285 research outputs found

    Characterization of protein tyrosine phosphatase H1 knockout mice in animal models of local and systemic inflammation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>PTPH1 is a protein tyrosine phosphatase expressed in T cells but its effect on immune response is still controversial. PTPH1 dephosphorylates TCRzeta <it>in vitro</it>, inhibiting the downstream inflammatory signaling pathway, however no immunological phenotype has been detected in primary T cells derived from PTPH1-KO mice. The aim of the present study is to characterize PTPH1 phenotype in two <it>in vivo </it>inflammatory models and to give insights in possible PTPH1 functions in cytokine release.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We challenged PTPH1-KO mice with two potent immunomodulatory molecules, carrageenan and LPS, in order to determine PTPH1 possible role in inflammatory response <it>in vivo</it>. Cytokine release, inflammatory pain and gene expression were investigated in challenged PTPH1-WT and KO mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The present study shows that carrageenan induces a trend of slightly increased spontaneous pain sensitivity in PTPH1-KO mice compared to WT (wild-type) littermates, but no differences in cytokine release, induced pain perception and cellular infiltration have been detected between the two genotypes in this mouse model. On the other hand, LPS-induced TNFα, MCP-1 and IL10 release was significantly reduced in PTPH1-KO plasma compared to WTs 30 and 60 minutes post challenge. No cytokine release modulation was detectable 180 minutes post LPS challenge.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, the present study points out a slight potential role for PTPH1 in spontaneous pain sensitivity and it indicates that this phosphatase might play a role in the positive regulation of the LPS-induced cytokines release <it>in vivo</it>, in contrast to previous reports indicating PTPH1 as potential negative regulator of immune response.</p

    A Phase II pilot trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of ferroquine against early Plasmodium falciparum in an induced blood-stage malaria infection study

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    Background: Ferroquine (SSR97193) is a candidate anti-malarial currently undergoing clinical trials for malaria. To better understand its pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) parameters the compound was tested in the experimentally induced blood stage malaria infection model in volunteers. Methods: Male and non-pregnant female aged 18-50 years were screened for this phase II, controlled, single-centre clinical trial. Subjects were inoculated with ~1800 viable Plasmodium falciparum 3D7A-infected human erythrocytes, and treated with a single-dose of 800 mg ferroquine. Blood samples were taken at defined time-points to measure PK and PD parameters. The blood concentration of ferroquine and its active metabolite, SSR97213, were measured on dry blood spot samples by ultra-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Parasitaemia and emergence of gametocytes were monitored by quantitative PCR. Safety was determined by recording adverse events and monitoring clinical laboratory assessments during the course of the study. Results: Eight subjects were enrolled into the study, inoculated with infected erythrocytes and treated with 800 mg ferroquine. Ferroquine was rapidly absorbed with maximal exposure after 4-8 and 4-12 h exposure for SSR97213. Non-compartmental PK analysis resulted in estimates for half-lives of 10.9 and 23.8 days for ferroquine and SSR97213, respectively. Parasite clearance as reported by parasite reduction ratio was 162.9 (95 % CI 141-188) corresponding to a parasite clearance half-life of 6.5 h (95 % CI: 6.4-6.7 h). PK/PD modelling resulted in a predicted minimal parasiticidal concentration of 20 ng/mL, and the single dosing tested in this study was predicted to maintain an exposure above this threshold for 454 h (37.8 days). Although ferroquine was overall well tolerated, transient elevated transaminase levels were observed in three subjects. Paracetamol was the only concomitant treatment among the two out of these three subjects that may have played a role in the elevated transaminases levels. No clinically significant ECG abnormalities were observed. Conclusions: The parameters and PK/PD model derived from this study pave the way to the further rational development of ferroquine as an anti-malarial partner drug. The safety of ferroquine has to be further explored in controlled human trials. Trial registration anzctr.org.au (registration number: ACTRN12613001040752), registered 18/09/201

    Anticancer properties of distinct antimalarial drug classes

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    We have tested five distinct classes of established and experimental antimalarial drugs for their anticancer potential, using a panel of 91 human cancer lines. Three classes of drugs: artemisinins, synthetic peroxides and DHFR (dihydrofolate reductase) inhibitors effected potent inhibition of proliferation with IC 50 s in the nM- low µM range, whereas a DHODH (dihydroorotate dehydrogenase) and a putative kinase inhibitor displayed no activity. Furthermore, significant synergies were identified with erlotinib, imatinib, cisplatin, dasatinib and vincristine. Cluster analysis of the antimalarials based on their differential inhibition of the various cancer lines clearly segregated the synthetic peroxides OZ277 and OZ439 from the artemisinin cluster that included artesunate, dihydroartemisinin and artemisone, and from the DHFR inhibitors pyrimethamine and P218 (a parasite DHFR inhibitor), emphasizing their shared mode of action. In order to further understand the basis of the selectivity of these compounds against different cancers, microarray-based gene expression data for 85 of the used cell lines were generated. For each compound, distinct sets of genes were identified whose expression significantly correlated with compound sensitivity. Several of the antimalarials tested in this study have well-established and excellent safety profiles with a plasma exposure, when conservatively used in malaria, that is well above the IC 50 s that we identified in this study. Given their unique mode of action and potential for unique synergies with established anticancer drugs, our results provide a strong basis to further explore the potential application of these compounds in cancer in pre-clinical or and clinical settings

    Protein-tyrosine Phosphatase H1 Controls Growth Hormone Receptor Signaling and Systemic Growth

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    Several protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have been implicated in the control of growth hormone receptor (GHR) signaling, but none have been shown to affect growth in vivo. We have applied a battery of molecular and cellular approaches to test a family-wide panel of PTPs for interference with GHR signaling. Among the subset of PTPs that showed activity in multiple readouts, we selected PTP-H1/PTPN3 for further in vivo studies and found that mice lacking the PTP-H1 catalytic domain show significantly enhanced growth over their wild type littermates. In addition, PTP-H1 mutant animals had enhanced plasma and liver mRNA expression of insulin-like growth factor 1, as well as increased bone density and mineral content. These observations point to a controlling role for PTP-H1 in modulating GHR signaling and systemic growth through insulin-like growth factor 1 secretion

    Unraveling the relations between post-traumatic stress symptoms, neurocognitive functioning, and limbic white matter in pediatric brain tumor patients

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    Background. Pediatric brain tumor patients are at risk of developing neurocognitive impairments and associated white matter alterations. In other populations, post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) impact cognition and white matter. This study aims to investigate the effect of PTSS on neurocognitive functioning and limbic white matter in pediatric brain tumor patients. Methods. Sixty-six patients (6–16 years) completed neuropsychological assessment and brain MRI (1-year post-diagnosis) and parents completed PTSS proxy questionnaires (CRIES-13; 1–3 months and 1-year post-diagnosis). Mean Z-scores and percentage impaired (>1SD) for attention, processing speed, executive functioning, and memory were compared to normscores (t-tests, chi-square tests). Multi-shell diffusion MRI data were analyzed for white matter tractography (fractional anisotropy/axial diffusivity). Effects of PTSS on neurocognition and white matter were explored with linear regression models (FDR correction for multiple testing), including age at diagnosis, treatment intensity, and tumor location as covariates. Neurocognition and limbic white matter associations were explored with correlations. Results. Attention (M = −0.49, 33% impaired; P < .05) and processing speed (M = −0.57, 34% impaired; P < .05) were significantly lower than healthy peers. PTSS was associated with poorer processing speed (β = −0.64, P < .01). Treatment intensity, age at diagnosis, and tumor location, but not PTSS, were associated with limbic white matter metrics. Neurocognition and white matter metrics were not associated. Conclusions. Higher PTSS was associated with poorer processing speed, highlighting the need for monitoring, and timely referrals to optimize psychological well-being and neurocognitive functioning. Future research should focus on longitudinal follow-up and explore the impact of PTSS interventions on neurocognitive performance

    Methylene Homologues of Artemisone: An Unexpected Structure-Activity Relationship and a Possible Implication for the Design of C10-Substituted Artemisinins.

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    We sought to establish if methylene homologues of artemisone are biologically more active and more stable than artemisone. The analogy is drawn with the conversion of natural O- and N-glycosides into more stable C-glycosides that may possess enhanced biological activities and stabilities. Dihydroartemisinin was converted into 10β-cyano-10-deoxyartemisinin that was hydrolyzed to the α-primary amide. Reduction of the β-cyanide and the α-amide provided the respective methylamine epimers that upon treatment with divinyl sulfone gave the β- and α-methylene homologues, respectively, of artemisone. Surprisingly, the compounds were less active in vitro than artemisone against P. falciparum and displayed no appreciable activity against A549, HCT116, and MCF7 tumor cell lines. This loss in activity may be rationalized in terms of one model for the mechanism of action of artemisinins, namely the cofactor model, wherein the presence of a leaving group at C10 assists in driving hydride transfer from reduced flavin cofactors to the peroxide during perturbation of intracellular redox homeostasis by artemisinins. It is noted that the carba analogue of artemether is less active in vitro than the O-glycoside parent toward P. falciparum, although extrapolation of such activity differences to other artemisinins at this stage is not possible. However, literature data coupled with the leaving group rationale suggest that artemisinins bearing an amino group attached directly to C10 are optimal compounds. A brief critique is made of proteomic studies purporting to demonstrate the alkylation of intraparasitic proteins by alkyne- and azide-tagged artemisinins and synthetic peroxides in relation to mechanism of action

    The CCAAT-binding complex coordinates the oxidative stress response in eukaryotes

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    The heterotrimeric CCAAT-binding complex is evolutionary conserved in eukaryotic organisms. The corresponding Aspergillus nidulans CCAAT- binding factor (AnCF) consists of the subunits HapB, HapC and HapE. All of the three subunits are necessary for DNA binding. Here, we demonstrate that AnCF senses the redox status of the cell via oxidative modification of thiol groups within the histone fold motif of HapC. Mutational and in vitro interaction analyses revealed that two of these cysteine residues are indispensable for stable HapC/HapE subcomplex formation and high-affinity DNA binding of AnCF. Oxidized HapC is unable to participate in AnCF assembly and localizes in the cytoplasm, but can be recycled by the thioredoxin system in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, deletion of the hapC gene led to an impaired oxidative stress response. Therefore, the central transcription factor AnCF is regulated at the post-transcriptional level by the redox status of the cell serving for a coordinated activation and deactivation of antioxidative defense mechanisms including the specific transcriptional activator NapA, production of enzymes such as catalase, thioredoxin or peroxiredoxin, and maintenance of a distinct glutathione homeostasis. The underlying fine-tuned mechanism very likely represents a general feature of the CCAAT-binding complexes in eukaryotes

    Direct non transcriptional role of NF-Y in DNA replication

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    NF-Y is a heterotrimeric transcription factor, which plays a pioneer role in the transcriptional control of promoters containing the CCAAT-box, among which genes involved in cell cycle regulation, apoptosis and DNA damage response. The knock-down of the sequence-specific subunit NF-YA triggers defects in S-phase progression, which lead to apoptotic cell death. Here, we report that NF-Y has a critical function in DNA replication progression, independent from its transcriptional activity. NF-YA colocalizes with early DNA replication factories, its depletion affects the loading of replisome proteins to DNA, among which Cdc45, and delays the passage from early to middle-late S phase. Molecular combing experiments are consistent with a role for NF-Y in the control of fork progression. Finally, we unambiguously demonstrate a direct non-transcriptional role of NF-Y in the overall efficiency of DNA replication, specifically in the DNA elongation process, using a Xenopus cell-free system. Our findings broaden the activity of NF-Y on a DNA metabolism other than transcription, supporting the existence of specific TFs required for proper and efficient DNA replication