174 research outputs found

    Journal Staff

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    The article focuses on how students in a Lindy Hop dance class move into a complex mobile formation as a sequentially relevant response to a directive embedded in the teachers verbal and embodied instructions of the next task for practice. This sequence of actions accomplishes a transition from a stationary constellation of observing students to a mobile circle of practicing dance couples. The article describes in detail how instruction is turned into practice in an emergent way, in and through the simultaneous accountable production and reception of qualitative instruction, practice proposals, structuring instructions, and count-ins. The analysis shows how student behavior is oriented to the couple as a relevant mobile formation and how couples gradually become more synchronized with each other.Grammatikens kroppsliga komponen


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    Artikkel käsitleb lauseid, mis algavad hinnangusõnaga ja mida on traditsiooniliselt käsitletud aluslauseliste tarinditena. Võttes arvesse morfosüntaktilisi, semantilisi, järjendilisi ja intonatsioonilisi piiranguid, argumenteeritakse, et pigem tuleks tarindit analüüsida kui kommentaari ja lause kombinatsiooni. Kommentaar sisaldab hinnangusõna või -fraasi ja lause hinnatavat. Hinnangulausel on seega eesti keeles oma eripärane grammatiline vorm. Tarindi peamiseks eeliseks on võimalus kommenteerida eelnevat, minnes samas kohe edasi järgmise vaatenurga või teema juurde. Materjal pärineb nii suulistest kui ka kirjalikest allikatest ja peamiselt suhtluskeskkondadest, st suulisest vestlusest ja interneti jututubadest

    Sounds on the margins of language, at the heart of interaction

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    What do people do with sniffs, lip-smacks, grunts, moans, sighs, whistles and clicks, where these are not part of their language's phonetic inventory? They use them, we shall show, as irreplaceable elements in performing all kinds of actions - from managing the structural flow of interaction to indexing states of mind, and much more besides. In this introductory essay we outline the phonetic and embodied interactional underpinnings of language, and argue that greater attention should be paid to its non-lexical elements. Data in English and Estonian

    Shifts in early spring wind regime in North-East Europe (1955?2007)

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    International audienceChanges of the winter-to-spring switch-time of the upper air flow regime at 850 and 500 hPa levels over the north-eastern Baltic Sea are analyzed based on a data set extending until 2007. The long-term variation of the air flow in early spring (March) exhibits multiple regime shifts. The shifts are extracted by means of a vector analysis of the monthly mean air flow as well as the statistical shift detection technology. In the middle of the 1960s the average air flow turned from NW (WNW) to W (WSW) at the 500 (850) hPa level. The original regime was restored in the mid-1990s. The regime shifts in the average air flow in March can be interpreted as changes in the transition time from winter to summer circulation type

    Linguistics and interaction research

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    I detta kapitel visar vi hur man kan studera språk som verktyg för kommunikation. Syftet är att förstå hur språket fungerar när människor muntligt försöker göra sig förstådda för varandra. Man har länge velat tro att det går att särskilja ett slags grammatiskt maskineri som åstadkommer korrekta strukturer separat från deras sammanhang. Här tar vi istället fram hela den kontextuella komplexitet där språket dagligen förekommer och visar hur grammatiken växer fram i en konkret fysisk och kulturell omgivning. Forskningsgrenen som fokuserar språket i mänskliga möten har börjat kallas interaktionell lingvistik (Lindström 2014), där det interaktionella tar fasta på turtagning och sekventiell organisering av talarturer, medan det lingvistika bygger på en i princip traditionell grammatisk syn på syntax och lexikon men innefattar också en fonetisk grundpelare när det gäller yttrandeprosodi. När intresset vid sidan av språkliga strukturer riktas mot blickar, gester och kroppsrörelser i det fysiska rummet har man även börjat tala om multimodal interaktionsanalys (Mondada 2007). Metodologiskt bygger den interaktionellt orienterade språkforskningen till väsentliga delar på en sociologisk tradition som heter samtalsanalys och som studerar hur sociala normer och samhällets institutioner upprätthålls genom samtal (Heritage 1984; för en introduktion på svenska, se Norrby 2014). I denna tradition betraktar man språkliga handlingar som själva grunden till både kultur och samhälle, och man kan därför även som interaktionell språkvetare bidra till förståelsen av dessa komplexa företeelser.Non peer reviewe

    The multimodality and temporality of pain displays

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    The present paper takes an interactional approach to the problem of communicating pain. We ask how a shared understanding of this subjective and internal experience is accom- plished. The focus is on the multimodal features of pain displays and the way they emerge and progress at the micro level of turn construction and sequence organisation within health care interactions. The setting of the study is family doctor-patient primary care consultations. Using multimodal conversation analysis, we show the emergent, temporal unfolding nature of pain displays. Initially there is an embodied reflex-like action where an immediately prior cause can be attributed retrospectively. An interjection or non-lexical vocalization may follow. An expression of stance on the pain is routinely made as talk is resumed. The other party’s understanding can be shown early in the pain display shaping its unfolding with empathetic vocalizations and/or comforting touch which results in a jointly produced change in the trajectory of action. The implications of the findings for theoretical understandings of sound objects, language and communication, and for clinical practice, are discussed.Funding: NZ Health Research Council; Royal NZ Marsden Fund; University of Otago; Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research CouncilEuropean Commission [VR 201600827]</p

    Data processing in high-performance computing systems

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    The paper integrates the results of a large group of authors working in different areas that are important in the scope of big data, including but not limited to: overview of the basic solutions for the development of data centers; storage and processing; decomposition of a problem into sub-problems of lower complexity (such as applying divide and conquer algorithms); models and methods allowing broad parallelism to be realized; alternative techniques for potential acceleration; programming languages; and practical applications