87 research outputs found

    A Convenient Approach to a Novel Group of Quaternary Amino Acids Containing­ a Geminal Bisphosphonate Moiety

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    Quaternary amino acids containing a geminal bisphosphonate moiety have been synthesized for the first time. The developed two-step reaction sequence utilizes the Michael addition of α-substituted azlactones to a vinylidene bisphosphonate as the key step. The reaction proceeds under catalytic conditions with excellent regioselectivity. Subsequent, acid-mediated azlactone ring opening affords the target quaternary amino acids with good overall yields. Attempts to develop an enantioselective version of the synthetic strategy are described

    Organocatalytic Enantioselective Approach to Spirocyclic Δβ,γ-Butenolides

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    A novel method for the preparation of the spirocyclic Δβ,γ-butenolides is presented. The developed strategy is based on a trienamine-mediated [4+2]-cycloaddition between (E)-3-alkylidene- 5-arylfuran-2(3H)-ones and 2,4-dienals. Target products containing three contiguous centres including one quaternary are efficiently formed in a highly enantiomerically enriched form in the presence of the silyl-protected diphenylprolinol aminocatalyst

    4D Reconstruction and Visualization of Cultural Heritage: Analysing our Legacy Through Time

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    Temporal analyses and multi-temporal 3D reconstruction are fundamental for the preservation and maintenance of all forms of Cultural Heritage (CH) and are the basis for decisions related to interventions and promotion. Introducing the fourth dimension of time into three-dimensional geometric modelling of real data allows the creation of a multi-temporal representation of a site. In this way, scholars from various disciplines (surveyors, geologists, archaeologists, architects, philologists, etc.) are provided with a new set of tools and working methods to support the study of the evolution of heritage sites, both to develop hypotheses about the past and to model likely future developments. The capacity to “see” the dynamic evolution of CH assets across different spatial scales (e.g. building, site, city or territory) compressed in diachronic model, affords the possibility to better understand the present status of CH according to its history. However, there are numerous challenges in order to carry out 4D modelling and the requisite multi-data source integration. It is necessary to identify the specifications, needs and requirements of the CH community to understand the required levels of 4D model information. In this way, it is possible to determine the optimum material and technologies to be utilised at different CH scales, as well as the data management and visualization requirements. This manuscript aims to provide a comprehensive approach for CH time-varying representations, analysis and visualization across different working scales and environments: rural landscape, urban landscape and architectural scales. Within this aim, the different available metric data sources are systemized and evaluated in terms of their suitability

    Six-membered ring systems: with O and/or S atoms

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    A large variety of publications involving O- and S-6-membered ring systems have appeared in 2017. The importance of these heterocyclic compounds is highlighted by the huge number of publications on the total synthesis of natural oxygen derivatives and of other communications dedicated to synthetic derivatives. Reviews on stereoselective organocatalytic synthesis of tetrahydropyrans (17EJO4666), of tetrahydropyrans and their application in total synthesis of natural products (17CSR1661), on the synthesis of the less thermodynamically stable 2,6-trans-tetrahydropyrans (17S4899), on enantioselective synthesis of polyfunctionalized pyran and chromene derivatives (17TA1462), and on enantioselective and racemic total synthesis of camptothecins, including the formation of their pyran-2-one ring (17SL1134), have appeared. Advances in the transition metal-catalyzed synthesis of pyran-2/4-ones (17TL263), N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-catalyzed achiral synthesis of pyran-2-one, coumarin and (thio)chromone derivatives (17OBC4731), on the synthesis and transformation of 2H-pyran-2-ones (17T2529) and 2-styrylchromones (17EJO3115) into other heterocyclic compounds, have been surveyed. The strategies to build up the tetrahydropyranyl core of brevisamide (17H(95)81) and the reactions of ketyl radicals, generated from carbonyl derivatives under transition-metal photoredox-catalyzed conditions, leading to isochromen- and chroman-type compounds (17CC13093) were disclosed. Developments in the synthesis of pentafluorosulfanyl(chromene and coumarin) derivatives (17TL4803), photoswitchable D9-tetrahydrocannabinol derivatives (17JA18206), and aminobenzopyranoxanthenes with nitrogen-containing rings (17JOC13626) have been studied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    1,4‐Dithiane‐2,5‐diol: An Attractive Platform for the Synthesis of Sulfur Containing Functionalized Heterocycles

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    This microreview highlights the utility of 1,4? dithiane?2,5?diol 1 as a source for the in situ generation of 2?mercaptoacetaldehyde 2, a versatile two?carbon synthon featuring both electrophilic and nucleophilic reaction centers widely utilized as an attractive platform for the preparation of sulfur?containing molecules. We discussed the involved chemistry, mainly focusing on its applications to the construction of sulfur?containing heterocyclic compounds including the thiophene and 1,3?thiazole families and other different sulfur?nitrogen and sulfur?oxygen heterocycles which continue to be a pillar of organic synthesis as a result of their broad application in organic and medicinal chemistry

    Comparison of HYPERION and ALI satellite imagery classification

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    Celem przeprowadzonych badan było porównanie wyników klasyfikacji obrazów satelitarnych - hiperspektralnych: HYPERION i wielospektralnych: ALI, zarejestrowanych w zakresach spektralnych podobnych do obrazu: LANDSAT. Testy prowadzono na obszarze leżącym na wschód od aglomeracji krakowskiej, dla którego dysponowano obrazami z platformy EO – 1 zarejestrowanymi w 2006 roku, dzięki projektowi KBN (nr 3T 09D 09429). W badaniach wykorzystano oprogramowanie specjalistyczne (ENVI 4.1) dedykowane opracowaniom danych teletedetekcyjnych. Obrazy HYPERION zostały wstępnie przetworzone w celu usunięcia zakłóceń spowodowanych wpływem atmosfery i tzw. efektem „smiling”. Klasyfikacje przeprowadzono tylko metodami tradycyjnie wykorzystywanymi w przetwarzaniu obrazów wielospektralnych, czyli za pomocą klasyfikacji nienadzorowanej i nadzorowanej. Założenie metodyczne porównania wyników klasyfikacji polegało na wykorzystaniu dla obu obrazów tych samych uczących pól treningowych i podobnych pól kontrolnych wykorzystywanych do oceny dokładności. Ponadto wszystkie parametry zastosowanych algorytmów były równie_ identyczne dla obu obrazów. Pola treningowe i testowe wybierano manualnie z wykorzystaniem kompozycji barwnych. W trakcie prowadzenia testów zaistniała konieczność zredukowania liczby analizowanych kanałów obrazu HYPERION, ponieważ w przeciwnym razie nie uzyskiwano zadawalających wyników klasyfikacji. W takim przypadku dokładność klasyfikacji obrazu HYPERION była wyższa ni_ dokładność klasyfikacji obrazu ALI. Natomiast wynik klasyfikacji wszystkich kanałów obrazu HYPERION albo w ogóle był nie do zaakceptowania, albo wynik klasyfikacji był znacznie gorszy ni_ w przypadku ALI i ograniczonej liczby kanałów HYPERION.The main aim of the research was to compare the results of satellite image classification: HYPERION and ALI, recorded in a spectral range similar to LANDSAT. Analyses were performed using the test area to the east of Krakow. Satellite iamges were obtained in 2006 thanks to scientific project KBN (no. 3T 09D 09429). The image processed with ENVI. HYPERION was initially preprocessed to remove so-called atmospheric effects, and so-called “similing” effect. The classification was performed using conventional spectral methods: unsupervised and supervised classification. The background of the comparison was applied in the same training and control area, and the same parameters of classification. Training and control areas ware selected using colour compositions. In the research, a need to reduce the amount of HYPERION channels emerged, otherwise the classification results would not be possible to interpret. In such case, the accuracy of HYPERION channel reduction classification was higher than that of ALI. The result of classification of all HYPERION image channels, however, was either completely unacceptable, or the classification result was much worse than in the case of ALI and limited number of HYPERION channels

    Validation of measurement of land parcel areas on ortophotomap

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    W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano wybrane zagadnienia będące przedmiotem badań w ramach projektu UE Validation of methods for measurement of land parcel areas realizowanego i koordynowanego w AGH (Kraków) w 2005 roku. W ramach tego projektu wykonywano pomiary teledetekcyjne (dwa eksperymenty pomiarowe - AGH) oraz pomiary GPS (jeden eksperyment - UWM w Olsztynie). Pomiary zostały zaplanowane i opracowane zgodnie z normą ISO 5725 przez USI Gemblaux w Belgii. Celem projektu było opracowanie metodyki kalibracji pomiarów powierzchni działek rolnych. W publikacji przedstawiono krótką analizę obowiązującego podejścia do tego zagadnienia oraz opisano proponowaną przez autorkę alternatywną metodę kalibracji. W metodzie tej parametrem wykorzystywanych dla określania dokładności powierzchni działki rolnej jest błąd położenia punktu charakteryzujący dokładność pomiaru. Do eksperymentu teledetekcyjnego wykorzystano lotnicze i satelitarne ortofotomapy o rozdzielczości 0,2-2,5 m. 36 działek rolnych było wektoryzowanych przez 6-12 operatorów. W 1 eksperymencie wykonano 3888 pomiarów (w 2 eksperymencie - 1296). Wyniki opracowano zgodnie z normą SO 5725. Dla ortofotomap o bardzo wysokiej rozdzielczości (wielkość piksela O,2-1 m) otrzymano błąd położenia punktu: ok. +/-2 m, dla obrazów satelitarnych EROS (2 m) i SPOT (2,5 m) uzyskano błąd położenia punktu: ok. +/-5 m. Jako optymalny zestaw dla kalibracji metodyki określania powierzchni działek rolnych w oparciu o ortofotomapy zaproponowano: 30-40 działek, 3 operatorów, 3 dni pomiarowe i 3 powtórzenia.In the paper chosen results of the UE project Validation of methods for measurement of land parcel areas are presented. The project was realized and coordinated at the AGH in Krakow. During the project 3 measurement experiments were performed: 2 remote sensing (AGH Kraków) and 1 GPS (UWM Olsztyn). The experiment was prepared and statistical analyzed at USI Gembleux. The aim of the study was to elaborate the validation method for land parcel measurements. In the paper short discussion of the existing approach is presented and alternative method proposed by author is described. Results of remote sensing experiments are shown. Point position error, characterizing measurements technique, was assumed as a parameter for area accuracy assessment. In RS experiments airborne and satellite ortophotomaps, with pixel size of 0.2-2.5 m were applied. 36 land parcels were digitized by 6-12 operators. In experiment 1 - 3888 measurements were made (1296 - in experiment 2). Data were according ISO 5725 analyzed. For VHR ortophotomaps (pixel size 0.2-1 m) we obtained the point position error of ca. +/- 2m. For EROS and SPOT (pixel size 2 and 2.5 m) point position error was ca +/-5 m. An optimal measurement set for proposal of validation method for RS is: 30-40 parcels, 3 operators, 3 days and 3 repetitions