102 research outputs found

    Standort, Wettbewerb oder Persönlichkeit: Wer oder was entscheidet über die Adoption des Onlinehandels als Vertriebskanal?

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    Der Onlinehandel ist ein mittlerweile fest etablierter Vertriebsweg, der insbesondere den inhabergeführten stationären Einzelhandel (ISEH) – und mit ihm die Innenstädte und andere Einkaufsstandorte – vor großeHerausforderungen stellt. Gleichzeitig kann der Multi- bzw. Cross-Channel-Vertrieb auch eine Chance für den ISEH darstellen, was allerdings voraussetzt, dass diese (Prozess-)Innovation im Vertrieb überhauptgenutzt wird. Anhand von drei Angebotsstandorten in Karlsruhe (Innenstadt, Stadtteilzentren Mühlburg und Durlach) behandelt der vorliegende Beitrag zwei Kernfragen: 1) Welche Relevanz hat der Online-Vertriebsweg bei den stationären (inhabergeführten sowie filialisierten) Einzelhandelsbetrieben an den drei Standorten? 2) Welche Einflussfaktoren bedingen die Adoptionsentscheidung von Geschäftsinhaber/-innen,zusätzlich in den digitalen Vertrieb einzusteigen? Hierzu wurde in den Untersuchungsgebieten eine standardisierte, mündliche Anbieterbefragung durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Mit einem multivariaten Entscheidungsmodell wurde der Einfluss einzelner Faktoren (subjektive Einschätzung der Standortqualität und des Wettbewerbsdrucks, Unternehmer/-innenpersönlichkeit im Sinne der Marktphasentheorie) auf die Nutzung des Onlinevertriebs geprüft. Erwartungsgemäß zeigt sich, dass die Digitalisierung bei filialisierten Unternehmen wesentlich weiter fortgeschritten ist als im ISEH. Überraschenderweise stellen aber weder die subjektive Standortbewertung noch der empfundene Konkurrenzdruck durch den lokalen Handel Einflüsse im Hinblick auf die Adoption des Onlinehandels dar. Die Adoptionsentscheidung hängt aber in hohem Maßevon der individuellen Persönlichkeit der Geschäftsinhaber/-innen sowie von deren subjektiver Einschätzung des Wettbewerbsdrucks durch den Onlinehandel ab. Diese Ergebnisse implizieren, dass Strategien zur Förderung der Online-Kompetenz von mittelständischen Einzelhändlern eine höhere Relevanz beigemessen werden sollte und hierdurch andere Komponenten der Standortförderung sinnvoll ergänzt werden können


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    Viele Jobs erfordern heute ein hohes Maß an Mobilität und Flexibilität. Insbesondere Saisonarbeiter, Erntehelfer, Pflegepersonal sowie Arbeiter auf Großbaustellen benötigen temporäre Wohnräume um ihrer Tätigkeit nachzukommen. Wie sehen die Lebenswelten dieser Jobnomaden aus? Welche Anforderung stellen sie an ihren Wohnraum und ihre Umgebung? Welche Rolle spielen die Arbeitgeber? Gibt es Unterschiede zwischen Stadt und Land? Das arch.lab ist eine Plattform für Forschung in der Lehre an der Fakultät Architektur. Es hat die Aufgabe, forschungsorientiertes Studieren und Lehren im Kontext der Studiengänge Architektur und der Kunstgeschichte zu entwickeln und zu fördern. Je Studienjahr vergibt das arch.lab bis zu sechs Förderungen an Seminarkonzepte der Fakultät, die für das neu eingeführte Modul „Forschungsfelder“ im Masterstudiengang Architektur entwickelt werden

    Impact of route of access and stenosis subtype on outcome after transcatheter aortic valve replacement.

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    INTRODUCTION Previous analyses have reported the outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) for patients with low-flow, low-gradient (LFLG) aortic stenosis (AS), without stratifying according to the route of access. Differences in mortality rates among access routes have been established for high-gradient (HG) patients and hypothesized to be even more pronounced in LFLG AS patients. This study aims to compare the outcomes of patients with LFLG or HG AS following transfemoral (TF) or transapical (TA) TAVR. METHODS A total of 910 patients, who underwent either TF or TA TAVR with a median follow-up of 2.22 (IQR: 1.22-4.03) years, were included in this multicenter cohort study. In total, 146 patients (16.04%) suffered from LFLG AS. The patients with HG and LFLG AS were stratified according to the route of access and compared statistically. RESULTS The operative mortality rates of patients with HG and LFLG were found to be comparable following TF access. The operative mortality rate was significantly increased for patients who underwent TA access [odds ratio (OR): 2.91 (1.54-5.48), p = 0.001] and patients with LFLG AS [OR: 2.27 (1.13-4.56), p = 0.02], which could be corroborated in a propensity score-matched subanalysis. The observed increase in the risk of operative mortality demonstrated an additive effect [OR for TA LFLG: 5.45 (2.35-12.62), p < 0.001]. LFLG patients who underwent TA access had significantly higher operative mortality rates (17.78%) compared with TF LFLG (3.96%, p = 0.016) and TA HG patients (6.36%, p = 0.024). CONCLUSIONS HG patients experienced a twofold increase in operative mortality rates following TA compared with TF access, while LFLG patients had a fivefold increase in operative mortality rates. TA TAVR appears suboptimal for patients with LFLG AS. Prospective studies should be conducted to evaluate alternative options in cases where TF is not possible

    Physical Exercise During Pregnancy Prevents Cognitive Impairment Induced by Amyloid-Ăź in Adult Offspring Rats

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the main aging-associated neurodegenerative disorder and is characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, synaptic failure, and cognitive decline. It has been a challenge to find disease course-modifying treatments. However, several studies demonstrated that regular physical activity and exercise are capable of promoting brain health by improving the cognitive function. Maternal lifestyle, including regular exercise during pregnancy, has also been shown to influence fetal development and disease susceptibility in adulthood through fetal metabolism programming. Here, we investigated the potential neuroprotective role of regular maternal swimming, before and during pregnancy, against amyloid-β neurotoxicity in the adult offspring. Behavioral and neurochemical analyses were performed 14 days after male offspring received a single, bilateral, intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of amyloid-β oligomers (AβOs). AβOs-injected rats of the sedentary maternal group exhibited learning and memory deficits, along with reduced synaptophysin, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels, and alterations of mitochondrial function. Strikingly, the offspring of the sedentary maternal group had AβOs-induced behavioral alterations that were prevented by maternal exercise. This effect was accompanied by preventing the alteration of synaptophysin levels in the offspring of exercised dams. Additionally, offspring of the maternal exercise group exhibited an augmentation of functional mitochondria, as indicated by increases in mitochondrial mass and membrane potential, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, and cytochrome c oxidase enzymes activities. Moreover, maternal exercise during pregnancy induced long-lasting modulation of fusion and fission proteins, Mfn1 and Drp1, respectively. Overall, our data demonstrates a potential protective effect of exercise during pregnancy against AβOs-induced neurotoxicity in the adult offspring brain, by mitigating the neurodegenerative process triggered by Alzheimer-associated AβOs through programming the brain metabolism.This study was supported by the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa/Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PROPESQ/UFRGS). CPK is a PhD Postgraduate student in Biological Sciences – Biochemistry receiving grants from the Brazilian agency Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). CM received grants from CNPq (Universal 442406/2014-2 and INCT 465671/2014-4)

    Advancing the research agenda on food systems governance and transformation

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    The food systems upon which humanity depends face multiple interdependent environmental, social and economic threats in the 21st Century. Yet, the governance of these systems, which determines to a large extent the ability to adapt and transform in response to these challenges, is underresearched. This perspective piece synthesises the findings of two recent reviews of food systems governance and transformations and proposes a comprehensive research agenda for the coming years. These reviews highlight the influence of governance on food systems, methodological obstacles to explaining the effectiveness of governance in realising food sustainability, and conditions that have historically supported food system transformations. We argue that the following steps are key to improving our knowledge of the role of governance in food systems: (1) developing more comparable research designs for building generalisable explanations of the governance elements that are most effective in realising food systems goals; (2) using the lens of polycentricity to help disentangle complex governance networks; (3) giving greater attention to the conditions and pre-conditions associated with historical food system transformations; (4) identifying adaptations that strengthen or weaken path dependency; and, (5) focusing research on how transformations can be supported by institutions that facilitate collective action and stakeholder agency

    Global patterns of care in advanced stage mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome: a multicenter retrospective follow-up study from the Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium

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    ABSTRACT Background Advanced-stage mycosis fungoides (MF)/Sezary syndrome (SS) patients are weighted by an unfavorable prognosis and share an unmet clinical need of effective treatments. International guidelines are available detailing treatment options for the different stages but without recommending treatments in any particular order due to lack of comparative trials. The aims of this second CLIC study were to retrospectively analyze the pattern of care worldwide for advanced-stage MF/SS patients, the distribution of treatments according to geographical areas (USA versus non-USA), and whether the heterogeneity of approaches has potential impact on survival. Patients and methods This study included 853 patients from 21 specialist centers (14 European, 4 USA, 1 each Australian, Brazilian, and Japanese). Results Heterogeneity of treatment approaches was found, with up to 24 different modalities or combinations used as first-line and 36% of patients receiving four or more treatments. Stage IIB disease was most frequently treated by total-skin-electron-beam radiotherapy, bexarotene and gemcitabine; erythrodermic and SS patients by extracorporeal photochemotherapy, and stage IVA2 by polychemotherapy. Significant differences were found between USA and non-USA centers, with bexarotene, photopheresis and histone deacetylase inhibitors most frequently prescribed for first-line treatment in USA while phototherapy, interferon, chlorambucil and gemcitabine in non-USA centers. These differences did not significantly impact on survival. However, when considering death and therapy change as competing risk events and the impact of first treatment line on both events, both monochemotherapy (SHR = 2.07) and polychemotherapy (SHR = 1.69) showed elevated relative risks. Conclusion This large multicenter retrospective study shows that there exist a large treatment heterogeneity in advanced MF/SS and differences between USA and non-USA centers but these were not related to survival, while our data reveal that chemotherapy as first treatment is associated with a higher risk of death and/or change of therapy and thus other therapeutic options should be preferable as first treatment approach

    The Oldest Case of Decapitation in the New World (Lapa do Santo, East-Central Brazil)

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    We present here evidence for an early Holocene case of decapitation in the New World (Burial 26), found in the rock shelter of Lapa do Santo in 2007. Lapa do Santo is an archaeological site located in the Lagoa Santa karst in east-central Brazil with evidence of human occupation dating as far back as 11.7-12.7 cal kyBP (95.4% interval). An ultra-filtered AMS age determination on a fragment of the sphenoid provided an age range of 9.1-9.4 cal kyBP (95.4% interval) for Burial 26. The interment was composed of an articulated cranium, mandible and first six cervical vertebrae. Cut marks with a v-shaped profile were observed in the mandible and sixth cervical vertebra. The right hand was amputated and laid over the left side of the face with distal phalanges pointing to the chin and the left hand was amputated and laid over the right side of the face with distal phalanges pointing to the forehead. Strontium analysis comparing Burial 26's isotopic signature to other specimens from Lapa do Santo suggests this was a local member of the group. Therefore, we suggest a ritualized decapitation instead of trophy-taking, testifying for the sophistication of mortuary rituals among hunter-gatherers in the Americas during the early Archaic period. In the apparent absence of wealth goods or elaborated architecture, Lapa do Santo's inhabitants seemed to use the human body to express their cosmological principles regarding death
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