78 research outputs found

    Do species differ in their ability to coexist with the dominant alien Lupinus polyphyllus? : A comparison between two distinct invaded ranges and a native range

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    The community-level impacts of invasive plants are likely to vary depending on the character of native species of the target communities and their ability to thrive within the stands of the dominant alien invader. Therefore, I examined the response of native species richness to the cover of the dominant alien Lupinus polyphyllus in two distinct invaded ranges: Czech Republic (Central Europe) and New Zealand. I compared the relation between native species richness and the cover of the dominant alien L. polyphyllus with that in its native range, Pacific Northwest, USA. In the native range, I found no response of native species richness to the cover of L. polyphyllus. In the Czech Republic (central Europe), the richness of native species related to it negativelly, but the relation was only marginally significant. Contrary to that, the richness of species native to New Zealand related to the cover of L. polyphyllus strongly negatively and the negative relation was significantly stronger than that of species native to Europe. Of the two invaded ranges, species native to New Zealand have been documented to be much more vulnerable to the conditions associated with the invasion and dominance of L. polyphyllus, compared to species native to central Europe. This principle has been shown both across these two invaded ranges and in New Zealand, where the aliens of european origin successfully coexist with the dominant invasive alien L. polyphyllus. Similarly, species in the native range of L. polyphyllus showed no relation to its cover, indicating their ability to thrive even in dense stands of this dominant species

    What Is the Impact of Impatiens parviflora on Diversity and Composition of Herbal Layer Communities of Temperate Forests?

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    The aim was to estimate the impacts of invasive Impatiens parviflora on forests’ herbal layer communities. A replicated Before-After-Control-Impact field experiment and comparisons with adjacent uninvaded plots were used. The alien’s impact on species richness was tested using hierarchical generalized mixed effect models with Poisson error structure. Impact on species composition was tested using multivariate models (DCA, CCA, RDA) and Monte-Carlo permutation tests. Removal plots did not differ in native species richness from neither invaded nor adjacent uninvaded plots, both when the treatment’s main effect or its interaction with sampling time was tested (Chi2 = 0.4757, DF = 2, p = 0.7883; Chi2 = 7.229, DF = 8, p = 0.5121 respectively). On the contrary, ordination models revealed differences in the development of plots following the treatments (p = 0.034) with the invaded plots differing from the adjacent uninvaded (p = 0.002). Impatiens parviflora is highly unlikely to impact native species richness of invaded communities, which may be associated with its limited ability to create a dense canopy, a modest root system or the fact the I. parviflora does not represent a novel and distinctive dominant to the invaded communities. Concerning its potential impacts on species composition, the presence of native clonal species (Athyrium filix-femina, Dryopteris filix-mas, Fragaria moschata, Luzula luzuloides, Poa nemoralis) on the adjacent uninvaded plots likely makes them different from the invaded plots. However, these competitive and strong species are more likely to prevent the invasion of I. parviflora on the adjacent uninvaded plots rather than being themselves eliminated from the invaded communities

    Dark side of the fence: ornamental plants as a source of wild-growing flora in the Czech Republic

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    Ornamental plants constitute an important source of alien, and potentially invasive species, but also include a substantial part of native flora and consist of taxa that occur both in the wild and in cultivation; yet garden floras are largely ignored in ecological studies.We studied ornamental plants in the Czech Republic in order to provide detailed information, based on field sampling, on the diversity of taxa grown in cultivation in private gardens. Sampling was done in accessible public areas, private gardens and private areas in villages, town- and city neighbourhoods, garden allotments, cemeteries, areas of dispersed farmhouse settlements not accessible to the public, and in new urban sprawl. The data can be used to estimate the propagule pressure of individual taxa, measured in terms of the frequency with which they are planted in the gardens. To make the data comparable across sites, we adopted a two-level approach that resulted in producing a detailed list (including all the taxa recorded) and an aggregated list (merging closely related and similar taxa, which was necessary in order to assess the frequency of planting across sites). Each species on the detailed list was assigned an origin, status, life history and cultivation requirements. Comparing the field records with national checklists of both native and alien vascular plants we quantified particular components of the ornamental flora. The floristic inventories for 174 sites yielded 1842 taxa on the detailed list, consisting of 1642 species (standard binomials), 9 cultivars assigned to genera, 147 hybrids and hybridogenous taxa, and 44 taxa identified at higher than species level. Of these taxa 1417 (76.9%) were alien and 420 (22.8%) native. The ornamental flora consisted of not-escaping aliens, escaping aliens and cultivated natives. Of the recorded taxa, 841 (45.6%) occur both in cultivation and the wild. The aggregated list comprised 1514 taxa and resulted from merging 533 taxa from the detailed list into 205 taxa. Most alien ornamentals are native to Asia and Americas. The proportion of escaped and not-escaping aliens significantly differed from wild aliens in the spontaneous flora with underrepresentation of escaped, which originated from Australia, Africa and the Mediterranean area. Taxa from Africa and anecophytes were overrepresented and those from Australia, the Mediterranean and other parts of Europe underrepresented among not escaping aliens. The assessment of planting frequency revealed that 270 taxa were found at more than 25% of the sites, while 584 (40%) occurred at only one or two sites.Winter annuals and shrubs are most represented among the commonly planted aliens; the only native species with comparably high planting frequencies among the aliens, are Vinca minor, Hedera helix and Aquilegia vulgaris. Related to the invasion potential of ornamental garden flora we analysed the recorded taxa with respect to the transient/persistent character of their occurrence. The core (persistent) part of the flora comprised 599 taxa (32% of the total number of taxa) and the transient 240 (13%) taxa. The “grey zone” between the two included 1003 taxa (55%). The results reported here provide quantitative insights into the role of horticulture as a major pathway of plant invasions

    Impacts of native and alien plant dominants at different spatial scales

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    Plant invasion science has made a substantial progress in documenting the impacts of aliens, but comparisons with the impacts of native dominants are still rare. Further, the impacts on larger spatial scales remain poorly understood. We recorded the impacts of 10 native and nine invasive dominant plants in the Czech Republic on species richness and Shannon diversity by comparing communities with high vs. low cover of the dominant species. To estimate the impacts at the (i) population level and (ii) between-population level, we compared the Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover of high- and low-dominance plots. Further, we calculated the Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover between the high- and low-dominance plots within each population to express the impacts on species composition. We tested whether (i) native and invasive dominants affect the population- and between population levels of diversity by making the vegetation more homogenous; (ii) whether these effects differ between the native and alien dominants; and (iii) whether the impacts at different spatial levels are related. At the population level, high-dominance plots (with both native and alien dominants) showed higher nestedness and lower turnover compared to the low-dominance plots. Further, all plots with native dominants, both with high- and low dominance, showed higher similarity but lower nestedness than plots with alien dominants. Most importantly, high-dominance plots with native dominants were more similar to each other but showed marginally significantly lower nestedness compared to high-dominance plots with alien dominants. At the between-population level, high-dominance plots with native dominants showed a marginally significantly lower turnover compared to high-dominance plots with alien dominants. The differences in Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover between the low- and high-dominance plots at the population level showed strong positive relations to low- and high-dominance differences at the between-populations level. Further, compositional impacts, expressed as the dissimilarity between high- vs. low-dominance plots, positively related to the plot-level impacts on Shannon diversity. Our results show that (i) both native and invasive dominants tend to reduce the diversity over larger areas and that the effect of native dominants may be even stronger, and (ii) the effects on plot-level richness and diversity cannot be easily extrapolated to larger scales but the impacts at the population- and between-populations levels are positively related

    Spiking Behaviour in Laterally-Coupled Pairs of VCSELs With Applications in Neuromorphic Photonics

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    We report a theoretical study on laterally-coupled pairs of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) operated under conditions that generate or suppress high-speed optical spiking regimes, and show their potential in exemplar functionalities for use in photonic neuromorphic computing systems. The VCSEL numerical analysis is based on a system of five coupled mode equations, which, for the case of weak coupling, are reduced to a set of three equations that predict the saddle-node stability boundary in terms of device parameters and operating conditions. These results guide numerical simulation to demonstrate multiple neuron-like dynamics, including single- and multiple-spike emission, spiking inhibition, and rebound spiking directly in the optical domain. Importantly, these behaviours are obtained at sub-nanosecond rates, hence multiple orders of magnitude faster than the millisecond timescales of biological neurons. The mechanisms responsible are explained by reference to appropriate phase portraits. The coupled VCSELs model is then used for demonstration of high-speed, all-optical digital-to-spiking encoding and for representation of digital image data using rate-coded spike trains

    Waveguide-integrated colloidal nanocrystal supraparticle lasers

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    Supraparticle (SP) microlasers fabricated by the self-assembly of colloidal nanocrystals have great potential as coherent optical sources for integrated photonics. However, their deterministic placement for integration with other photonic elements remains an unsolved challenge. In this work, we demonstrate the manipulation and printing of individual SP microlasers, laying the foundation for their use in more complex photonic integrated circuits. We fabricate CdSxSe1−x/ZnS colloidal quantum dot (CQD) SPs with diameters from 4 to 20 ÎŒm and Q-factors of approximately 300 via an oil-in-water self-assembly process. Under a subnanosecond-pulse optical excitation at 532 nm, the laser threshold is reached at an average number of excitons per CQD of 2.6, with modes oscillating between 625 and 655 nm. Microtransfer printing is used to pick up individual CQD SPs from an initial substrate and move them to a different one without affecting their capability for lasing. As a proof of concept, a CQD SP is printed on the side of an SU-8 waveguide, and its modes are successfully coupled to the waveguide

    Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap

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    The grand challenges of contemporary fundamental physics—dark matter, dark energy, vacuum energy, inflation and early universe cosmology, singularities and the hierarchy problem—all involve gravity as a key component. And of all gravitational phenomena, black holes stand out in their elegant simplicity, while harbouring some of the most remarkable predictions of General Relativity: event horizons, singularities and ergoregions. The hitherto invisible landscape of the gravitational Universe is being unveiled before our eyes: the historical direct detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration marks the dawn of a new era of scientific exploration. Gravitational-wave astronomy will allow us to test models of black hole formation, growth and evolution, as well as models of gravitational-wave generation and propagation. It will provide evidence for event horizons and ergoregions, test the theory of General Relativity itself, and may reveal the existence of new fundamental fields. The synthesis of these results has the potential to radically reshape our understanding of the cosmos and of the laws of Nature. The purpose of this work is to present a concise, yet comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the relevant fields of research, summarize important open problems, and lay out a roadmap for future progress. This write-up is an initiative taken within the framework of the European Action on 'Black holes, Gravitational waves and Fundamental Physics'

    Communitiy level impacts of alien invasive plants and the role of native range habitats in plant invasions

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    Conclusions Categorization of the species studied according to their impact on invaded communities This study focused on neophytes, species introduced after 1500 A.D., because their impact on native vegetation is higher and more obvious than that of archaeophytes, introduced before that date, due to considerable invasion dynamics and relatively short residence time (PyĆĄek et al. 2002). The target neophytes, included in the study, differ strongly in their community level impacts. Impatiens glandulifera had a miniscule impact on species diversity and composition, both in the removal experiment and comparative study (Chapter I). This small impact is likely to be associated with this annual species' lower competitive strength, which has a modest root system and forms stands that are not homogeneous in terms of cover. The density of I. glandulifera populations is known to decrease during the vegetation season, as plants fall due the weight of climbers, which are common in invaded riparian communities (Calystegia sepium, Cuscuta europaea - see Beerling & Perrins 1993). Moreover, the character of communities in which I. glandulifera invades, mostly riparian nitrophilous vegetation, does not provide opportunities for competitively weak species even if they are not invaded. This vegetation is dominated by tall,..
