317 research outputs found

    Steeper, Flatter, or Just "Salpeter"? Evidence from Galaxy Evolution and Galaxy Clusters

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    A single-slope "Salpeter" IMF overpredicts the stellar M/L ratio of local elliptical galaxies by about a factor of 2, which requires the IMF to be flatter below about one solar mass. On the other hand a Salpeter IMF for stars more massive than the sun predicts an evolution with redshift of the fundamental plane of ellipticals in clusters which is in agreement with the observations and a formation at z>~3 for these galaxies. A "Salpeter" IMF for 1<M<40 solar masses also predicts the observed amount of heavy elements (oxygen and silicon) in clusters of galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to appear on "IMF@50: The Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later", ed. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, & H. Zinnecker (Dordrecht: Kluwer), in press. Invited talk at the International Workshop held in Abbazia di Spineto, Tuscany, Italy -- May 16-20, 200

    The theory of stellar winds

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    We present a brief overview of the theory of stellar winds with a strong emphasis on the radiation-driven outflows from massive stars. The resulting implications for the evolution and fate of massive stars are also discussed. Furthermore, we relate the effects of mass loss to the angular momentum evolution, which is particularly relevant for the production of long and soft gamma-ray bursts. Mass-loss rates are not only a function of the metallicity, but are also found to depend on temperature, particularly in the region of the bi-stability jump at 21 000 Kelvin. We highlight the role of the bi-stability jump for Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) stars, and discuss suggestions that LBVs might be direct progenitors of supernovae. We emphasize that radiation-driven wind studies rely heavily on the input opacity data and linelists, and that these are thus of fundamental importance to both the mass-loss predictions themselves, as well as to our overall understanding of the lives and deaths of massive stars.Comment: 6 pages, invited review Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol 336, Issue 1, pp. 163-167 (special HEDLA 2010 Issue

    The chemical enrichment of the ICM from hydrodynamical simulations

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    The study of the metal enrichment of the intra-cluster and inter-galactic media (ICM and IGM) represents a direct means to reconstruct the past history of star formation, the role of feedback processes and the gas-dynamical processes which determine the evolution of the cosmic baryons. In this paper we review the approaches that have been followed so far to model the enrichment of the ICM in a cosmological context. While our presentation will be focused on the role played by hydrodynamical simulations, we will also discuss other approaches based on semi-analytical models of galaxy formation, also critically discussing pros and cons of the different methods. We will first review the concept of the model of chemical evolution to be implemented in any chemo-dynamical description. We will emphasise how the predictions of this model critically depend on the choice of the stellar initial mass function, on the stellar life-times and on the stellar yields. We will then overview the comparisons presented so far between X-ray observations of the ICM enrichment and model predictions. We will show how the most recent chemo-dynamical models are able to capture the basic features of the observed metal content of the ICM and its evolution. We will conclude by highlighting the open questions in this study and the direction of improvements for cosmological chemo-dynamical models of the next generation.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 18; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    Circumstellar interaction in supernovae in dense environments - an observational perspective

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    In a supernova explosion, the ejecta interacting with the surrounding circumstellar medium (CSM) give rise to variety of radiation. Since CSM is created from the mass lost from the progenitor star, it carries footprints of the late time evolution of the star. This is one of the unique ways to get a handle on the nature of the progenitor star system. Here, I will focus mainly on the supernovae (SNe) exploding in dense environments, a.k.a. Type IIn SNe. Radio and X-ray emission from this class of SNe have revealed important modifications in their radiation properties, due to the presence of high density CSM. Forward shock dominance of the X-ray emission, internal free-free absorption of the radio emission, episodic or non-steady mass loss rate, asymmetry in the explosion seem to be common properties of this class of SNe.Comment: Fixed minor typos. 31 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Chapter in International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Book on "Supernovae" to be published in Space Science Reviews by Springe

    A Model for the Development of the Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbioses in Legumes and Its Use to Understand the Roles of Ethylene in the Establishment of these two Symbioses

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    We propose a model depicting the development of nodulation and arbuscular mycorrhizae. Both processes are dissected into many steps, using Pisum sativum L. nodulation mutants as a guideline. For nodulation, we distinguish two main developmental programs, one epidermal and one cortical. Whereas Nod factors alone affect the cortical program, bacteria are required to trigger the epidermal events. We propose that the two programs of the rhizobial symbiosis evolved separately and that, over time, they came to function together. The distinction between these two programs does not exist for arbuscular mycorrhizae development despite events occurring in both root tissues. Mutations that affect both symbioses are restricted to the epidermal program. We propose here sites of action and potential roles for ethylene during the formation of the two symbioses with a specific hypothesis for nodule organogenesis. Assuming the epidermis does not make ethylene, the microsymbionts probably first encounter a regulatory level of ethylene at the epidermis–outermost cortical cell layer interface. Depending on the hormone concentrations there, infection will either progress or be blocked. In the former case, ethylene affects the cortex cytoskeleton, allowing reorganization that facilitates infection; in the latter case, ethylene acts on several enzymes that interfere with infection thread growth, causing it to abort. Throughout this review, the difficulty of generalizing the roles of ethylene is emphasized and numerous examples are given to demonstrate the diversity that exists in plants

    Mandibular reconstruction with vascularised bone flaps: a systematic review over 25 years

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    To explore the techniques for mandibular reconstruction with composite free flaps and their outcomes, we systematically reviewed reports published between 1990 and 2015. A total of 9499 mandibular defects were reconstructed with 6178 fibular, 1380 iliac crest, 1127 composite radial, 709 scapular, 63 serratus anterior and rib, 32 metatarsal, and 10 lateral arm flaps including humerus. The failure rate was higher for the iliac crest (6.2%, 66/1059) than for fibular, radial, and scapular flaps combined (3.4%, 202/6018) (p<0.001). We evaluated rates of osteotomy, non-union, and fistulas. Implant-retained prostheses were used most often for rehabilitation after reconstruction with iliac crest (44%, 100/229 compared with 26%, 605/2295 if another flap was used) (p<0.001). There were no apparent changes in the choice of flap or in the complications reported. Although we were able to show some significant differences relating to the types of flap used, we were disappointed to find that fundamental outcomes such as the need for osteotomy, and rates of non-union and fistulas were under-reported. This review shows the need for more comprehensive and consistent reporting of outcomes to enable the comparison of different techniques for similar defects

    Integration of a palliative approach into heart failure care: a European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Association position paper

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    The Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology has published a previous position paper and various guidelines over the past decade recognizing the value of palliative care for those affected by this burdensome condition. Integrating palliative care into evidence-based heart failure management remains challenging for many professionals, as it includes the identification of palliative care needs, symptom control, adjustment of drug and device therapy, advance care planning, family and informal caregiver support, and trying to ensure a 'good death'. This new position paper aims to provide day-to-day practical clinical guidance on these topics, supporting the coordinated provision of palliation strategies as goals of care fluctuate along the heart failure disease trajectory. The specific components of palliative care for symptom alleviation, spiritual and psychosocial support, and the appropriate modification of guideline-directed treatment protocols, including drug deprescription and device deactivation, are described for the chronic, crisis and terminal phases of heart failure

    Prevention and Rehabilitation After Heart Transplantation: A Clinical Consensus Statement of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology, Heart Failure Association of the ESC, and the European Cardio Thoracic Transplant Association, a Section of ESOT

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    Little is known either about either physical activity patterns, or other lifestyle-related prevention measures in heart transplantation (HTx) recipients. The history of HTx started more than 50 years ago but there are still no guidelines or position papers highlighting the features of prevention and rehabilitation after HTx. The aims of this scientific statement are (i) to explain the importance of prevention and rehabilitation after HTx, and (ii) to promote the factors (modifiable/non-modifiable) that should be addressed after HTx to improve patients’ physical capacity, quality of life and survival. All HTx team members have their role to play in the care of these patients and multidisciplinary prevention and rehabilitation programmes designed for transplant recipients. HTx recipients are clearly not healthy disease-free subjects yet they also significantly differ from heart failure patients or those who are supported with mechanical circulatory support. Therefore, prevention and rehabilitation after HTx both need to be specifically tailored to this patient population and be multidisciplinary in nature. Prevention and rehabilitation programmes should be initiated early after HTx and continued during the entire post-transplant journey. This clinical consensus statement focuses on the importance and the characteristics of prevention and rehabilitation designed for HTx recipients

    ϒ production in p–Pb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV

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    ϒ production in p–Pb interactions is studied at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon collision √sNN = 8.16 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The measurement is performed reconstructing bottomonium resonances via their dimuon decay channel, in the centre-of-mass rapidity intervals 2.03 < ycms < 3.53 and −4.46 < ycms < −2.96, down to zero transverse momentum. In this work, results on the ϒ(1S) production cross section as a function of rapidity and transverse momentum are presented. The corresponding nuclear modification factor shows a suppression of the ϒ(1S) yields with respect to pp collisions, both at forward and backward rapidity. This suppression is stronger in the low transverse momentum region and shows no significant dependence on the centrality of the interactions. Furthermore, the ϒ(2S) nuclear modification factor is evaluated, suggesting a suppression similar to that of the ϒ(1S). A first measurement of the ϒ(3S) has also been performed. Finally, results are compared with previous ALICE measurements in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV and with theoretical calculations.publishedVersio

    (Anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions at 1as=13TeV

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    The study of (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions has proven to be a powerful tool to investigate the formation mechanism of loosely bound states in high-energy hadronic collisions. In this paper the production of (anti-)deuterons is studied as a function of the charged particle multiplicity in inelastic pp collisions at s=13 TeV using the ALICE experiment. Thanks to the large number of accumulated minimum bias events, it has been possible to measure (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions up to the same charged particle multiplicity (d Nch/ d \u3b7 3c 26) as measured in p\u2013Pb collisions at similar centre-of-mass energies. Within the uncertainties, the deuteron yield in pp collisions resembles the one in p\u2013Pb interactions, suggesting a common formation mechanism behind the production of light nuclei in hadronic interactions. In this context the measurements are compared with the expectations of coalescence and statistical hadronisation models (SHM)