133 research outputs found

    Development and Deployment of Software Tools for Analyzing of Network Access at VŠB-TU Ostrava

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou přı́stupů na sı́t’ VŠB-TU, což je rozsáhlá počı́tačová sı́t’ poskytujı́cı́ služby tisı́cům uživatelů, stanic a mobilnı́ch zařı́zenı́. Do analýzy spadá identifikace klı́čových údajů, jejich zı́skánı́, ukládánı́ a prezentace koncovému uživateli. V práci je popsán princip autentizace uživatelů v této sı́ti a problematika zı́skánı́ požadovaných informacı́. Dále je v práci provedena analýza rozšiřitelnosti již nasazených softwarových prostředků. Praktická část se zaměřuje na konfiguraci produkčnı́ch serverů a vývoj nových softwarových prostředků, které budou zajišťovat požadované funkcionality.This thesis deals with analysis of accesses into VŠB-TU network which provides services to thousands of users, workstations and mobile devices. Analysis includes identification, acquisition, storage and presentation of valuable data. The thesis explains how the users authenticate and how to collect the data. There is also analysis of extensibility of currently used software. The practical part mainly focuses on production servers configuration and development of new software which will provide requested functionalities.352 - Katedra automatizační techniky a řízenívýborn


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    Nowadays society and economics cannot exist without using credit. Although credit relationships are the most developed legitimate categories of legal science, their history and theories aren't explored enough. Consequently, our research aims at reviewing credit as a necessary economic tool created by man. In the course or the research we considered some thoughts of various scholars and economists on the definition, and also nature, position and evolution theories of credit. Secondly, we distinguished naturalistic and capital-accumulation theories of credit. Thirdly we described a new peer-to-peer (P2P) crediting. Finally, we showed how the state guaranteed debt of Ukraine changed. As a result of the research we have made several conclusions. Firstly, the most suitable definition of credit is a certain amount of money that is available for use for a specified period and at certain interest rate. Secondly, naturalistic theory of credit includes several positions such as the role of credit consists in redistribution of wealth in society, loan capital is in material form, object of credit is capital, banks are intermediaries of credit, passive operations of banks are primary and active operations of banks are secondary. Capital-accumulation theory of credit as opposed to naturalistic theory has such positions as credit and money are capital, it means that if credit will increase then capital will increase too, banks aren't mediators at crediting, active operations of banks are primary and passive operations of banks are secondary. Thirdly that P2P crediting is very useful and helpful especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Analysis of "Technavio" company concluded that P2P crediting would increase 53 % per year from 2016 to 2020. "Technavio" explores new trends of market in order to help enterprises identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market position. Its customers are companies of all sizes, including many from the list of Fortune Global 500. Fortune Global 500 – rating of 500 largest global companies. Fourth the largest creditor in 2016 is still the IMF (International Monetary Fund). From IMF at this year Ukraine wants to get $ 5.8 billion. Thus, our study is useful for better understanding what iscredit. As it allows us to see the dynamics of growth of state debt Ukraine.Рассмотрены взгляды различных ученых и экономистов на определение понятия кредит. Также исследована сущность, положения и эволюция теорий кредита. Рассмотрен кредит как необходимый экономический инструмент, созданный человеком, так как на сегодняшний день существует две теории кредита: натуралистическая и капиталотворческая. Описаны положения, положительные и отрицательные аспекты каждой из них. Эти две теории лежат в основе экономической мысли настоящего, а также влияют на новые инструменты кредитования. Сейчас экономические аналитики добросовестно работают над теорией кредита на благо человека и богатства страны. А кредитные отношения и кредит в частности являются одними из наиболее разработанных правовых категорий в правовой науке. Ознакомлено с новым инструментом кредитования – P2P кредитование. Приведены показатели государственного долга Украины.Проаналізовано погляди різних науковців та економістів на визначення поняття кредит. Також досліджено сутність, положення та еволюцію теорій кредиту. Розглянуто кредит як потрібний економічний інструмент, який  створила людина, так як на сьогодні існує дві теорії кредиту: натуралістична та капіталотворча. Описано положення, позитивні і негативні аспекти кожної з них. Ці дві теорії лежать в основі економічної думки сьогодення, а також впливають на нові інструменти кредитування. Зараз економічні аналітики сумлінно працюють над теорією кредиту на благо людини і багатства країни. А кредитні відносини та кредит зокрема є одними із найбільш розроблених правових категорій у правовій науці. Ознайомлено з новим інструментом кредитування – P2P кредитування. Наведено  показники державного боргу України

    Energetic signatures of single base bulges: thermodynamic consequences and biological implications

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    DNA bulges are biologically consequential defects that can arise from template-primer misalignments during replication and pose challenges to the cellular DNA repair machinery. Calorimetric and spectroscopic characterizations of defect-containing duplexes reveal systematic patterns of sequence-context dependent bulge-induced destabilizations. These distinguishing energetic signatures are manifest in three coupled characteristics, namely: the magnitude of the bulge-induced duplex destabilization (ΔΔGBulge); the thermodynamic origins of ΔΔGBulge (i.e. enthalpic versus entropic); and, the cooperativity of the duplex melting transition (i.e. two-state versus non-two state). We find moderately destabilized duplexes undergo two-state dissociation and exhibit ΔΔGBulge values consistent with localized, nearest neighbor perturbations arising from unfavorable entropic contributions. Conversely, strongly destabilized duplexes melt in a non-two-state manner and exhibit ΔΔGBulge values consistent with perturbations exceeding nearest-neighbor expectations that are enthalpic in origin. Significantly, our data reveal an intriguing correlation in which the energetic impact of a single bulge base centered in one strand portends the impact of the corresponding complementary bulge base embedded in the opposite strand. We discuss potential correlations between these bulge-specific differential energetic profiles and their overall biological implications in terms of DNA recognition, repair and replication

    Solvent Exposure Associated with Single Abasic Sites Alters the Base Sequence Dependence of Oxidation of Guanine in DNA in GG Sequence Contexts

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    The effect of exposure of guanine in double-stranded oligonucleotides to aqueous solvent during oxidation by one-electron oxidants was investigated by introducing single synthetic tetrahydrofuran-type abasic sites (Ab) either adjacent to or opposite tandem GG sequences. The selective oxidation of guanine was initiated by photoexcitation of the aromatic sensitizers riboflavin and a pyrene derivative, and by the relatively small negatively charged carbonate radical anion. The relative rates of oxidation of the 5′- and 3′ side G in runs of 5′⋅⋅⋅GG⋅⋅⋅ (evaluated by standard hot alkali treatment of the damaged DNA strand followed by high resolution gel electrophoresis of the cleavage fragments) are markedly affected by adjacent abasic sites either on the same or opposite strand. For example, in fully double-stranded DNA or one with an Ab adjacent to the 5′-G, the 5′-G/3′-G damage ratio is ≥4, but is inverted (<1.0) with the Ab adjacent to the 3′-G. These striking effects of Ab are attributed to the preferential localization of the “hole” on the most solvent-exposed guanine regardless of the size, charge, or reduction potential of the oxidizing species

    Solution structure and stability of the DNA undecamer duplexes containing oxanine mismatch

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    Solution structures of DNA duplexes containing oxanine (Oxa, O) opposite a cytosine (O:C duplex) and opposite a thymine (O:T duplex) have been solved by the combined use of 1H NMR and restrained molecular dynamics calculation. One mismatch pair was introduced into the center of the 11-mer duplex of [d(GTGACO6CACTG)/d(CAGTGX17GTCAC), X = C or T]. 1H NMR chemical shifts and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) intensities indicate that both the duplexes adopt an overall right-handed B-type conformation. Exchangeable resonances of C17 4-amino proton of the O:C duplex and of T17 imino proton of O:T duplex showed unusual chemical shifts, and disappeared with temperature increasing up to 30°C, although the melting temperatures were >50°C. The O:C mismatch takes a wobble geometry with positive shear parameter where the Oxa ring shifted toward the major groove and the paired C17 toward the minor groove, while, in the O:T mismatch pair with the negative shear, the Oxa ring slightly shifted toward the minor groove and the paired T17 toward the major groove. The Oxa mismatch pairs can be wobbled largely because of no hydrogen bond to the O1 position of the Oxa base, and may occupy positions in the strands that optimize the stacking with adjacent bases

    Double threading through DNA: NMR structural study of a bis-naphthalene macrocycle bound to a thymine–thymine mismatch

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    The macrocyclic bis-naphthalene macrocycle (2,7-BisNP), belonging to the cyclobisintercalator family of DNA ligands, recognizes T–T mismatch sites in duplex DNA with high affinity and selectivity, as evidenced by thermal denaturation experiments and NMR titrations. The binding of this macrocycle to an 11-mer DNA oligonucleotide containing a T–T mismatch was studied using NMR spectroscopy and NMR-restrained molecular modeling. The ligand forms a single type of complex with the DNA, in which one of the naphthalene rings of the ligand occupies the place of one of the mismatched thymines, which is flipped out of the duplex. The second naphthalene unit of the ligand intercalates at the A-T base pair flanking the mismatch site, leading to encapsulation of its thymine residue via double stacking. The polyammonium linking chains of the macrocycle are located in the minor and the major grooves of the oligonucleotide and participate in the stabilization of the complex by formation of hydrogen bonds with the encapsulated thymine base and the mismatched thymine remaining inside the helix. The study highlights the uniqueness of this cyclobisintercalation binding mode and its importance for recognition of DNA lesion sites by small molecules

    Structural determinants of TAR RNA-DNA annealing in the absence and presence of HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein

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    Annealing of the TAR RNA hairpin to the cTAR DNA hairpin is required for the minus-strand transfer step of HIV-1 reverse transcription. HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NC) plays a crucial role by facilitating annealing of the complementary hairpins. To gain insight into the mechanism of NC-mediated TAR RNA–DNA annealing, we used structural probes (nucleases and potassium permanganate), gel retardation assays, fluorescence anisotropy and cTAR mutants under conditions allowing strand transfer. In the absence of NC, cTAR DNA-TAR RNA annealing depends on nucleation through the apical loops. We show that the annealing intermediate of the kissing pathway is a loop–loop kissing complex involving six base-pairs and that the apical stems are not destabilized by this loop–loop interaction. Our data support a dynamic structure of the cTAR hairpin in the absence of NC, involving equilibrium between both the closed conformation and the partially open ‘Y’ conformation. This study is the first to show that the apical and internal loops of cTAR are weak and strong binding sites for NC, respectively. NC slightly destabilizes the lower stem that is adjacent to the internal loop and shifts the equilibrium toward the ‘Y’ conformation exhibiting at least 12 unpaired nucleotides in its lower part