30 research outputs found

    Quality assessment of a sample of mobile app-based health behavior change interventions using a tool based on the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence behavior change guidance

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    Objective: To quality assess a sample of health behavior change apps from the NHS Apps Library using a rating tool based on the 2014 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence behavior change guidance (NICE BCG). Methods: A qualitative analysis of the NICE BCG identified themes and questions for a quality assessment of health behavior change apps. These were refined by further discussion and piloting, and applied by two independent raters to a sample of NHS Library apps (N=49). Disagreements were resolved following discussions with a third rater. Results: Themes identified were; purpose, planning, usability, tailoring, behavior change technique (BCT), maintenance, evaluation, data security and documentation. Overall, purpose of the apps was clear, but evidence for collaboration with users or professionals was lacking. Usability information was poor and tailoring disappointing. Most used recognized BCTs but paid less attention to behavior maintenance than initiation. Information on app evaluation and documentation was sparse. Conclusions: This study furthers the work of the NHS apps library, adapting the NICE (2014) behavior change guidance for quality assessment of behavior change apps. Practice Implications: This study helps lay the foundations for development of a quality assurance tool for mobile health apps aimed at health behavior change

    The politics of ageing: health consumers, markets and hegemonic challenge

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    In recent years ageing has travelled from the placid backwaters of politics into the mainstream of economic, social and cultural debate. What are the forces that have politicised ageing, creating a sustained opposition to the supply side hegemony of pharmaceuticals, medicine and state which has historically constructed, propagated and legitimised the understanding of ageing as decline in social worth? In addressing this question, the paper develops Gramsci's theory of hegemony to include the potentially disruptive demand side power of consumers and markets. It shows how in the case of ageing individuals acting in concert through the mechanisms of the market, and not institutionalised modes of opposition, may become the agents of hegemonic challenge through a combination of lifecourse choice and electoral leverage. In response, the hegemony is adapting through the promotion of professionally defined interpretations of ‘active ageing’ designed to retain hegemonic control. With the forces of hegemony and counter‐hegemony nicely balanced and fresh issues such as intergenerational justice constantly emerging, the political tensions of ageing are set to continue

    Supporting adherence for people starting a new medication for a long-term condition through community pharmacies: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the New Medicine Service

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    Objective: To examine the effectiveness of the New Medicine Service (NMS), a national community pharmacy service to support medicines-taking in people starting a new medicine for a long-term condition, compared with normal practice. Methods: Pragmatic patient-level parallel randomised controlled trial, in 46 community pharmacies in England. Patients 1:1 block randomisation stratified by drug/disease group within each pharmacy. 504 participants (NMS: 251) aged 14 years and over, identified in the pharmacy on presentation of a prescription for asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes or an anticoagulant/antiplatelet agent. NMS intervention: One consultation 7–14 days after presentation of prescription followed by another 14–21 days thereafter to identify problems with treatment and provide support if needed. Controls received normal practice. Adherence, defined as missing no doses without the advice of a medical professional in the previous 7 days, was assessed through patient self-report at 10 weeks. Intention-to-treat analysis was employed, with outcome adjusted for recruiting pharmacy, NMS disease category, age, sex and medication count. Cost to the National Health Service (NHS) was collected. Results: At 10 weeks, 53 patients had withdrawn and 443 (85%) patients were contacted successfully by telephone. In the unadjusted analysis of 378 patients still taking the initial medicine, 61% (95% CI 54% to 67%) and 71% (95% CI 64% to 77%) patients were adherent in the normal practice and NMS arms, respectively (p=0.04 for difference). In the adjusted intention-to-treat analysis, the OR for increased adherence was 1.67 (95% CI 1.06 to 2.62; p=0.027) in favour of the NMS arm. There was a general trend to reduced NHS costs, albeit, statistically non-significant, for the NMS intervention: saving £21 (95% CI −£59 to £100, p=0.128) per patient. Conclusions: The NMS significantly increased the proportion of patients adhering to their new medicine by about 10%, compared with normal practice

    Microorganisms and spatial distribution of the sinkholes of the Yucatan Peninsula, underestimated biotechnological potential?

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    Investigación basada en el potencial bio-tecnológico de las micro-especies que habitan los cenotes de la Península de YucatánAbstract Objective: To detect the spatial distribution of the sinkholes of the Peninsula of Yucatan (SPY) and identify those cenotes where microorganisms have been registered. Methods: The geographic coordinates of the SPYs were obtained from various databases, as well as from scientific publications relating to the terminology ‘sinkholes’, ‘karst systems’ and ‘cenotes’. All coordinates were transformed into the Universal Transverse Mercator reference system (UTM) with datum WGS84. An infrared composite image was created with 432 RGB bands from the Landsat 8 satellite. The points with the location of the cenotes were imported into the Software TerrSet. Results: Total 1026 coordinates of sinkholes were recorded in the Yucatan Peninsula. In 18 sinkholes (<2%), microorganisms have been recovered and identified in various taxonomic levels, and only 6 sinkholes (<0.6%) has their biotechnological potential been evaluated. Conclusions: The microorganisms that inhabit the sinkholes of the Yucatan Peninsula are a reservoir with practically unexplored biotechnological potential.CONACY

    Annual research review: Digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems: a systematic and meta-review

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    Digital health interventions (DHIs), including computer-assisted therapy, smartphone apps and wearable technologies, are heralded as having enormous potential to improve uptake and accessibility, efficiency, clinical effectiveness and personalisation of mental health interventions. It is generally assumed that DHIs will be preferred by children and young people (CYP) given their ubiquitous digital activity. However, it remains uncertain whether: DHIs for CYP are clinically and cost-effective, CYP prefer DHIs to traditional services, DHIs widen access and how they should be evaluated and adopted by mental health services. This review evaluates the evidence-base for DHIs and considers the key research questions and approaches to evaluation and implementation. We conducted a meta-review of scoping, narrative, systematic or meta-analytical reviews investigating the effectiveness of DHIs for mental health problems in CYP. We also updated a systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of DHIs for CYP published in the last 3 years. Twenty-one reviews were included in the meta-review. The findings provide some support for the clinical benefit of DHIs, particularly computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT), for depression and anxiety in adolescents and young adults. The systematic review identified 30 new RCTs evaluating DHIs for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, anxiety, depression, psychosis, eating disorders and PTSD. The benefits of DHIs in managing ADHD, autism, psychosis and eating disorders are uncertain, and evidence is lacking regarding the cost-effectiveness of DHIs. Key methodological limitations make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions from existing clinical trials of DHIs. Issues include variable uptake and engagement with DHIs, lack of an agreed typology/taxonomy for DHIs, small sample sizes, lack of blinded outcome assessment, combining different comparators, short-term follow-up and poor specification of the level of human support. Research and practice recommendations are presented that address the key research questions and methodological issues for the evaluation and clinical implementation of DHIs for CYP

    Experiences and implications of smartphone apps for depression and anxiety

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    Apps on smartphones are increasingly used for self-care for depression and anxiety, yet how and why they are accessed, and their social effects, remain under-investigated. Sociologists have begun to theorise how these technologies affect and relate; crucial questions for a contemporary sociology of health. This study seeks to contribute to our conceptualisation of how digital health technologies are implicated in health by investigating the motivations, experiences and relations of people using mobile apps for depression or anxiety. We interviewed 14 individuals living in England with a diagnosis of depression or an anxiety disorder, who used smartphone apps as part of self-care. Analysis followed a thematic approach. Three themes were identified. Apps exist within relational contexts – alongside smartphones, beliefs about mental health and other support – which shape app use and lead to an imprecise, casual approach. People engage with apps in a straightforward and uncomplicated manner, leading to immediate symptomatic alleviation, but to limited longer term benefit. The contradiction between the apps’ promise as tools of individual empowerment, with their ability to promote responsibilising frameworks that restrain users’ reflexivity, is central to their implications. Apps can thus contribute to isolation from interpersonal support and promote reductionist biomedical conceptualisations of mental ill health