16 research outputs found

    Electrohysterogram for ANN-Based Prediction of Imminent Labor in Women with Threatened Preterm Labor Undergoing Tocolytic Therapy

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    [EN] Threatened preterm labor (TPL) is the most common cause of hospitalization in the second half of pregnancy and entails high costs for health systems. Currently, no reliable labor proximity prediction techniques are available for clinical use. Regular checks by uterine electrohysterogram (EHG) for predicting preterm labor have been widely studied. The aim of the present study was to assess the feasibility of predicting labor with a 7- and 14-day time horizon in TPL women, who may be under tocolytic treatment, using EHG and/or obstetric data. Based on 140 EHG recordings, artificial neural networks were used to develop prediction models. Non-linear EHG parameters were found to be more reliable than linear for differentiating labor in under and over 7/14 days. Using EHG and obstetric data, the <7- and <14-day labor prediction models achieved an AUC in the test group of 87.1 +/- 4.3% and 76.2 +/- 5.8%, respectively. These results suggest that EHG can be reliable for predicting imminent labor in TPL women, regardless of the tocolytic therapy stage. This paves the way for the development of diagnostic tools to help obstetricians make better decisions on treatments, hospital stays and admitting TPL women, and can therefore reduce costs and improve maternal and fetal wellbeing.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the European Regional Development Fund (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE RTI2018-094449-A-I00-AR) and by the Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2019/220).Mas-Cabo, J.; Prats-Boluda, G.; Garcia-Casado, J.; Alberola Rubio, J.; Monfort-Ortiz, R.; Martinez-Saez, C.; Perales, A.... (2020). Electrohysterogram for ANN-Based Prediction of Imminent Labor in Women with Threatened Preterm Labor Undergoing Tocolytic Therapy. Sensors. 20(9):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20092681S116209Beck, S., Wojdyla, D., Say, L., Pilar Bertran, A., Meraldi, M., Harris Requejo, J., … Van Look, P. (2010). The worldwide incidence of preterm birth: a systematic review of maternal mortality and morbidity. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88(1), 31-38. doi:10.2471/blt.08.062554Zeitlin, J., Szamotulska, K., Drewniak, N., Mohangoo, A., Chalmers, J., … Sakkeus, L. (2013). Preterm birth time trends in Europe: a study of 19 countries. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 120(11), 1356-1365. doi:10.1111/1471-0528.12281Goldenberg, R. L., Culhane, J. F., Iams, J. D., & Romero, R. (2008). Epidemiology and causes of preterm birth. The Lancet, 371(9606), 75-84. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(08)60074-4Petrou, S. (2005). The economic consequences of preterm birth duringthe first 10 years of life. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 112, 10-15. doi:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2005.00577.xLucovnik, M., Chambliss, L. R., & Garfield, R. E. (2013). Costs of unnecessary admissions and treatments for «threatened preterm labor». American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 209(3), 217.e1-217.e3. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2013.06.046Haas, D., Benjamin, T., Sawyer, R., & Quinney, S. (2014). Short-term tocolytics for preterm delivery &ndash; current perspectives. International Journal of Women’s Health, 343. doi:10.2147/ijwh.s44048Euliano, T. Y., Nguyen, M. T., Darmanjian, S., McGorray, S. P., Euliano, N., Onkala, A., & Gregg, A. R. (2013). Monitoring uterine activity during labor: a comparison of 3 methods. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 208(1), 66.e1-66.e6. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2012.10.873Devedeux, D., Marque, C., Mansour, S., Germain, G., & Duchêne, J. (1993). Uterine electromyography: A critical review. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 169(6), 1636-1653. doi:10.1016/0002-9378(93)90456-sChkeir, A., Fleury, M.-J., Karlsson, B., Hassan, M., & Marque, C. (2013). Patterns of electrical activity synchronization in the pregnant rat uterus. BioMedicine, 3(3), 140-144. doi:10.1016/j.biomed.2013.04.007Fele-Žorž, G., Kavšek, G., Novak-Antolič, Ž., & Jager, F. (2008). A comparison of various linear and non-linear signal processing techniques to separate uterine EMG records of term and pre-term delivery groups. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 46(9), 911-922. doi:10.1007/s11517-008-0350-yHoroba, K., Jezewski, J., Matonia, A., Wrobel, J., Czabanski, R., & Jezewski, M. (2016). Early predicting a risk of preterm labour by analysis of antepartum electrohysterograhic signals. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 36(4), 574-583. doi:10.1016/j.bbe.2016.06.004Vinken, M. P. G. C., Rabotti, C., Mischi, M., & Oei, S. G. (2009). Accuracy of Frequency-Related Parameters of the Electrohysterogram for Predicting Preterm Delivery. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 64(8), 529-541. doi:10.1097/ogx.0b013e3181a8c6b1Vrhovec, J., Macek-Lebar, A., & Rudel, D. (s. f.). Evaluating Uterine Electrohysterogram with Entropy. IFMBE Proceedings, 144-147. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73044-6_36Diab, A., Hassan, M., Marque, C., & Karlsson, B. (2014). Performance analysis of four nonlinearity analysis methods using a model with variable complexity and application to uterine EMG signals. Medical Engineering & Physics, 36(6), 761-767. doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2014.01.009Lemancewicz, A., Borowska, M., Kuć, P., Jasińska, E., Laudański, P., Laudański, T., & Oczeretko, E. (2016). Early diagnosis of threatened premature labor by electrohysterographic recordings – The use of digital signal processing. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 36(1), 302-307. doi:10.1016/j.bbe.2015.11.005Hassan, M., Terrien, J., Marque, C., & Karlsson, B. (2011). Comparison between approximate entropy, correntropy and time reversibility: Application to uterine electromyogram signals. Medical Engineering & Physics, 33(8), 980-986. doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2011.03.010Fergus, P., Idowu, I., Hussain, A., & Dobbins, C. (2016). Advanced artificial neural network classification for detecting preterm births using EHG records. Neurocomputing, 188, 42-49. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2015.01.107Acharya, U. R., Sudarshan, V. K., Rong, S. Q., Tan, Z., Lim, C. M., Koh, J. E., … Bhandary, S. V. (2017). Automated detection of premature delivery using empirical mode and wavelet packet decomposition techniques with uterine electromyogram signals. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 85, 33-42. doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2017.04.013Fergus, P., Cheung, P., Hussain, A., Al-Jumeily, D., Dobbins, C., & Iram, S. (2013). Prediction of Preterm Deliveries from EHG Signals Using Machine Learning. 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Identification of Human Term and Preterm Labor using Artificial Neural Networks on Uterine Electromyography Data. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 35(3), 465-473. doi:10.1007/s10439-006-9248-8Mas-Cabo, J., Prats-Boluda, G., Garcia-Casado, J., Alberola-Rubio, J., Perales, A., & Ye-Lin, Y. (2019). Design and Assessment of a Robust and Generalizable ANN-Based Classifier for the Prediction of Premature Birth by means of Multichannel Electrohysterographic Records. Journal of Sensors, 2019, 1-13. doi:10.1155/2019/5373810Terrien, J., Marque, C., & Karlsson, B. (2007). Spectral characterization of human EHG frequency components based on the extraction and reconstruction of the ridges in the scalogram. 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. doi:10.1109/iembs.2007.4352680Rooijakkers, M. J., Rabotti, C., Oei, S. G., Aarts, R. M., & Mischi, M. (2014). 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    Characterization of the effects of Atosiban on uterine electromyograms recorded in women with threatened preterm labor

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    [EN] Although research studies using electrohysterography on women without tocolytic therapy have shown its potential for preterm birth diagnosis, tocolytics are usually administered in emergency rooms at the first sign of threatened preterm labor (TPL). Information on the uterine response during tocolytic treatment could prove useful for the development of tools able to predict true preterm deliveries under normal clinical conditions. The aim of this study was thus to analyze the effects of Atosiban on Electrohysterogram (EHG) parameters and to compare its effects on women who delivered preterm (WDP) and at term (WDT). Electrohysterograms recorded in different Atosiban therapy stages (before, during and after drug administration) on 40 WDT and 27 WDP were analyzed by computing linear, and non-linear EHG parameters. Results reveal that Atosiban does not greatly affect the EHG signal amplitude, but does modify its spectral content and reduces the energy associated with the fast wave high component in both WDP and WDT, with a faster response in the latter. EHG signal complexity remained constant in WDT, while it increased in WDP until it reached similar values to WDT during Atosiban treatment. The spectral and complexity parameters were able to separate (p < 0.05) WDT and WDP prior to and during tocolytic treatment and before and after treatment, respectively. The results pave the way for developing better and more reliable medical decision support systems based on EHG for preterm delivery prediction in TPL women in clinical scenarios.This work received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (DPI2015-68397-R), VLC/Campus (UPV-FE-2018-B03) and by Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2018/104).Mas-Cabo, J.; Prats-Boluda, G.; Ye Lin, Y.; Alberola Rubio, J.; Perales, A.; Garcia-Casado, J. (2019). Characterization of the effects of Atosiban on uterine electromyograms recorded in women with threatened preterm labor. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 52:198-205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2019.04.001S1982055

    Mathematical modelling of the waning of anti-RBD IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibody titers after a two-dose BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination

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    BackgroundAfter exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and/or vaccination there is an increase in serum antibody titers followed by a non-linear waning. Our aim was to find out if this waning of antibody titers would fit to a mathematical model.MethodsWe analyzed anti-RBD (receptor binding domain) IgG antibody titers and the breakthrough infections over a ten-month period following the second dose of the mRNA BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNtech.) vaccine, in a cohort of 54 health-care workers (HCWs) who were either never infected with SARS-CoV-2 (naïve, nHCW group, n=27) or previously infected with the virus (experienced, eHCW group, n=27). Two mathematical models, exponential and power law, were used to quantify antibody waning kinetics, and we compared the relative quality of the goodness of fit to the data between both models was compared using the Akaik Information Criterion.ResultsWe found that the waning slopes were significantly more pronounced for the naïve when compared to the experienced HCWs in exponential (p-value: 1.801E-9) and power law (p-value: 9.399E-13) models. The waning of anti-RBD IgG antibody levels fitted significantly to both exponential (average-R2: 0.957 for nHCW and 0.954 for eHCW) and power law (average-R2: 0.991 for nHCW and 0.988 for eHCW) models, with a better fit to the power law model. In the nHCW group, titers would descend below an arbitrary 1000-units threshold at a median of 210.6 days (IQ range: 74.2). For the eHCW group, the same risk threshold would be reached at 440.0 days (IQ range: 135.2) post-vaccination.ConclusionTwo parsimonious models can explain the anti-RBD IgG antibody titer waning after vaccination. Regardless of the model used, eHCWs have lower waning slopes and longer persistence of antibody titers than nHCWs. Consequently, personalized vaccination booster schedules should be implemented according to the individual persistence of antibody levels

    Uterine electromyography for discrimination of labor imminence in women with threatened preterm labor under tocolytic treatment

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    [EN] As one of the main aims of obstetrics is to be able to detect imminent delivery in patients with threatened preterm labor, the techniques currently used in clinical practice have serious limitations in this respect. The electrohysterogram (EHG) has now emerged as an alternative technique, providing relevant information about labor onset when recorded in controlled checkups without administration of tocolytic drugs. The studies published to date mainly focus on EHG-burst analysis and, to a lesser extent, on whole EHG window analysis. The study described here assessed the ability of EHG signals to discriminate imminent labor (The ability of EHG recordings to predict imminent labor (<7days) was analyzed in preterm threatened patients undergoing tocolytic therapies by means of EHG-burst and whole EHG window analysis. The non-linear features were found to have better performance than the temporal and spectral parameters in separating women who delivered in less than 7days from those who did not.Mas-Cabo, J.; Prats-Boluda, G.; Perales Marín, AJ.; Garcia-Casado, J.; Alberola Rubio, J.; Ye Lin, Y. (2019). Uterine electromyography for discrimination of labor imminence in women with threatened preterm labor under tocolytic treatment. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 57:401-411. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-018-1888-yS40141157Aboy M, Cuesta-Frau D, Austin D, Micó-Tormos P (2007) Characterization of sample entropy in the context of biomedical signal analysis. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc:5942–5945. https://doi.org/10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4353701Aboy M, Hornero R, Abásolo D, Álvarez D (2006) Interpretation of the Lempel-Ziv complexity measure in the context of biomedical signal analysis. 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    Techniques for measuring aerosol attenuation using the Central Laser Facility at the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory in Malargüe, Argentina, is designed to study the properties of ultra-high energy cosmic rays with energies above 10(18) eV. It is a hybrid facility that employs a Fluorescence Detector to perform nearly calorimetric measurements of Extensive Air Shower energies. To obtain reliable calorimetric information from the FD, the atmospheric conditions at the observatory need to be continuously monitored during data acquisition. In particular, light attenuation due to aerosols is an important atmospheric correction. The aerosol concentration is highly variable, so that the aerosol attenuation needs to be evaluated hourly. We use light from the Central Laser Facility, located near the center of the observatory site, having an optical signature comparable to that of the highest energy showers detected by the FD. This paper presents two procedures developed to retrieve the aerosol attenuation of fluorescence light from CLF laser shots. Cross checks between the two methods demonstrate that results from both analyses are compatible, and that the uncertainties are well understood. The measurements of the aerosol attenuation provided by the two procedures are currently used at the Pierre Auger Observatory to reconstruct air shower data

    Ultrahigh energy neutrinos at the Pierre Auger observatory

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    The observation of ultrahigh energy neutrinos (UHEνs) has become a priority in experimental astroparticle physics. UHEνs can be detected with a variety of techniques. In particular, neutrinos can interact in the atmosphere (downward-going ν) or in the Earth crust (Earth-skimming ν), producing air showers that can be observed with arrays of detectors at the ground. With the surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory we can detect these types of cascades. The distinguishing signature for neutrino events is the presence of very inclined showers produced close to the ground (i.e., after having traversed a large amount of atmosphere). In this work we review the procedure and criteria established to search for UHEνs in the data collected with the ground array of the Pierre Auger Observatory. This includes Earth-skimming as well as downward-going neutrinos. No neutrino candidates have been found, which allows us to place competitive limits to the diffuse flux of UHEνs in the EeV range and above.P. Abreu ... K. B. Barber ... J. A. Bellido ... R. W. Clay ... M. J. Cooper ... B. R. Dawson ... T. A. Harrison ... A. E. Herve ... V. C. Holmes ... J. Sorokin ... P. Wahrlich ... B. J. Whelan ... et al

    OMC: An Optical Monitoring Camera for INTEGRAL - Instrument description and performance

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    The Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) will observe the optical emission from the prime targets of the gammaray instruments onboard the ESA mission INTEGRAL, with the support of the JEM-X monitor in the X-ray domain. This capability will provide invaluable diagnostic information on the nature and the physics of the sources over a broad wavelength range. Its main scientific objectives are: ( 1) to monitor the optical emission from the sources observed by the gamma- and X-ray instruments, measuring the time and intensity structure of the optical emission for comparison with variability at high energies, and ( 2) to provide the brightness and position of the optical counterpart of any gamma- or X-ray transient taking place within its field of view. The OMC is based on a refractive optics with an aperture of 50 mm focused onto a large format CCD (1024 x 2048 pixels) working in frame transfer mode (1024 x 1024 pixels imaging area). With a field of view of 5degrees x 5degrees it will be able to monitor sources down to magnitude V = 18. Typical observations will perform a sequence of different integration times, allowing for photometric uncertainties below 0.1 mag for objects with V less than or equal to 16