5,851 research outputs found

    The Self-Other Relationship Between Transcendental and Ethical Inquiries

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    This paper discusses two approaches of the relationship between subjectivity and intersubjectivity. The Husserlian one, a transcendental phenomenological investigation of the possibility of subjectivity and intersubjectivity, and the Waldenfelsian one, an ethical phenomenological investigation of day to day intersubjective interactions. Both authors pretend to give account of the conditions of possibility of intersubjective interaction. However, Husserl starts with the investigation of the transcendental structure of subjectivity, that is, the fundamental conditions required for the appearance of consciousness. By contrast, Waldenfels looks first at practical interaction and draws conclusions on the deeper structure of subjectivity based on the traces he discovers to be characteristic for this interaction. Our interest lies in determining which of the two approaches should be given priority for the investigation of the constitution of intersubjectivity

    Electromagnetic Design of Dual Resonant Structures for Improved Sensitivity of Terahertz Label Free Bio-Sensing

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    A design is proposed exploiting full wave numerical simulation of a dual resonant structure with an aim to sense small amounts of chemical and biochemical materials. The structure is energized with free space radiation in the terahertz regime. Thanks to its asymmetric geometry two close resonances are excited. The interference between these two resonances produces a sharp change in the frequency response of the system. By selectively loading the structure with only small amounts of probe material, a relatively large shift in the frequency response may be achieved. The concept is demonstrated through simulation, while optimization of the structure and the analyte loading is attempted

    Economic Security - Organic Dimension of National Security

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    Initially an attribute of the state, carrying a single meaning, namely the lack of military conflict, the notion of “security” has evolved in time from its traditional significance, where the emphasis was on the military dimension, to the conflict arising among countries and threats against state borders, up to the modern sense, where several other dimensions, namely economic, social, political, environmental, are taken into consideration. The problematic concerning security is not to be mistaken with the state’s normal functioning along these dimensions, but it exclusively refers to those threats, which, within the limits of the above-mentioned dimensions, jeopardize the existence of the state itself. The connections between economy and security, in the context of a multicultural international background, generates important, significant aspects. The complexity of economic security comes from the implications of a multitude of processes and economic, social and financial phenomena, and as a result of globalization, seen both as a process, as well as a phenomenon, which interacts systematically and continuously on national economy. Its dynamics owes to the frantic rhythm of economic processes and phenomena, which appear at national and global levels alike.economic security; globalization; economic dimension of security; inflation; unemployment;

    Central and eastern european social model

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    The 10 former communist countries from Central and Eastern Europe have inherited similar social protection systems, specific to an ethatist economy, and faced similar issues along the transition to market economy. Distinct in Europe through common traits, the new-comers in the European Union, especially the 10 from Central and Eastern Europe, encompass the fifth submodel of the European social model. Ageing of the population, conservatory management of the pensions fund (aversion for risk, regarding the public funds transfer into private pensions fund), migration of qualified work force, increasing unemployment rate represent a wide variety of threats which brought to the public attention the need to reform the social model of the post-communist countries.European Social Model; European Social Policy; comparative social policy; welfare state; Central and Eastern Europe;

    European integration by means of energetic integration

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    The energy security is a growing concern both of the EU governments, and of Brussels. The European officials have been working on a strategy that should ensure the energy security of the Union. Some of the main courses of action are as follows: increasing the energy output from regenerative resources, cutting down on the dependence upon Russia by finding alternative suppliers, and interconnecting the shipment routes. Romania must act as such in order to face the domestic economic challenges. An increase in the quota of energy derived from regenerative resources of the total energy output will be sustained by important investments in the hydro-energy and eolian field. Another top priority for Romania is to interconnect the shipment routes for hydrocarbons at the European and regional level.security; integration; European Union; regenerative resources;

    Free movement of services in the european union

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    In 2004, Frits Bolkenstein, former European Commissioner for the Internal Market, brought in the attention of the European Commission “The Services Directive in the Internal Market”. The purpose of this directive was to liberalize the services’ market in the EU, a major regulated field, whose goal was to develop the European economy into a more dynamic and competitive type of economy. “The Services Directive” aims the decreasing of the barriers and obstacles faced by the providers of services, especially in the case of Small And Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), by simplifying the administrative procedures, the management cooperation among member-states, improving the services’ quality and revising the national legislation. After more than 2 years of debates and amendments, the directive was adopted on December 12, 2006, by the European Parliament and the Council, as Directive 2006/123/EC, and ought to be implemented no later than December 28, 2009.Services Directive; Free Movement of Services; European Union; European Social Model; Bolkestein Directive;

    Regional integration and the new type of commercial warfare

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    The lowest the number of the regional integration areas, the higher the propensity for protectionism (Krugman). The revival of regional protectionism measures meets the case of a commercial warfare. In the largest integrated market, investors must “play” by strict rules, so that a balance between productivity and risk should be kept. The elasticity in replacing the goods interchanged across local areas commensurate with the frequency of intra-regional and extra-regional goods replacement by consumers, depending on how prices evolve. The challenge of cross-area regional integration commercial warfare might lessen to the extent that these few areas are strong enough to build their global commercial relationships upon cooperative arrangements rather then conflict-wise solutions.regional integration; protectionism; commercial warfare; elasticity; global cooperation; Romania’s commercial security;

    Identificarea disparităților regionale privind ocuparea populatiei pe domenii de activitate în România în anul 2009

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    One of the difficult issues of the economic territorial strategies and policies is represented by the highlighting and quantifying of the regional disparities. The disparities existing among different areas and regions express differences among the development levels generated by both the conditions of economic, demographic and historical development, and the varying endowment with natural resources. The aim of this research is to identify the differences between the eight regions of Romania regarding the population employment in respect of activity fields. The statistical method used for analyzing the data and highlighting the regional disparities is the correspondences factorial analysis (CFA).regional disparities, regional development, employed population, CFA

    Strategies for balancing exploration and exploitation in electromagnetic optimisation

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    The paper focuses on the advantages and drawbacks of different strategies which may be used to assist kriging surrogate modelling with the purpose of selecting multiple design vectors for evaluation when stepping forward in optimisation routines. The combined criteria include the efficiency of finding the global optimum but also the quality of the approximation of the shape of the objective function; the latter may be used to make judgements about the robustness of the optimised design

    Defining and Computing Equivalent Inductances of Gapped Iron Core Reactors

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    The paper revisits the fundamental definitions and explores computational alternatives of equivalent inductances of gapped iron core reactors. Unlike in a transformer, the physical meaning of component inductances of a reactor is subject to uncertainty and open to different interpretations, leading to various equivalent circuits. It is argued that a definition based on flux distribution may not be reliable and calculations based on energy or co-energy are thus preferable