYP with MIS-C, patients in W2 had lower Paediatric Early Warning Scores (PEWS, composite vital sign score), lower antibiotic use and less respiratory and cardiovascular support than W1. The proportion of CYP admitted to critical care was unchanged. 58.0% (938/1617) of symptomatic CYP had no reported comorbidity. Patients without co-morbidities were younger (42.4%, 398/938, <1 year), had lower PEWS, shorter length of stay and less respiratory support. Conclusions: We found no evidence of increased disease severity in W2 vs W1. A large proportion of hospitalised CYP had no comorbidity. Impact: No evidence of increased severity of COVID-19 admissions amongst children and young people (CYP) in the second vs first wave in the UK, despite changes in variant, relaxation of shielding and return to face-to-face schooling.CYP with no comorbidities made up a significant proportion of those admitted. However, they had shorter length of stays and lower treatment requirements than CYP with comorbidities once those with MIS-C were excluded.At least 20% of CYP admitted in this cohort had asymptomatic/incidental SARS-CoV-2 infection.This paper was presented to SAGE to inform CYP vaccination policy in the UK

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms