23 research outputs found

    CO2 Release from Pockmarks on the Chatham Rise‐Bounty Trough at the Glacial Termination

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    Seafloor pockmarks of varying size occur over an area of 50,000 km2 on the Chatham Rise, Canterbury Shelf and Inner Bounty Trough, New Zealand. The pockmarks are concentrated above the flat‐subducted Hikurangi Plateau. Echosounder data identifies recurrent episodes of pockmark formation at ~100,000yr frequency coinciding with Pleistocene glacial terminations. Here we show that there are structural conduits beneath the larger pockmarks through which fluids flowed upward toward the seafloor. Large negative Δ14C excursions are documented in marine sediments deposited next to these subseafloor conduits and pockmarks at the last glacial termination. Modern pore waters contain no methane and there is no negative δ13C excursion at the glacial termination that would be indicative of methane or mantle‐derived carbon at the time the Δ14C excursion and pockmarks were produced. An ocean general circulation model equipped with isotope tracers is unable to simulate these large Δ14C excursions on the Chatham Rise by transport of hydrothermal carbon released from the East Pacific Rise as previous studies suggested. Here we attribute the Δ14C anomalies and pockmarks to release of 14C‐dead CO2 and carbon‐rich fluids from subsurface reservoirs, the most likely being dissociated Mesozoic carbonates that subducted beneath the Rise during the Late Cretaceous. Because of the large number of pockmarks and duration of the Δ14C anomaly, the pockmarks may collectively represent an important source of 14C‐dead carbon to the ocean during glacial terminations

    Serpentinization in the trench-outer rise region offshore of Nicaragua: constraints from seismic refraction and wide-angle data

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    Recent seismic evidence suggested that most oceanic plate hydration is associated with trench-outer rise faulting prior to subduction. Hydration at trenches may have a significant impact on the subduction zone water cycle. Previous seismic experiments conducted to the northwest of Nicoya Peninsula, Northern Costa Rica, have shown that the subducting Cocos lithosphere is pervasively altered, which was interpreted to be due to both hydration (serpentinization) and fracturing of the crustal and upper-mantle rocks. New seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction data were collected along two profiles, running parallel to the Middle American trench axis offshore of central Nicaragua, revealing lateral changes of the seismic properties of the subducting lithosphere. Seismic structure along both profiles is characterized by low velocities both in the crust and upper mantle. Velocities in the uppermost mantle are found to be in the range 7.3–7.5 km s−1; thus are 8–10 per cent lower than velocities typical for unaltered peridotites and hence confirm the assumption that serpentinization is a common process at the trench-outer rise area offshore of Nicaragua. In addition, a prominent velocity anomaly occurred within the crust beneath two seamounts. Here, velocity reduction may indicate increased porosity and perhaps permeability, supporting the idea that seamounts serve as sites for water percolation and circulation

    Effect of trench-outer rise bending-related faulting on seismic Poisson's ratio and mantle anisotropy: a case study offshore of Southern Central Chile

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    Several trench-outer rise settings in subduction zones worldwide are characterized by a high degree of alteration, fracturing and hydration. These processes are induced by bending-related faulting in the upper part of the oceanic plate prior to its subduction. Mapping of P- and S-wave velocity structures in this complex tectonic setting provides crucial information for understanding the evolution of the incoming oceanic lithosphere, and serves as a baseline for comparison with seismic measurements elsewhere. Active source seismic investigations at the outer rise off Southern Central Chile (∼43°S) were carried out in order to study the seismic structure of the oceanic Nazca Plate. Seismic wide-angle data were used to derive 2-D velocity models of two seismic profiles located seaward of the trench axis on 14.5 Ma old crust; P01a approximately parallel to the direction of spreading and P03 approximately parallel to the spreading ridge and trench axes. We determined P- and S-velocity models using 2-D traveltime tomography. We found that the Poisson's ratio in the upper crust (layer 2) ranges between ∼0.33 at the top of the crust to ∼0.28 at the layer 2/3 interface, while in the lowermost crust and uppermost mantle it reaches values of ∼0.26 and ∼0.29, respectively. These features can be explained by an oceanic crust significantly weathered, altered and fractured. Relative high Poisson's ratios in the uppermost mantle may be likely related to partially hydrated mantle and hence serpentinization. Thus, the seismic structure of the oceanic lithosphere at the Southern Central Chile outer rise exhibits notable differences from the classic ophiolite seismic model (‘normal’ oceanic crust). These differences are primarily attributed to fracturing and hydration of the entire ocean crust, which are direct consequences of strong bending-related faulting at the outer rise. On the other hand, the comparison of the uppermost mantle P-wave velocities at the crossing point between the perpendicular profiles (∼90 km oceanward from the trench axis) reveals a low degree of Pn anisotropy (<2 per cent)

    Ridge subduction at an erosive margin - the collision zone of the Nazca Ridge in southern Peru

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    The 1.5-km-high, obliquely subducting Nazca Ridge and its collision zone with the Peruvian margin have been imaged by wide-angle and reflection seismic profiles, swath bathymetry, and gravity surveying. These data reveal that the crust of the ridge at its northeastern tip is 17 km thick and exhibits seismic velocities and densities similar to layers 2 and 3 of typical oceanic crust. The lowermost layer contributes 10–12 km to the total crustal thickness of the ridge. The sedimentary cover is 300–400 m thick on most parts of the ridge but less than 100 m thick on seamounts and small volcanic ridges. At the collision zone of ridge and margin, the following observations indicate intense tectonic erosion related to the passage of the ridge. The thin sediment layer on the ridge is completely subducted. The lower continental slope is steep, dipping at ∼9°, and the continental wedge has a high taper of 18°. Tentative correlation of model layers with stratigraphy derived from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 112 cores suggests the presence of Eocene shelf deposits near the trench. Continental basement is located <15 km landward of the trench. Normal faults on the upper slope and shelf indicate extension. A comparison with the Peruvian and northern Chilean forearc systems, currently not affected by ridge subduction, suggests that the passage of the Nazca Ridge along the continental margin induces a temporarily limited phase of enhanced tectonic erosion superposed on a long-term erosive regime

    Submarine gas seepage in a mixed contractional and shear deformation regime: Cases from the Hikurangi oblique-subduction margin

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    Gas seepage from marine sediments has implications for understanding feedbacks between the global carbon reservoir, seabed ecology and climate change. Although the relationship between hydrates, gas chimneys and seafloor seepage is well established, the nature of fluid sources and plumbing mechanisms controlling fluid escape into the hydrate zone and up to the seafloor remain one of the least understood components of fluid migration systems. In this study we present the analysis of new three-dimensional high-resolution seismic data acquired to investigate fluid migration systems sustaining active seafloor seepage at Omakere Ridge, on the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand. The analysis reveals at high resolution, complex overprinting fault structures (i.e. protothrusts, normal faults from flexural extension, and shallow (<1 km) arrays of oblique shear structures) implicated in fluid migration within the gas hydrate stability zone in an area of 2x7 km. In addition to fluid migration systems sustaining seafloor seepage on both sides of a central thrust fault, the data show seismic evidence for sub-seafloor gas-rich fluid accumulation associated with proto-thrusts and extensional faults. In these latter systems fluid pressure dissipation through time has been favored, hindering the development of gas chimneys. We discuss the elements of the distinct fluid migration systems and the influence that a complex partitioning of stress may have on the evolution of fluid flow systems in active subduction margins

    Seismic Structure of the Carnegie Ridge and the nature of the Galapagos hotspot

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    The Galápagos volcanic province (GVP) includes several aseismic ridges resulting from the interaction between the Galápagos hotspot (GHS) and the Cocos–Nazca spreading centre (CNSC). The most prominent are the Cocos, Carnegie and Malpelo ridges. In this work, we investigate the seismic structure of the Carnegie ridge along two profiles acquired during the South American Lithospheric Transects Across Volcanic Ridges (SALIERI) 2001 experiment. Maximum crustal thickness is ∼19 km in the central Carnegie profile, located at ∼85°W over a 19–20 Myr old oceanic crust, and only ∼13 km in the eastern Carnegie profile, located at ∼82°W over a 11–12 Myr old oceanic crust. The crustal velocity models are subsequently compared with those obtained in a previous work along three other profiles over the Cocos and Malpelo ridges, two of which are located at the conjugate positions of the Carnegie ones. Oceanic layer 2 thickness is quite uniform along the five profiles regardless of the total crustal thickness variations, hence crustal thickening is mainly accommodated by layer 3. Lower crustal velocities are systematically lower where the crust is thicker, thus contrary to what would be expected from melting of a hotter than normal mantle. The velocity-derived crustal density models account for the gravity and depth anomalies considering uniform and normal mantle densities (3300 kg m−3), which confirms that velocity models are consistent with gravity and topography data, and indicates that the ridges are isostatically compensated at the base of the crust. Finally, a two-dimensional (2-D) steady-state mantle melting model is developed and used to illustrate that the crust of the ridges does not seem to be the product of anomalous mantle temperatures, even if hydrous melting coupled with vigorous subsolidus upwelling is considered in the model. In contrast, we show that upwelling of a normal temperature but fertile mantle source that may result from recycling of oceanic crust prior to melting, accounts more easily for the estimated seismic structure as well as for isotopic, trace element and major element patterns of the GVP basalts

    Crustal structure along the Peruvian Margin from wide angle seismic data

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    Within the GEOPECO project (Geophysical Experiments at the Peruvian Continental Margin - investigations of tectonics, mechanics, gas hydrates and fluid transport) seismic refraction and reflection data were acquired during RV 'Sonne' cruise SO 146 along with bathymetric and gravimetric mapping, sea-floor sampling, observation of the ocean floor and heat flow measurements. The objectives were a quantitative characterization of the structures and geodynamics of the Peruvian section of the Andean subduction zone and the associated gas hydrate systems in regions with differing tectonic development. The oceanic Nazca Plate, which is approximately 28 to 38 million years new at the Peruvian trench, is subducting under the South American Plate. The Peruvian Continental Margin has been influenced over the last 8 million years by collision with the Nazca Ridge, a 400 km long and 50 km wide basement high. Collision migrated progressively from north to south, is presently in the area of 15°S and has influenced the area to the north in several ways. Six wide angle seismic profiles, each approximately 100nm long, were shot with three 32 liter Bolt-airguns over 9 to 14 OBH/S instruments at the Peruvian Margin. During the cruise a total amount of 127 OBH/S were successfully deployed showing high quality data. Forward modeling was performed to characterize the structure and the velocities of the different stages of the evolution of the margin after collision with the Nazca Ridge. The coincident reflection seismic profiles were used to constrain the structure and thickness of the upper layers. The resulting crustal cross sections reveal a rough surface and a thin sediment layer of the subducting oceanic Nazca Plate. The crust thickens beneath the Nazca Ridge. Its thickness also varies north and south of Mendana Fracture Zone (MFZ), which separates younger (~25 Ma old) from older (~35 Ma old) oceanic crust at about 11°S. There is no accretionary wedge where Nazca Ridge currently subducts. 3 Ma after the ridge has passed, a new accretionary prism is already set up with a width of 20 to 30 km and 4 to 5 km thickness which does not further increase in size as revealed by the profiles recorded further north of Nazca Ridge. This indicates that current subduction along the Peruvian Margin is non-accreting. The slope angle of the accretionary prism increases south of MFZ, whereas the profile north of MFZ shows a smaller slope angle. As the subducting Nazca Plate dips at about 6° on all profiles north of Nazca Ridge, the resulting taper is 12° to 17°, indicative of high basal friction and non-accretionary subduction. The horst and graben like structure and rough topography of the oceanic plate also substantiates non-accretionary even erosional subduction for the graben structures are filled with sediment before subduction. Two cross profiles from Lima Basin reveal the crustal structure of the continental slope. Lima Basin is some 80 km wide (along dip) and its thickness varies from 1 to 3 km below sea floor. Furthermore it shows an asymmetric shape and is divided into two parts by a basement high at the landward termination

    Compressional and shear wave velocity structure of shallow sediments in the north-western Black Sea revealed by OBS data

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    The Danube deep-sea fan complex in the north-western Black Sea, with its ancient channel-levee systems, hosts multiple bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) that have been observedin high-resolution reflection seismic data. The multiple BSRs indicate the presence of gas hydrates and free gas. To image the distribution of free gas and gas hydrates on the western flank of the S2 canyon, simultaneously, ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data and 2-D high-resolution multichannel reflection seismic (HRMRS) data were acquired during the R/V Maria S. Merian (MSM-34) expedition. Along two parallel HRMRS-OBS profiles we recorded the wave field for a wide range of incidence angles. The velocity-structure models for both, P-and S-wave traveltimes, cover a depth down to 1.2 km, providing seismic velocity information below the BSR. For identification of the P-wave phases from OBS to OBS, we aligned the OBS data at zero offset to the 2-D HRMS data at each OBS location. The P-wave velocities show a gradual increase with depth from 1510 m/s directly beneath the seafloor up to 1900 m/s at 1.2 km depth. As the S-waves travel at slower speed than P-waves, S-waves reflection could be traced only in a smallsource-receiver offset with a maximum of ~0.9 km. We assume the reflection horizon to be the point of P-to-S conversion. Seismic S-wave velocities increase from 140 m/s beneath the seafloor up to 860 m/s at 1.2 km depth. These observations allow the determination of the P-to-S-ratio that decreases from 10.6 beneath the seafloor down to 2.2 at 1.2 km depth. The seismic velocities and P-to-S-ratio exclude the presence of gas hydrates above the BSR, but endorse the accumulation of a low concentration of free gas below. The distribution of the gas is predominately controlled by lithology