8 research outputs found

    A critical evaluation of short columns for estimating the attachment efficiency of engineered nanomaterials in natural soils

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    Short, saturated packed columns are used frequently to estimate the attachment efficiency (alpha) of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in relatively homogeneous porous media, but a combined experimental and theoretical approach to obtain alpha-values for heterogeneous natural soils has not yet been agreed upon. Accurately determined alpha-values that can be used to study and predict ENM transport in natural soils should vary with ENM and soil properties, but not with experimental settings. We investigated the effect of experimental conditions, and used different methods to obtain soil parameters, essential to calculate alpha. We applied 150 different approaches to determine alpha-values from 52 transport experiments using short columns with 5 different natural soils and 20 and 80 nm gold- or 27 nm silver sulphide ENMs. The choice of column end-filter material and pore size appeared critical to avoid overestimating alpha owing to filter - ENM interactions and/or incomplete saturation of the column. Using a low ionic strength (4.4 x 10-5 mol L-1) artificial rain water as an aqueous medium avoided ENM homo- or heteroaggregation in all soils, as confirmed by single-particle inductively coupled plasma - time of flight mass spectrometry. ENM breakthrough curves could be modelled using colloid filtration theory assuming irreversible attachment only. alpha-Values calculated from this model, having the grain size represented by a single average size, accounting for dispersivity and effective porosity based on a prior inert tracer test, explained up to 42% of the variance in alpha as revealed by partial least squares analysis. However, column length and dispersivity remained as important experimental parameters, which calls for further standardisation efforts of column tests with ENMs in natural soils, preferably cross-validated with batch tests

    Stability and sorption capacity of montmorillonite colloids : Investigation of size fractional differences and effects of γ-irradiation

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    Bentonite clay is intended to form one of the barriers in most repositories of spent nuclear fuel located in granite. One important function of the bentonite barrier is to retard transport of radionuclides in the event of waste canister failure. Bentonite has a high sorption capacity of cations and its main constituent is montmorillonite. In contact with groundwater of low ionic strength, montmorillonite colloids can be released from bentonite and thereby control transport of radionuclides sorbed onto the colloids. In colloid transport in bedrock fractures, size separation of clay colloids may occur due to physical and chemical interactions with the bedrock fracture surface. This may enhance or retard the overall transport of radionuclides, depending on the sorption capacities and stability of the differently sized clay colloids. The bentonite barrier will be exposed to γ-radiation from the spent nuclear fuel. Irradiation affects surface-related properties of bentonite. If an average sorption capacity value cannot be used for all colloid sizes or if sorption is affected by exposure to γ-irradiation, corrected sorption capacity values would give higher resolution in current reactive transport models. In order to study the size separation process, a protocol was developed and successfully applied to fractionate montmorillonite into different-sized colloid suspensions by means of sequential or direct centrifugation. The stability and sorption capacity were studied using these fractions. Both stability and sorption capacity were found to be similar for all colloid sizes. Bentonite exposed to γ-radiation sorbed less divalent cations with increasing radiation dose. The effect was not large enough to have any impact on diffusion. The presence of bentonite enhanced irradiation-induced corrosion of copper under anaerobic atmosphere. An average sorption capacity value for montmorillonite can be used for all colloid sizes in reactive transport models. The effect of γ-irradiation on sorption capacity is sufficiently large to require consideration in transport modelling.Bentonite är planerad som en av barriärerna i de flesta slutförvar av använt kärnbränsle. Bentonite har en hög sorptionskapacitet för katjoner. Den huvudsakliga beståndsdelen av bentonit är montmorillonit. Montmorillonitkolloider kommer att frigöras från bentonitbufferten i kontakt med grundvatten av låg jonstyrka och på så vis styra transporten av sorberade radionuklider. Under den kolloidala transporten i bergsprickorna kan en separation med avseende på storlek uppstå genom interaktioner mellan kolloiderna och bergytan. Detta kan få till följd att den genomsnittliga transporten av radionuklider bromsas eller tilltar beroende på sorptionskapaciteten och stabiliteten av de olika kolloidstorlekarna. Bentonitbarriären kommer även att utsättas för γ-bestrålning från det använda kärnbränslet, vilket påverkar dess ytrelaterade egenskaper. Om inte ett medeltal för sorptionskapaciteten är giltigt för alla kolloidstorlekar eller om sorptionen påverkas av γ-bestrålning, behövs nya sorptionskapaciteter bestämmas och impliceras för noggrannare transportmodeller. En metod för att separera montmorillonitkolloider med avseende på storlek via direkt och stegvis centrifugering har utvecklats. Stabiliteten och sorptionskapaciteten för dessa fraktioner har studerats. Både stabilitet och sorptionskapacitet visade sig vara lika för alla kolloidstorlekar. Bestrålad bentonit sorberar mindre andel divalenta katjoner med ökad dos bestrålning. Effekten är dock inte stor nog för att slå igenom i diffusionsexperimenten. Förekomst av bentonit ökar även den strålningsinducerade korrosionen av koppar under anaeroba förhållanden. Ett medelvärde för sorptionskapaciteten kan användas för alla kolloidstorlekar i transportmodeller. Effekten av γ-bestrålning är dock stor nog för att implementeras i modellerna.QC 20150213</p

    Effect of γ-radiation on Radionuclide Retention in Compacted Bentonite

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    Compacted bentonite is proposed as an engineered barrier in many concepts for disposal of high level nuclear waste. After the initial deposition however, the bentonite barrier will inevitably be exposed to ionizing radiation (mainly gamma) under anoxic conditions. Because of this, the effects of gamma-radiation on the apparent diffusivity values and sorption coefficients in bentonite for Cs(+) and Co(2+) were tested under different experimental conditions. Radiation induced effects on sorption were in general more noticeable for Co(2+) than for Cs(+), which generally showed no significant differences between irradiated and unirradiated clay samples. For Co(2+) however, the sorption to irradiated MX80 was significantly lower than to the unirradiated clay samples regardless of the experimental conditions. This implies that gamma-radiation may alter the surface characteristics contributing to surface complexation of Co(2+). With the experimental conditions used, however, the effect of decreasing sorption was not large enough to be reflected on the obtained D. values.QC 20111107 Updated from submitted to published.</p

    Effect of γ-radiation on Radionuclide Retention in Compacted Bentonite

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    Compacted bentonite is proposed as an engineered barrier in many concepts for disposal of high level nuclear waste. After the initial deposition however, the bentonite barrier will inevitably be exposed to ionizing radiation (mainly gamma) under anoxic conditions. Because of this, the effects of gamma-radiation on the apparent diffusivity values and sorption coefficients in bentonite for Cs(+) and Co(2+) were tested under different experimental conditions. Radiation induced effects on sorption were in general more noticeable for Co(2+) than for Cs(+), which generally showed no significant differences between irradiated and unirradiated clay samples. For Co(2+) however, the sorption to irradiated MX80 was significantly lower than to the unirradiated clay samples regardless of the experimental conditions. This implies that gamma-radiation may alter the surface characteristics contributing to surface complexation of Co(2+). With the experimental conditions used, however, the effect of decreasing sorption was not large enough to be reflected on the obtained D. values.QC 20111107 Updated from submitted to published.</p

    Montmorillonite colloids: I. Characterization and stability of dispersions with different size fractions

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    International audienceBentonite is planned to be used as a technical barrier in the final storage of spent nuclear fuel and high level vitrified waste. In contact with ground water of low ionic strength, montmorillonite colloids may be released from the bentonite buffer and thereby enhance the transport of radionuclides (RNs) sorbed. In the present case, clay colloids represent aggregates of several clay mineral layers. It is of major importance to determine RN sorption properties for different sizes of montmorillonite aggregates, since size fractionation may occur during particle transport in natural media. In this study, a protocol for size fractionation of clay aggregates is developed, by sequential and direct centrifugation, in the presence and absence of organic matter. Seven colloidal fractions of different mean aggregate sizes are obtained ranging, when considering the mean equivalent hydrodynamic sphere diameter (ESD), from ~ 960 nm down to ~ 85 nm. Applying mathematical treatments (Jennings and Parslow, 1988) and approximating the clay aggregates to regular disc-shaped stacks of clay mineral sheets result in mean surface diameters varying from ~ 1.5 μm down to ~ 190 nm. All these colloidal fractions are characterized by XRD, IC and ICP-OES where they are found to have the same chemical composition. The number of edge sites (aluminol and silanol) is estimated (in mol/kg) for each colloidal fraction according to (Tournassat et al., 2003). It is calculated from the mean particle sizes obtained from AsFlFFF and PCS measurements, where the clay aggregates are approximated to regular disc-shaped stacks of clay mineral sheets. The estimated number of edge sites varies significantly for the different clay dispersions. In addition, stability studies using the various clay colloidal fractions are performed by the addition of NaCl, CaCl2 or MgCl2, in the presence or absence of organic matter, where no difference in stability is found

    An evaluation of corrosion processes affecting copper-coated nuclear waste containers in a deep geological repository

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