200 research outputs found

    An?lise das instala??es e sistemas de seguran?a e estudo da acidentologia na atividade de arborismo

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    Disserta??o de Mestrado em Desporto Natureza apresentado na Escola Superior de Desporto e Lazer do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do Castelo.O turismo de aventura ? um subsetor que apresenta uma evolu??o exponencial, com cada vez mais procura por atividades que proporcionem experi?ncias marcantes envolvendo a supera??o e o risco. O arborismo come?ou a ser utilizado como uma ferramenta recreativa e de lazer a partir do final do s?culo XX, tendo evolu?do dos seus prop?sitos iniciais e sofrendo v?rias altera??es na sua constru??o e sistemas de seguran?a. Os objetivos deste trabalho passam por analisar as instala??es e sistemas de seguran?a, e ainda o estudo da acidentologia na atividade de arborismo em Portugal. A investiga??o contou com a participa??o de 35 empresas de anima??o tur?stica com instala??es pr?prias para a atividade de arborismo. O instrumento utilizado para a recolha dos dados foi a aplica??o de um question?rio online. Os resultados mostraram que as estruturas naturais s?o as mais usadas como base no arborismo. Da amostra, 80% possuem entre 1 a 2 circuitos e nos que o slide ? usado como obst?culo o sistema de travagem ? ativo em 76% dos casos, e passivo em 24%. Os sistemas de seguran?a individual mais utilizados, s?o os de categoria A ou B (80%) devido aos baixos custos de implementa??o. N?o foi reportado o uso das categorias C ou D, e a categoria E utilizada por 34,3%, ? escolhida para o aumento da seguran?a. O registo de eventos parece n?o ser uma pr?tica comum nas empresas e quando necess?rio a realiza??o de resgate na atividade, os procedimentos j? est?o previamente estabelecidos. No ano de 2017, foram identificadas um total de 92 ocorr?ncias, destas 83,7% foram acidentes considerados leves, e 16,3% acidentes graves. Os acidentes leves s?o os mais comuns, tendo como principais causas as condi??es ambientais. As conclus?es corroboram a literatura no uso das estruturas naturais, e na maior utiliza??o dos sistemas de seguran?a de categorias A ou B, no entanto, o uso da categoria E ? superior neste estudo.Adventure tourism is a subsector that presents an exponential evolution, with an increasing demand for activities that provide outstanding experiences involving overcoming and risk. Rope courses began to be used as a recreational and leisure tool from the late twentieth century, having evolved from its initial purposes and undergoing various changes in its construction and safety systems. The objectives of this work are to analyze the installations and safety systems, as well as the study of acidentology in the activity of rope courses in Portugal. The research had the participation of 35 companies of adventure tourism with own facilities for the activity of rope courses. The instrument used to collect the data was the application of an online questionnaire. The results showed that the natural structures are the most used as a base in the activity. From the sample, 80% have between 1 and 2 circuits and in which the zipline is used as obstacle the braking system is active in 76% of cases, and passive in 24%. The most commonly used individual safety systems are category A or B (80%) due to low implementation costs. The use of categories C or D has not been reported, and category E used by 34.3% is chosen to increase safety. The registration of events does not seem to be a common practice in companies and when it is necessary to perform a rescue in the activity, the procedures are already established. In 2017, a total of 92 occurrences were identified, of which 83.7% were considered soft accidents and 16.3% were serious accidents. Soft accidents are the most common, having as main causes the environmental conditions. The conclusions corroborate the literature on the use of natural structures, and the greater use of safety systems of categories A or B, however, the use of category E is higher in this study

    How you move reveals who you are: understanding human behavior by analyzing trajectory data

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    The widespread use of mobile devices is producing a huge amount of trajectory data, making the discovery of movement patterns possible, which are crucial for understanding human behavior. Significant advances have been made with regard to knowledge discovery, but the process now needs to be extended bearing in mind the emerging field of behavior informatics. This paper describes the formalization of a semantic-enriched KDD process for supporting meaningful pattern interpretations of human behavior. Our approach is based on the integration of inductive reasoning (movement pattern discovery) and deductive reasoning (human behavior inference). We describe the implemented Athena system, which supports such a process, along with the experimental results on two different application domains related to traffic and recreation management

    Оголені душі

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    Рецензія на книги: Слапчук Василь. Осiнь за щокою: Роман. - К.: Факт, 2006. - 280 с. та Сорока Петро. Денники 2004 - 2005. - Тернопiль: Сорока, 2006. - 364 с


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    O presente estudo foi realizado em um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual de 52 ha, conhecido como Floresta do Rosal, no munic\uedpio de Gua\ue7u\ued-ES e teve como objetivo testar metodologias de estratifica\ue7\ue3o vertical, avaliando a adequa\ue7\ue3o dessas metodologias baseada na classifica\ue7\ue3o sucessional ecol\uf3gica das esp\ue9cies. Para tanto, empregou-se o m\ue9todo de amostragem de \ue1rea fixa, sendo distribu\ueddas 16 parcelas de 600 m2, de forma sistem\ue1tica no campo. Todos os indiv\uedduos com DAP 65 5 cm tiveram suas alturas totais medidas de forma direta. As \ue1rvores passaram por processo de identifica\ue7\ue3o bot\ue2nica e classifica\ue7\ue3o quanto ao grupo ecol\uf3gico. A an\ue1lise da estrutura vertical de esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas foi feita pela distribui\ue7\ue3o do n\ufamero de \ue1rvores nos estratos, utilizando-se quatro m\ue9todos: M\ue9todo 1 - Souza (1990), M\ue9todo 2 - Souza et al. (2003), M\ue9todo 3 - IUFRO, e M\ue9todo 4 - Caleg\ue1rio et al. (1994). Os resultados das classifica\ue7\uf5es obtidas foram comparados \ue0 classifica\ue7\ue3o sucessional das esp\ue9cies, de acordo com os grupos ecol\uf3gicos a que pertencem. O M\ue9todo 1 n\ue3o permitiu an\ue1lise detalhada sobre o comportamento das esp\ue9cies no estrato II por apresentar tend\ueancias fortes em concentrar um maior n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos no referido estrato, j\ue1 o M\ue9todo 2 permitiu um maior detalhamento. O M\ue9todo 3 minimizou o problema encontrado no M\ue9todo 1, por\ue9m, a mudan\ue7a da altura dominante da amostragem pode mudar toda a discuss\ue3o, demonstrando fragilidade do m\ue9todo. O M\ue9todo 4 n\ue3o trouxe bons resultados para a estratifica\ue7\ue3o da floresta em estudo, pois a dividiu em apenas dois estratos de altura total.This study was conducted in a semideciduous forest fragment of 52 hectares, known as Rosal Forest, in the municipality of Gua\ue7u\ued, Esp\uedrito Santo state. It had the objective to test vertical stratification methodologies, evaluating the appropriateness of these methodologies based on the ecological successional classification of the species. To do so, the method of sampling fixed area was used, and distributed 16 plots of 600 m2, in a systematic way. All individuals with DBH 65 5 cm, had their total height measures directly. The trees went through the botanical classification identification process and had their classifications in accordance with their ecological groups. The analysis of the tree vertical structure was made by the distribution of the number of trees in the strata, using four methods: Method 1 - Souza (1990), Method 2 - Souza et al. (2003), Method 3 - IUFRO, and Method 4 - Caleg\ue1rio et al. (1994). The classification results were compared to the successional classification of species, according to the ecologic groups that they belong to. The method 1 did not allow a detailed analysis about the behavior of stratum II species, because of the strong tendencies to concentrate a greater number of individuals in this stratum, already the Method 2 has allowed a greater detail. The Method 3 minimized the problem encountered in Method 1, but the dominant height change of the sample can change the whole discussion, demonstrating the method weakness. Method 4 did not bring good results for the forest stratification under study, because this method only divided in two height strata


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    O estado nutricional da planta-matriz \ue9 de grande import \ue2ncia para a manuten\ue7\ue3o do seu vigor vegetativo, o que determina a produ\ue7\ue3o de brotos e tamb\ue9m os \uedndices de enraizamento e velocidade de forma\ue7\ue3o das ra\uedzes, uma vez que os macronutrientes e os micronutrientes est\ue3o envolvidos nos processos bioqu\uedmicos e fisiol\uf3gicos vitais \ue0 planta. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influ\ueancia da aduba\ue7\ue3o NPK sobre a parti\ue7\ue3o de biomassa seca e nutriente em minicepa de eucalipto em solu\ue7\ue3o nutritiva. O trabalho foi realizado de novembro de 2008 a janeiro de 2009, em casa de vegeta\ue7\ue3o. Foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial fracionado (4x4x4)\ubd, perfazendo 32 tratamentos com tr\ueas repeti\ue7\uf5es. Os tratamentos se constitu\uedram de quatro doses dos nutrientes de N (50; 100; 200 e 400 mg L-1) na forma de ureia, P (7,5; 15; 30 e 60 mg L-1) na forma de \ue1cido fosf\uf3rico e K (50; 100; 200 e 400 mg L-1) na forma de cloreto de pot\ue1ssio em solu\ue7\ue3o nutritiva. Houve efeito significativo apenas para as doses de N isoladamente, para a biomassa seca das miniestacas e biomassa seca da parte a \ue9rea e raiz das minicepas com efeito linear decrescente, com o aumento das doses de N. A dose de 50 mg L-1 de N proporcionou maior ac\ufamulo de biomassa seca das miniestacas e minicepas. A distribui\ue7\ue3o percentual da biomassa seca e dos nutrientes na biomassa seca das miniestacas, parte a \ue9rea e ra \uedzes das minicepas variou em rela\ue7\ue3o \ue0s doses de N. A extra\ue7\ue3o de macronutrientes pelas miniestacas de 6 cm na dose de 50 mg L-1 de N seguiu a seguinte ordem decrescente de N > S > P > K > Ca > Mg e micronutrientes de Cu > B > Mn > Fe > Zn.The nutritional status of the matrix plant has a great importance for the maintenance of its vegetative vigor, which determines the sprouts production and also the rooting percentage and the speed of root formation, since the macro and micronutrients are involved in biochemical and physiological vital processes for the plant. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of NPK fertilizer on dry biomass production by minicuttings and mini-stumps and the percentage distribution of nutrients in a simple hybrid plant of Eucalyptus urophylla in nutrient solution. The experiment was realized from November, 2008 to January, 2009 in a vegetation environment. The experimental design was a completely randomized in factorial scheme with a fractional factorial (4x4x4)1/2, adding up to 32 treatments with three replicates. The treatments consisted of four levels nutrients of nitrogen (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) in the urea form, P (7.5, 15, 30 and 60 mg L-1) in the phosphoric acid form and K (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) in the potassium chloride form, in the nutrient solution. There was significant effect only to the N doses to the dry mass of mini-cuttings and the dry mass of shoots and roots of mini-stumps with decreasing linear effect against N doses increasing. The doses of 50 mg.L-1 of N promoted higher accumulation of dry mass in mini-cuttings and mini-stumps. The percentage distribution of dry mass and of the nutrients in dry mass of mini-stumps, shoots and roots of mini-stumps varied in relation to N doses. Macronutrients extraction from mini-stumps of 6 cm at a dose of 50 mg L-1 of N followed the order of decreasing N > S > P > K > Ca > Mg and micronutrients Cu > B > Mn > Fe >Zn

    On the equivalence between implicit regularization and constrained differential renormalization.

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    Constrained differential renormalization (CDR) and the constrained version of implicit regularization are two regularization independent techniques that do not rely on dimensional continuation of the space-time. These two methods, which have rather distinct bases, have been successfully applied to several calculations, which show that they can be trusted as practical, symmetry invariant frameworks (gauge and supersymmetry included) in perturbative computations even beyond one-loop order. In this paper, we show the equivalence between these two methods at one-loop order. We show that the configuration space rules of CDR can be mapped into the momentum-space procedures of implicit regularization, the major principle behind this equivalence being the extension of the properties of regular distributions to regularized ones


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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o desempenho e determinar os custos de dois sistemas de cabos a\ue9reos na extra\ue7\ue3o de madeira de eucalipto em regi\ue3o montanhosa. A an\ue1lise t\ue9cnica baseou-se em estudo de tempos e movimentos do ciclo operacional e produtividade de dois sistemas de extra\ue7\ue3o: Sistema 1 (trator Massey Ferguson 297 e guincho Penzsaur K301-T) e Sistema 2 (escavadora Caterpillar 320L e guincho Koller), operando em plantios com idade de sete anos e de segunda rota\ue7\ue3o. A produtividade m\ue9dia na extra\ue7\ue3o de madeira foi de 13,63 m3 h-1 para o Sistema 1 e 14,70 m3 h-1 para o Sistema 2, para dist\ue2ncia m\ue9dia de 150 m, efici\ueancia operacional de 46% e 51% e disponibilidade mec\ue2nica de 91% e 59%, respectivamente. O aumento da dist\ue2ncia de extra\ue7\ue3o implicou em aumento no tempo para realizar as atividades do ciclo operacional e em redu\ue7\ue3o da produtividade. O Sistema 2 mostrou-se mais produtivo, por\ue9m, apresentou maior custo de produ\ue7\ue3o.The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and determine the costs of two cable yarder systems in the extraction of eucalyptus wood in mountainous regions. The technical analysis was based on the study of times and motions of the operating cycle and productivity of two extraction systems: System 1 (tractor Massey Ferguson 297 and winch Penzsaur K301-T) and System 2 (excavator Caterpillar 320L and winch Koller), operating in plantations aged seven years old and of second rotation. Average productivity in logging was 13.63 m3 h-1 for System 1 and 14.70 m3 h-1 for System 2 for a distance of 150 m on average, operating efficiency of 46% and 51% and mechanical availability of 91% and 59%, respectively. The increased extraction distance resulted in increased time to perform the activities of the operating cycle and reduced productivity. System 2 was more productive, but showed higher production costs

    Agronomic performance and genetic parameters of sweet potato genotypes

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho agron?mico em gen?tipos de batata-doce e estimar par?metros gen?ticos. O experimento foi composto por 65 variedades (clones do banco de germoplasma de batata-doce da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri), instalado num delineamento em blocos ao acaso com tr?s repeti??es e 15 plantas por parcela. Foram avaliadas a produtividade de massa verde das ramas (MV), produtividade total das ra?zes (PT), peso m?dio das ra?zes totais (PMT), produtividade de ra?zes comerciais (PC), peso m?dio das ra?zes comerciais (PMC), formato das ra?zes (FORM) e resist?ncia a insetos (RI). Considerando-se os ganhos de sele??o estimados para estas caracter?sticas, infere-se que a sele??o de clones pode levar a progressos gen?ticos signifcativos. Os caracteres PT, PMT, PC, e PMC est?o positivamente correlacionados, logo, a sele??o em qualquer um deles acarreta ganhos gen?ticos nos demais. A sele??o para produ??o de ra?zes pode ser conduzida no car?ter PT, pois sua avalia??o ? mais simples e correlaciona-se com a produ??o comercial, que ? de maior import?ncia. A sele??o no car?ter MV promove aumento nas caracter?sticas PMT e PMC e n?o causa efeitos nas demais. Para a maioria das caracter?sticas houve predomin?ncia dos efeitos ambientais sobre os gen?ticos. Os gen?tipos BD-15, BD-42 e BD-67 apresentaram melhor desempenho agron?mico.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)The present study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of sweet potato genotypes and estimating genetic parameters. The experiment consisted of 65 varieties (clones) of the sweet potato germplasm bank from the Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valley, installed in the design of randomized blocks with three replications and 15 plants per plot. Were evaluated green mass of branches (MV), total productivity of roots (PT), average weight of total roots (PMT), commercial yield (PC), the average weight of marketable roots (PMC), shape of roots (FORM) and insect resistance (IR). Considering the gains of selection for these characteristics, we infer that clone selection can lead to significant genetic progress. The characters PT, PMT, PC and PMC are positively correlated, so selecting any of them carries genetic gains in others. Selection for root production can be conducted in the character PT because its evaluation is simpler and correlates with the commercial production, which is of utmost importance. The selection promotes increases in MV character in PMC and PMT and causes no effects in others. For most traits were prevalent environmental effects on genetic. The BD-15, BD-42 and BD-67 genotypes showed better agronomic performance

    Populations, mother tree and plant age effects on physical traits in pequi fruits

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    O pequi ? uma esp?cie com ampla distribui??o no cerrado brasileiro, tendo grande import?ncia social e econ?mica para os habitantes desse bioma. O presente trabalho foi proposto em fun??o da aus?ncia de informa??es sobre os efeitos de fatores gen?ticos e ambientais na express?o de vari?veis f?sicas em frutos dessa esp?cie. Informa??es dessa natureza facilitam as decis?es em rela??o ao processo de domestica??o e melhoramento dessa esp?cie. Para atender a este objetivo, colheram-se frutos nos munic?pios de Curvelo e S?o Gon?alo do Rio Preto, Minas Gerais, totalizando 15 matrizes por munic?pio, selecionadas atrav?s de caracter?sticas que refletem suas idades, sendo a principal o di?metro do tronco rente ao solo (DAS). As vari?veis f?sicas avaliadas foram: Peso Total do Fruto (PTF); Peso do Mesocarpo Externo (PME); Peso dos Putamens (PTP) por fruto; N? de Putamens (NP) por fruto e Peso Total de Polpa (PTPL) por fruto. O efeito de matrizes foi altamente significativo para todas as vari?veis avaliadas, enquanto o de popula??es foi apenas para NP. As estimativas das correla??es entre as vari?veis avaliadas foram todas positivas, algumas significativas. As estimativas das correla??es entre DAS e as demais vari?veis tamb?m foram todas positivas, algumas significativas. Os resultados permitem concluir que: h? grandes expectativas de ganhos a partir da propaga??o vegetativa de matrizes selecionadas no campo para as caracter?sticas f?sicas de seus frutos; o peso de polpa por fruto, car?ter de grande import?ncia econ?mica, mas de avalia??o trabalhosa, pode ser selecionado a partir da avalia??o do peso de putamens por fruto; o efeito da idade da planta sobre a express?o de vari?veis f?sicas em frutos de pequi ? nulo ou positivo, podendo a sele??o ser conduzida em plantas jovens.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Pequi is a very common tree in Central and Center-East Brazilian territory, known as Cerrado sensu strict, and its fruits are largely appreciated by people that live in these regions. This study was proposed due to the lack of information about environmental and genetic effects on physical attributes expression in pequi fruits. Information on this subject is relevant to favor decisions regarding to domestication and breeding processes of this species. Pequi fruits were collected from populations of Curvelo and S?o Gon?alo do Rio Preto, State of Minas Gerais, being 15 mother trees per population. These mother trees were selected based on physical attributes that imply their age, being stem diameter at ground level (SD), the main one. Physical attributes were: fruit Total Weight (FTW); Outer Mesocarp Weight (OMW); Putamen Weight per fruit (PW); Putamen Number per fruit (PN) and Pulp Total Weight per fruit (PLTW). There was a mother tree effect for all attributes evaluated, whereas for populations, there was effect only for PN. Correlations among all variables were positive, being some of them significant. Also, correlations between SD and all other variables were positive and some, significant. Results allow the conclusion of high expected gains through vegetative propagation of mother tree selected by means physical fruit attributes: pulp weight can be selected based on putamen weight; the effect of plant age on fruit physical attributes is null or positive, so the selection can be carried out in youth plants

    Attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years caused by infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the EU and the European Economic Area in 2015: a population-level modelling analysis

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    Background: Infections due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria are threatening modern health care. However, estimating their incidence, complications, and attributable mortality is challenging. We aimed to estimate the burden of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria of public health concern in countries of the EU and European Economic Area (EEA) in 2015, measured in number of cases, attributable deaths, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). Methods: We estimated the incidence of infections with 16 antibiotic resistance–bacterium combinations from European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net) 2015 data that was country-corrected for population coverage. We multiplied the number of bloodstream infections (BSIs) by a conversion factor derived from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control point prevalence survey of health-care-associated infections in European acute care hospitals in 2011–12 to estimate the number of non-BSIs. We developed disease outcome models for five types of infection on the basis of systematic reviews of the literature. Findings: From EARS-Net data collected between Jan 1, 2015, and Dec 31, 2015, we estimated 671 689 (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 583 148–763 966) infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, of which 63·5% (426 277 of 671 689) were associated with health care. These infections accounted for an estimated 33 110 (28 480–38 430) attributable deaths and 874 541 (768 837–989 068) DALYs. The burden for the EU and EEA was highest in infants (aged <1 year) and people aged 65 years or older, had increased since 2007, and was highest in Italy and Greece. Interpretation: Our results present the health burden of five types of infection with antibiotic-resistant bacteria expressed, for the first time, in DALYs. The estimated burden of infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the EU and EEA is substantial compared with that of other infectious diseases, and has increased since 2007. Our burden estimates provide useful information for public health decision-makers prioritising interventions for infectious diseases